Michael Rexach

University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
"Michael Rexach"
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Ando D, Zandi R, Kim YW, et al. (2014) Nuclear pore complex protein sequences determine overall copolymer brush structure and function. Biophysical Journal. 106: 1997-2007
Gopinathan A, Kim YW, Zandi R, et al. (2010) Polymer Brushes and the Nuclear Pore Complex Biophysical Journal. 98: 308a
Gilchrist D, Rexach M. (2003) Molecular basis for the rapid dissociation of nuclear localization signals from karyopherin alpha in the nucleoplasm. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 51937-49
Pyhtila B, Rexach M. (2003) A gradient of affinity for the karyopherin Kap95p along the yeast nuclear pore complex. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 42699-709
Denning DP, Patel SS, Uversky V, et al. (2003) Disorder in the nuclear pore complex: the FG repeat regions of nucleoporins are natively unfolded. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100: 2450-5
Allen NP, Patel SS, Huang L, et al. (2002) Deciphering networks of protein interactions at the nuclear pore complex. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 1: 930-46
Denning D, Mykytka B, Allen NP, et al. (2001) The nucleoporin Nup60p functions as a Gsp1p-GTP-sensitive tether for Nup2p at the nuclear pore complex. The Journal of Cell Biology. 154: 937-50
Allen NP, Huang L, Burlingame A, et al. (2001) Proteomic analysis of nucleoporin interacting proteins. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276: 29268-74
Popov S, Rexach M, Ratner L, et al. (1998) Viral protein R regulates docking of the HIV-1 preintegration complex to the nuclear pore complex. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 13347-52
Popov S, Rexach M, Zybarth G, et al. (1998) Viral protein R regulates nuclear import of the HIV-1 pre-integration complex. The Embo Journal. 17: 909-17
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