Mohammed A. Qadir, Ph.D.

2004 The University of Western Ontario (Canada) 
Molecular Biology, Zoology Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
"Mohammed Qadir"


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Burr G. Atkinson grad student 2004 The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
 (Thyroid hormone and environmental stress stimulate changes in expression of the polymorphic polyubiquitin gene in the muscles of amphibian tadpoles.)
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Warkman AS, Zheng L, Qadir MA, et al. (2005) Organization and developmental expression of an amphibian vascular smooth muscle alpha-actin gene. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 233: 1546-53
Gauthier FV, Qadir MA, Merrifield PA, et al. (2000) Postembryonic expression of the myosin heavy chain genes in the limb, tail, and heart muscles of metamorphosing amphibian tadpoles. Microscopy Research and Technique. 50: 458-72
Qadir MA, Atkinson BG. (2000) Evidence of Population Polymorphism of the Polyubiquitin Gene and Its Up-regulation During Thyroid Hormone Induced Program Cell Death In The Tail Muscle of Rana catesbeiana tadpoles Biochemical Society Transactions. 28: A237-A237
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