Jesse R. Raab, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States |
Molecular BiologyGoogle:
"Jesse Raab"Parents
Sign in to add mentorRohinton T. Kamakaka | grad student | 2011 | UC Santa Cruz | |
(An evolutionarily conserved function of tRNA genes in genome organization.) |
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Zhao S, Lu J, Pan B, et al. (2023) TNRC18 engages H3K9me3 to mediate silencing of endogenous retrotransposons. Nature |
Orlando KA, Douglas AK, Abudu A, et al. (2020) Re-expression of SMARCA4/BRG1 in Small Cell Carcinoma of Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type (SCCOHT) promotes an epithelial-like gene signature through an AP-1-dependent mechanism. Elife. 9 |
Raab JR, Tulasi DY, Wager KE, et al. (2019) Quantitative classification of chromatin dynamics reveals regulators of intestinal stem cell differentiation. Development (Cambridge, England) |
Orlando KA, Nguyen V, Raab JR, et al. (2019) Remodeling the cancer epigenome: mutations in the SWI/SNF complex offer new therapeutic opportunities. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy |
Raab JR, Smith KN, Spear CC, et al. (2019) SWI/SNF remains localized to chromatin in the presence of SCHLAP1. Nature Genetics. 51: 26-29 |
Gracz AD, Samsa LA, Fordham MJ, et al. (2018) SOX4 Promotes ATOH1-independent Intestinal Secretory Differentiation Toward Tuft and Enteroendocrine Fates. Gastroenterology |
Runge JS, Raab JR, Magnuson T. (2018) Identification of Two Distinct Classes of the Human INO80 Complex Genome-Wide. G3 (Bethesda, Md.) |
Raab JR, Morowitz J, Magness S, et al. (2018) 594 - 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine and Open Chromatin Profiling Reveal Static and Dynamic Chromatin States Across the Landscape of Intestinal Epithelial Differentiation Gastroenterology. 154 |
Raab JR, Runge JS, Spear CC, et al. (2017) Co-regulation of transcription by BRG1 and BRM, two mutually exclusive SWI/SNF ATPase subunits. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 10: 62 |
Runge JS, Raab JR, Magnuson T. (2016) Epigenetic Regulation by ATP-Dependent Chromatin-Remodeling Enzymes: SNF-ing Out Crosstalk. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 117: 1-13 |