Fiona Watt
Affiliations: | Imperial Cancer Research Fund / Imperial College London |
"Fiona Watt"Cross-listing: FlyTree
Sign in to add traineeAlan Jian Zhu | grad student | 1994-1999 | Imperial Cancer Research Fund / Imperial College London (FlyTree) |
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Regev A, Teichmann SA, Lander ES, et al. (2017) Science Forum: The Human Cell Atlas. Elife. 6 |
Walko G, Woodhouse S, Pisco AO, et al. (2017) A genome-wide screen identifies YAP/WBP2 interplay conferring growth advantage on human epidermal stem cells. Nature Communications. 8: 14744 |
Cheng C, Tsutsui K, Taguchi T, et al. (2017) Hair follicle stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation via secretion of a specialized ECM Journal of Dermatological Science. 86: e60-e61 |
Homhuan S, Zhang B, Sheu F-, et al. (2012) Single-cell electroporation using proton beam fabricated biochips Biomedical Microdevices. 14: 533-540 |
McDonel P, Demmers J, Tan DW, et al. (2012) Sin3a is essential for the genome integrity and viability of pluripotent cells. Developmental Biology. 363: 62-73 |
Goldie S, Lyons S, Price R, et al. (2012) Targetting stem cells in squamous cell carcinoma International Journal of Surgery. 10 |
Hunziker L, Benitah SA, Aznar Benitah S, et al. (2011) Rac1 deletion causes thymic atrophy. Plos One. 6: e19292 |
Homhuan S, Zhang B, Sheu F-, et al. (2010) Single-cell electroporation using proton beam fabricated biochips Proceedings of Spie. 7716 |
Green K, Watt F. (2004) Cell-to-cell contact and extracellular matrix Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 16: 465-469 |
Zhu AJ, Haase I, Watt FM. (1999) Signaling via β1 integrins and mitogen-activated protein kinase determines human epidermal stem cell fate in vitro Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 96: 6728-6733 |