George Pieczenik

1982- Biochemistry and Microbiology Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
"George Pieczenik"


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Erik Erikson grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Henry Kissinger grad student 1964-1965 Harvard (PoliSci Tree)
Leonard Ornstein grad student 1972 Mount Sinai
Frederick Sanger post-doc 1970-1972 MRC-LMB (Chemistry Tree)
Rollin Hotchkiss post-doc 1972-1975 Rockefeller (ID Tree)
Norton D. Zinder post-doc 1972-1975 Rockefeller (Chemistry Tree)


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Ruth Nussinov grad student 1977 Rutgers, New Brunswick (Chemistry Tree)


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Sydney Brenner collaborator Cambridge (Neurotree)
Francis Harry Compton Crick collaborator Cambridge (Neurotree)
Aaron Klug collaborator Cambridge (Chemistry Tree)
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Enciso M, Pieczenik G, Cohen J, et al. (2012) Development of a novel synthetic oligopeptide for the detection of DNA damage in human spermatozoa Human Reproduction. 27: 2254-2266
Pieczenik G. (2006) A positive-selection function for microRNA: an adaptor hypothesis revisited. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 12: 292-7
Malter HE, Cohen J, Pieczenik G. (2005) Combinatorial peptide library binding of mammalian spermatozoa identifies a ligand (HIPRT) in the axin protein: putative identification of a sperm surface axin binding protein and intriguing developmental implications. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 10: 355-62
Pieczenik G. (2003) Are the universes of antibodies and antigens symmetrical? Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 6: 154-6
Nussinov R, Pieczenik G. (1984) Folding of two large nucleotide chains. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 106: 261-73
Nussinov R, Pieczenik G. (1984) Structural and combinatorial constraints on base pairing in large nucleotide sequences. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 106: 245-59
Pieczenik G. (1980) Multimers of a suppressor transfer RNA: supporting evidence for alternate conformations of the anticodon loop region. Journal of Molecular Biology. 138: 879-84
Pieczenik G. (1980) Predicting coding function from nucleotide sequence or survival of "fitness" of tRNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 77: 3539-43
Nussinov R, Pieczenik G, Griggs JR, et al. (1978) Algorithms for Loop Matchings Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics. 35: 68-82
Crick FH, Brenner S, Klug A, et al. (1976) A speculation on the origin of protein synthesis. Origins of Life. 7: 389-97
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