Noam Adir
Affiliations: | Technion INstitute of Technology, Haifa, Haifa District, Israel |
"Noam Adir"Parents
Sign in to add mentorItzhak Ohad | grad student | Technion (Chemistry Tree) | |
George Feher | post-doc | 1990-1995 | UCSD (Chemistry Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeDvir Harris | grad student | Technion (Chemistry Tree) | |
Moran Shalev–Benami | grad student | 2008-2013 | Technion INstitute of Technology |
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Dodson EJ, Ma J, Suissa Szlejf M, et al. (2023) The structural basis for light acclimation in phycobilisome light harvesting systems systems in Porphyridium purpureum. Communications Biology. 6: 1210 |
Levin G, Yasmin M, Liveanu V, et al. (2023) A desert Chlorella sp. that thrives at extreme high-light intensities using a unique photoinhibition protection mechanism. The Plant Journal : For Cell and Molecular Biology |
Niedzwiedzki DM, Magdaong NCM, Su X, et al. (2023) Mass spectrometry and spectroscopic characterization of a tetrameric photosystem I supercomplex from Leptolyngbya ohadii, a desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics. 148955 |
Shlosberg Y, Schuster G, Adir N. (2022) Self-Enclosed Bio-Photoelectrochemical Cell in Succulent Plants. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces |
Shlosberg Y, Schuster G, Adir N. (2022) Harnessing photosynthesis to produce electricity using cyanobacteria, green algae, seaweeds and plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13: 955843 |
Shlosberg Y, Spungin D, Schuster G, et al. (2022) Trichodesmium erythraeum produces a higher photocurrent than other cyanobacterial species in bio-photo electrochemical cells. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics. 1863: 148910 |
Shlosberg Y, Meirovich MM, Yehezkeli O, et al. (2022) Production of photocurrent and hydrogen gas from intact plant leaves. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 215: 114558 |
Shlosberg Y, Krupnik N, Tóth TN, et al. (2021) Bioelectricity generation from live marine photosynthetic macroalgae. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 198: 113824 |
Levin G, Kulikovsky S, Liveanu V, et al. (2021) The desert green algae Chlorella ohadii thrives at excessively high light intensities by exceptionally enhancing the mechanisms that protect photosynthesis from photoinhibition. The Plant Journal : For Cell and Molecular Biology |
Shlosberg Y, Eichenbaum B, Tóth TN, et al. (2021) NADPH performs mediated electron transfer in cyanobacterial-driven bio-photoelectrochemical cells. Iscience. 24: 101892 |