People with institution matching "Cambridge": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Giulia Antonazzo (Info) Cambridge s2amp 2022‑06‑04
Amy M. Bejsovec (Info) Duke Genetics, Cell Biology pq 2016‑07‑03
Dóra Bihary (Info) Cambridge s2amp 2022‑06‑24
Walter Fred Bodmer (Info) Oxford population genetics, somatic cell hybrids, stem cells aardvark 2011‑09‑29
Robert Graham Boutilier (Info) Cambridge Physiology, Zoology Piraeus 2014‑03‑26
Steven E. Brenner (Info) UC Berkeley Computational Genomics david 2015‑12‑21
Maeve Caldwell (Info) Bristol University Neural Stem Cell biology jlebelle 2007‑11‑16
Luciana B. Chiarini (Info) UFRJ Cell Biology rlinden 2009‑05‑07
Kyuha Choi (Info) POSTECH Plant science, meiosis, epigenetics, genomics Kyuha 2019‑10‑04
Francesco Colucci (Info) Cambridge Immunology, Reproduction, Cancer FrancescoColucci@Cam 2019‑06‑20
George A. M. Cross (Info) Rockefeller Molecular Parasitology RNA 2012‑08‑16
Mary Dasso (Info) NICHD blahblah123 2020‑06‑07
David J Ellar (Info) Cambridge alexanderm 2019‑12‑18
Fulvio Gandolfi (Info) Università degli Studi di Milano muddynat 2024‑01‑14
José J. García-Trejo (Info) Facultad de Química UNAM Bioenergetics, Proteins, Enzymology, Bacterial and Mitochondrial ATP synthase structure, regulation, function, and dysfunction. JJGarcia-Trejo 2022‑12‑21
David Garrod (Info) Manchester University cowinp01 2020‑10‑17
Philip George (Info) Penn Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Biology jandh 2014‑04‑05
David C Gershlick (Info) Cambridge Cell Biology dcg 2018‑05‑16
Dirk Görlich (Info) Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Nuclear Pore RNA 2011‑12‑14
John B. Gurdon (Info) Cambridge testtest 2009‑02‑18
Eva B Hormanseder (Info) Helmholtz Zentrum München Reprogramming, Development, Epigenetics, Chromatin evabea 2020‑12‑11
Tim Hunt (Info) Cancer Research UK tedabel 2006‑12‑31
Rohinton T. Kamakaka (Info) UC Santa Cruz Molecular Biology pq 2016‑07‑05
Lawrence Kazak (Info) McGill Mitochondria, thermogenesis, adipocyte biology lkazak 2018‑12‑07
John Kendrick-Jones (Info) MRC-LMB Multi-functional myosin motors jandh 2014‑08‑25
Balint Kintses (Info) Eötvös Loránd University CRB5 2020‑11‑01
Allon M. Klein (Info) Harvard Medical School academicforest 2020‑07‑28
Nicholas Ktistakis (Info) Babraham Institute, Cambridge iganley 2022‑07‑13
Anna Lappala (Info) Harvard University & Massachusetts General Hospital sanbonma 2022‑11‑25
Doris Livingston Mackinnon (Info) University College, Dundee, King's College Protozoology, parasitology Vigyaanik 2024‑01‑20
Roy Markham (Info) University of East Anglia plant pathology jandh 2012‑11‑27
Richard W. Michelmore (Info) UC Davis Genetics, Plant Pathology Agriculture, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑07‑01
Robert (Bob) Michael Moor (Info) Cambridge reproduction, embryology muddynat 2024‑01‑15
Victor A. Najjar (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine jandh 2023‑10‑23
Gustav Nossal (Info) Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Pulendran 2022‑02‑18
George Pieczenik (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick jandh 2020‑01‑16
Sandra R Pietsch (Info) Cambridge s2amp 2022‑05‑30
Lionel (Tim) Edward Aston Rowson (Info) Cambridge muddynat 2024‑01‑15
Leo Sachs (Info) Weizmann Institute molecular biology jandh 2018‑05‑17
William R. Schafer (Info) MRC-LMB aexbrown 2010‑08‑16
Kenneth GC Smith (Info) Cambridge University UK Pulendran 2022‑02‑18
Thomas S. P. Strangeways (Info) Strangeways Research Laboratory rheumatoid arthritis jandh 2013‑03‑01
Jussi Taipale (Info) Cambridge systems biology of growth control and cancer baldwin2 2021‑10‑05
John Andrew Todd (Info) Oxford alexanderm 2019‑12‑18
Ronald Whittam (Info) University of Leicester muddynat 2024‑07‑09
Benjamin P Williams (Info) Oxford, Cambridge, UC Berkeley Epigenetics, Plant Biology CharlieT 2025‑02‑06
Michael Winding (Info) Francis Crick Institute Social behaviour, connectomics, systems neuroscience vgelfand 2020‑01‑16
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