Allen Goodman - Publications

2015- Imaging Platform Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Software Engineering

18 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Moshkov N, Bornholdt M, Benoit S, Smith M, McQuin C, Goodman A, Senft RA, Han Y, Babadi M, Horvath P, Cimini BA, Carpenter AE, Singh S, Caicedo JC. Learning representations for image-based profiling of perturbations. Nature Communications. 15: 1594. PMID 38383513 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45999-1  0.696
2023 Serrano E, Chandrasekaran SN, Bunten D, Brewer KI, Tomkinson J, Kern R, Bornholdt M, Fleming S, Pei R, Arevalo J, Tsang H, Rubinetti V, Tromans-Coia C, Becker T, Weisbart E, ... ... Goodman A, et al. Reproducible image-based profiling with Pycytominer. Arxiv. PMID 38045474  0.663
2021 Stirling DR, Swain-Bowden MJ, Lucas AM, Carpenter AE, Cimini BA, Goodman A. CellProfiler 4: improvements in speed, utility and usability. Bmc Bioinformatics. 22: 433. PMID 34507520 DOI: 10.1186/s12859-021-04344-9  0.636
2021 Doan M, Barnes C, McQuin C, Caicedo JC, Goodman A, Carpenter AE, Rees P. Deepometry, a framework for applying supervised and weakly supervised deep learning to imaging cytometry. Nature Protocols. PMID 34145434 DOI: 10.1038/s41596-021-00549-7  0.65
2020 Hollandi R, Szkalisity A, Toth T, Tasnadi E, Molnar C, Mathe B, Grexa I, Molnar J, Balind A, Gorbe M, Kovacs M, Migh E, Goodman A, Balassa T, Koos K, et al. nucleAIzer: A Parameter-free Deep Learning Framework for Nucleus Segmentation Using Image Style Transfer. Cell Systems. 10: 453-458.e6. PMID 34222682 DOI: 10.1016/j.cels.2020.04.003  0.682
2020 Doan M, Sebastian JA, Caicedo JC, Siegert S, Roch A, Turner TR, Mykhailova O, Pinto RN, McQuin C, Goodman A, Parsons MJ, Wolkenhauer O, Hennig H, Singh S, Wilson A, et al. Objective assessment of stored blood quality by deep learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 32839303 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.2001227117  0.613
2020 Hung J, Goodman A, Ravel D, Lopes SCP, Rangel GW, Nery OA, Malleret B, Nosten F, Lacerda MVG, Ferreira MU, Rénia L, Duraisingh MT, Costa FTM, Marti M, Carpenter AE. Keras R-CNN: library for cell detection in biological images using deep neural networks. Bmc Bioinformatics. 21: 300. PMID 32652926 DOI: 10.1186/S12859-020-03635-X  0.651
2020 Doan M, Case M, Masic D, Hennig H, McQuin C, Caicedo J, Singh S, Goodman A, Wolkenhauer O, Summers HD, Jamieson D, Delft FV, Filby A, Carpenter AE, Rees P, et al. Label-Free Leukemia Monitoring by Computer Vision. Cytometry. Part a : the Journal of the International Society For Analytical Cytology. PMID 32091180 DOI: 10.1002/Cyto.A.23987  0.615
2020 Caicedo JC, Goodman A, Karhohs KW, Cimini BA, Ackerman J, Haghighi M, Heng C, Becker T, Doan M, McQuin C, Rohban M, Singh S, Carpenter AE. Publisher Correction: Nucleus segmentation across imaging experiments: the 2018 Data Science Bowl. Nature Methods. PMID 31969730 DOI: 10.1038/S41592-020-0733-Z  0.604
2020 Hollandi R, Szkalisity A, Toth T, Tasnadi E, Molnar C, Mathe B, Grexa I, Molnar J, Balind A, Gorbe M, Kovacs M, Migh E, Goodman A, Balassa T, Koos K, et al. nucleAIzer: A Parameter-free Deep Learning Framework for Nucleus Segmentation Using Image Style Transfer Cell Systems. 10: 453-458.e6. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cels.2020.04.003  0.698
2019 Caicedo JC, Goodman A, Karhohs KW, Cimini BA, Ackerman J, Haghighi M, Heng C, Becker T, Doan M, McQuin C, Rohban M, Singh S, Carpenter AE. Nucleus segmentation across imaging experiments: the 2018 Data Science Bowl. Nature Methods. PMID 31636459 DOI: 10.1038/S41592-019-0612-7  0.69
2019 Caicedo JC, Roth J, Goodman A, Becker T, Karhohs KW, Broisin M, Molnar C, McQuin C, Singh S, Theis FJ, Carpenter AE. Evaluation of Deep Learning Strategies for Nucleus Segmentation in Fluorescence Images. Cytometry. Part a : the Journal of the International Society For Analytical Cytology. PMID 31313519 DOI: 10.1002/Cyto.A.23863  0.668
2019 Rueden CT, Ackerman J, Arena ET, Eglinger J, Cimini BA, Goodman A, Carpenter AE, Eliceiri KW. Scientific Community Image Forum: A discussion forum for scientific image software. Plos Biology. 17: e3000340. PMID 31216269 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.3000340  0.615
2019 Kulikov V, Guo SM, Stone M, Goodman A, Carpenter A, Bathe M, Lempitsky V. DoGNet: A deep architecture for synapse detection in multiplexed fluorescence images. Plos Computational Biology. 15: e1007012. PMID 31083649 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pcbi.1007012  0.569
2018 Caicedo JC, McQuin C, Goodman A, Singh S, Carpenter AE. Weakly Supervised Learning of Single-Cell Feature Embeddings. Proceedings. Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 9309-9318. PMID 30918435 DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2018.00970  0.543
2018 McQuin C, Goodman A, Chernyshev V, Kamentsky L, Cimini BA, Karhohs KW, Doan M, Ding L, Rafelski SM, Thirstrup D, Wiegraebe W, Singh S, Becker T, Caicedo JC, Carpenter AE. CellProfiler 3.0: Next-generation image processing for biology. Plos Biology. 16: e2005970. PMID 29969450 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.2005970  0.673
2017 Doan M, Case M, Mašić D, Hennig H, McQuin C, Goodman A, Caicedo J, Wolkenhauer O, Summers H, Carpenter AE, Filby A, Rees P, Irving J. Label-Free Analyses of Minimal Residual Disease in ALL Using Deep Learning and Imaging Flow Cytometry Blood. 130: 1437-1437. DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V130.Suppl_1.1437.1437  0.658
2016 Goodman A, Carpenter AE. High-Throughput, Automated Image Processing for Large-Scale Fluorescence Microscopy Experiments. Microscopy and Microanalysis : the Official Journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada. 22: 538-539. PMID 28386206 DOI: 10.1017/S1431927616003548  0.597
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