University of Hawaii

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Elizabeth AndrewsMedicinal Chemistry
Niloufar J. Ataierelationship of protein three-dimensional structure to chemical function Chemistry Ho Leung Ng (post-doc)
Bill J. BakerNatural Products19821986 Paul J. Scheuer (grad student)
Margaret R. Bakerperoxidase N-glycosylation
Christopher J Bennett Ralf I. Kaiser (grad student)
William J. ChainOrganic synthesis
Cody Francis Dickinson
Jennifer A. Doudnamolecular structure of RNA enzymes (ribozymes)1982 Don E. Hemmes (research assistant)
William O. Forster1966 Harry Zeitlin (grad student)
John D. HeadTheoretical and Computational Chemistry
Yun-Wei A. HsuCircadian rhythm, crustacean, cell/molecular biology, habenula20002003 Ian M. Cooke (research assistant)
David M. Jameson
Ralf I. Kaiser
Michael A. KerrSynthetic Organic Chemistry Chemistry19851991 Marcus A. Tius (grad student)
Surajit Maity20112014 Ralf I. Kaiser (post-doc)
Keiji Maruokasynthetic organic chemistry1980 Hisashi Yamamoto (grad student)
Lynne B. McCuskerZeolite, powder diffraction, crystallography Karl Seff (grad student)
Ho Leung NgStructural biology, computational chemistry, drug discovery
Jorge Palermo19911992 Paul J. Scheuer (post-doc)
Garry A. Rechnitzbioanalytical chemistry with emphasis on biosensors for biomedicine and biotechnology
Apryll M. Stalcup
Rui SunComputational Chemistry
Aaron M ThomasAstrochemistry, Combustion Chemistry20142019 Ralf I. Kaiser (grad student)
Dudley Williams
Theodore Winnick
Harry Zeitlin