University of Stockholm

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Edward Penley Abrahaminvestigated the therapeutic potential of penicillin19381939 Hans von Euler-Chelpin (post-doc)
Luca Argentiphotoelectron spectroscopies, attosecond science Physics20092010 Eva Lindroth (post-doc)
Hans L. J. BackstromPhysical Chemistry1927 Svante August Arrhenius (grad student)
Georg BredigColloid chemistry1895 Svante August Arrhenius (post-doc)
Armando Cordova
Mattias Edén Malcolm H. Levitt (grad student)
Lars Ernster
Inga Fischer-Hjalmarspharmacy, chemistry, theoretical physics19421946 Nils Löfgren (research assistant), Hans von Euler-Chelpin (research assistant)
Hugo F. FranzenPhysical Chemistry, high temperature chemistry
Daniel C. FredricksonSolid state chemistry - Crystallography - Chemical Bonding Theory - Materials Chemistry20052008 Sven Lidin (post-doc)
Gunnar HäggX-ray crystallography1929 Arne Westgren (grad student)
Altaf HussainSolid state chemistry, Phase analysis, Optical and electrical properties of inorganic materials19751978 Arne Magnéli (grad student)
Sven Lidinmaterials chemistry
Eva Lindroth
Nils Löfgrenorganic chemistry
Arne MagnéliCrystallography and solid state chemistry1941 Arne Westgren (research assistant)
Ramon RiosOrganic Chemistry Armando Cordova (post-doc)
Lars Gunnar Sillén1940 Arne Westgren (grad student)
Arthur W. Sleightinorganic synthesis1964 Arne Magnéli (post-doc)
Börje Steenberg
Artturi Ilmari VirtanenBiochemistry, agricultural chemistry19231924 Hans von Euler-Chelpin (post-doc)
Arne WestgrenX-ray crystallography