Karolinska Institute

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Thomas Andersonorganic chemistry, agricultural chemistry Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc)
Jan Andersson Clinical Neuroscience Christer Halldin (grad student)
Myriam Aouadi
Craig A. AspinwallAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Department of Molecular Medicine19992000 Olof Larsson (post-doc)
Flavio BallanteMedicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Drug Discovery, Drug Design
Sune K. Bergström19441947 Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Nils Johan Berlinchemistry and mineralogy18331834 Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc)
Jöns Jacob BerzeliusMedicine, Chemisty, Pharmacy
Florane Le Bihanic Institute of Environmental Medicine2015 Kristian Dreij (post-doc)
Birger Blombäckblood coagulation
Britton Chancecytology, cancer, enzymology Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Per Teodor Clevechemistry1858 Carl Gustaf Mosander (research assistant)
Jessika Barron Cuenca Institute of Environmental Medicine2016 Kristian Dreij (grad student)
Virginia Cunha Institute of Environmental Medicine2016 Kristian Dreij (post-doc)
Christian René De DuveOrganelles19461947 Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Russell F. Doolittleblood coagulation Birger Blombäck (post-doc)
Kristian Dreij Institute of Environmental Medicine2005 Bengt Jernström (grad student)
Arne ElofssonMembrane proteins, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Protein structure prediction, Protein evolution Lennart Nilsson (grad student)
Monika Ezerskyte Institute of Environmental Medicine2015 Kristian Dreij (grad student)
Mike Fainzilber Carlos Ibanez (post-doc)
Frank A. Fitzpatrick19821983 Bengt I. Samuelsson (research scientist)
Marc Fontecave19851986 Peter A. Reichard (post-doc)
Marina C M Francksensory neurons, DRG
Bertil B. FredholmAdenosine receptors19651970 Göran Sedvall (grad student), Sune Rosell (grad student), Nils-Åke Hillarp (research assistant), Paul Greengard (collaborator), Tomas G M Hökfelt (collaborator)
Ileana Guzzetti Katja Petzold (post-doc)
Christer Halldinradiochemistry Balázs Gulyás (collaborator)
Einar Hammarstenstructure of DNA
Ralph Theodore Holmanlipoxygenase1946 Sune K. Bergström (post-doc), Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Rikard Holmdahl
Arne Holmgren
Lea van Husen Simon Elsaesser (grad student)
Helena Ishak Simon Elsaesser (grad student)
Bengt Jernström
Edwin C. Johnsonmolecular pharmacology, nicotinic receptors, mGluRs
James Finlay Weir JohnstonAgricultural chemistry1830 Jöns Jacob Berzelius (research assistant)
Anna-Maria Katsori Simon Elsaesser (post-doc)
Georg Klein
Stefan Knapp19961999 Rudolf Ladenstein (post-doc)
Alexander Kühn Simon Elsaesser (grad student)
Rahul Kumar Simon Elsaesser (post-doc)
Banushree Kumar Simon Elsaesser (post-doc)
Rudolf Ladenstein
Olof Larsson Pharmacology1989 Bertil B. Fredholm (grad student)
Linxian Li Pavel Levkin (grad student)
Tomas Robert LindahlDNA Repair, Genomic Stability, Mutagenesis,1967 Einar Hammarsten (grad student)
Johan N. LundstromOlfaction, Multisensory Perception
Jing Lyu#Epigenetics #Epigenomics #DNA G-quadruplex #Stem Cell Simon Elsaesser (post-doc)
Alex MacKerellComputational chemistry, biophysics, nucleic acids, drug design19861988 Rudolf Rigler (post-doc)
Heinrich Gustav MagnusPhysics and chemistry1828 Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc)
Lawrence J. Marnettmedicinal chemistry1975 Bengt I. Samuelsson (post-doc)
Birthe Meineke Simon Elsaesser (post-doc)
Eilhard MitscherlichChemistry, mineralogy18191821 Jöns Jacob Berzelius (research scientist)
Carl Gustaf Mosanderchemistry1824 Jöns Jacob Berzelius (research assistant)
John B. NeilandsBiochemistry19491951 Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Lennart NilssonComputational chemistry, biophysics, nucleic acids, proteins Rudolf Rigler (grad student)
Laura OrellanaComputational Biophysics, Biomolecular Simulations, Coarse-graining
Joao Paredes Institute of Environmental Medicine2016 Kristian Dreij (post-doc)
Katja Petzold
Rena PietruszkoBiochemistry, aldehyde dehydrogenase1968 Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Maria Pires Simon Elsaesser (grad student)
Gurunath Ramanathan Biochemistry19961999 Arne Holmgren (post-doc)
Peter A. Reichard 1949 Einar Hammarsten (grad student)
Rudolf RiglerBiophysics, Spectroscopy Manfred Eigen (post-doc)
Heinrich RoseAnalytische chemistry18191821 Jöns Jacob Berzelius (grad student)
William J. RutterDNA transcription1955 Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Bengt I. Samuelssonendoperoxides, thromboxanes and the leukotrienes1960 Sune K. Bergström (grad student)
Judith Schlagnitweit
Charles N. SerhanPharmacology, Immunology, Biochemistry Medicine19821987 Bengt I. Samuelsson (post-doc)
Alan ShawDNA origami, ephrin signaling, antibody binding, optical tweezers, nanopore sequencing Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics20122017 Björn Högberg (grad student)
David Sheminusing stable nitrogen isotopes to trace the mechanism of construction of red blood cells1947 Einar Hammarsten (post-doc)
Boxuan ShenDNA nanotechnology MBB Björn Högberg (post-doc)
Andis SlaitasNucleic acids
Georgios A. Sotiriou
Per SvenningssonReceptors, basal ganglia Bertil B. Fredholm (grad student)
Torsten TeorellTransport phenomena in membranes1933 Einar Hammarsten (grad student)
Hugo Theorell1930 Einar Hammarsten (grad student)
Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg
Ákos VégváriSeparation sciences, Mass spectrometry, Proteomics
David J. VolskyHIV-1 Georg Klein (grad student)
Ulf S. von Euler1930 Göran Liljestrand (grad student)
Henry WeinerBiochemistry Hugo Theorell (post-doc)
Jerker WidengrenFluorescence Correkation Soectroscopy
Friedrich WöhlerChemistry18231825 Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc)
Zithao Xiang Simon Elsaesser (grad student)