Thomas Anderson | organic chemistry, agricultural chemistry | | | | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc) |
Jan Andersson | | Clinical Neuroscience | | | Christer Halldin (grad student) |
Myriam Aouadi | | | | | |
Craig A. Aspinwall | Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry | Department of Molecular Medicine | 1999 | 2000 | Olof Larsson (post-doc) |
Flavio Ballante | Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Drug Discovery, Drug Design | | | | |
Sune K. Bergström | | | 1944 | 1947 | Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Nils Johan Berlin | chemistry and mineralogy | | 1833 | 1834 | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc) |
Jöns Jacob Berzelius | Medicine, Chemisty, Pharmacy | | | | |
Florane Le Bihanic | | Institute of Environmental Medicine | | 2015 | Kristian Dreij (post-doc) |
Birger Blombäck | blood coagulation | | | | |
Britton Chance | cytology, cancer, enzymology | | | | Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Per Teodor Cleve | chemistry | | | 1858 | Carl Gustaf Mosander (research assistant) |
Jessika Barron Cuenca | | Institute of Environmental Medicine | 2016 | | Kristian Dreij (grad student) |
Virginia Cunha | | Institute of Environmental Medicine | 2016 | | Kristian Dreij (post-doc) |
Christian René De Duve | Organelles | | 1946 | 1947 | Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Russell F. Doolittle | blood coagulation | | | | Birger Blombäck (post-doc) |
Kristian Dreij | | Institute of Environmental Medicine | | 2005 | Bengt Jernström (grad student) |
Arne Elofsson | Membrane proteins, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Protein structure prediction, Protein evolution | | | | Lennart Nilsson (grad student) |
Monika Ezerskyte | | Institute of Environmental Medicine | 2015 | | Kristian Dreij (grad student) |
Mike Fainzilber | | | | | Carlos Ibanez (post-doc) |
Frank A. Fitzpatrick | | | 1982 | 1983 | Bengt I. Samuelsson (research scientist) |
Marc Fontecave | | | 1985 | 1986 | Peter A. Reichard (post-doc) |
Marina C M Franck | sensory neurons, DRG | | | | |
Bertil B. Fredholm | Adenosine receptors | | 1965 | 1970 | Göran Sedvall (grad student), Sune Rosell (grad student), Nils-Åke Hillarp (research assistant), Paul Greengard (collaborator), Tomas G M Hökfelt (collaborator) |
Ileana Guzzetti | | | | | Katja Petzold (post-doc) |
Christer Halldin | radiochemistry | | | | Balázs Gulyás (collaborator) |
Einar Hammarsten | structure of DNA | | | | |
Ralph Theodore Holman | lipoxygenase | | | 1946 | Sune K. Bergström (post-doc), Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Rikard Holmdahl | | | | | |
Arne Holmgren | | | | | |
Lea van Husen | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (grad student) |
Helena Ishak | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (grad student) |
Bengt Jernström | | | | | |
Edwin C. Johnson | molecular pharmacology, nicotinic receptors, mGluRs | | | | |
James Finlay Weir Johnston | Agricultural chemistry | | | 1830 | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (research assistant) |
Anna-Maria Katsori | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (post-doc) |
Georg Klein | | | | | |
Stefan Knapp | | | 1996 | 1999 | Rudolf Ladenstein (post-doc) |
Alexander Kühn | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (grad student) |
Rahul Kumar | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (post-doc) |
Banushree Kumar | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (post-doc) |
Rudolf Ladenstein | | | | | |
Olof Larsson | | Pharmacology | | 1989 | Bertil B. Fredholm (grad student) |
Linxian Li | | | | | Pavel Levkin (grad student) |
Tomas Robert Lindahl | DNA Repair, Genomic Stability, Mutagenesis, | | | 1967 | Einar Hammarsten (grad student) |
Johan N. Lundstrom | Olfaction, Multisensory Perception | | | | |
Jing Lyu | #Epigenetics #Epigenomics #DNA G-quadruplex #Stem Cell | | | | Simon Elsaesser (post-doc) |
Alex MacKerell | Computational chemistry, biophysics, nucleic acids, drug design | | 1986 | 1988 | Rudolf Rigler (post-doc) |
Heinrich Gustav Magnus | Physics and chemistry | | | 1828 | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc) |
Lawrence J. Marnett | medicinal chemistry | | | 1975 | Bengt I. Samuelsson (post-doc) |
Birthe Meineke | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (post-doc) |
Eilhard Mitscherlich | Chemistry, mineralogy | | 1819 | 1821 | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (research scientist) |
Carl Gustaf Mosander | chemistry | | | 1824 | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (research assistant) |
John B. Neilands | Biochemistry | | 1949 | 1951 | Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Lennart Nilsson | Computational chemistry, biophysics, nucleic acids, proteins | | | | Rudolf Rigler (grad student) |
Laura Orellana | Computational Biophysics, Biomolecular Simulations, Coarse-graining | | | | |
Joao Paredes | | Institute of Environmental Medicine | | 2016 | Kristian Dreij (post-doc) |
Katja Petzold | | | | | |
Rena Pietruszko | Biochemistry, aldehyde dehydrogenase | | | 1968 | Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Maria Pires | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (grad student) |
Gurunath Ramanathan | | Biochemistry | 1996 | 1999 | Arne Holmgren (post-doc) |
Peter A. Reichard | | | | 1949 | Einar Hammarsten (grad student) |
Rudolf Rigler | Biophysics, Spectroscopy | | | | Manfred Eigen (post-doc) |
Heinrich Rose | Analytische chemistry | | 1819 | 1821 | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (grad student) |
William J. Rutter | DNA transcription | | | 1955 | Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Bengt I. Samuelsson | endoperoxides, thromboxanes and the leukotrienes | | | 1960 | Sune K. Bergström (grad student) |
Judith Schlagnitweit | | | | | |
Charles N. Serhan | Pharmacology, Immunology, Biochemistry | Medicine | 1982 | 1987 | Bengt I. Samuelsson (post-doc) |
Alan Shaw | DNA origami, ephrin signaling, antibody binding, optical tweezers, nanopore sequencing | Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2012 | 2017 | Björn Högberg (grad student) |
David Shemin | using stable nitrogen isotopes to trace the mechanism of construction of red blood cells | | | 1947 | Einar Hammarsten (post-doc) |
Boxuan Shen | DNA nanotechnology | MBB | | | Björn Högberg (post-doc) |
Andis Slaitas | Nucleic acids | | | | |
Georgios A. Sotiriou | | | | | |
Per Svenningsson | Receptors, basal ganglia | | | | Bertil B. Fredholm (grad student) |
Torsten Teorell | Transport phenomena in membranes | | | 1933 | Einar Hammarsten (grad student) |
Hugo Theorell | | | | 1930 | Einar Hammarsten (grad student) |
Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg | | | | | |
Ákos Végvári | Separation sciences, Mass spectrometry, Proteomics | | | | |
David J. Volsky | HIV-1 | | | | Georg Klein (grad student) |
Ulf S. von Euler | | | | 1930 | Göran Liljestrand (grad student) |
Henry Weiner | Biochemistry | | | | Hugo Theorell (post-doc) |
Jerker Widengren | Fluorescence Correkation Soectroscopy | | | | |
Friedrich Wöhler | Chemistry | | 1823 | 1825 | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (post-doc) |
Zithao Xiang | | | | | Simon Elsaesser (grad student) |