Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Wolfgang P. BaumeisterCryo-Electron Tomography, Electron Microscopical Structure Research, Protein and Cell Structure, Protein Degradation
Saurabh Gautam Franz-Ulrich Hartl (post-doc)
Franz-Ulrich HartlProtein folding
Amelie Heuer-JungemannDNA Nanotechnology, nanomaterials, drug delivery, self-assembly
Christian M. Kaiserprotein translation and folding Franz-Ulrich Hartl (grad student)
Jeffrey J LiuGPCR Proteomics and Signal Transduction2013 Matthias Mann (post-doc)
Matthias Mann
Johannes Müller-ReifPhospho proteomics2021 Matthias Mann (post-doc)
Jesper V. Olsen Proteomics and signal transduction20032006 Matthias Mann (grad student)
Teeradon PhlairaharnProteomics, Computational mass spectrometry, Mass spectrometer Proteomics and signal transduction20192021 Matthias Mann (research assistant)
Wolfram Schäfer
Jakob SchweizerSynthetic Biology, Biophysics20132014 Petra Schwille (post-doc)
Tomás Torres19781980 Wolfram Schäfer (post-doc)
Elizabeth Villatheoretical biophysics, cryo-EM, structural cell biology, neurodegenerative disease, imaging, microbiology Wolfgang P. Baumeister (post-doc)
Josef Wachtveitl19881993 Dieter Oesterhelt (grad student)
Lea Wassermann2019 Amelie Heuer-Jungemann (grad student)
Johann Moritz Weck2020 Amelie Heuer-Jungemann (grad student)
Pablo ZambranoOrigin of Life
Xu ZhangDrosophila Muscle Development