Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Berni J. AlderMolecular dynamics
Suzanne J. M. AliHigh pressure physics, dynamic compression, optical diagnostics
Patricia Ann Baisden
Brian R. Baker Kevin W. Plaxco (post-doc)
Robert Worth Buddemeier
Wonyoung ChoeMetal-Organic Frameworks20022004 Harry Brian Radousky (post-doc)
Robert C Cookpolymers, material science, theory
Joseph DiCarlosolid state chemistry, synthesis, energy storage
Michael J. Fluss Julian Malcolm Miller (grad student)
Nitish GovindarajanComputational catalysis
Sebastien HamelWarm Dense Matter, Planetary Science, Radiation Detection
Tomas Hirschfeld
Errett C. HobbsDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis
Eric C. Honea
Jerome Johnson Howlandnuclear chemistry
John J. KarnesTheoretical/Computational Chemistry
Arnold M Karo
Dylan Jacob KlineEnergetic Materials
Jeffrey L KrausePhysical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry19891992 Kenneth Charles Kulander (post-doc)
Kenneth Charles Kulander
Heather Kulikdensity functional theory techniques for transition metal catalysis in small molecules, surface science, and enzymes20092010 Eric Schwegler (research assistant), Felice C. Lightstone (post-doc)
Felice C. Lightstone
Donald Elwood Maxwell
Huy PhamDFT, molecular dynamics, machine learning force field, interatomic potential20182021 Nir Goldman (post-doc)
Jennifer J. ResslerNuclear Physics
Brenda M. RubensteinTheoretical Chemistry Quantum Simulations Group20112014 Berni J. Alder (grad student)
Robert Dean SchmidtOrganic Chemistry, Explosives
Eric Schwegler
Jonathan V. Sweedleranalytical neurochemistry19801983 Tomas Hirschfeld (research assistant)
Thejaswi TumkurPlasmonics, Metamaterials, Additive Manufacturing
Carlos A. ValdezOrganic synthesis, catalysis, forensic science
Heather D. WhitleyTheoretical Chemistry, Physics, Materials, Plasmas, high energy density physics Eric Schwegler (post-doc)
Mary J. Wirthbioanalytical chemistry and materials science