University of Glasgow

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Roger L.P. AdamsNucleic Acid Biochemistry
Marco AmoresEnergy materials School of Chemistry20142018 Serena A. Corr (grad student)
Thomas Andersonorganic chemistry, agricultural chemistry
Craig AuchinvoleBiological Chemistry
Geoffrey Malcolm Badger James Wilfred Cook (grad student)
Sourav BanerjeeBiochemistry, Cancer, Cell Biology, Kinase20092009 Miles Houslay (research assistant), John Gordon Lindsay (research assistant)
Fredrick Orpen Bower
Alistair Boyer
John C.D. Brand
George L. Buchanan1954 James Wilfred Cook (grad student)
Christoph BuschePOMS2010 Lee Cronin (post-doc)
Tauseef R. Butt1977 Roger L.P. Adams (grad student)
James Anthony CairnsMaterials science1967 Samuel James Thomson (grad student)
Ian C. CarmichaelTheoretical Radiation Chemistry & Photochemistry1975 Brian Webster (grad student)
Edward Provan Cathcartprotein metabolism in man, energy requirements of the body, biochemistry
Venkaiah ChintalapudiNatural products chemistry20182021 J Stephen Clark (post-doc)
J Stephen ClarkSynthetic organic chemistry
Ernest W. Colvin1966 W Parker (grad student), J Martin (grad student)
J. D. Connolly1961 Karl H. Overton (grad student)
James Wilfred Cookpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alkaloids
Serena A. Corr
William Cullen17261729 Robert Simson (grad student)
David Paton CuthbertsonBiochemistry1926 Edward Provan Cathcart (research assistant)
James Norman DavidsonBiochemistry
James Johnston Dobbie
Jack David DunitzX-ray crystallography1947 John Monteath Robertson (grad student)
Peter H. Elworthy
John Fergusonhistory of chemistry18641868 Thomas Anderson (post-doc)
Alexander T. Florence Pharmacy1965 Peter H. Elworthy (grad student)
John C Fuggle David William Arthur Sharp (grad student)
Payam A. Gammagemitochondria, genome editing, metabolism
J. S. GillespieAutonomic Neuroscience
Duncan H. GregorySolid state chemistry
Frank D. Gunstonefatty acids and lipids
Stephen L. HajdukBiochemistry, Pathology1980 Keith R. Vickerman (grad student), Piet Borst (grad student)
Gordon J. Hedley
George Gerald Hendersonterpene chemistry1884 James Johnston Dobbie (research assistant)
J. Grant HillTheoretical chemistry, computational chemistry
Robert W Hughessolid-state chemistry Chemistry20062011 Duncan H. Gregory (post-doc)
Andrew HunterPhysiological chemistry
George HunterBiochemistry1929 Edward Provan Cathcart (grad student)
Ian D. JardineMass spectrometry, medicinal chemistry1973 Rowland Ivor Reed (grad student)
Malcolm Kadodwala
Tony D. KeeneChemistry School of Chemistry20022007 Daniel J. Price (grad student)
Alex. H. Lamberton1937 Thomas Stewart Patterson (grad student)
William Robert Lang1899 John Ferguson (grad student)
A. Graham Lappinmechanistic inorganic chemistry1975 Alexander McAuley (grad student)
Aurelien Letort20112015 Joëlle Prunet (grad student)
John Gordon Lindsay
James Dalrymple Loudonoptical activity, colchicine and tripolones, the organic chemistry of sulphur and indole alkaloids1932 Thomas Stewart Patterson (grad student)
Carol MacKintoshMolecular Signaling1987 Hugh G. Nimmo (grad student)
Jake MacMillanchemistry and biochemistry of plant hormones1948 James Dalrymple Loudon (grad student)
B Edward H. Madenmapping of the RNA methyl groups
Mahnoor Mahmood CRUK Beatson Institute20192023 Payam A. Gammage (grad student)
J Martin
Alexander McAuley1962 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Alexander McKillopOrganic chemistry1963 Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student)
Stephen David MorrisonChemistry, Polymers, Peptides, Metathesis Chemistry Chemistry20132017 Joëlle Prunet (grad student), Rob M.J. Liskamp (grad student)
William B. Motherwellmetallocarbenoids1972 Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student)
Hamish Nisbet Munrobiochemistry1936 Edward Provan Cathcart (research assistant), David Paton Cuthbertson (research assistant)
Mark MurrieInorganic Chemistry, Molecular Magnetism1997 Christopher David Garner (grad student), David Collison (grad student)
Philippe Nauny School of Geographical & Earth Sciences School of Geographical & Earth Sciences School of Geographical & Earth Sciences20162019 Jaime L Toney (grad student), Vernon R Phoenix (grad student), Martin R Lee (grad student)
Marcus Tze-Kiat NgChemistry
Hugh G. NimmoPlant Biochemistry
Karl H. Overton
Matthew A. Parker1893 John Ferguson (research assistant), George Gerald Henderson (research assistant)
Laurie L. Parker Chemistry20002003 David J. Robins (grad student)
W Parker
Thomas Stewart Pattersonoptical activity, optical superposition, the rate of transformation of certain organic compounds
Iain Campbell PaulX-ray crystallography1962 John Monteath Robertson (grad student)
Robert (Bob) Hugh Pritchardmolecular biology, genetics Guido Pontecorvo (grad student)
Joëlle Prunet
Neil PurdieAnalytical Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry1962 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Robert RamageOrganic Chemistry1961 Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student)
William Ramsaynoble gases18691870 Robert Rattray Tatlock (research assistant)
Ralph Alexander Raphaelsynthetic organic chemistry
Rowland Ivor ReedMass spectrometry
John Monteath RobertsonX-ray crystallography1926 George Gerald Henderson (grad student)
Alexander Robertsonnatural products1924 George Gerald Henderson (grad student)
David J. Robins
Michael G. RossmannX-ray crystallography, cryo electron microscopy and molecular biology to study the three dimensional structures of viruses and their component proteins1956 John Monteath Robertson (grad student)
Frank Ruddlehuman genetics1961 Guido Pontecorvo (post-doc)
Alastair Ian Scottchemistry of natural products1952 Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student)
David William Arthur Sharpfluorine chemistry
Andrew Shaw CRUK Beatson Institute2019 Payam A. Gammage (post-doc)
Harrison Massey Macdougall Shearercrystallography1954 John Monteath Robertson (grad student)
Robert Martin Stuart SmellieBiochemistry1952 James Norman Davidson (grad student)
Robert Stevenson1952 Frank Stuart Spring (grad student)
Ian W.J. Stillsynthesis of naturally occurring compounds1962 Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student), George L. Buchanan (grad student)
Carsten StrebPolyoxometalates, Metal oxides, Photocatalysis
Samuel James ThomsonCatalysis
Alexander Robertus ToddBiochemistry1928 Thomas Stewart Patterson (research assistant)
Jaime L ToneyGeology chemistry
James TrotterOrganic Chemistry1957 John Monteath Robertson (grad student)
Peter N. R. Usherwood1962 Graham Hoyle (grad student)
Hua Wang
Claude W. Wardlaw1925 Fredrick Orpen Bower (grad student)
Duncan J. WardropOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19911994 Ernest W. Colvin (grad student)
James K.G. Watsonvibration-rotation spectroscopy1962 John C.D. Brand (grad student)
Brian Webster theoretical chemistry1967 Durward W. J. Cruickshank (grad student)
John Greville Whitex-ray crystallography1947 John Monteath Robertson (grad student)
Alan R. Williamsonimmunology
Emma Wisniewski-Barkerastrophysics, data anlysis, data science Physics and Astronomy20112015 Miles Padgett (grad student)
Klaas Wynnechemical physics, spectroscopy
Douglas W. Young Alastair Ian Scott (grad student)