Roger L.P. Adams | Nucleic Acid Biochemistry | | | | |
Marco Amores | Energy materials | School of Chemistry | 2014 | 2018 | Serena A. Corr (grad student) |
Thomas Anderson | organic chemistry, agricultural chemistry | | | | |
Craig Auchinvole | Biological Chemistry | | | | |
Geoffrey Malcolm Badger | | | | | James Wilfred Cook (grad student) |
Sourav Banerjee | Biochemistry, Cancer, Cell Biology, Kinase | | 2009 | 2009 | Miles Houslay (research assistant), John Gordon Lindsay (research assistant) |
Fredrick Orpen Bower | | | | | |
Alistair Boyer | | | | | |
John C.D. Brand | | | | | |
George L. Buchanan | | | | 1954 | James Wilfred Cook (grad student) |
Christoph Busche | POMS | | 2010 | | Lee Cronin (post-doc) |
Tauseef R. Butt | | | | 1977 | Roger L.P. Adams (grad student) |
James Anthony Cairns | Materials science | | | 1967 | Samuel James Thomson (grad student) |
Ian C. Carmichael | Theoretical Radiation Chemistry & Photochemistry | | | 1975 | Brian Webster (grad student) |
Edward Provan Cathcart | protein metabolism in man, energy requirements of the body, biochemistry | | | | |
Venkaiah Chintalapudi | Natural products chemistry | | 2018 | 2021 | J Stephen Clark (post-doc) |
J Stephen Clark | Synthetic organic chemistry | | | | |
Ernest W. Colvin | | | | 1966 | W Parker (grad student), J Martin (grad student) |
J. D. Connolly | | | | 1961 | Karl H. Overton (grad student) |
James Wilfred Cook | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alkaloids | | | | |
Serena A. Corr | | | | | |
William Cullen | | | 1726 | 1729 | Robert Simson (grad student) |
David Paton Cuthbertson | Biochemistry | | | 1926 | Edward Provan Cathcart (research assistant) |
James Norman Davidson | Biochemistry | | | | |
James Johnston Dobbie | | | | | |
Jack David Dunitz | X-ray crystallography | | | 1947 | John Monteath Robertson (grad student) |
Peter H. Elworthy | | | | | |
John Ferguson | history of chemistry | | 1864 | 1868 | Thomas Anderson (post-doc) |
Alexander T. Florence | | Pharmacy | | 1965 | Peter H. Elworthy (grad student) |
John C Fuggle | | | | | David William Arthur Sharp (grad student) |
Payam A. Gammage | mitochondria, genome editing, metabolism | | | | |
J. S. Gillespie | Autonomic Neuroscience | | | | |
Duncan H. Gregory | Solid state chemistry | | | | |
Frank D. Gunstone | fatty acids and lipids | | | | |
Stephen L. Hajduk | Biochemistry, Pathology | | | 1980 | Keith R. Vickerman (grad student), Piet Borst (grad student) |
Gordon J. Hedley | | | | | |
George Gerald Henderson | terpene chemistry | | | 1884 | James Johnston Dobbie (research assistant) |
J. Grant Hill | Theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry | | | | |
Robert W Hughes | solid-state chemistry | Chemistry | 2006 | 2011 | Duncan H. Gregory (post-doc) |
Andrew Hunter | Physiological chemistry | | | | |
George Hunter | Biochemistry | | | 1929 | Edward Provan Cathcart (grad student) |
Ian D. Jardine | Mass spectrometry, medicinal chemistry | | | 1973 | Rowland Ivor Reed (grad student) |
Malcolm Kadodwala | | | | | |
Tony D. Keene | Chemistry | School of Chemistry | 2002 | 2007 | Daniel J. Price (grad student) |
Alex. H. Lamberton | | | | 1937 | Thomas Stewart Patterson (grad student) |
William Robert Lang | | | | 1899 | John Ferguson (grad student) |
A. Graham Lappin | mechanistic inorganic chemistry | | | 1975 | Alexander McAuley (grad student) |
Aurelien Letort | | | 2011 | 2015 | Joëlle Prunet (grad student) |
John Gordon Lindsay | | | | | |
James Dalrymple Loudon | optical activity, colchicine and tripolones, the organic chemistry of sulphur and indole alkaloids | | | 1932 | Thomas Stewart Patterson (grad student) |
Carol MacKintosh | Molecular Signaling | | | 1987 | Hugh G. Nimmo (grad student) |
Jake MacMillan | chemistry and biochemistry of plant hormones | | | 1948 | James Dalrymple Loudon (grad student) |
B Edward H. Maden | mapping of the RNA methyl groups | | | | |
Mahnoor Mahmood | | CRUK Beatson Institute | 2019 | 2023 | Payam A. Gammage (grad student) |
J Martin | | | | | |
Alexander McAuley | | | | 1962 | George H. Nancollas (grad student) |
Alexander McKillop | Organic chemistry | | | 1963 | Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student) |
Stephen David Morrison | Chemistry, Polymers, Peptides, Metathesis | Chemistry Chemistry | 2013 | 2017 | Joëlle Prunet (grad student), Rob M.J. Liskamp (grad student) |
William B. Motherwell | metallocarbenoids | | | 1972 | Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student) |
Hamish Nisbet Munro | biochemistry | | | 1936 | Edward Provan Cathcart (research assistant), David Paton Cuthbertson (research assistant) |
Mark Murrie | Inorganic Chemistry, Molecular Magnetism | | | 1997 | Christopher David Garner (grad student), David Collison (grad student) |
Philippe Nauny | | School of Geographical & Earth Sciences School of Geographical & Earth Sciences School of Geographical & Earth Sciences | 2016 | 2019 | Jaime L Toney (grad student), Vernon R Phoenix (grad student), Martin R Lee (grad student) |
Marcus Tze-Kiat Ng | Chemistry | | | | |
Hugh G. Nimmo | Plant Biochemistry | | | | |
Karl H. Overton | | | | | |
Matthew A. Parker | | | | 1893 | John Ferguson (research assistant), George Gerald Henderson (research assistant) |
Laurie L. Parker | | Chemistry | 2000 | 2003 | David J. Robins (grad student) |
W Parker | | | | | |
Thomas Stewart Patterson | optical activity, optical superposition, the rate of transformation of certain organic compounds | | | | |
Iain Campbell Paul | X-ray crystallography | | | 1962 | John Monteath Robertson (grad student) |
Robert (Bob) Hugh Pritchard | molecular biology, genetics | | | | Guido Pontecorvo (grad student) |
Joëlle Prunet | | | | | |
Neil Purdie | Analytical Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry | | | 1962 | George H. Nancollas (grad student) |
Robert Ramage | Organic Chemistry | | | 1961 | Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student) |
William Ramsay | noble gases | | 1869 | 1870 | Robert Rattray Tatlock (research assistant) |
Ralph Alexander Raphael | synthetic organic chemistry | | | | |
Rowland Ivor Reed | Mass spectrometry | | | | |
John Monteath Robertson | X-ray crystallography | | | 1926 | George Gerald Henderson (grad student) |
Alexander Robertson | natural products | | | 1924 | George Gerald Henderson (grad student) |
David J. Robins | | | | | |
Michael G. Rossmann | X-ray crystallography, cryo electron microscopy and molecular biology to study the three dimensional structures of viruses and their component proteins | | | 1956 | John Monteath Robertson (grad student) |
Frank Ruddle | human genetics | | | 1961 | Guido Pontecorvo (post-doc) |
Alastair Ian Scott | chemistry of natural products | | | 1952 | Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student) |
David William Arthur Sharp | fluorine chemistry | | | | |
Andrew Shaw | | CRUK Beatson Institute | 2019 | | Payam A. Gammage (post-doc) |
Harrison Massey Macdougall Shearer | crystallography | | | 1954 | John Monteath Robertson (grad student) |
Robert Martin Stuart Smellie | Biochemistry | | | 1952 | James Norman Davidson (grad student) |
Robert Stevenson | | | | 1952 | Frank Stuart Spring (grad student) |
Ian W.J. Still | synthesis of naturally occurring compounds | | | 1962 | Ralph Alexander Raphael (grad student), George L. Buchanan (grad student) |
Carsten Streb | Polyoxometalates, Metal oxides, Photocatalysis | | | | |
Samuel James Thomson | Catalysis | | | | |
Alexander Robertus Todd | Biochemistry | | | 1928 | Thomas Stewart Patterson (research assistant) |
Jaime L Toney | Geology chemistry | | | | |
James Trotter | Organic Chemistry | | | 1957 | John Monteath Robertson (grad student) |
Peter N. R. Usherwood | | | | 1962 | Graham Hoyle (grad student) |
Hua Wang | | | | | |
Claude W. Wardlaw | | | | 1925 | Fredrick Orpen Bower (grad student) |
Duncan J. Wardrop | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 1991 | 1994 | Ernest W. Colvin (grad student) |
James K.G. Watson | vibration-rotation spectroscopy | | | 1962 | John C.D. Brand (grad student) |
Brian Webster | theoretical chemistry | | | 1967 | Durward W. J. Cruickshank (grad student) |
John Greville White | x-ray crystallography | | | 1947 | John Monteath Robertson (grad student) |
Alan R. Williamson | immunology | | | | |
Emma Wisniewski-Barker | astrophysics, data anlysis, data science | Physics and Astronomy | 2011 | 2015 | Miles Padgett (grad student) |
Klaas Wynne | chemical physics, spectroscopy | | | | |
Douglas W. Young | | | | | Alastair Ian Scott (grad student) |