Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Matthew A. Addicoat Department of Chemistry20102012 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Dattatraya B. BagalPhotochemistry, Transition metal catalysis, organocatalysis20172021 Susumu Saito (post-doc), Ryoji Noyori (post-doc)
Reimar Bruening Agriculture19791981 Minoru Isobe (post-doc)
Dillip Kumar ChandSupramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Fujio EgamiBiochemistry, enzymology
Makoto FujitaSupramolecular chemistry
Aiko Fukazawaorganic chemistry, main-group chemistry20062018 Shigehiro Yamaguchi (research scientist)
Toshio GotoBiochemistry
Novriyandi Hanif Chemistry Daisuke Uemura (grad student)
Yuh Hijikata Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)20142017 Stephan Irle (research scientist)
Gerhard Hilt19981999 Ryoji Noyori (post-doc)
Yoshimasa HirataNatural product isolation Chemistry19421949 Fujio Egami (grad student)
Matthew Allan Horwitz Takashi Ooi (grad student)
Aulia Hutama Department of Chemistry20132017 Stephan Irle (grad student)
Takao Ikariya Ryoji Noyori (research scientist)
Stephan Irlequantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, complex systems
Kazuaki Ishihara19861991 Hisashi Yamamoto (grad student)
Minoru Isobe
Kenichiro Itami20052008 Ryoji Noyori (research scientist)
Shingo Ito Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)20162017 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Hiroshi Kakisawa Chemistry19531961 Koji Nakanishi (grad student)
Tomoya Kanda Department of Chemistry20162018 Hiroshi Naka (grad student)
Taichi Kano Chemistry2001 Hisashi Yamamoto (grad student)
Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Yoshito Kishisynthesis of natural products1966 Yoshimasa Hirata (grad student), Toshio Goto (grad student)
Hirotaka Kitoh-Nishioka Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)20132016 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Tim Kowalczyk Department of Chemistry20122014 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Anupriya Kumar Insitute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)20132016 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Yoshikazu Kurosawa Biochemistry19751976 Tuneko Okazaki (post-doc)
Cristopher Camacho Leandro Department of Chemistry20112013 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Chun-Xiao LiChemistry Kenichiro Itami (grad student)
Hao-Sheng Lin20142017 Guan-Wu Wang (grad student)
Lili Liu Department of Chemistry20082012 Stephan Irle (grad student)
Kilian Muñiz Ryoji Noyori (post-doc)
Kazuhiko Nagura20102013 Shigehiro Yamaguchi (grad student)
Hiroshi NakaOrganic chemistry, Catalysis20082020 Ryoji Noyori (research scientist)
Koji NakanishiIsolation, structure elucidation, and synthesis of bioactive compounds Chemistry19721984 Yoshimasa Hirata (grad student), Ikuzo Uritani (collaborator)
Ryo Nakano
Yoshio NIshimoto Department of Chemistry20102015 Stephan Irle (grad student)
Yoshifumi Nishimura Department of Chemistry20082013 Stephan Irle (grad student)
Yoshitake Nishiyama
Arifin NLN Department of Chemistry20122016 Stephan Irle (grad student)
Ryoji NoyoriOrganic chemistry, industrial chemistry
Soichiro Ogi
Tuneko Okazaki
Takashi Ooi19891994 Hisashi Yamamoto (grad student)
Hu-Jun Qian Department of Chemistry20082011 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Christin Rakers Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)20162017 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Vennapusa Sivaranjana Reddy Department of Chemistry20122015 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Supriya Saha Nagoya University20162017 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Susumu Saito19911998 Hisashi Yamamoto (grad student), Ryoji Noyori (research scientist)
Ryo Sato Biochemistry Yoshimasa Hirata (grad student)
Dinesh Nanaji Sawant20162017 Ryoji Noyori (post-doc), Susumu Saito (post-doc)
Osamu ShimomuraBiochemistry1959 Yoshimasa Hirata (grad student)
Hiroshi Shinokubo
Yuta Tsunematsu Daisuke Uemura (grad student)
Daisuke Uemura
Ikuzo Uritani
Richiro Ushimaru Ryoji Noyori (grad student)
Kosuke Usui Department of Chemistry20122016 Stephan Irle (grad student)
Jian Wang Department of Chemistry20092011 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Ying Wang Department of Chemistry20072011 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Kai Welke Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)20142017 Stephan Irle (post-doc)
Helma Wennemersorganic chemistry, chemical biology19961998 Hisashi Yamamoto (post-doc)
Yasuo Yagi Biochemistry Yoshimasa Hirata (research scientist)
Toshio Yamada Biochemistry Yoshimasa Hirata (grad student)
Shigehiro Yamaguchi
Ikuo Yamashina Biochemistry Yoshimasa Hirata (grad student)
Makoto Yamashitaorganic chemistry, main group element, organometallic chemistry, catalysis Kin-ya Akiba (grad student)
Daisuke Yokogawa Department of Chemistry20112017 Stephan Irle (research scientist)
Satoshi Yokoshima
Michito Yoshizawa Chemistry2002 Makoto Fujita (grad student)
Zhongyue ZhangInorganic materials, MOF battery electrodes
Li-Xia Zhao Department of Chemistry20162017 Stephan Irle (post-doc)