Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Paul AharonGeology, Geochemistry1980 John Michael Arthur Chappell (grad student), William Compston (grad student)
Adrien AlbertChemotherapy, heterocycles
Sundaram Arulmozhiraja chemistry20092012 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Martin G. Banwellnew synthetic strategies and methodologies as well as the application of these in the total synthesis of biologically active natural products and certain analogues
Athelstan Laurence Johnson Beckwithradical chemistry
Alan Bellett1967 Frank Fenner (grad student)
Martin Bennett
Brian BillupsSynaptic transmission
Arthur John Birchorganic synthesis, biochemical processes, organometallic chemistry
Alex Bissember Research School of Chemistry Martin G. Banwell (grad student)
Mitchell Blyth chemistry2019 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Brice Bosnichchiral chelating ligand1962 Alan McLeod Sargeson (grad student)
Vincent William Bowryfree radicals, chemical kinetics, LDL, heart disease Research School of Chemistry19851988 Athelstan Laurence Johnson Beckwith (grad student)
David Brittain Chemistry20052010 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
John A. Broomhead
Liam K BurtOrganometallic Synthesis, Catalysis of Palladium and Gold, Heteronuclear NMR, Photocatalysis Research School of Chemistry20192022 Anthony F. Hill (grad student)
Sarah Campbell Brett D Schwartz (grad student)
Germán Cavigliasso chemistry20052005 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Graham S. ChandlerTheoretical chemistry
Peter Comba19811984 Alan McLeod Sargeson (post-doc)
Michelle Louise Cootechemistry20012003 Leo Radom (post-doc)
Ben Corry
Mark Coster Martin G. Banwell (post-doc)
David P. Craigtheoretical chemistry
Anna K CroftRadicals, Ionic Liquids, Enzymes Research School of Chemistry Christopher J. Easton (grad student)
Stephen G. Dale20192021 Peter M.W. Gill (post-doc)
Arthur H. G. DavidChemistry
Isa Degiriminci chemistry20112013 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Francis Patrick Dwyerbiological inorganic chemistry
Christopher J. EastonBiochemical reactions & molecular recognition
Karen J. Edler19941997 John White (grad student)
Denis J Evans
Frank FennerMicrobiology and virology
James Ferguson
Bruce M. FoxmanX-ray Crystallography19681972 Alan McLeod Sargeson (post-doc)
Terry J. Frankcombe Research School of Chemistry19971997 Harold Walter Schranz (grad student)
Kam Fung chemistry2018 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Allan Bernard Gamble Christopher J. Easton (post-doc)
Aravindhan Ganesan chemistry20142016 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Elliot Paul Gilbertsmall angle scattering; neutron; materials science; food Chemistry19931997 John White (grad student)
Peter M.W. GillTheoretical and Computational Chemistry1988 Leo Radom (grad student)
Lars Goerigk Chemsitry Jeffrey Reimers (grad student)
Christopher C. Goodnowmechanisms regulating the immune system
Ganna Gryn'ovacomputational chemistry, materials science Research School of Chemistry20102014 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Hans U. GüdelPhysical-inorganic chemistry19721974 James Ferguson (post-doc)
Chelsey Hammill2019 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Jack Harrowfield Alan McLeod Sargeson (post-doc)
Naomi Haworth chemistry20142017 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Jamie HicksMain Group Chemistry
Anthony F. HillCoordination and Organometallic Chemistry
Nicholas Hill chemistry20172020 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Jennifer Hodgson Chemistry20062009 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Jonathon HowardMotor Proteins, Cytoskeleton Neurobiology1983 Allan W. Snyder (grad student)
Mark G. HumphreyOrganometallic Chemistry, NLO materials
Allen D. HunterOrganometallic Materials, X-Ray Diffraction, Materials Characterization Research School of Chemistry19851986 Martin Bennett (post-doc)
Ekaterina Izgorodina20042006 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Colin J Jackson
Andrew J JacksonColloid Science, neutron scattering, polymers Research School of Chemistry20032006 John White (post-doc)
Ian McLeod JamieChemistry, Chemical Ecology, Attractants, Lures, Fruit Flies, Atmospheric Chemistry Research School of Chemistry19891993 John White (post-doc)
Silvia Sabine JurissonNuclear Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry1984 Alan McLeod Sargeson (post-doc)
Joe A KaczmarskiProtein chemistry, structural biology Research School of Chemistry Research School of Biology20162019 Colin J Jackson (grad student), Ben Corry (research assistant)
Ryan Maxwell KirkChemistry
Alan E. Knight Chemistry Ian G. Ross (grad student)
Elizabeth Helene KrenskePhysical and Computational Chemistry; Organic Chemistry Chemistry20052007 Stanley Bruce Wild (grad student), Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Peter Laytransition metal chemistry1981 Alan McLeod Sargeson (grad student)
Richmond Lee chemistry20122016 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Li Feng LimMain Group Chemistry
Taweetham LimpanuparbTheoretical/Physical Chemistry, Computational/Multidisciplinary Science, Science Education/Communication Research School of Chemistry Research School of Computer Science20112013 Peter M.W. Gill (grad student), Alistair Rendell (post-doc)
Ching Yeh Lin20062013 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Li Liu2019 Trevor Russell Ireland (grad student)
KA HENG LOHSupramolecular chemistry2010 Christopher J. Easton (grad student)
Nigel T. LucasOrganometallic chemistry, carbon-rich molecules Chemistry19982001 Mark G. Humphrey (grad student)
Joyce LundbergGeochemistry, Paleontology1976 Joseph Newell Jennings (grad student)
David William Lupton2005 Martin G. Banwell (grad student)
Viau Lydie20042005 Mark G. Humphrey (post-doc)
Nicholas L Magann Chemistry Mick Sherburn (grad student)
Lara R. Malins
Lew Mander Chemistry19631967 Walter C. Taylor (grad student)
Raymond Leslie Martin
Luigi Marzilliphysical and synthetic chemistry Chemistry19621966 Alan McLeod Sargeson (grad student)
Anthony Frederick Masters Raymond Leslie Martin (grad student)
Jitendra Mata RSC20062009 John White (post-doc)
Adam Mater chemistry2018 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
John A. Mavrogenes1994 Robert J. Bodnar (grad student)
William F. McDonoughGeology, Geochemistry1987 Malcolm Thomas McCulloch (grad student)
Hugh A. McKenziemilk proteins
Rajeev S MenonOrganic Synthesis20082010 Martin G. Banwell (post-doc)
Ahmed Elaaf Mohamed chemistry20172020 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Tadeusz MolinskiOrganic chemistry of marine natural products, synthesis, NMR, and biomedical applications Chemistry19791984 Peter Oelrichs (grad student)
John F. Morrison
Mansoor Namazian chemistry20062011 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Barry William Ninhamcolloid and surface science
Benjamin Noble chemistry20122016 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Philip Norcott chemistry2018 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Jeremy Nugent Brett D Schwartz (post-doc)
Peter Oelrichs
Tim O’SullivanPharmaceutical chemistry19982001 Lew Mander (grad student)
Anthony J. Pearsonorganoiron chemistry, organocatalysts19741977 Arthur John Birch (post-doc)
Jason Pearson Research School of Chemistry20082009 Peter M.W. Gill (post-doc)
Christian PedersenCarbohydrate chemistry19531954 Adrien Albert (research scientist)
John W. PerramMolecular Modeling
David QuastelSynaptic transmission David Curtis (research scientist)
Cristobal QuintanaChemistry Research School of Chemistry20152020 Mark G. Humphrey (grad student)
Farid Rahimi
Jeffrey Reimers
Alistair Rendell
Louis M. Rendinabio-inorganic chemistry, main group chemistry, lanthanoid chemistry, organometallic chemistry Chemistry Research School of Chemistry John A. Broomhead (grad student), Martin Bennett (post-doc)
Ezio Rizzardopolymer science Arthur John Birch (post-doc)
Rutherford N. Robertsonplant physiology
Fergus Rogers chemistry2018 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Ian G. Ross Chemistry David P. Craig (grad student)
Alan McLeod SargesonCo-ordination chemistry, synthesis, stereochemistry and mechanisms of reactions, metal ion promoted organic chemistry and the role of metal ions in biology and medicine.
Carl H. SchiesserOrganic Chemistry, Selenium, Radicals, Homolytic Substitution1987 Athelstan Laurence Johnson Beckwith (grad student)
Vern L. Schrammenzymatic mechanisms and transition state structure1968 John F. Morrison (grad student)
Harold Walter SchranzChemical Reaction Rate Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Dynamical Simulation, Unimolecular Reactions
Brett D SchwartzSynthetic Organic Chemistry
Graeme Hunter Searle Biological Inorganic Chemistry1963 Alan McLeod Sargeson (grad student)
Mick Sherburn Lew Mander (post-doc)
Rafat A SiddiquiSignal Transduction Biochemistry19831987 John F. Williams (grad student)
Catherine Simpson Chemistry2015 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Arup Sinha Chemistry Anthony F. Hill (post-doc)
Gerald James SmallAnalytical Chemistry, Toxicology, Physical Chemistry19671969 David P. Craig (post-doc)
David M Smithcomputational chemistry, catalysis Research School of Chemistry19962000 Leo Radom (grad student)
Leesa Smith20112020 Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)
Madison J Sowden Chemistry Mick Sherburn (grad student)
Leone Spiccia1987 Alan McLeod Sargeson (post-doc)
Bruce W. StillmanCancer; cell cycle; DNA replication; chromatin assembly; biochemistry; yeast genetics1979 Alan Bellett (grad student)
Ellen Swann chemistry20142017 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Donald TaylorSynthetic and Structural Chemistry Research School of Chemistry Raymond Leslie Martin (post-doc)
Yen Vo Research School of Chemistry Brett D Schwartz (post-doc)
Huan Wang
Richard Welberry Research School of Chemistry Kathleen Lonsdale (grad student)
Adam Patrick WellsOrganic Chemistry
Steven Scott WelshOrganometallic chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry
Bruce O. West Chemistry Alan McLeod Sargeson (grad student)
John White
Nicholas G WhiteSupramolecular Chemistry
Elizabeth Whitty20142020 Marianne Gaborieau (grad student)
Stanley Bruce Wild
John F. Williams
Hamish Christopher Swan WoodSynthetic organic chemistry19511953 Adrien Albert (post-doc)
Clifford C. Wright Applied Mathematics19741978 John W. Perram (grad student)
Longkun Xu2018 Michelle Louise Coote (grad student)
Qiao YanBio-organic and Medicinal Chemistry,Bio-molecular Chemistry and Chemical Biology Research School of Chemistry20122017 Martin G. Banwell (grad student)
Zongyou Yin MSE20082013 Hua Zhang (post-doc)
Hang YinSupramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Research School of Chemistry2020 Zongyou Yin (grad student)
Rowan D. YoungCatalytic chemical transformations Anthony F. Hill (grad student)
Li-Juan Yu Research School of Chemistry Research School of Chemistry20172017 Amir Karton (grad student), Michelle Louise Coote (post-doc)