Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ting Cao Physics Ji Feng (grad student)
Jiahua Chen
Long Chen Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Peng R. ChenChemical Biology
Xing CHENChemical Biology
Tianyang Chenmetal-organic frameworks, electrochemical energy storage College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20152017 Zhenfeng Xi (research assistant)
Qingqi ChenMedicinal chemistry, drug synthesis Chemistry19901993 JIn Sheng (grad student)
shuobing chenBiophysics School of Physics20122017 Qi Ouyang (grad student)
Lei Chen
Lan ChengTheoretical chemistry, computational chemistry20042009 Wenjian Liu (grad student)
Mingji Daichemical synthesis Chemistry20022004 Zhen Yang (research assistant)
Xiaochuan DaiChemistry Chemistry Chemistry20062010 Zhongfan Liu (research assistant), Jin Zhang (research assistant)
Liang Dengorganometallics20002002 Zhenfeng Xi (research assistant)
Yifan DengOrganic Chemistry20122015 Jianbo Wang (research assistant)
Shengtao DingOrganic Chemistry Pharmacy20092011 Ning Jiao (grad student)
Tao Ding Peng Zou (grad student)
Guangbin Dongnatural product synthesis, catalysis2003 Jiahua Chen (research assistant)
Liu Dong
Haifeng Duan
Xiaojie Duan20022007 Zhongfan Liu (grad student), Jin Zhang (grad student)
Xinyuan Fan Peng R. Chen (post-doc)
Huayi FangInorganic Chemistry/Organometallic Chemistry College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20082015 Xuefeng Fu (grad student)
Ranran FengNonlinear spectroscopy, interface Zefeng Ren (grad student)
Ji FengPhysics
Ji FengPhysics
Xuefeng FuInoragnic Chemistry
Yi Qin GaoTheoretical/Computational Chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry
Yang GaoGPCRs, cryoEM, signal transduction, visual phototransduction, calcium-sensing receptor Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20082011 Luhua Lai (research assistant)
Xiaoxia Gao
Yun Ge Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Yue GuiSolid-state chemistry School of Pharmaceutical Sciences20142016 Suwei Dong (grad student)
Jun Guo2012 Zhiyong Tang (grad student)
Shaojun Guo Erkang Wang (grad student)
Mengdi Hanbioelectronics
Ziyang Hao Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Hong-Dong Haoorganic synthesis Chemistry20112013 Zhen Yang (post-doc)
Dan He Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Yingqin Hou Chemistry2014 Hua Lu (grad student)
Ke Hou2013 Zhiyong Tang (grad student)
Harvey J.M. HouPhotosynthesis, Forensic Science Chemistry19881993 Xiaoxia Gao (grad student)
Min Hu19871993 Xiaoyan Tang (grad student)
Chunhui Huang Chemistry19531955 Guangxian Xu (research assistant)
Yujia Huang2016 Tao Liu (grad student)
Yuming Robin HuangPolymer Science, Lithography, Surface Chemistry Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20202021 Zhihao Shen (research assistant)
Zehuan HuangSupramolecular Science, Polymer Chemistry & Physics, Soft Materials & Engineering
Qingqing Jinanoscience, two-dimensional materials Department of Engineering20112016 Zhongfan Liu (grad student), Yanfeng Zhang (grad student)
Panpan Jia2016 Tao Liu (grad student)
Guang Jia School of Public Health19931996 Shijie Liu (grad student)
Yanxin Jia Jieping Zhu (post-doc)
Ning JiaoOrganic Chemistry
Liying Jiao20032008 Zhongfan Liu (grad student)
Yizheng Jincolloidal nanocrystals19982992 Jinxin Xiao (research assistant)
Yuan Kou
lei lipolymer chemistry
Shuhong Li20192023 Yu Joshua Cao (grad student)
Xiao Li Physics Ji Feng (grad student)
Liyi Limicroelectronic materials, silicon etch College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20092011 Jian Pei (research assistant)
Ang LiTotal synthesis of structually and biologically interesting natural products2004 Zhen Yang (grad student)
Jie P. LiChemical Immunology
Houhua LITotal synthesis, Cellular Targets Identification, Elucidation of the Mechanism of Action (MoA) of Natural Products
Mingsong LiGeology
Yuzhe LiBioinformatics
Zhendong Li Wenjian Liu (grad student)
Fuzhuo LiOrganic synthesis, Biocatalysis20122017 Zhen Yang (grad student)
Zining LiTotal synthesis of natural products, biosynthesis of natural products, enzymology College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20162019 Zhi-Xiang Yu (post-doc)
Xiao Lichemistry education, physical organic chemistry
Jingguo Liang
Qi Limin
Wei LinChemical Biology, Biosensor, Bioimaging20122017 Xing CHEN (grad student)
Xinyu Ling2016 Tao Liu (grad student)
Shuo LiuUltrafast Surface dynamics2012 Zefeng Ren (grad student)
Dong dong LiuOrganic chemistry
Haichao LiuCatalysis
Chengwen LiuMolecular Modelling, Quantum Chemistry, Drug Discovery College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20102015 Yi Qin Gao (grad student)
Yuan Liu chemistry2015 Chu Wang (post-doc)
Zhongfan Liunanochemistry, graphene, graphdiyne
Lu Liu Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Jiaan Liu2016 Tao Liu (post-doc)
Tao LiuProtein Engineering, Chemical Biology
Jian Liu
Shijie Liu
Dongdong Liu
Weibing LiuBiotechnology, Molecular Biology, Proteomics20152020 Xing CHEN (grad student)
Yun LiuPolymer, Organic & Physical Chemistry
Zhiwei Liu College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20042008 Chunhui Huang (grad student)
Wenjian Liu
Justin Paul LomontSpectroscopy, Biophysics20072007 Haichao Liu (research assistant)
Teng Long Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Xiaoxia Lu2000 Shu Tao (grad student)
Hua Lupolymer science and engineering, biomedical engineering
Kui Lu20022007 Zhen Yang (grad student)
Yong LuOrganic Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry CCME20122018 Zhen Yang (grad student)
Zheng LuoChemical Biology20092012 Peng R. Chen (research assistant)
Xiaoshen MaDiscovery Chemistry Department of Chemistry Jianbo Wang (grad student)
Yuguo Ma20032005 Geoffrey William Coates (post-doc)
Lin MeiChemical Biology, Protein Chemistry
Luming Meng College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20152017 Yi Qin Gao (post-doc)
Xiangxi Meng
Fanke Meng20062010 Zhen Yang (grad student)
Youhong Niu
Qi Ouyang
Xiangyu PeiAtmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol Science20082010 Min Hu (research assistant), Xiaoxia Lu (research assistant)
Jian Pei Chemistry19891995 Teck-Peng Loh (grad student), Xiulin Ye (grad student)
Xingxing PengUltrafast Surfac Dynamics2013 Zefeng Ren (grad student)
Hailin Pengnanochemistry, graphene, topological insulators20002005 Zhongfan Liu (grad student)
Zhuoran QiaoTheoretical Chemistry Chemistry20172019 Yi Qin Gao (research assistant)
Fangfei Qin
Quan Qing20012006 Zhongfan Liu (grad student)
Chenhu QiuProtein Engineering, Drug Delivery, Nerve Regeneration Chemistry20152016 Yi Qin Gao (research assistant)
Zefeng Ren Ranran Feng (collaborator)
Haihuan Shan2016 Tao Liu (research assistant)
JIn Sheng
Zhangjie ShiOrganic Methodology
Yujie ShiGlycobiology, Immunology College of chemistry and molecular engineering20162018 Xing CHEN (research assistant)
Haiping Song Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Qiuling Song19982001 Zhenfeng Xi (grad student)
Aaron StreetsBioengineering, Genetics, Microfluidics, Computational Biology, Coherent Raman Microscopy Chemistry20122016 Yanyi Huang (post-doc)
Bo SuTransition metal-catalysis; Asymmetric Synthesis;2013 Zhangjie Shi (post-doc)
Yiliang SunChromatorgraphy
De-en SunChemical biology department of chemical biology20162021 Xing CHEN (grad student)
Zhaoxi Suncomputational biophysics, statistical mechanics
Fajia SunDNA data storage, nanopore sequencing School of physics20182023 Qi Ouyang (grad student)
Xiaoyan TangAtmospheric chemistry
Wei Tang Peng Zou (grad student)
Conghui TangTM-catalysis, organic synthesis, green chemistry, heterogeneous20112016 Ning Jiao (grad student)
Shu Tao
Zeji WangUltrafast Surface Dynamics2012 Zefeng Ren (grad student)
Li Wangneuroscience, dopamine, ACh, neural circuitry, Taste20072015 Zhuan Zhou (grad student)
Zhibin Wang20072012 Min Hu (grad student)
Weixia Wang Peng R. Chen (post-doc)
Jie Wang Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Xin Wang Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Kai-An Wangcombinatorial synthesis materials science Physics Jingguo Liang (grad student)
Sicong Wang Peng Zou (research assistant)
Pengchong Wang Peng Zou (grad student)
Yuefan Wang chemistry Zhen Yang (grad student)
Zechun Wang Tuoping Luo (research assistant)
Jianbo Wangorganometallic chemistry, metal-carbene methodology
Zhidong Wang20182022 Yu Joshua Cao (grad student)
Haobo WangChemical Biology
Xiang Wang School of Public Health20032009 Guang Jia (grad student)
Jing Wang
Junjian WangBiogeochemistry, Root Ecology College of Urban and Environmental Sciences20082011 Hui Zeng (grad student)
Wenhua WangOrganic Chemistry, Catalytic tech., Synthetic Chemistry20092012 Zhangjie Shi (post-doc), Zhangjie Shi (research assistant)
Chu Wang
Haoyuan WangOrganic Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Cancer Biology Chemistry20112012 Zhangjie Shi (research assistant)
Huan Wang
Chen WangAtmospheric chemistry, Indoor air chemistry, Air pollution Urban and Environmental Sciences20092012 Shu Tao (grad student)
Junmei WangComputational Biophysics Xiaojie Xu (grad student)
Tongyao Wei Peng Zou (research assistant)
Jiangbo WeiChemistry, Chemical biology Chemistry20122015 Zhangjie Shi (research assistant)
Yuting WuFunctional DNA in biological applications School of Life Sciences School of Life Sciences20112017 Zuoyan Zhu (grad student), Liu Dong (grad student)
Bohang WuSupramolecular (polymeric) materials Materials Science and Engineering2023 Zehuan Huang (post-doc)
Guangqi WuPolymer chemistry, Machine learning, Nanopore College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20152020 Hua Lu (grad student)
Zhenfeng Xi
Jie Xiacomputer aided drug design Department of Medicinal Chemistry20102015 Liangren Zhang (grad student)
Qi XiaoChemistry20052008 Jian Pei (research assistant)
Jinxin Xiao
Xiao Xie Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Yuan Xie2016 Tao Liu (post-doc)
Wenjun Xiecomputational enzymology College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20122017 Yi Qin Gao (grad student)
Jiahan XieHeterogeneous catalysis Chemistry20112013 Haichao Liu (research assistant)
X. Sunney Xieroom-temperature single-molecule spectroscopy
Wei Xiong2006 Yuan Kou (research assistant)
Yongxian Xu Peng Zou (grad student)
Tao Xu20062011 Zhen Yang (grad student)
Guangxian Xu
Yan XuRadical Chemistry, Photochemistry, Olefin Metathesis, Polyolefin functionalization College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20132018 Guangbin Dong (grad student)
Xiu-Ping YanTrace Metal Speciation, Advanced Materials for Analytical Applications19931994 Yiliang Sun (post-doc)
Ning YanGreen Chemistry; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Biomass conversion Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20042009 Yuan Kou (grad student)
Zhen YangOrganic Chemistry K. C. Nicolaou (post-doc)
Yi Isaac YangTheoretical Chemistry College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20102015 Yi Qin Gao (grad student)
Maiyun Yang Peng R. Chen (post-doc)
Xiulin Ye
Chengqi Yi
Haolin Yininorganic/organometallic/medicinal chemistry20092011 Xuefeng Fu (research assistant)
Hang Hubert YinChemical Biology, Drug Discovery
Zhi-Xiang YuOrganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
Jingsong Yuan Chemistry2014 Hua Lu (grad student)
Yuan YuanChemical biology Chao Tang (grad student)
Jian YuanOrganometallic mechanism and synthesis, CF bond activation, catalysis Chemistry20032004 Zhenfeng Xi (research assistant)
Hui Zeng
Linghan ZengAtmospheric Chemistry
Yandong ZhangOrganic Chemistry Zhen Yang (grad student)
Jin Zhangnanochemistry, carbon nanotube, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
Shuai Zhang Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Gong Zhang Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Yin Zhang2014 Zhiyong Tang (grad student)
Jun Zhang College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20122017 Yi Qin Gao (grad student)
Jun-Long Zhang
Qing Zhang Department of Materials Science and Engineering20112016 Qihua Xiong (post-doc)
Liangren Zhang
Yanxu ZhangAtmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry College of Urban and Environmental Sciences Shu Tao (grad student)
kecheng zhangprotein engineering
Liqin ZhangChemistry
Wen-Bin ZhangProtein Topological Engineering; AI4S; Polymer Chemistry & Physics
Boxuan Simen ZhaoChemical Biology, Epigenetics Chemistry20082012 Peng R. Chen (research assistant)
Lijun Zhao20182022 Yu Joshua Cao (grad student)
Jie ZhengBiophysics Renji Zhang (grad student)
Siqi Zheng Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Qinheng ZhengChemistry College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20122014 Zhi-Xiang Yu (research assistant)
Feipeng Zheng Physics Ji Feng (grad student)
Mingjiang Zhong Chemistry and Molecular Engineering20052008 Yun-Dong Wu (research assistant)
Dejian ZhouNanoparticles, sensors, chemical biology Chemistry19901995 Chunhui Huang (grad student)
Ying Zhou Peng Zou (grad student)
Xu Zhouinnate immunity, systems biology, tissue biology
Rongfeng Zhu Peng R. Chen (grad student)
Rui ZhuSolar Cells; Perovskites
Jiadan Zhu
Zuoyan Zhu
Dongqiang ZhuEnvironmental geochemistry, biogeochemistry
Peng Zou Chemical Biology Alice Y. Ting (grad student)