Philipps University Marburg

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Thorsten Bach19891991 Manfred T. Reetz (grad student)
Alfred-Dirk BacherChemistry and Biochemistry1992 Ulrich Müller (grad student)
Ernst Gottfried BaldingerChemistry, surgery
Gabriella Benedek20102011 Eric Meggers (post-doc)
Werner BingelMolecular Spectroscopy1952 Erich Hückel (grad student)
Matthias Bischof20102013 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Sebastian Blanck20092012 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Martin Blaser2007 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Horst Böhme
Matthias Brock1998 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Alexander Crum BrownPractical and Analytical Chemistry1863 Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe (post-doc)
Wolfgang Buckel
Ludwig Carius
Florent Chevillard Pharmaceutical Chemistry20112016 Peter Kolb (grad student)
Manuel A. ConstenlaOrganic Chemistry, Agricultural Biochemistry, Natural Products19701971 Karl Dimroth (grad student)
Kurt Dehnickemain-group elements and transition metals
Sandra Dieckmann20092012 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Lucas C. DucatiQuantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy, NMR Department of Chemistry20082009 Gernot Frenking (grad student)
Friedrich Eiden Pharmazeutische Chemie1955 Horst Böhme (grad student)
Michael FamulokAptamers, Chemical Biology, DNA Nanotechnology Chemistry19861989 Gernot Boche (grad student)
Richard Fischerorganic chemistry1900 Ernst Schmidt (grad student)
Otto Folinbiological chemistry1898 Albrecht Kossel (post-doc)
Horst-Dieter Försterling
Gerhard Fritz Inorganic Chemistry19461953 Hans Kautsky (post-doc)
Gunda I. GeorgTherapeutics Discovery & Development1980 Manfred Haake (grad student)
Tobias W GiessenEncapsulins, Protein Cages, Structural Biology, Natural Products, Synthetic Biology Chemistry2013 Mohamed A. Marahiel (grad student)
Frank Glorius
Lei Gong20082011 Eric Meggers (post-doc)
Richard Göttlich Reinhard W. Hoffmann (grad student)
Jakub Gunera Pharmaceutical Chemistry20132017 Peter Kolb (grad student)
Manfred HaakeMedicinal chemistry1966 Horst Böhme (grad student)
Klaus Hafner1951 Hans Meerwein (grad student)
Wolfgang Hanefeld
Klaus S. Hartke1959 Horst Böhme (grad student)
Peter Claus Heinrichcytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) signal transduction 1966 Karl Dimroth (grad student)
Erich HückelQuantum chemistry
Haohua Huo20122016 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Elamparithi Jayamani2008 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Walter Jonesnucleic acids and their derivatives1899 Albrecht Kossel (post-doc)
Manfred JungMedicinal Chemistry, Chemical Epigenetics Wolfgang Hanefeld (grad student)
Hans Kautsky Inorganic Chemistry Herbert Max Finlay Freundlich (grad student)
Nathan Kilah20112012 Eric Meggers (post-doc)
Marie Kim2011 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Jihoe Kim 2004 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Holger Kleinkethermoelectrics, materials, crystallography Chemistry19971999 Wolfgang Tremel (research scientist)
Samuel Klingenstiernaoptics Christian Wolff (post-doc)
Hermann Knoblauch
Peter Kolb
Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe18421843 Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen (grad student)
Phoebus Aaron Theodor LeveneDNA Albrecht Kossel (post-doc)
Zhijie Lin20092013 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Anja Ludewig20102014 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Jiajia Ma20142018 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Matthias Mack1995 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Mohamed A. Marahiel
Maria Marti-Solano Pharmaceutial Chemistry20152017 Peter Kolb (post-doc)
Albert P. Mathewsphysiological chemistry18951897 Albrecht Kossel (research assistant)
Reinhard MeckePhysical chemistry1920 Franz Joseph Matthias Richarz (grad student)
Hans MeerweinOrganic chemistry
Eric MeggersOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis
Nikolai Aleksandrovich MenshutkinPhysical organic chemistry1865 Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe (research scientist)
Kurt Heinrich Meyerpolysaccharides, particularly starch and glycogen1908 Theodor Zincke (post-doc)
Juan C. MobarecDrug Discovery in Pharma, Computational Chemistry and Biologics, Structure-Based Drug Design, Molecular Modeling, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis, Protein Engineering, Molecular Dynamics Simulations20122015 Peter Kolb (post-doc)
Stefan Mollin20082011 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Ulrich MüllerInorganic chemistry
Hans-Hartwig Otto19631966 Horst Böhme (grad student)
Anutthaman Parthasarathy2009 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Christian - ReichardtOrganic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry Chemical Institute1962 Karl Dimroth (grad student)
Eva Rentschler1993 Kurt Dehnicke (grad student)
Cornelia Ritter20122016 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Florian Ritterbusch20092012 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Pijus Kumar SasmalBioinorganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorthogonal Catalysis, Anticancer Agents, Antimicrobial Agents, Prodrug Activation, Drug Delivery20102012 Eric Meggers (post-doc)
David Scheschkewitz1999 Armin Berndt (grad student)
Sabine Schlecht Kurt Dehnicke (grad student)
Martin Schlitzer Wolfgang Hanefeld (grad student)
Denis Schmidt Pharmaceutical Chemistry20112016 Peter Kolb (grad student)
Ernst Schmidtpharmaceutical chemistry
Xiaodong Shen20122016 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Stephan Sieber2004 Mohamed A. Marahiel (grad student)
Soumya Kumar Sinha Eric Meggers (post-doc)
Friedrich Ludwig Stegmann18351840 Christian Ludwig Gerling (grad student)
Alfred Walter StewartOrganic Chemistry1903 Theodor Zincke (research assistant)
Elisa Dorothea Steyer20232023 Abhik Ghosh (grad student)
Manuel Streib20102013 Eric Meggers (grad student)
John TyndallChemistry, Physics, Philosophy, Mathematics18481851 Hermann Knoblauch (grad student), Friedrich Ludwig Stegmann (grad student)
Jacob Volhard18621863 Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe (post-doc)
Kathrin Wähler20112014 Eric Meggers (grad student)
Ernst-Ulrich Wuerthwein Department of Chemistry1975 Christian - Reichardt (grad student)
Oskar Zelder BASF1992 Wolfgang Buckel (grad student)
Theodor Zincke