Princeton University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Lee R. AaronsGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics2008 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Lawrence AbadMolecular Biology, Genomics
Sigal AbramovichPaleoecology, Paleontology2002 Gerta Keller (grad student)
Laura K. G. Ackerman-BiegasiewiczSynthetic organic chemistry20162019 Abigail Doyle (post-doc)
Ralph N. AdamsNeurochemistry1953 Nathaniel Howell Furman (grad student)
Claire Adjiman Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Kapil AgrawalGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics2000 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Jorge A. Ahumada Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology19921996 Henry S. Horn (grad student)
Ilhan A. Aksay
Philip A. Albiniakbio-organic chemistry2008 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Erik J. AlexanianSynthetic Organic and Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis 2006 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Mazhar N. Alisolid state chemistry Chemistry2015 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Amir A. AliabadiThermo-fluids, Meteorology, Turbulence, Atmospheric Science, Air Quality, Energy, Building Science, Applied Math Leslie K. Norford (post-doc)
Omer F. Alistheoretical chemistry2001 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Leland C. Allentheoretical chemistry
Anna Elizabeth Allen Chemistry2012 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Adam Allerhand1962 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student)
Jennifer Alleva2015 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Jared M. Allredsolid state chemistry Chemistry2012 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Jasmin Imran Alsous Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Hubert Newcombe AlyeaPhysical Chemistry1928 Hans L. J. Backstrom (grad student), Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Miguel A. AmatMolecular modeling and computational chemistry
Olga Amosovabiochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology Molecular Biology19921995 Jacques R. Fresco (post-doc)
Joon Soo AnNatural Product Chemist Chemistry2023 Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (post-doc)
Spiros H. AnastasiadisPolymer Science; Polymer Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films; Polymer Blends and Homopolymer / Copolymer Blends; Dynamics & Diffusion in Multiconstituent Systems; Organic/Inorganic Nanohybrid Materials; Responsive Polymer Systems Department of Chemical Engineering19831988 Jeffrey T. Koberstein (grad student)
Alfred T. AndersonGeology, Geochemistry1963 Robert Bero Hargraves (grad student)
James B. AndersonQuantum Chemistry/Molecular Dynamics/Reaction Kinetics1963 Michel Boudart (grad student)
Amy H. AndreottiNuclear magnetic resonance, Macromolecular structure and recognition1994 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Arthur T. AndrewsGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics2007 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Rodney D. Andrews Jr.Polymers1948 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Christopher L AndronicosGeology, Geochemistry, Petrology1999 Lincoln S. Hollister (grad student)
Ioannis Androulakis Chemical Engineering19931996 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Anastasios AngelopoulosElectrocatalysis, Chemical Sensing1996 Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Alişya A. Anlaşmechanobiology Chemical and Biological Engineering Celeste M. Nelson (grad student)
Yitzhak Apeloig Chemistry Paul von Ragué Schleyer (post-doc)
Tim ArlowCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Molecular Biology2012 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Anna Arnaudo20102015 Benjamin Garcia (grad student)
Maxim Artamonovtheoretical chemistry2006 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Michael A. ArthurBiogeochemistry, Geology, Geochemistry1979 Alfred George Fischer (grad student)
Ulrich AschauerGreat surface chemistry with computers, mostly oxides, but also other stuff Annabella Selloni (post-doc)
Crisita C. Atienzaapplication of organometallic molecules to chemical synthesis Chemistry2013 Paul J. Chirik (grad student)
Debra T. AugusteBiomaterials, Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering2005 Robert K. Prud'homme (grad student)
Rachel N. Austin19992000 John T. Groves (research scientist)
Michael J. Avaltroniinterface chemistry2003 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Alvaro Azcarraga Aeronautical Engineering1964 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Graham A. B. Chemistry20102016 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Hans L. J. BackstromPhysical Chemistry1924 Hugh Stott Taylor (research assistant)
Joseph J. BadilloCatalysis and Organic Synthesis20142017 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
William Oliver BakerPolymer Research1939 Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
Laura Tucker Bald1995 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Marc BaldoPhotonics and Optoelectronic Materials2001 Stephen R. Forrest (grad student)
Richard C. Baliban Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Stephen B. Bandiniinterface chemistry Chemistry2015 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Huiming Bao Geoscience Geoscience19931998 Paul Lewis Koch (grad student), Daniel P. Schrag (grad student)
Junwei Lucas BaoTheoretical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry20182020 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Qing Baostructural and molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis2007 Yigong Shi (grad student)
Thomas M. Bargar1977 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Paul R. Barkofskypolymer films2010 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
William James BaronOrganic Chemistry, Fiber Optics, Photochemistry, Advanced Materials Chemistry19681972 Maitland Jones, Jr. (grad student)
Bonnie L. Basslermolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication
Karl E. Bastress Aeronautical Engeering1961 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Amit Basuglycochemistry and glycobiology; synthesis and application of novel polymers and nanomaterials; development of new sensors and diagnostic agents19961999 Daniel E. Kahne (post-doc)
Robert D. Battenstatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2011 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Martin Baumgarten19981990 Gerard Charles Dismukes (post-doc)
Andrea K. Beaghton Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Bryan S. BeckinghamPolymeric materials Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Richard A. Register (grad student)
T. Aaron Bedell Chemistry20102016 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Sebastian B. BeilOrganic Chemistry
Joseph J. BelBrunoExperimental and computational study of clusters, sensors, nanomaterials1982 Herschel A. Rabitz (post-doc), Richard B. Miles (post-doc)
Seth R. BellBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2010 John T. Groves (grad student)
Jean-Philippe BellengerBiogeochemistry20052010 François M. M. Morel (post-doc)
Vincent J. Beltranitheoretical chemistry Chemistry2012 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Leah I. Bendavidtheoretical chemistry Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Michael L BenderOceanography
Bryson D. Bennettcellular metabolism2010 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Nicholas B. BennetteBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology Biology2011 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Arthur Ferguson Bentoncatalysis1920 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Jay B. Benzigerfuel cells
Christina L. BergstromBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 John T. Groves (grad student)
Timothy C. Berkelbachchemistry, physics, and biology of disordered materials Chemistry20142016 Garnet K.L. Chan (post-doc)
Steven L. Bernasekdynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces
Stefan BernhardOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Alternative Energy
Tanya BerryMagnetic and Topological Materials2022 Leslie M. Schoop (post-doc)
Emma Bertran David T Johnston (grad student)
Gregory J. Besio Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Sharon A. BewickChemical physics, electronic states of conjugated polymers and ion-radical solids, paramagnetic and charge transfer excitons, one-dimensional models2006 Zoltán G. Soos (grad student)
Shoham Bhadra2015 Dan Steingart (grad student)
Shilpa H. Bhansali2006 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Surita R. Bhatiasoft materials2000 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Tapomoy Bhattacharjee
Silvio E. Biali Chemistry Kurt M. Mislow (post-doc)
Susan BigginsRegulation of chromosome segregation1995 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
John Henry Billman1937 Gregg Dougherty (grad student)
Avieser Birk Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1980 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
John J. Bisaha1980 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Anthony C. Bishopsignal transduction pathways in cells and whole organisms19952000 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Kaustav Biswasmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2000 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Somnath BiswasUltrafast Spectroscopy Chemistry20202023 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Julie S. Biteenbiomedical imaging based on single-molecule fluorescence and nanophotonics2001 Herschel A. Rabitz (research assistant)
Amy R. Bittnercomplex chemical synthesis Chemistry2012 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Clara L BlättlerCarbonates, Geochemistry, Earth history, Oceanography John A. Higgins (post-doc)
Steven BloomMedicinal chemistry20152018 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Nicholas Charles BoazC-H Activation, Synthesis, Catalysis Chemistry20102015 John T. Groves (grad student)
Andrew B. Bocarslyelectrochemistry, fuel cells
Kirstin BodePolymer science Chemistry2022 Emily C Davidson (grad student)
Christina C. Bodurow1984 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Susan D. Boettger1979 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
David W. Bogdanoff Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1967 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Eline E. BoghaertTissue Morphodynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Celeste M. Nelson (grad student)
Katherine A. BoldComplex / Multi-scale Systems Modeling and Computation; Process Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation; Fuel Cell Engineering; Nonlinear System Identification and Control2008 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Megan E. Bolithobio-organic chemistry2009 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Clement Bommier20172019 Daniel A. Steingart (post-doc)
Walter Daniel BonnerPhysical chemistry1908 George Augustus Hulett (research assistant)
Carlos H. BorcaEffective Fragment Potential Chemical and Biological Engineering2020 Michael A Webb (post-doc)
David BotsteinGenomics
Louis-Serge BouchardBiophysics and Structural Biology, Nanoscience and Materials, Physical chemistry 2005 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Michel Boudartheterogeneous catalysis1950 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Joseph J. Bozell Department of Chemistry Martin F. Semmelhack (post-doc)
Luke H. Bradley Chemistry20012006 Michael H. Hecht (post-doc)
Christopher D. Brandermolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2005 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Clifford P. Brangwynneself-assembly of biological materials
Susan Louise BrantleyGeochemistry1987 David Alexander Crerar (grad student), James Brian Evans (grad student)
Benjamin P. BrattonQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro2021 Joshua W. Shaevitz (post-doc)
Robert Lyman BratzlerMedical and Biological Engineering
James W. Brault Robert H. Dicke (grad student)
Marie-Gabrielle Braun Chemistry20122013 Abigail Doyle (post-doc)
Kenneth N. C. BrayApplied Thermodynamics1956 Sin-I Cheng (grad student), Ronald F. Probstein (grad student)
Eva M. Breckner Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Kenneth BrezinskyCombustion Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics Mechanical Engineering19791996 Irvin Glassman (research scientist)
Steven M. Bricker1980 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Christopher Aaron Bristow2009 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Laura-Mae Britton20102014 Benjamin Garcia (grad student)
Richard Spohn Brokaw Chmistry1948 Robert N. Pease (grad student)
Hindy E. BronsteinPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons20012002 Maitland Jones, Jr. (post-doc)
William Browbio-organic chemistry2008 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Zachary D. BrownInorganic chemistry20122013 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Garry Leslie Brown
Mark P. Brynildsenhost-pathogen interactions, bacterial persistence, and biofilms
Arthur Francis Buddingtonpetrology1916 Charles Henry Smyth, Jr. (grad student)
Vladimir Bulović Organic and Nanostructured Electronics1998 Stephen R. Forrest (grad student)
Robert E. BuntrockOrganic Chemistry, chemical Information Chemistry19621967 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
Christine M. Burgesselectrochemistry, fuel cells2009 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Robert L. Burwell, Jrcatalysis1936 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Volker Buss1970 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student)
Ryan S. BuzdygonBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 John T. Groves (grad student)
Oleksandr V. Buzkosignal transduction pathways in cells and whole organisms19982002 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Larry D. Byersenzyme reactions1972 Richard V. Wolfenden (grad student)
Makini Byron Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Ted Cai Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Qinyan CaiChemistry Chemistry20222027 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Yuguang Caidynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces2003 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Hartwell F. Calcote Chemistry1948 Robert N. Pease (grad student)
Christopher P. Calderon2007 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Earle Radcliffe Caley
Carlo CallegariChemical Dynamics and Materials Science2000 Giacinto Scoles (grad student)
Joseph M. CaloInorganic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering1970 Robert Clark Axtmann (grad student)
Shawn R. Campagnabio-organic chemistry2006 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Hua Caoultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2004 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Andrew Capacci2015 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Roberto Caratomistic and the electronic structure and dynamics in materials
Valerie J. Carabettabacterial genetics2010 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Stavros Caratzoulas Chemical Engineering20012002 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Jeffrey CarbeckGeneral Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry
Ruben G. CarbonellChemical Engineering, Biochemistry Chemical Engineering1973 Morton D. Kostin (grad student)
Jannette R. Careymacromolecular interactions
Robert M. CarlsonOrganic chemistry1965 Richard Keith Hill (grad student)
Joseph E. Carpenter2010 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Thomas G. CarrellInorganic Chemistry2002 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Damian J. CarrieriBiochemistry, Plant Physiology, Alternative Energy2009 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Brad P. CarrowCatalysis and Polymer Science
William Preston Carson2021 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Emily Ann Cartertheoretical chemistry
Anthony David Casarez Chemistry2012 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Nicolas CassarOceanography Biology, Biochemistry Michael L Bender (grad student)
Madeli Castruitatransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury2006 François M. M. Morel (grad student)
Robert J. Cavasolid state chemistry
Lorraine F. Cavanaughintracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication2003 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
William J. ChainOrganic synthesis2009 Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
Raj Chakrabartistructures and roles of actin-binding proteins2002 Clarence E. Schutt (grad student)
Kiat-Hwa ChanBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2010 John T. Groves (grad student)
Garnet K.L. Chantheoretical chemistry
Tak-Hang (Bill) Chanorganic synthesis, aqueous organometallic chemistry, ionic liquids, and medicinal chemistry Chemistry1965 Richard Keith Hill (grad student)
Eric Chan20112012 Benjamin Garcia (post-doc)
Clement Chan Chemical and Biological Engineering2021 Emily C Davidson (post-doc)
Brent D. ChandlerOrganic Chemistry2011 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
George B. Chapmanbiological electron microscopy1953 James Hillier (grad student)
Swaroop Chatterjee Chemical Engineering Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
May J. Cheahfuel cells Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Yu Chenstructural and molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis2008 Yigong Shi (grad student)
Qike K. ChenTissue Morphodynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Celeste M. Nelson (grad student)
Zhong Chenmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2001 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Ruopian ChenBioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry2001 Thomas G. Spiro (grad student)
Jermont ChenSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2008 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Jia Chenelectronic structure and molecular dynamics simulations Chemistry2013 Annabella Selloni (grad student)
Zhu (Clark) ChenCatalysis, electrochemistry Chemical and Biological Engineering20122017 Bruce E. Koel (grad student)
Wei Chen2009 Roberto Car (grad student)
Kevin K. Chen Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2014 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Duyu ChenParticle packings, heterogeneous materials, cancer modeling Chemistry20122018 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Xiao-Yang ChenOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20142018 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Sin-I Chengrocketry, computational approaches to aerodynamics1952 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Zhengdong Cheng Physics Chemical Engineering Paul Michael Chaikin (grad student), William Bailey Russel (post-doc)
Daniel W. Cheongtheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials2006 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Lily S Cheung Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Joanne E. Chia
Ee-Sunn Chiafuel cells2006 Jay B. Benziger (grad student), Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Sebastian ChialvoGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Elbert C. ChiangCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2005 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Huan-Hi Chiang Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1974 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Paul J. Chirikapplication of organometallic molecules to chemical synthesis
Malcolm H. Chisholminorganic, organometallic and materials chemistry
Anatoliy Chlenov2003 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Anatoli ChlenovBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2003 John T. Groves (grad student)
Theresa Y. Chocondensed matter Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Tsz S. Chweetheoretical chemistry2010 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Christopher Frank ChybaAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geochemistry
Amy Ciric Chemical Engineering Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Timothy Clark Paul von Ragué Schleyer (post-doc)
Kenzie A Clark Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (grad student)
Glenn R. Clark1977 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Michelle F. Clasquincellular metabolism2010 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Michael D. CliftCatalysis, natural product synthesis20102013 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Eric D. ClineInorganic Chemistry, Alternative Energy2010 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Simon Cobbold Manuel Llinás (post-doc)
Kailyn Cohen Chemistry Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Daniel H. Cohen1992 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Claude Cohen
Emily B. Coleelectrochemistry, fuel cells2009 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Richard B. Cole Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1965 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Robert J. Comitocatalysis for polymer synthesis Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Andre ConjusteauChemical Dynamics and Materials Science2002 Giacinto Scoles (grad student)
Edwin G. Conklinzoology
Jay Conrad Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
W. Donald Cookeanalytical chemistry19491951 Nathaniel Howell Furman (post-doc)
Stuart L. CooperPolymers, Polyurethanes, Blood Material Interactions, Ionomers, Tissue Engineering1967 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Robert M. CooperBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics Molecular Biology2012 Ned S. Wingreen (grad student)
Harriet L. CooperBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2010 John T. Groves (grad student)
Simon Cooper Chemistry20152020 Todd K. Hyster (grad student)
Michelle Gonzales Cope20102015 Benjamin Garcia (grad student)
Mathieu Coppey20052008 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Timothy R. Cottrell Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Frederick J. CoughlinInorganic Chemistry2008 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Philip L. Cowan Aeronautical Engeering1960 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
James H CoxOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2019 Robert R. Knowles (grad student)
Catherine M. Cressonstatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2004 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Phillip Crewschemistry of tropical marine sponges and marine-derived fungi1970 Kurt M. Mislow (post-doc)
Nyssa M. Crompton environmental geochemistry Chemistry2014 Satish C. B. Myneni (grad student)
Katherine Nicole Crowdermetal oxide surface modification Chemistry20032008 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Christopher A. Crutchfieldcellular metabolism2011 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Robert I. CukierTheory and Computation of Protein Structure Function Relations1969 John M. Deutch (grad student)
Kellye Cungnanotechnology Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Michael C. McAlpine (grad student)
James D. CuthbertsonCatalysis, heterocycle syntheses Chemistry20132015 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Lizhong Daimacromolecular interactions2001 Jannette R. Carey (grad student)
Kevin B. Dalycondensed matter Chemical and Biological Engineering2015 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student), Jay B. Benziger (grad student), Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Michael P. Danahyinterface chemistry2004 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Mehmet F. DanismanChemical Dynamics and Materials Science2005 Giacinto Scoles (grad student)
Aditi DasLipid Biochemistry2005 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Jyotishman DasguptaPhysical Chemistry, General Biophysics, Biogeochemistry2006 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Siddharth Dasguptabiophysical spectroscopy, computational chemistry, drug design, high energy density materials, reactive force fields, molecular dynamics Chemistry19801985 Thomas G. Spiro (grad student)
Ankona DattaBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2006 John T. Groves (grad student)
Yael DavidEpigenetics Chemistry20112016 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Emily C DavidsonPolymer Science
Huw M. L. Daviessynthesis of biologically active natural products19801983 Edward Curtis Taylor (post-doc)
Jonathan R. Davistheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials2010 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Sangeeta Day20092009 Abigail Doyle (post-doc)
Reuben Alexander Day, Jr.Quantitative chemistry1940 Robert N. Pease (grad student)
Fabian Millar DayritNatural Products Chemistry Chemistry19761981 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Luigi T. De Luca Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1976 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Erandi K. De Silva2011 Manuel Llinás (grad student)
Jacob C. Deanconformational dynamics in flexible biomolecules, combustion processes, and Titan's atmosphere Chemistry2017 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Pablo G. Debenedetticondensed matter
Dayi DengBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2007 John T. Groves (grad student)
T. J. Dennesinterface chemistry2008 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Robert L. Derham Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1978 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Robert J. DeschenesBiochemistry19841989 James Riley Broach (post-doc)
Rahul S. Deshpandeelectrochemistry, fuel cells2003 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Zachary M. Detweilerdynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces Chemistry2014 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Joseph Dexter2013 Thomas W. Muir (research assistant)
Gerald F. Di Lauro Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1967 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Stefano Di Talia Eric F. Wieschaus (post-doc)
Minghui DiaoAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Mark A. Zondlo (grad student)
Joseph DiCarlosolid state chemistry, synthesis, energy storage Chemistry19901992 Alexandra Navrotsky (post-doc)
Pearl Dickersondynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces2010 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Tommy D. DickeyPhysical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry George L. Mellor (grad student)
Patricia A. DiGiuseppe Championbacterial genetics2003 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Andrew K. Dilger20092011 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
John H Dillon
Peter A. DiMaggio20102012 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student), Benjamin Garcia (post-doc)
Mircea DincăInorganic and Solid-State Chemistry2003 Jeffrey Schwartz (research assistant)
Brian F. DiSalleOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Alternative Energy Chemistry2013 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Gerard Charles DismukesPhysical Chemistry, General Biophysics, Biogeochemistry
Robert A. DiStasio Jr.Theoretical Chemistry Chemistry20092015 Roberto Car (post-doc)
Daniel A. DombeckBehavior Cognition Language, Brain Imaging, Cell Imaging & Electrophysiology, Learning & Memory, Systems Neuroscience David W. Tank (post-doc)
Jason M. Dominytheoretical chemistry2011 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Aleksandar Donevstatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2006 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Mohammed S. Donia Department of Molecular Biology20052010 Eric W. Schmidt (grad student)
Zachary N. Donnellmolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication Molecular Biology2015 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Patrick E. Donnellyinterface chemistry Chemistry2013 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Ashley M. Donovantheoretical chemistry Chemistry2014 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Christopher Doucettecellular metabolism Molecular Biology2012 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Gregg Dougherty1921 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Dennis A. Doughertyphysical organic chemistry to systems of biological importance1978 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
Patricia M. DoveGeobiology, Geochemistry Chemistry Alexandra Navrotsky (grad student)
Abigail Doyleorganic and organometallic catalysis
Carmen F. Drahlcomplex chemical synthesis2007 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Gabrielle B. DreyfusEnvironmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Atmospheric Sciences2008 Jean Jouzel (grad student), Michael L Bender (grad student)
John S. Driscoll1960 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
XinXin Du Physics2013 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Jianshu Duanenvironmental geochemistry, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, natural organic matter Department of Geosciences2018 Satish C. B. Myneni (grad student)
Julien DubuisBiophysics Physics Physics20092013 Thomas Gregor (grad student), William Bialek (grad student)
Gregory S. Duckersignal transduction pathways in cells and whole organisms Chemistry2013 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (post-doc)
John B. Dudekphysical chemistry2000 Kevin K. Lehmann (grad student)
Frederick Robert Duke
Jeremiah S. Duncanbionorganic chemistry2003 Sonny C. Lee (grad student)
Prabir K. DuttaOrganic Chemistry, Nanotechnology1979 Thomas G. Spiro (grad student)
Sian E Dutton Robert J. Cava (post-doc)
Robert S. Dwyerbacterial genetics Molecular Biology2014 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
David A. DzombakEnvironmental Engineering, Plant Physiology, Biogeochemistry François M. M. Morel (grad student)
David Christopher Ebner Chemistry20082010 Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
Evelyn A. V. Ebsworth19581959 Donald F. Hornig (post-doc)
Carl Henry EckartGeophysics1925 Karl Taylor Compton (grad student)
Sean C. Edington2015 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student), Annabella Selloni (grad student)
David Charles Edwards2005 Satish C. B. Myneni (grad student), Thomas G. Spiro (grad student)
Ulrike S. EggertBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2001 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Adi Eisenbergamphiphilic block copolymers1960 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
David Eisenbergprotein interactions19641966 Walter Kauzmann (post-doc)
Eileen B. Ekstromtransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury2007 François M. M. Morel (grad student)
Joseph C. Elgin1929 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Josephine A. Elia Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Stacey L. Elliottpolymer films2001 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Michael B. ElowitzGene Circuit Dynamics in Regulation and Differentiation1999 Stanislas Leibler (grad student)
Philip J. Elving1937 Earle Radcliffe Caley (grad student)
Gregory S. Engelphotochemical reaction dynamics19981999 Kevin K. Lehmann (research assistant)
Michael D. EnglandBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2007 John T. Groves (grad student)
Adam J. Englercell biophysics and polymer engineering Molecular Biology Jean Schwarzbauer (post-doc)
Christie G. EnkeAnalytical Chemistry, triple quadrapole mass spectrometry
Lynn W. Enquistvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis
Nicholas D. Epiotischemical bonding1972 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student)
Radek Erbanpattern formation in development, calcium dynamics in neural tissue, cell-based and continuum descriptions of cell and tissue movement, analysis of complex metabolic and gene-control networks, and mathematical models of tumor angiogenesis2005 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Gerhard Erker19741975 Maitland Jones, Jr. (post-doc)
Jeffrey R. Errington19992001 Pablo G. Debenedetti (post-doc)
Jake Essman20142018 Abigail Doyle (research assistant)
Meredith Gwynne EvansReaction mechanisms19341935 Hugh Stott Taylor (post-doc)
Brian V. Falconemolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2004 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Nick Falcone Chemistry Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Xuejun Fan19932000 Garry Leslie Brown (grad student)
Donald L. FekePolymer Chemistry, Chemical Engineering1981 William R. Schowalter (grad student)
Zhang Fengorganic chemistry department of chemistry20162017 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Lihui FengBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics Molecular Biology2015 Ned S. Wingreen (grad student)
Xiao-jiang Fengtheoretical chemistry2005 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Paul A Fenterdiffraction, mineral interfaces, energy Physics19901997 Peter Eisenberger (post-doc), Giacinto Scoles (post-doc)
Alice Fergerson Chemical and Biological Engineering2021 Emily C Davidson (grad student)
Richard Allan Ferrell1952 Arthur Strong Wightman (grad student)
Frank FerroneGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Physics1975 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Ashley P. Fidler Chemistry Marissa L. Weichman (post-doc)
Dorothea Fiedlersecond messengers
Eric L. First Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Daniel S. Fisherstatistical physics; theoretical evolutionary biology
Eric Flamme Chemistry20042006 Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
William W. FlemingPharmacology1957 Arthur K. Parpart (grad student)
Christodoulos A. Floudas
Ivy C. Fortmeyer Chemistry20112016 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Andrew David Fortney1990 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Joseph M. FoxOrganic chemistry1993 Maitland Jones, Jr. (research assistant)
Michelle Miller Francl19831985 Leland C. Allen (post-doc)
Martin L. Franssondynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces2005 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Esther FrederickChemistry, Materials Science, Surfaces2016 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Larry G. Frenchanalgesic compounds, natural products isolation, reaction methodology development, heterocyclic chemistry. Chemistry1987 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
Jacques R. Fresconucleic acid third-strand binding to Watson-Crick duplexes
Jessica L. Friecomplex chemical synthesis2009 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Emil M. Friedmanpolymer chemistry, applied statistics Chemistry19681973 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Matthew G. Frith2016 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Arthur Atwater FrostPhysical Chemistry1934 Hubert Newcombe Alyea (grad student)
Dan Fuoptical spectroscopy and imaging techniques to investigate the spatial-temporal dynamics of living biological systems at single cell resolution2009 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Michael K. Fuccillosolid state chemistry Chemistry2015 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Ho K. Fung2008 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Nathaniel Howell Furman1917 Leroy Wiley McCay (grad student)
Alan S. Futran20102015 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Gigi Galianaultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2008 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
James J. Gallagher1995 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Sofia Garakyaraghi20182019 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Jeffrey Garber Chemistry20102014 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Tom Gartner
Francis P GasparroPsoralen photochemotherapy Chemistry1971 Irwin D. Tack Kuntz (grad student)
Alice P. GastPhysical Chemistry of Surfaces1984 William Bailey Russel (grad student), Carol K. Hall (grad student)
Eric D. Gauthierfuel cells Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Jay B. Benziger (grad student), Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Ellen S. Gawaltinterface chemistry2001 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Eva Gechemical biology, biochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry20132019 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)
James H. GeigerStructural Biology Using X-Ray Crystallography1991 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
Volodymyr Gelfandstructures and roles of actin-binding proteins2003 Clarence E. Schutt (grad student)
Alan GelperinBiological, computational and electronic olfaction; learning and memory.
John M. Geremiatheoretical chemistry2001 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Brian GertschGeology, Geochemistry, Paleontology2010 Gerta Keller (grad student)
Jana L. Gevertzstatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2009 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Andrew A. Gewirthstructure and reactivity of surfaces and interfaces Chemistry1981 Thomas G. Spiro (research assistant)
Rajat K. GhoshAtomic Physics2009 Michael V. Romalis (grad student)
Daniel E. GiammarEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry Geosciences Satish C. B. Myneni (post-doc)
Julian H. Gibbstheoretical chemistry1950 Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
John K. Gillhamengineering plastics
Marian E. Gindytheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials2008 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Baldissera Giovani
Douglas R. GisewhiteBioinorganic Chemistry Chemistry2017 John T. Groves (post-doc)
Nikolce GjorevskiTissue Morphodynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Celeste M. Nelson (grad student)
Robert Glaser19701971 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (post-doc), Robert Langridge (post-doc)
Benjamin J. Glasser1996 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Irvin Glassmanfuel burning, pollution generation by mobile and stationary power plants, jet propulsion engines, incineration, soot formation, supercritical fuel reactions and synthesis of high temperature refractory materials
Nathaniel J. GleasonChemical Engineering, Cell Biology, Biochemistry2004 Jeffrey Carbeck (grad student)
Rolf Gleiterorganic chemistry19651966 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (post-doc)
Abigail T. GoSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2008 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Brian C. Goess Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
Jonathan M GoldbergInorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry2017 John T. Groves (post-doc)
Jonas I. Goldsmith fuel cells, batteries, and molecular assemblies for molecular electronics Chemistry20042005 Stefan Bernhard (post-doc)
George Gorinchemical information1949 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student), Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
Bradley James Gorsline20132015 Brad P. Carrow (research assistant)
Shyamaprosad Goswami Chemistry19891992 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
Sharon Goswami Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Debabrata GoswamiUltrafast nonlinear spectroscopy19881994 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
David J GosztolaSpectroscopy, Electrochemistry Chemistry19881990 Thomas G. Spiro (post-doc)
Paul Gottung Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1978 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Chrysanthos E. Gounaris2008 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Dimitris A. Gousis Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering19861991 Sau-Hai (Harvey) Lam (research scientist)
Ananth Govind RajanSurfaces and interfaces, nanotechnology, atomistic simulations Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering20192020 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Yogesh Goyal"Chemical Engineering, Quantitative Biology"20122017 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Sidhartha GoyalBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics2009 Ned S. Wingreen (grad student)
William W. GraessleyPolymers
Thomas H. GrahamMedicinal Chemistry Chemistry20062008 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Edwin H. Grant Aeronautical Engeering1963 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Kimberly S. Graves Chemistry20092014 John T. Groves (grad student)
Mark M. GreenPolymer Chemistry1966 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
Thomas GregorBiophysics, Developmental Biology20032005 David W. Tank (grad student), Eric F. Wieschaus (grad student), Rob de Ruyter van Steveninck (grad student), William Bialek (grad student)
Vasilis Gregorioumaterial science, polymers, vibrational spectroscopy Chemisrty19931994 Thomas G. Spiro (post-doc)
Zeev GrossInorganic Chemistry John T. Groves (post-doc)
Robert B. GrossmanSynthetic Organic Chemistry1987 Robert Anthony Pascal Jr. (research assistant)
John T. GrovesBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Yansong Gu1995 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Luis T. GuerraBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology Chemistry2013 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Carlos A. GuerreroChemical synthesis; synthesis-oriented organic chemistry; methods development; synthesis design; total synthesis of natural products20082011 Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
Calin C. Guetcollective behavior of biomolecules, cells and organisms2004 Stanislas Leibler (grad student)
Xin Guisolid state chemistry Chemistry20202022 Robert J. Cava (post-doc)
Zeynep H. Gumus2003 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Jing Guo2005 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
J. Devens GustOrganic Chemistry, Photochemistry, Artificial Photosynthesis1974 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
Sha HaChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2002 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Gilbert Pierce Haight1947 Nathaniel Howell Furman (grad student)
George Dawson HalseySurface chemistry1948 Henry Eyring (grad student), Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Brian K. Hamiltonpolymer films2003 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Andrew D. Hamiltonchemical biology
Alexandria Hammons2013 Mala Murthy (grad student)
Nicholas J. Handbacterial genetics2002 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
N. Bruce Hannay1944 Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
Thomas J. Hanrattyturbulent fluid dynamics1953 Richard H. Wilhelm (grad student)
Eric L. Hansoninterface chemistry2004 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Balasubramanian Harishmacromolecular interactions Chemistry2015 Jannette R. Carey (grad student)
Jill R. Harperbacterial genetics2001 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Preston M. HarrisPhysical chemistry, crystallography19301932 William Theodore Richards (post-doc)
James F. HarrisonQuantum Chemistry1966 Leland C. Allen (grad student)
David T. Harrje Aeronautical Engineeing1953 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Klaus S. Hartke1959 Edward Curtis Taylor (research assistant)
Edmund Newton Harveybioluminescence
M.M. Faruque Hasan Chemical Engineering20112014 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Alexander Haseloer Frick Chemistry Laboratory20222024 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Tama HassonCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry1991 Thomas E. Shenk (grad student)
John (Woody) Woodland Hastingscircadian clock controls1951 Edmund Newton Harvey (grad student)
Harold W. Hatchcondensed matter Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Joanna E. HayeCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Molecular Biology2014 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Michael A. Haywardsolid state chemistry Chemistry Robert J. Cava (post-doc)
Anirban HazraTheoretical and computational chemistry, physical chemistry19992005 Marcel A.Th.F. Nooijen (grad student)
Tao Hesolid state chemistry2002 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Michael H. HechtSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease
Owen J. Hehmeyertheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials2007 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
George Heinsohn1974 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Gladstone Bering HeisigInorganic Chemistry1931 Lauder William Jones (grad student)
Miroslav Hejnastatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory Physics Physics2013 Salvatore Torquato (grad student), Paul J. Steinhardt (grad student)
Jeremiah S. HelmChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2004 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
James W. Herndon Chemistry19791983 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Amber M. Hibberddynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces2011 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Leo J. HickeyPaleobotany, Geochemistry1967 Erling Dorf (grad student)
Douglas A. Higginsmolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication2009 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Richard Keith HillOrganic Chemistry
Curtis W. Hillegasultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2002 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Gerhard Hilt19961998 Martin F. Semmelhack (post-doc)
Joseph O. Hirschfeldertheoretical chemistry1936 Eugene Paul Wigner (grad student), Henry Eyring (grad student), Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Gregory S. Hotheoretical chemistry2008 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
David Lance Hockercomputational neuroscience, quantum control, Bose-einstein condensates chemistry20092016 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Kenric Joseph Hoeglermicrobiology, metals, metalloproteins, proteins, synthetic, resistance, e. coli, molecular biology, biochemistry, copper Molecular Biology20112016 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Heinrich D. Hollandgeochemistry
Patrick L. Hollandtransition-metal complexes Martin F. Semmelhack (research assistant)
William S. HollowayGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Katherine L. Holmansolid state chemistry2008 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Matt Holt2014 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)
Bingbing Hongtheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Richard J. Hooley2004 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Donald F. HornigPhysical chemistry
Benjamin Drew Horning Chemistry2012 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
William DeW. Horrocksbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry
John F. Hoskinorganic chemistry Chemistry Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Weiyi Houelectronic structure and molecular dynamics simulations Chemistry2014 Annabella Selloni (grad student)
Mike Howard
Michael Hsieh Chemistry2008 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Andrew Hsieh Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Liang-Yan Hsutheoretical chemistry, chemical physics Chemistry20102015 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Yanan HuChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2004 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Zhengbo Hu John T. Groves (post-doc)
KC HuangCellular Organization20042008 Ned S. Wingreen (post-doc)
Haifeng Huangphysical chemistry2009 Kevin K. Lehmann (grad student)
Chen Huangtheoretical chemistry2011 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Kuan HuangClimate Change, Marine and Ocean Engineering Geosciences2013 Michael L Bender (grad student)
Claude Silbert Hudsoncarbohydrate chemistry1907 Elmer Howard Loomis (research assistant), William Francis Magie (grad student)
Frederick M. Hughsonintracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication
Jason Huhnstructural and molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis2008 Yigong Shi (grad student)
George Augustus HulettPhysical chemistry
Linda Hungtheoretical chemistry2011 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Julianne Hunt John T. Groves (post-doc)
Charles De Witt HurdPyrolysis of Carbon Compounds1921 Lauder William Jones (grad student)
George Caleb HurttEnvironmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture1997 Stephen Wilson Pacala (grad student)
James T. Hynestheoretical chemistry1969 John M. Deutch (grad student)
Todd K. Hyster Chemistry20132015 Frances H. Arnold (post-doc)
Nina Høyland-Kroghsbo20152018 Bonnie L. Bassler (post-doc)
Yesim IgciGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics2011 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Karl Heinz IllingerPhysical chemistry, chemical physics1960 Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
Irena IvanovskaCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2000 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Cornelius F. IvoryChemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry1980 Robert Lyman Bratzler (grad student)
James E. (Ned) JacksonPhysical Organic Chemistry1987 Maitland Jones, Jr. (grad student), Leland C. Allen (grad student)
Peter A. JacobiNatural product synthesis, synthetic methodology, heterocyclic chemistry1973 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
Marla Jalbut2013 Thomas W. Muir (research assistant)
Hasan JameelWood Technology Agriculture, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering1980 Ludwig Rebenfeld (grad student)
Chris Jamison Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Christopher Robert Jamison Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Linda Jan Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Stacy L. Janak2007 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Jaewan Jang2023 Jose L. Avalos (post-doc)
Vasanthi Jayaramanmembrane proteins, glutamate receptors, ligand gated ion channels19901995 Thomas G. Spiro (grad student)
Charles W. JeffordCarbenes, singlet oxygen, small rings, cyclic peroxides, indolizidines, sphingosines, ?-amino acids and their ?-hydroxy derivatives. Molecular modeling. Peroxidic antimalarials. 1962 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
Jenna Jeffrey David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Dustin M. JenkinsInorganic Chemistry2011 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Nakcheol Jeong1987 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Huiwen Jisolid state chemistry Chemistry2014 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Yanyu JiaCondensed Matter Experiment Physics Sanfeng Wu (grad student)
Fangfang JiangMechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering2006 Garry Leslie Brown (grad student)
Yu Jiangbio-organic chemistry2003 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Yang Jiaostatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2010 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Ning JinBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2007 John T. Groves (grad student)
Granton Jindal Department of Molecular Biology20132017 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student), Rebecca D. Burdine (grad student)
Gyan Prakash JohariPhysical chemistry, glass chemistry, materials science19681969 Charles Phelps Smyth (post-doc)
Richard R. John Aeronautical Engeering1957 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Michael C. Johnson Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Frank H. Johnsonbioluminescence1936 Edmund Newton Harvey (grad student)
Amanda C. JonesRapid-Injection NMR, Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry 2001 Maitland Jones, Jr. (research assistant)
Lauder William Jonesorganic chemistry
Spencer Brian Jones2011 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Casey M. Jonesinterface chemistry2010 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Maitland Jones, Jr.chemistry of reactive intermediates
Richard F. Jordansynthetic and mechanistic organometallic chemistry1981 Jack Richard Norton (grad student)
William L. Jorgensencomputational chemistry and molecular design19701971 Leland C. Allen (research assistant)
Jean JouzelEnvironmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Atmospheric Sciences
Richard JudsonBioinformatics, Chemistry, Toxicology Chemistry Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Nathan T. Jui20052011 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Daniel E. Kahnemolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics
Bart Kahrchemical crystallography Chemistry19831988 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
Julia A. Kalow Chemistry20082013 Abigail Doyle (grad student)
Aarat P Kalraprotein polymers, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biophotonics, bioelectronics Chemistry Molecular Biology20212023 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc), Sabine Petry (collaborator)
Yosuke KanaiTheoretical/Computational Chemistry, First-Principles Electronic Structure Theory, First Principles Molecular Dynamics, Computational Materials Chemistry and Physics, Surface Reactions2006 Roberto Car (grad student), Annabella Selloni (grad student)
Dalal K. Kanantheoretical chemistry Chemistry2013 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Jitendra Shrawan Kanodia Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Anuraag R. Kansalstatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2002 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Nancy Wangechi KaruriBioengineering20052009 Jean Schwarzbauer (post-doc), Jeffrey Schwartz (post-doc)
Takashi Kashiwagi Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1970 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Matthew H. KatcherMedicinal chemistry, organic synthesis Chemistry20082013 Abigail Doyle (grad student)
Walter Kauzmannphysical chemistry and biochemistry1940 Henry Eyring (grad student)
Ajay Kayalbionorganic chemistry2002 Sonny C. Lee (grad student)
Jung-Min Kee20082014 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Kate A. Keetselectrochemistry, fuel cells Chemistry2011 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Timothy A. KeiderlingPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry1974 Elliot R. Bernstein (grad student)
John A. KeithComputational chemistry, catalysis20102013 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Rodney E. KellemsBiochemistry1974 Ronald Anatole Butow (grad student)
Gerta KellerGeology, Geochemistry, Paleontology
Sarah L. Kellerlipid membrane biophysics1995 Sol M. Gruner (grad student)
Michael T. Kelly Chemistry19931997 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Robert C. Kelly2009 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
Eric P. KelsonInorganic Chemistry Chemistry19931995 John T. Groves (post-doc)
Hsien-Liang Ker2002 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Dorine Keustersultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2003 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Waheeda A. KhalfanCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2001 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Peter G. Khalifahsolid state chemistry2001 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Jason F. KhourySolid State Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics Chemistry20202023 Leslie M. Schoop (post-doc)
So Youn Kimcolloids polymer Chemical Engineering20122014 Richard A. Register (post-doc)
Jimin Kimcomplex chemical synthesis2010 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Woojin KimSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2007 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Yoosik Kim Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
George E. KimballTheoretical Chemistry1932 Henry Eyring (grad student)
Erin E. Kimballfuel cells2010 Jay B. Benziger (grad student), Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Harry F. KingPhysical Chemistry1960 Donald F. Hornig (grad student)
Brent W. Kirbyelectrochemistry, fuel cells2008 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
douglas b kitchencomputational chemistry, medicinal chemistry Chemistry19821987 Leland C. Allen (grad student)
John L. Klepeis2002 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Tomasz Klimczuksuperconductivity, new materials Chemistry20032005 Robert J. Cava (post-doc)
Paul Knochelorganic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis and natural product synthesis1987 Martin F. Semmelhack (post-doc)
Robert R. Knowlesselective catalysis
Hsin-Yu KoComputational Chemistry, Condensed-Phase Materials, High-Performance Computing Chemistry20122019 Roberto Car (grad student)
Bruce E. Koelsurface chemistry
Antonis Kokossis Chemical Engineering Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Peter A. Kollmancomputational chemistry, molecular modeling and bioinformatics1970 Leland C. Allen (grad student)
Ha Eun Kong2013 Thomas W. Muir (research assistant)
Sibel Korkut2008 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Thomas W. KornackAtomic Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Michael V. Romalis (grad student)
Maria KorolevSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease Chemistry2013 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Cassandra A. Korsvikbacterial genetics Molecular Biology2014 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Franklin Kosdon Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1965 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Morton D. KostinThermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Andreas KourouklisBiophysics, Soft materials
John J. Kozak19611965 Walter Kauzmann (grad student)
Anne M. Kraepieltransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury2000 François M. M. Morel (grad student)
Kelly C. KrantzMolecular Biology2008 Hays S. Rye (grad student)
Brian C. Kraybillsignal transduction pathways in cells and whole organisms19951999 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Samuel Krimmstructures and vibrational spectroscopic properties of macromolecules1950 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Katharina Krischerself-organization in physical and physicochemical systems; electrocatalysis Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (post-doc)
Ramanan KrishnamoortiPolymers, Nanotechnology, Energy1994 William W. Graessley (grad student)
J. KrishnanComplex / Multi-scale Systems Modeling and Computation; Process Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation; Fuel Cell Engineering; Nonlinear System Identification and Control2001 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Anthony Y. Ku2004 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Greg Kubasdihydrogen complexes, inorganic chemistry1972 Thomas G. Spiro (post-doc)
Naminosuke Kubota Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1973 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Bryan KudischUltrafast spectroscopy Department of Chemistry20152020 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
J. Laurence KulpGeochemistry1945 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Irwin D. Tack Kuntzdetermination of protein structure in solution, fast folding processes in proteins, and structure based molecular design
Kenneth K. KuoMechanical Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering19671971 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Lubomyr Kurylko Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1967 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Gerd N. La Mar1964 Leland C. Allen (grad student), William DeW. Horrocks (grad student)
Jay A. Labinger1975 Jeffrey Schwartz (post-doc)
Brian Ngo Laforteza Chemistry2012 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Dorothee E. LahayeBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2005 John T. Groves (grad student)
Keith James LaidlerPhysical chemistry1940 Henry Eyring (grad student)
Richard Warren LaityProperties of molten salts ; electrochemistry ; irreversible thermodynamics
Sau-Hai (Harvey) Lam Aeronautical Engineering1958 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Frederick Lambert20122014 Abigail Doyle (grad student)
Koop LammertsmaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry1981 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (post-doc)
Robert W. Lancaster Aeronautical Engeering1961 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
John F. Lane1941 Everett Stanley Wallis (grad student)
Robert LangridgeMolecular Graphics
Kelly LaRue2011 Mala Murthy (grad student)
John V. LaTourmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2004 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Cindy Y. Laupolymer films Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Fion K. Laubacterial genetics2008 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Laurence Lavellehost-guest chemistry, the periodic table, DNA and RNA stability and structure, and virus stability and self-assembly1996 Jacques R. Fresco (grad student)
James H. LeathemReproductive Endocrinology1937 Wilbur Willis Swingle (grad student)
Micah LedbetterAtomic Physics2005 Michael V. Romalis (grad student)
Gihoon LeeChemical biology Chemistry2019 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Teresa Lee Chemistry2021 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Tu Lee2000 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Jim H. Lee2002 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Sau L. Leecondensed matter2006 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Li-Bong W. LeePolymeric materials2004 Richard A. Register (grad student)
Joshua A. Leesintracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication2010 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
Karin K. LehmannAnalytical Chemistry
Stanislas Leiblercollective behavior of biomolecules, cells and organisms
ArDean G LeithBiophysics, Cell Biology, Biological Visualization, Computer Science19701972 Malcolm Steinberg (research assistant)
Aditya Dilip Lele Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2021 Yiguang Ju (post-doc)
Jessica Lembong2009 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Philip J. Lenarttheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials2007 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Derrick H. Lenzmolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication2006 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Alessandra C. Leri environmental geochemistry2007 Satish C. B. Myneni (grad student)
Jeffrey C. Lermanintracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication2002 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
George Edgar Leroimolecular spectroscopy
Gary Leroy20092012 Benjamin Garcia (post-doc)
Samuel Gale Levine Chemistry Edward C. Kendall (post-doc)
Ian A. LewisNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Manuel Llinás (post-doc)
Lesheng Lifirst-principle, materials science, solid state physics Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2018 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Nannan Li
Zukui LiIndustrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Operations Research Chemical Engineering20102012 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Jie Li Chemical Engineering20092011 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Ximing Li
Xi Li
Chunqiang Liultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2006 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Baiqing Litheoretical chemistry2005 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Zhu Lidrug discovery2008 Jeffry B. Stock (grad student)
Zhaofeng Liatomistic and the electronic structure and dynamics in materials Physics2012 Roberto Car (grad student)
Gang Li Chemistry20152019 John T. Groves (post-doc)
Kung-Ching Liaointerface chemistry Chemistry20082012 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Peilin Liaotheoretical chemistry Chemistry2012 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Albert J. Libchabernonlinear dynamics, Fluid turbulence, Biophysics, artificial life, the origin of life, and some physical aspects of cell biology
Meghan E. Liebelectrochemistry, fuel cells Chemistry2011 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Joel LiebmanComputational Chemistry19671970 Leland C. Allen (grad student)
Vincent L. Lignerestheoretical chemistry2008 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Bomyi Lim20102015 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student), Michael Levine (post-doc)
Charles P. Lin19861989 Warren S. Warren (post-doc)
Tomas Robert LindahlDNA Repair, Genomic Stability, Mutagenesis, Jacques R. Fresco (post-doc)
Ulrich A. Linderschmidt1999 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
A. James Linkprotein engineering, natural products
Patrick Linke Antonis Kokossis (grad student)
Natalia V. Lisitzaultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2003 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Shawn C. LittleDevelopmental Biology20092016 Eric F. Wieschaus (post-doc), Thomas Gregor (post-doc)
Zhihua LiuChemistry, Chemical Biology
Ping LiuComplex / Multi-scale Systems Modeling and Computation; Process Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation; Fuel Cell Engineering; Nonlinear System Identification and Control Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Henry C. Liuultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2009 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Junjia Liucomplex chemical synthesis Chemistry2012 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Yi Liu Chemistry19941998 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Manuel Llinás
Mei-Chu LoChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2000 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Steve Lockless Chemistry20072009 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Peter N. LoezosGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics2003 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Thomas G. Lombardocondensed matter2010 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Tao LongBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics2010 Ned S. Wingreen (grad student)
Yueh-Lin (Lynn) LooOrganic and Polymer Electronics2001 Richard A. Register (grad student)
Glen R. LoppnowPhysical Chemistry19901993 Thomas G. Spiro (post-doc)
Jenna L. Loshtransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury Geosciences2013 François M. M. Morel (grad student)
Michael S. LowryInorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Optics Physics2006 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Robert P. Lucchesi Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Leo A. Lukenas Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1967 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Minkui LuoBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2005 John T. Groves (grad student)
Hang-Shing Ma2002 George W. Scherer (grad student)
Rachel MacCoss Chemistry20052007 Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
Bruce W. MacDonald Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1972 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Edward Mack1916 George Augustus Hulett (grad student)
William J. MacKnightPolymer Chemistry1964 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
David W.C. MacMillanOrganic Synthesis, enantioselective catalysis
Damian MadanMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2007 Hays S. Rye (grad student)
John Lafayette MageeChemical physics, radiation chemistry Henry Eyring (post-doc)
Shawn Maguire Chemical and Biological Engineering2021 Emily C Davidson (post-doc)
Dwight A. Mahaffy Aeronautical Engeering1955 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Nate Mahynski
Rahul MaitraQuantum Chemistry Chemistry Garnet K.L. Chan (post-doc)
Paul Majsztrik Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Tobias Malle20102010 Benjamin Garcia (post-doc)
Mark J. Mandelbacterial genetics2005 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Sriram ManivannanTissue Morphodynamics Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Celeste M. Nelson (grad student)
Costas Maranas Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Christos T. Maraveliasprocess systems engineering
Etienne Marcottestatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory Physics2013 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Andrew P. MarencicPolymeric materials2011 Richard A. Register (grad student)
Kristen A. Marinotheoretical chemistry2009 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Rob Marmion Genomics Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Maurice A. Marsini Chemistry Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
James Grubbs MartinSynthetic Organic Chemistry1960 Richard Keith Hill (grad student)
Stephen F. MartinNatural Product Synthesis1972 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
Adam C. MartinDevelopment2010 Eric F. Wieschaus (post-doc)
David B. C. MartinOrganic synthesis20112013 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Ryan J Martiniemetalloenzymes, bioinorganic chemistry, natural products Chemistry20182021 Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (post-doc)
John Mark P Martirezcomputational chemistry Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2015 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Cynthia A Maryanofforganic chemistry Chemistry19721976 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
Thomas G. MasonMicrorheology, nanomaterials1995 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Anthony Mastracchio2010 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Dina P. MatheosCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2003 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Joanna M. MathisCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2005 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
F. Al MatsenTheoretical Chemistry1940 Henry Eyring (grad student)
Edward N. Matteo2011 George W. Scherer (grad student)
George Matthews Aeronautical Engineering1957 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Jonathan C. MattinglyMathematics, Biochemistry Mathematics19941998 Yakov Sinai (grad student)
Henry Mattingly20122017 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
David Arthur Mazziottitheoretical chemistry20002001 Herschel A. Rabitz (post-doc)
Robert F. McAlevy Aeronautical Engeering1961 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Michael C. McAlpinenanotechnology
Matthew F McCaberemote sensing, water security, precision agriculture, climate impacts, UAVs Civil and Environmental Engineering20032006 Eric Franklin Wood (post-doc)
Andrew C. McCandlishbacterial genetics2006 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Leroy Wiley McCay
William E. McClaininterface chemistry Chemistry2014 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Donald S. McClurespectroscopy, transition metal systems
Neal D. McDanielPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2010 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
William D. McElroybioluminescence1943 Edmund Newton Harvey (grad student)
Stephen J. McGovern Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Larry V. McIntirebioengineering applications in vascular biology, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and inflammation1970 William R. Schowalter (grad student)
John McIntyre Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1964 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Hugh A. McKenziemilk proteins1949 John Turkevich (post-doc), Hugh Stott Taylor (post-doc)
Angela F. McKoySynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2011 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Douglas D. McLeodcomplex chemical synthesis2010 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Conor T. McMahonintracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication Molecular Biology2014 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
Edwin M. McMillanNuclear chemistry19291933 Edward Condon (grad student), Charles Thomas Zahn (grad student)
Scott A. McMurrymolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2006 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Andrew McNally Chemistry20082011 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Kelsey M. McNeelyBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology2010 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Tristram C. McPherson2008 Michael T. Kelly (grad student)
Courtney F. McQueenBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2010 John T. Groves (grad student)
Tyrel M. McQueenSolid State and Inorganic Chemistry / Condensed Matter Physics2009 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Keith Meintjes Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1975 Sin-I Cheng (grad student)
Hongbin MenChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2001 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Xiaoxia Mengpolymer films2003 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Ravi S. MenonNeuroimaging, MRI David W. Tank (research scientist)
Alan W. C. Menzies
Craig A. Merlicorganic and organometallic chemistry Martin F. Semmelhack (post-doc)
Jack Merrincollective behavior of biomolecules, cells and organisms2006 Stanislas Leibler (grad student)
Anthony J. MetranoOrganic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Computational Chemistry Chemistry2017 Robert R. Knowles (post-doc)
Clifford Meyer Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Michael M. MicciAerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics Physics Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1981 Martin Summerfield (grad student), William A. Sirignano (grad student)
Jeffrey D. Mighioncomplex chemical synthesis Chemistry2014 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Virginia L. Millersolid state chemistry2006 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Delia J. MillironInorganic materials, Nanoscience19961999 Jeffrey Schwartz (research assistant)
Carsten MilsmannInorganic Chemistry, Photochemistry Chemistry Chemistry20182019 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc), Gregory D. Scholes (collaborator)
Ruth Misener Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Manoj K. Mishra Chemistry19841986 Herschel A. Rabitz (post-doc)
Kurt M. Mislowtheoretical concepts in stereochemistry
Mahim Misra Chemical and Biological Engineering20112016 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Charles E. Mitchell Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1967 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Abhra Mitratheoretical chemistry2008 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Suzanne M. Moeller QuintavallaBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2004 John T. Groves (grad student)
David A. MoffetSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2002 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Kenny C. Mokmolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication2004 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Rosalynn C. MoldenEpigenetics Chemistry20092014 Benjamin Garcia (grad student)
Jamil A Momandtumor suppressors, oncogenes, cancer, bioinformatics Molecular Biology19891992 Arnold Levine (post-doc)
Anirban MondalComputational materials chemistry20192020 Anastasios Angelopoulos (post-doc)
Michael MonineComputational biology and cell signaling20042005 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Rodolfo Monti Aeronautical Engineering1961 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Kyuho Moon20162020 Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (post-doc)
Walter John MoorePhysical Chemistry1940 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Katharine W. Mooretheoretical chemistry Chemistry2012 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Henning D. Mootz
Laurence Moran19681974 Bruce Alberts (grad student)
Carolyn J. Mordaselectrochemistry, fuel cells2005 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Robert J. Moreaucomplex chemical synthesis Chemistry2012 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
François M. M. Moreltransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury
Paolo Moreschiniphysical chemistry2007 Kevin K. Lehmann (grad student)
Robert M. MoriartyOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry Everett Stanley Wallis (grad student)
David R. MorrisRegulation of mRNA translation19641966 Arthur B. Pardee (post-doc)
J. Carrell Morrissanitary chemistry1938 Robert N. Pease (grad student)
Amanda J. Morrisphotocatalysis, photovoltaics, metal organic frameworks Chemistry20092011 Andrew B. Bocarsly (post-doc)
George Harold Morrison1948 Nathaniel Howell Furman (grad student)
Joseph A. Morroneatomistic and the electronic structure and dynamics in materials2008 Roberto Car (grad student)
Nick J. Mosey Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
William J. Most Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1969 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Anahita Mostafavi20112013 Jerry M. Troutman (grad student)
Cornelius T. Moynihan1965 Richard Warren Laity (grad student)
Lukas F MuechlerMaterials, Quantum Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics Chemistry20132018 Roberto Car (grad student)
Thomas W. Muirphysiochemical basis of protein function
Chitsomanus P. MuneepeerakulEnvironmental Engineering, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry2010 Ronacio Rodriguez-Iturbe (grad student)
Maria Muniz
Ana Belén Muñoz Garcíacomputational chemistry, materials science Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering20112012 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Mary Munsonmembrane trafficking, protein biochemistry, structural biology Molecular Biology19962001 Frederick M. Hughson (post-doc)
Richard J. Murad Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1970 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Caroline M. Murira2010 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Nebojsa Murisic Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Patricia Z. Musacchio20122017 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Satish C. B. Mynenienvironmental geochemistry
David A. Nagiborganic chemistry, radicals2011 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Sonia Naidu Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 George W. Scherer (grad student)
Joonwoo Nammolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2004 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Chayan Kanti NandiPhysical chemistry, nanochemistry20092010 Haw Yang (post-doc)
Alexandra NavrotskyMaterials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, thermodynamics
Matthew Naylor Chemistry20072014 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Rose S. Ndongpolymer films Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Jamie M. Neely Chemistry2014 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Russell S. NeginGeneral Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry2003 Jeffrey Carbeck (grad student)
James P. Nehlsenfuel cells2006 Jay B. Benziger (grad student), Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Celeste M. NelsonTissue Morphodynamics
Ilya Mark Nemenmantheoretical biophysics19982001 William Bialek (grad student)
Ronny NeumannOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry John T. Groves (post-doc)
George R. NewkomeMolecular Chemistry Richard Keith Hill (post-doc)
Samuel H. Newman-StonebrakerOrganometallic Chemistry
Andy K Nguy2017 Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (grad student)
Uyen Nguyen2009 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Thanh D. Nguyennanotechnology Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2013 Michael C. McAlpine (grad student)
Ellazar V. Niangarelectrochemistry, fuel cells2011 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
David A. NicewiczSynthetic Organic Chemistry, Enantioselective Catalysis, Natural Product Synthesis20072009 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Daniel Nielsen20082013 Abigail Doyle (grad student)
Djordje L. NikolicChemical Engineering, Cell Biology, Materials Science Engineering2006 Jeffrey Carbeck (grad student)
Adam Noble Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Ilana M. Nodelmanstructures and roles of actin-binding proteins2001 Clarence E. Schutt (grad student)
Leslie K. Norford1984 Robert H. Socolow (grad student)
Jack Richard Nortonorganometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry
Daniel Andre NovoaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20162021 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student), David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Kenneth F. O'Driscollpolymer research1959 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Jessica O'Hara Molecular Biology2013 Manuel Llinás (grad student)
Colleen T. O'Loughlinmolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication Molecular Biology2014 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Adam Obersteinstructural and molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis2010 Yigong Shi (grad student)
Alejandro Ochoa Molecular Biology2013 Manuel Llinás (grad student)
Thomas J. Ohlemiller Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1969 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Kellen L. Olszewski2011 Manuel Llinás (grad student)
Tullis C. OnstottBiogeochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Geochemistry
T.C OnstottBiogeochemistry, Geochemistry
Hans-Hartwig Otto19811982 Edward Curtis Taylor (post-doc)
Karl D. OylerInorganic Chemistry2007 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Sehmus OzdenNanotechnology, Materials Science, Chemistry, Polymer Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Chem Craig B. Arnold (post-doc), Rodney D. Priestley (post-doc), Ayhan Bozkurt (grad student)
Jon E. Paczkowski Molecular Biology Bonnie L. Bassler (post-doc)
Rebecca Page2000 Clarence E. Schutt (grad student)
Shuyang Pan Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Si J. Panprotein engineering, natural products Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 A. James Link (grad student)
Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulostheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials
Vijay S. Pandetheoretical methods to understand the physical properties of biological molecules19881992 Philip Warren Anderson (research assistant)
Grace B. Panetti Chemistry Chemistry2021 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc), Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Peter Pang
Jong Duk ParkNatural products, Small molecules, MicroED Chemistry20182023 Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (grad student)
Jaiwook ParkOrganometallics19821987 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Kim H. Parker Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1966 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Arthur K. ParpartErythrocyte physiology
Brooks H. Paterotational spectroscopy, instrument development, physical chemistry1992 Kevin K. Lehmann (grad student), Giacinto Scoles (grad student)
Shona C. PatelSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2008 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
William W. Paudler Edward Curtis Taylor (post-doc)
Alex Pavon John T. Groves (post-doc)
Robert N. Peasecombustion and chemical kinetics1921 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student), Alan W. C. Menzies (grad student)
Leonard F. Peasepolymer films2005 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Mark W. PeczuhOrganic chemistry, biochemistry, carbohydrates
Kuba Pekalski
Thomas L. Pengdynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces2008 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Arie Peretz Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1973 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Kevin S. PetersOrganic Reaction Dynamics1977 Meredithe Lee Applebury (post-doc)
Celeste N. Petersonbacterial genetics2006 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Meghan B. Peterson Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Phong Van PhamTotal Synthesis and Green Catalysis2010 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Peter J. Photoscell biophysics and polymer engineering Chemical Engineering T. Kyle Vanderlick (post-doc)
Pablo M Piaggi
Simone Piccininatomistic and the electronic structure and dynamics in materials2006 Roberto Car (grad student)
Louis H. Pignolet1969 William DeW. Horrocks (grad student)
Daniel L. Pike Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1971 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Michael Pirnot Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Mariana D. Plazas-MayorcaEpigenetics20082010 Benjamin Garcia (grad student)
Audra J. Pompeanimolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication2009 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Michael A. Pope Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Emmanuel N. PothosNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Physiology, Obesity19881994 Bart G. Hoebel (grad student)
Richard E. Powellchemical kinetics and the chemistry of nitrogen1942 Henry Eyring (grad student)
John M. PrausnitzMolecular thermodynamics of phase equilibria1956 Richard H. Wilhelm (grad student)
Richard E. Preston Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Michal Pribyl2002 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Chris Prier Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Christopher Keltie Prier Chemistry2014 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Rodney D. Priestleypolymeric materials
Ronald F. Probstein1952 Lester Lees (grad student)
Robert K. Prud'hommerheology and self-assembly of complex fluids
Mrinalini Puranik20012004 Thomas G. Spiro (post-doc)
Jeffrey D. QuinnPolymeric materials2008 Richard A. Register (grad student)
John A. QuinnMembrane Science and Engineering1958 Leon Lapidus (grad student), Joseph C. Elgin (grad student)
Joshua D. Rabinowitzcellular metabolism
Herschel A. Rabitztheoretical chemistry
T. P. Radhakrishnan1987 Zoltán G. Soos (grad student)
Karthikeyan RajendranComplex / Multi-scale Systems Modeling and Computation; Process Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation; Fuel Cell Engineering; Nonlinear System Identification and Control Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Rohit Rajgaria2009 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Ushnish Rana
Shahnawaz Rafiq RatherPhysical chemistry, laser spectroscopy20152020 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
George B. RathmannBiotechnology1952 Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
Fred Reardon Aeronautical Engineering1961 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Marshall L. Reavescellular metabolism Molecular Biology2013 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Ludwig Rebenfeld1955 John H Dillon (grad student)
Keith P. Rebercomplex chemical synthesis Chemistry2012 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Mikael C. Rechtsmanstatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2008 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Gregory T. Reeves2008 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Kimberly A. Regansolid state chemistry2006 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Richard A. RegisterPolymeric materials
Donald L. Reid Aeronautical Engeering1957 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Heinrich Reidelbach Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1975 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Paul Reider
Charles N. Reilleyanalytical chemistry1952 Nathaniel Howell Furman (grad student)
Wes Reinhart
Lina A. ReissAuditory system, cochlear implants19961997 Michael Graziano (research assistant)
Sydney H. Reiter Aeronautical Engeering1954 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Yi Ren2009 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
Sebastian Rendler20082010 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Moshe Ben Reuven Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1979 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Hakjune Rhee1992 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Joshua A. RibackBiophysical Chemistry, Polymer Biophysics, Structural Biology2018 Clifford P. Brangwynne (post-doc)
Francesco Ricci Chemical Engineering20102016 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Dante P. Riccibacterial genetics Molecular Biology2012 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
William Theodore RichardsPhysical chemistry, acoustics
Colleen Richardson2016 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Frederick S. Richardson1966 Walter Kauzmann (grad student)
Brian C. Richardson2009 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
Job RijssenbeekEnergy Storage, lithium19971998 Robert J. Cava (research assistant)
William D. Ristenpart2005 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Christopher Roberts Chemical Engineering19941999 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Kenton R. RodgersBiochemistry Chemistry19891993 Thomas G. Spiro (post-doc)
Ronacio Rodriguez-IturbeEnvironmental Engineering, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry
Nyrissa S. Rogadosolid state chemistry2003 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Lockhart Burgess Rogersanalytical chemistry1942 Earle Radcliffe Caley (grad student)
Michael V. RomalisPhysical Chemistry, Optics Physics1997 Gordon D. Cates (grad student)
Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrilloncondensed matter Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Mark D. RoseCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Andrew S. RosenComputational materials design and discovery
James E. RothmanSecretion, membrane fusion
John H. RoudebushMaterial Chemistry20112013 Robert J. Cava (post-doc)
Denis L. RousseauGeneral Biophysics, Medical Biophysics, Biochemistry1967 George Edgar Leroi (grad student)
Sushmita Mimi RoyProtein Design & Characterization Chemistry19921998 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Joseph D. Roy-Mayhew Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Ilhan A. Aksay (grad student)
Barrie S. H. Royce
Elena Rozhkova Chemistry John T. Groves (post-doc)
William Bailey Russelpolymer films
Hays S. RyeMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Laurine Ryono1975 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Joonjae Ryuprocess systems engineering Chemical Engineering20172022 Christos T. Maravelias (grad student)
James S.Tien Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences19661970 Martin Summerfield (grad student), Chung K. Law (grad student)
Alberto J. Sabadell Aeronautical Engeering1963 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Cole R. Sagan Chemistry Marissa L. Weichman (post-doc)
Gopalakrishnan Sai GautamComputational Materials Science, Thermodynamics, Batteries, Photovoltaics Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering20172020 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Glenn Martin SammisSynthetic Organic, Radical Methods, Fluorination20042006 Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
Edward T. SamulskiStructure and Dynamics of Liquid and Polymer Crystals 1970 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Victoria M. Sanchez Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Samantha A. Sanderstheoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Daniel Sandman19641968 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
Harold W. Sandusky Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1976 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Melanie Sarah SanfordNew Synthetic Methods, Catalysis and Asymmetric Catalysis, Organometallic Chemistry2003 John T. Groves (post-doc)
Andrew Santos
Joana Santos Manuel Llinás (post-doc)
Michael A. Saraniero1970 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
MIchele L. Sarazen
Lewis H. SarettMedicinal Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry1942 Everett Stanley Wallis (grad student)
Richmond SarpongTotal synthesis of biologically active natural products2001 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Pijus Kumar SasmalBioinorganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorthogonal Catalysis, Anticancer Agents, Antimicrobial Agents, Prodrug Activation, Drug Delivery20142015 Robert K. Prud'homme (post-doc)
Barclay Satterfield
May B. Satterfieldfuel cells2007 Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Angela L. SauersOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2006 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Anthony SauvePharmacology, Biochemistry1997 John T. Groves (grad student)
Robert F. SawyerAir pollutant formation and control, motor vehicle emissions, energy and environment, regulatory policy.1966 Irvin Glassman (grad student)
Sinclaire Scala Aeronautical Engineering1957 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Johanna M. Scarino Lemonscellular metabolism2011 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Howard K. Schachmantobacco mosaic virus1948 Max A. Lauffer (research assistant), Walter Kauzmann (grad student), Henry Eyring (grad student)
Jessica N. Schaffermolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication Molecular Biology2011 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Heather D. Schafroth2003 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Eric W. Scharpf Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
John A. SchellmanMiscellaneous studies on the solvation of macromolecules, chain statistics, optical properties of biopolymers, and the theory of polarization spectroscopy1951 Walter Kauzmann (grad student)
George W. Schererbehavior of porous materials
Margaret Scheuermann Chemistry20132015 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Domenic Schimizzi Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
H. Bernhard SchlegelTheoretical chemistry1976 Kurt M. Mislow (post-doc), Leland C. Allen (post-doc)
Danielle R. Schlesinger Department of Geosciences20152020 Satish C. B. Myneni (grad student)
Hans-Günther Schmalz Department of Chemistry19861988 Martin F. Semmelhack (post-doc)
Christopher R. Schmid1985 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Valerie A. Schmidt Chemistry2013 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Roman Schmiedphysical chemistry2006 Kevin K. Lehmann (grad student)
Wayne F.K. Schnatter1986 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Eve R. SchneiderCerebellum, Dendrites, Ion channels, Hibernation, Mechanotransduction, Development Psychology20072012 Bart G. Hoebel (grad student), Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
Blair SchoeneGeology, Geochemistry, Paleoclimate Science Samuel Anthony Bowring (grad student)
Gregory D. ScholesUltrafast electron transfer, Quantum mechanical energy transfer processes, Photosynthetic and bio-inspired solar energy conversion, Multidimensional electronic spectroscopy, Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Quantum Biology
Gregory R. Schoofs Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Leslie M. Schoopsolid state chemistry Chemistry2015 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
William R. Schowalterfluid mechanics, especially as applied to the processing of polymer melts, polymer solutions, and colloidal dispersions
Daniel P. SchragGeochemistry, Biogeochemistry
Christopher Schuster Chemistry2014 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Clarence E. Schuttstructures and roles of actin-binding proteins
Jaclyn A. Schwalmbacterial genetics Molecular Biology2012 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Jeffrey Schwartzinterface chemistry
Robert C. ScognaPolymeric materials2009 Richard A. Register (grad student)
Giacinto ScolesChemical Dynamics and Materials Science
Robert Lane Scottthermodynamic properties of binary mixtures1945 Michel Magat (grad student), Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Lawrence T. ScottOrganic Chemistry19651966 Maitland Jones, Jr. (research assistant)
John M. SebastianPolymers2001 William W. Graessley (grad student)
Manu Sebastian Mannoornanotechnology Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2014 Michael C. McAlpine (grad student)
John H. SeinfeldAtmospheric chemistry and physics1967 Leon Lapidus (grad student)
Sencer SelçukSurface Science , Theory
Rachel S. Selinskychemistry and physics of nanoscale materials Chemistry Lee Young Park (research assistant)
Annabella Sellonielectronic structure and molecular dynamics simulations
Scott J. SeltzerAtomic Physics2008 Michael V. Romalis (grad student)
Martin F. Semmelhackbio-organic chemistry
Scott P. Semproniapplication of organometallic molecules to chemical synthesis Chemistry2014 Paul J. Chirik (grad student)
Thomas Patrick Senftle Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering20152017 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Alain SevinTheoretical Chemistry19701971 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (post-doc)
Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost
Allyson E. SgroAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology20122017 Thomas Gregor (post-doc)
Joshua W. Shaevitzbiophysics
Kavita ShahDrug discovery19931999 Kevan Michael Shokat (post-doc)
Munawar A. Shaik Chemical Engineering20052007 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Yi Shao
Sahar Sharifzadehtheoretical chemistry2009 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Upma SharmaChemical Engineering, General Biophysics2006 Jeffrey Carbeck (grad student)
Manu Sharma2005 Roberto Car (grad student)
Barbara Ramsay ShawBoronated Nucleic Acids Walter Kauzmann (grad student)
Travis William Shaw Chemistry20102015 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Denis A. Shcherbakovpolymer films Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
James Shee Chemistry20112011 Andrew B. Bocarsly (research assistant)
Mitchel Ming-Chi Shenpolymer science Chemistry1963 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Shu ShenCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2008 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Vincent K. Shencondensed matter2003 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Albert ShermanTheoretical Chemistry1933 Henry Eyring (grad student)
Zane Shicondensed matter Physics2014 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Dalin Shitransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury2011 François M. M. Morel (grad student)
Junhui ShiPhysical Chemistry, Optics Physics Chemistry2013 Michael V. Romalis (grad student)
Hui-Wen Shih Chemistry2012 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Julie M. ShilaneBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2008 John T. Groves (grad student)
Roman ShimanovichBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2003 John T. Groves (grad student)
Osamu ShimomuraBiochemistry19601977 Frank H. Johnson (research scientist)
Ilgyou Shintheoretical chemistry Chemistry2013 Emily Ann Carter (grad student)
Emilee Shine Molecular Biology Bonnie L. Bassler (post-doc)
Eric N. Shiozakistructural and molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis2003 Yigong Shi (grad student)
Kevan Michael ShokatChemical Biology, Kinases, Gtpases, drug discovery
Max Shteinfuel cells2004 Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Stanislav Y. Shvartsmanquantitative analysis of development1999 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Martin Sichel Aeronautical Engineering1961 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Jay S. SiegelStereochemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Molecular Design and Synthesis Chemistry19801985 Kurt M. Mislow (grad student)
David A. Silercomplex chemical synthesis Chemistry2014 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Thomas J. Silhavybacterial genetics
Brett M. Silvermaninterface chemistry2005 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Bryon Ladd Simmons2010 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Melvin I. SimonSignal Transduction1964 Arthur B. Pardee (post-doc)
Scott Preston Simonovich Chemistry2013 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Jessica M. SinChemical physics, electronic states of conjugated polymers and ion-radical solids, paramagnetic and charge transfer excitons, one-dimensional models2002 Zoltán G. Soos (grad student)
Rakesh S. SinghChemical Physics, Physical Chemistry, Biophysics, Soft Condensed Matter Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Department of Chemistry20142016 Pablo G. Debenedetti (post-doc), Frank H. Stillinger (collaborator)
Terry E. Singleton1988 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Nicholas J. SkizimBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology Chemistry2012 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Joseph G SklarMicrobial Genetics, Microbiology Molecular Biology20032008 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
James Smadbeck Chemical and Biological Engineering2015 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Richard E. SmalleyOrganic chemistry, structural chemistry1973 Elliot R. Bernstein (grad student)
Donald Pritchard Smith
Charles Phelps Smythdielectric properties of matter
Charles Henry Smyth, Jr.petrology
Amr M. SobehPhysical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Chemistry20222027 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student), Martin C. Jonikas (grad student)
Edward I. Solomonelectronic structure of transition metal complexes1972 Donald S. McClure (grad student)
Benjamin SondayComplex / Multi-scale Systems Modeling and Computation; Process Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation; Fuel Cell Engineering; Nonlinear System Identification and Control2011 Ioannis G. Kevrekidis (grad student)
Qiuling Song20022007 Robert Anthony Pascal Jr. (grad student)
Tiancheng Song Department of Physics20212023 Sanfeng Wu (post-doc)
Zoltán G. SoosChemical physics, electronic states of conjugated polymers and ion-radical solids, paramagnetic and charge transfer excitons, one-dimensional models
Erik J. Sorensencomplex chemical synthesis
Chris E. Soteros Applied and Computational Mathematics Program1987 Carol K. Hall (grad student)
Justin R. Spaeththeoretical and computer simulation techniques for the study of properties of fluids and materials Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos (grad student)
Jillian Elyse Spangler2011 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Frank C. SpanoPhysical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics1988 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Kimberly M. Spechtmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2002 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Thomas G. SpiroBioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry
Varadharajan Srinivasanatomistic and the electronic structure and dynamics in materials2007 Roberto Car (grad student)
Anuj SrivastavaGranular and Multiphase Flow; Chemical Reactor Design, Stability, and Dynamics2002 Sankaran Sundaresan (grad student)
Erin E Stacheorganic synthesis, catalysis, polymer chemistry, sustainability
Peter J. Stangsupramolecular chemistry1969 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (post-doc)
Richard Stephen Steinmorphology of polymers19451949 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Daniel J. Steinberg
Daniel A. SteingartMaterials Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Johan A. Steinz Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1969 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Paul Stevenson20172020 Nathalie P. de Leon (post-doc)
Sabine C. Stieberapplication of organometallic molecules to chemical synthesis Chemistry2013 Paul J. Chirik (grad student)
Frank H. Stillingermolecular dynamics
Ann M. Stock Molecular Biology Chemistry19871989 Jeffry B. Stock (post-doc), Clarence E. Schutt (post-doc)
Jeffry B. Stockdrug discovery
Jeffery B. StockMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Howard Alvin StoneFluid Mechanics
Frank S. StoneSurface Science and Catalysis Hugh Stott Taylor (post-doc)
Warren C. Strahle Aeronautical Engineering1964 Luigi Crocco (grad student)
Rebecca E. Strawnmacromolecular interactions2011 Jannette R. Carey (grad student)
Jia SuBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2008 John T. Groves (grad student)
Ashwin Subramani Chemical and Biological Engineering2011 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Martin Summerfieldrocket science
Binyuan Sunmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2004 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Zhenhua Sun2010 George W. Scherer (grad student)
Nur B. SurmeliBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2009 John T. Groves (grad student)
Thomas Surrey19951997 Stanislas Leibler (post-doc)
George S Sutherland Aeronautical Engeering1956 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Holly A. Sutterlinbacterial genetics Molecular Biology2014 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Sine L. Svenningsenmolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication2008 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Kevin Sylvester Chemistry20102012 Abigail Doyle (post-doc)
Harold J. Taback Aeronautical Engeering1958 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Michiko E. Tagamolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication2003 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Phanourios Tamamis Chemical Engineering20132014 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Howe-Siang TanUltrafast Laser Spectrosocpy2003 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Meng P. Tan2009 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student), James Riley Broach (grad student)
Charles Tanfordprotein stability and the hydrophobic effect1947 Robert N. Pease (grad student)
David W. TankNeural Circuit Dynamics
Franklin (Feng) Taochemistry and structure of the catalyst surfaces2006 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Feng Taodynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces2006 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Peter B. TarsaAnalytical Chemistry2004 Karin K. Lehmann (grad student)
Hugh Stott TaylorPhysical Chemistry
Edward Curtis Taylornatural product chemistry
Ellison Hall Taylorphysical chemistry1938 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Shu-Wen TengBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics2010 Ned S. Wingreen (grad student), Nai Phuan Ong (grad student), Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Dasan Thamattoor Maitland Jones, Jr. (grad student)
Conor Thomas2015 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
Sara A. Thomas Department of Geosciences20172020 Satish C. B. Myneni (post-doc)
Peifang Tianultrafast laser spectroscopy or nuclear magnetic resonance2003 Warren S. Warren (grad student)
Jyoti R. TibrewalaBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2010 John T. Groves (grad student)
Neena K. TierneyPolymeric materials2001 Richard A. Register (grad student)
Stanley D. TilleyOrganic, Bioorganic, and Materials Chemistry
Leonard L. TinkerInorganic Chemistry, Alternative Energy2009 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Kittichoat TiyanontChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2007 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Gasper Tkacikcomputational neuroscience, biological networks, biophysics20022007 William Bialek (grad student), Curtis Gove Callan (grad student)
Zi Siang Desmond ToaQuantum Biology, Photosynthesis, Non-Covalent Interactions, Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Optics, Quantum Technologies Chemistry20132019 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
Cynthia E. ToberyCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2003 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Arthur Victor Tobolskyviscoelasticity and rheology of polymers, and the relation of polymer structure to mechanical properties1944 Henry Eyring (grad student), Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Jean W TomProcess Development Chemical Engineering19891993 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Ling TongChemistry19941998 Robert Anthony Pascal Jr. (grad student)
Benjamin J. TophamChemical physics, electronic states of conjugated polymers and ion-radical solids, paramagnetic and charge transfer excitons, one-dimensional models Chemistry2012 Zoltán G. Soos (grad student)
Salvatore Torquatostatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory
Jorge Torresformation of the mitotic microtubule spindle during cell division2004 Virginia A. Zakian (grad student)
Philippe D. Tortelltransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury2001 François M. M. Morel (grad student)
John P. Toscanonanosecond time-resolved infrared (TRIR) spectroscopy1987 Kurt M. Mislow (research assistant)
Timothy M. Tower Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1973 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Christopher A. Trainainterface chemistry2008 Jeffrey Schwartz (grad student)
Amanda M. Tricaricoelectrochemistry, fuel cells2011 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Arati Tripathiintracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication2008 Frederick M. Hughson (grad student)
Thomas Michael TruskettSoft matter, self assembly, liquids, complex fluids19962001 Salvatore Torquato (grad student), Frank H. Stillinger (collaborator), Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
Erica Y. TsaiOrganic Methodology, Catalysis Chemistry2016 David W.C. MacMillan (research assistant)
Chia-En K. Tumolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication2009 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
Alexander Tulinskyx-ray crystallography1956 John Greville White (grad student)
Sonia V. Tulyani Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Anthony Leonid Turkevichnuclear radiochemistry1940 John Y. Beach (grad student)
John TurkevichCatalysis1934 Hugh Stott Taylor (grad student)
Zoe Turner Chemistry20102011 Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Jack TwiltonOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20142019 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Obioma U. Uchestatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2006 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Scott M. UlrichBiochemistry Chemistry19962001 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Thomas P. UmileNatural products isolation, green chemistry Chemistry20062012 John T. Groves (grad student)
Joan Selverstone ValentineCopper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase and ALS, Redox Balance, Oxidative Stress, and Metal Ion Metabolism in Eukaryotic Cells1971 Donald H. Valentine (grad student)
Donald H. Valentineredox reactions, spectroscopy, electronic chemicals, and bioseperations
John J. Valenza2005 George W. Scherer (grad student)
Henry U. ValleInorganic Chemistry/Photo-Catalysis Chemistry20192021 John T. Groves (post-doc)
Gerald Van HeckePhysical Chemistry, Phase Transitions1966 William DeW. Horrocks (grad student)
Jeffrey F. Van HumbeckOrganic synthesis, Materials, Catalysis2011 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Johna J. van Steltenbacterial genetics2010 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Mark Nicholas Vander Wal Chemistry2012 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Vitor Vasconcelos20172021 Simon Asher Levin (post-doc)
Georgios VasilakisAtomic Physics, Optics Physics2011 Michael V. Romalis (grad student)
Vassilios S. Vassiliadis Chemical Engineering19931994 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Livia Vastagcellular metabolism2011 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Worth E. Vaughandielectric behavior1960 Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
Joey Vella
Peter M. Verderame2011 Christodoulos A. Floudas (grad student)
Shivam Verma2014 Thomas W. Muir (research assistant)
Wilasa Vichit-Vadakan2002 George W. Scherer (grad student)
Marilena L. ViciuMaterials Chemistry Chemistry20042006 Robert J. Cava (post-doc)
Markandu Vigneswaran Chemistry Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
Miquel Vila-Perello Chemistry20052014 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Paul Villoutreix Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
David J. VinyardGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry, General Biophysics Chemistry2013 Gerard Charles Dismukes (grad student)
Otto Voglpolymers1956 Edward Curtis Taylor (post-doc)
Katsuyuki WakabayashiPolymeric materials2006 Richard A. Register (grad student)
Abbas M. WaljiOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20042007 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Suzanne WalkerChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors1992 John T. Groves (grad student)
Everett Stanley Wallis1925 Lauder William Jones (grad student)
Kristine H. WammerEnvironmental Engineering2003 Catherine A. Peters (grad student)
Grace C. WangOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Robert Anthony Pascal Jr. (grad student)
Chuanqing WangBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2002 John T. Groves (grad student)
Weixun WangSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2001 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Xiaofei Wangatomistic and the electronic structure and dynamics in materials2005 Roberto Car (grad student)
Jingjing Wang Chemistry20022007 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Michelle D. Wang single molecule biophysics Steven M. Block (post-doc)
David Wang20122014 Robert R. Knowles (post-doc)
Xiaoshi Wang Chemistry2013 John T. Groves (grad student)
Siyuan WangBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics Molecular Biology2011 Ned S. Wingreen (grad student), Joshua W. Shaevitz (grad student)
Yiming WangMolecular simulation, thermodynamics, physical chemistry
Dian Wangorganic chemistry; catalysis Chemistry Chemistry20172020 Robert R. Knowles (post-doc), Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Rurun Wang Chemistry Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (grad student)
Timothy Wangler2009 George W. Scherer (grad student)
Thomas Carl WardPolymer Physics and Adhesion Chemistry Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Alexander Aaron Warkentin2011 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
John C. WarnerGreen chemistry Chemistry19841988 Edward Curtis Taylor (grad student)
R.W. Woodward Washe Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1965 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Michael A WebbTheory, computation, and design of soft materials
Maurice J. Webb Aeronautical Engeering1958 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Stephanie C. WeberCellular biophysics; Spatial organization; Intracellular phase transitions; Anomalous diffusion; Size scaling20112015 Clifford P. Brangwynne (post-doc)
Daniel J. Webredrug discovery2005 Jeffry B. Stock (grad student)
Yinan WeiSynthetic Biology and Alzheimer's Disease2003 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Yunzhou Weimolecular mechanisms that bacteria use for intercellular communication Molecular Biology2012 Bonnie L. Bassler (grad student)
James Weishape selective separation with zeolites and nanoporous materials
Marissa L. WeichmanSpectroscopy, chemical physics
Leor S. WeinbergerSystems Biology, Virology, Single-Cell Imaging, and Computational Modeling Thomas E. Shenk (post-doc), David Botstein (post-doc)
Jack Weis
Eric R. WelinOrganic Synthesis Chemistry20102015 David W.C. MacMillan (grad student)
Harold N. Weller
Xuelan Wen Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2021 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Jane O. Werlingcondensed matter2001 Pablo G. Debenedetti (grad student)
D. Vincent Westsolid state chemistry2009 Robert J. Cava (grad student)
Julian Glenn WestCatalysis, Synthesis Chemistry20132017 Erik J. Sorensen (grad student)
Karl M Westerberg Chemical Engineering19972002 Christodoulos A. Floudas (post-doc)
Eric F. Wieschausembryonic development
Arthur Strong WightmanTheoretical Physics1950 John Archibald Wheeler (grad student)
Richard H. Wilhelmchemical reaction engineering
Klaus Willecke Arthur B. Pardee (post-doc)
Jennifer L. Willsonelectrochemistry, fuel cells2001 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Edward S. Wilson1957 Martin Summerfield (grad student)
Edgar Bright Wilsonmolecular spectroscopy William Theodore Richards (research assistant), Nathaniel Howell Furman (research assistant)
Erik Winfreebiomolecular computation Stanislas Leibler (post-doc)
Ned S. WingreenBiological modeling; intracellular networks; molecular biophysics
Laurie A. Wituckisignal transduction pathways in cells and whole organisms19952000 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Kurt V. Wolfdynamics of chemical reactions at surfaces2002 Steven L. Bernasek (grad student)
William Hamilton WoodruffBiophysics19721974 Thomas G. Spiro (post-doc)
John Culver Wooleycomputational biology
Sanfeng Wu Physics Xiaodong Xu (grad student)
Geng Wustructural and molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis2001 Yigong Shi (grad student)
Lingyun Wubio-organic chemistry2004 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Yudong Wuatomistic and the electronic structure and dynamics in materials2004 Roberto Car (grad student)
William Dean Wulffsynthesis of natural products Chemistry19791980 Martin F. Semmelhack (post-doc)
Steven Wulfsberg
Anna Wuttig Chemistry Chemistry Robert J. Cava (research assistant), Andrew B. Bocarsly (research assistant)
Weiwei Xie Chemistry20142016 Robert J. Cava (post-doc)
Hao Xie
Hongwu Xu Geosciences1998 Peter J. Heaney (grad student)
Changliang XuBioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry2007 Thomas G. Spiro (grad student)
Yan Xutransformations, bioavailability and biogeochemical roles of trace metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium and mercury2008 François M. M. Morel (grad student)
Hayley A. Xuerebbio-organic chemistry2000 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Nir Yakoby20042008 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Keith R. Yamamotoglucocorticoid transcription 1973 Bruce Alberts (grad student)
Nieng YanGLUT1, MFS transporter, Nav/Cav channels20002005 Yigong Shi (grad student)
Jing Yan
Bing-Shiou Yangpolymer films2002 William Bailey Russel (grad student)
Feng Yang Chemistry19941998 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Xueming Yang Giacinto Scoles (grad student)
Haw Yangmolecular dynamics
Dan Yang Chemistry1991 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Audrey M. YauPaleoclimate Science, Geochemistry Geosciences2014 Michael L Bender (grad student)
Casey YdenbergCell biology and genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2009 Mark D. Rose (grad student)
Qing Yechemistry of reactive intermediates2002 Maitland Jones, Jr. (grad student)
Jackie Yi-Ru YingNanomedicine, Cell and Tissue Engineering, Biodevices and Diagnostics, Green Chemistry and Energy1991 Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Aya Yoshimura20172020 Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (post-doc)
Jeffrey Young
Sam Yruegas Paul J. Chirik (post-doc)
Perry Yu Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Hyuk Yupolymers1962 Arthur Victor Tobolsky (grad student)
Kuang YuComputational chemistry Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering20132016 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Fang Yuan Chemistry2020 Leslie M. Schoop (post-doc)
Shuwen Yue
Richard F. YuretichGeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology1976 Franklyn Bosworth Van Houten (grad student)
Chase E. Zacharystatistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory2011 Salvatore Torquato (grad student)
Virginia A. Zakian
Christoph Zapf Chemistry20032005 Erik J. Sorensen (post-doc)
Jeremiah James Zartman2009 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (grad student)
Arie Zask1982 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Jose ZayasAntimicrobials Chemistry19841985 Maitland Jones, Jr. (post-doc)
Michael J. ZdillaInorganic chemistry20002005 Sonny C. Lee (grad student)
Barry M. ZeeEpigenetics Molecular Biology20092013 Benjamin Garcia (grad student)
Elizabeth L. Zeitlerelectrochemistry, fuel cells Chemistry2014 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Xianfeng ZengMicrobiome, Metabolism, Metabolomics, Proteomics20172023 Joshua D. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Yifan ZhangChemistry Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (grad student)
Xiaheng ZhangOrganic Chemistry20152020 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Tianyi ZhangOrganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, computational chemistry Chemistry2022 Paul J. Chirik (grad student)
Chuan Zhangpolymeric materials Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Rodney D. Priestley (grad student)
Xing ZhangElectronic structure theory
Chao Zhang19992006 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Nan Zhang1990 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Mark Zhang2014 Robert R. Knowles (post-doc)
Peng ZhaoChemistry20112016 Bruce E. Koel (grad student)
Qiao Zhaofuel cells Chemical and Biological Engineering2012 Jay B. Benziger (grad student)
Kewei Zhao Department of Chemistry20182023 Satish C. B. Myneni (grad student)
Xiaoming Zhaoorganic and hybrid optoelectronics
Qing Zhao2018 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Jianfeng ZhenBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2007 John T. Groves (grad student)
Zhong Zheng Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2014 Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Yiteng ZhengHeterogeneous Catalysis Chemical and Biological Engineering2019 Bruce E. Koel (post-doc)
Vincent Zheng20152017 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Yu Lin ZhongMaterials Chemistry, Electrochemistry Chemistry20092011 Steven L. Bernasek (post-doc)
Huchen ZhouBioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry2003 John T. Groves (grad student)
Shu Zhuelectrochemistry, fuel cells2003 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Shaolin Zhu20102013 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Mark A. ZondloEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Chemistry
Charles F. ZukoskiChemical Engineering, Biochemistry1985 Dudley Albert Saville (grad student)
Zhiwei Zuoorganic chemistry Chemistry20132015 David W.C. MacMillan (post-doc)
Eli Zysman-Colmanorganic chemistry research20062007 Stefan Bernhard (post-doc)