University of Greenwich

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Corentin Fagnan Kevin Lam (grad student)
Peter Charles Griffithsformulation
Joe Higham School of Science2023 Kevin Lam (post-doc)
Mark A HoneyOrganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry
Cyrille Kiaku2021 Kevin Lam (grad student)
Kevin LamOrganic chemistry, electrochemistry, medicinal chemistry, organometallics, catalysis
Matthew C LeechInorganic Chemistry School of Science2019 Kevin Lam (post-doc)
Andrea Mastrodonato School of Science20192022 Adrian P Dobbs (grad student)
Alessia Petti Kevin Lam (grad student)
Annie Rouse School of Science2023 Kevin Lam (grad student)
Marylise Triacca School of Science2021 Kevin Lam (grad student)
Jamie Walsh2021 Kevin Lam (grad student)