University of Georgia, Athens

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mathew AbrahamVirology, In vivo Imaging, infectious diseases, veterinary medicine Infectious Diseases20132018 Robert B. Beckstead (grad student), Biao He (grad student)
Michael W.W. Adams
Jeffrey N. AgarAnalytical Chemistry, General Biophysics, Biochemistry Chemistry2000 Michael K. Johnson (grad student)
Isaac AgyekumMass Spectrometry of Glycosaminoglycans Chemistry20112017 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Peter AlbersheimPlant and Microbial Complex Carbohydrates
Norman L. Allingercomputational chemistry, molecular mechanics
I Jonathan Amstermass spectrometry
Jonathan Arnold
Robert D. ArnoldDrug Delivery, Nanomedicine, Liposomes, Pharmaceutics, PK/PD, Cancer Therapeutics Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Small Animal Medicine and Surgery2010 Brian S. Cummings (collaborator), Benjamin Brainard (collaborator)
Doyle Allen Ashley
Molly B. AtkinsonChemistry Education Research Department of Chemistry20122018 Norbert J. Pienta (grad student)
Parastoo Azadi
Lydia Babcock-AdamsChemical Oceanography, Organic Geochemistry, Marine Organic Ligands Marine Sciences20132016 Patricia M. Medeiros (grad student)
Paul Lee BabitzkeBiochemistry1991 Sidney R. Kushner (grad student)
Ujwal Bagal Institute of Bioinformatics20072013 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
John R. Barnes Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19962005 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
Pallabita Basu David Crich (post-doc)
Joseph Warren BeachPharmaceutical Chemistry
Nathaniel R. Beattie Zachary A. Wood (grad student)
Carolyn D. BerdanierNutrition, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Hakan BermekBiochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Wood Technology Agriculture2000 Karl-Erik L. Eriksson (grad student)
Geert-Jan BoonsCarbohydrate Chemistry
Andrea Bootsma Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry20152019 Steven E. Wheeler (grad student)
J. Micheal Bordeaux Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources20062014 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
Joel P. BowenPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
J. Phillip Bowen Chemistry19841986 Norman L. Allinger (post-doc)
Larry D Bowers Chemistry19721975 Peter W. Carr (grad student)
George E. Boyd
Ellen Broering Department of Chemistry20122017 Todd C. Harrop (grad student)
Shawn T. BrownComputational Chemistry2001 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Michael Buehl1992 Henry F. Schaefer, III (post-doc)
John Allen Carpenter1964 Robert Lewis Saffle (grad student)
Mary E. Case Norman Henry Giles (grad student)
Harry CharbonneauBiochemistry1981 Milton Joseph Cormier (grad student)
Snehal Nitin Chaudhari2019 Edward T. Kipreos (grad student)
Lirong Chen Aimin Liu (post-doc)
Weixin ChengBiogeochemistry, Soil Science Agriculture, Ecology Biology1989 David C. Coleman (grad student)
Geoffrey Coleman
Milton Joseph CormierBioluminescence
D. Shannon Cornett Chemistry19881993 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Thomas Daniel CrawfordTheoretical chemistry19921996 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
David Crichdiastereoselective free radical chemistry, acyl radical chemistry, enantioselective synthesis of á-disubstituted amino acids, and carbohydrate chemistry
Albert K. CulbreathPlant Pathology
Gregory S. Custer Zachary A. Wood (research assistant)
Neil D. DanielsonOrganic Chemistry1978 Lockhart Burgess Rogers (grad student)
Alan G. DarvillBiochemistry
Jeffrey F. D. DeanPlant biochemistry; forest genomics; wood formation; lignin biosynthesis; lignin degradation Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Genetics Plant Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Plant Biology Genetics Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20022008 Karl-Erik L. Eriksson (research scientist), Raja Sterjiades (collaborator), Claudia Eggert (collaborator), Richard B. Meagher (collaborator), Lee H. Pratt (collaborator), Michael W.W. Adams (collaborator), William (Ned) Friedman (collaborator), Jan Westpheling (collaborator), Lars G. Ljungdahl (collaborator)
Alexei V. DemchenkoOrganic Chemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry CCRC19952001 Geert-Jan Boons (post-doc)
Nathan DeYonker Chemistry20012005 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Shanta DharNanomedicine, Bio-inorganic materials
Gregory L. Dilworth Harry D. Peck (post-doc)
Ivana DjelineoBiochemistry2001 Alan G. Darvill (grad student)
Richard A. DluhyPhysical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
Joshua Driver Chemistry20112017 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Jiana Duan Chemistry20132018 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Michael A. DuncanMolecular Spectroscopy
Christopher M DundasSynthetic Biology
Leon Sebring Dure IIIplant molecular biology
Michael L. Easterling19931998 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Claudia Eggert
Hergen Eilers1993 William M. Yen (post-doc)
Drew Ekman Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20012003 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
Douglas L. ElmorePhysical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry2001 Richard A. Dluhy (grad student)
Joseph P. Emerson Chemistry19992003 Donald M. Kurtz (grad student)
Adviye ErgulVascular Biology
Karl-Erik L. ErikssonBiochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Wood Technology Agriculture
Francesco Evangelistamultireference coupled cluster theory2009 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Donald L. Evansmolecular immunology, signal transduction, and mechanisms of cellular innate immunity
Helen E. EvertsNutrition, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2000 Carolyn D. Berdanier (grad student)
Vivian Ezeh Department of Chemistry20082013 Todd C. Harrop (grad student)
Keith M. FaucherAnalytical Chemistry, General Biophysics2000 Richard A. Dluhy (grad student)
Eric M. Ferreira
John Charles FetzerAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry19771980 Lockhart Burgess Rogers (grad student)
Christian Freeman Chemistry20182019 Shainaz Landge (research assistant)
Evelyn E. GaiserGeneral Biology, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Hydrology1997 Barbara E. Taylor (grad student)
M Carmen GalanOligosaccharides synthesis, glycobiology Complex Carbohydrate Research Center Geert-Jan Boons (grad student)
John Morrison GalbraithComputational Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry Chemistry19931997 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Eric Gale Department of Chemistry20082012 Todd C. Harrop (grad student)
Raymond N. GallaherAgronomy Agriculture, Statistics Agronomy1973 Henry Frank Perkins (grad student)
Jitendra J. Gangwal20112011 Shanta Dhar (post-doc)
Brianna Garcia Chemistry20172022 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Paige A. GayEnvironmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering
Robert J. GilliardMain-Group Synthetic Chemistry Chemistry Gregory H. Robinson (grad student)
Joseph L GlajchAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry Lockhart Burgess Rogers (grad student)
Russell W. Goetze Zachary A. Wood (research assistant)
Gregory S. Gorman Chemistry19881993 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Phillip G. Gross
Aditi Gupta
Jodi A. Hadden Complex Carbohydrate Research Center20072014 Robert J. Woods (grad student)
Ionel Haiduc19711972 R. Bruce King (post-doc)
Tracy Hamilton Chemistry Henry F. Schaefer, III (post-doc)
Dorothy Hammond
Laura Hanold Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Eileen J. Kennedy (grad student)
Drew Harding Chemistry20152019 Steven E. Wheeler (grad student)
Biao HeVirology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Junwon HeoMitochondrial bioenergetics, muscle physiology
David M. Herculesinstrumental analytical techniques
Eugene LeRoy HericPhysical chemistry
Alana Hiers
Richard Keith HillOrganic Chemistry
James F. Hintonmetal cation NMR spectroscopy1964 Francis J. Johnston (grad student)
Christopher F. HoehamerInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2000 Karl E. L. Eriksson (grad student)
Lisabeth Hoffman Chemistry20042010 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Daisy Sophia Hollmanquantum chemistry, computational chemistry, computational science Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Shelley B. Hooks
J. Todd Hoopes Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19942004 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
Peter Sandor HoranyiStructural Biology and Biophysics of Membrane Proteins Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19992005 Bi-Cheng Wang (grad student)
Jillian H. Hurstcell signaling, biochemistry, molecular pharmacology2009 Shelley B. Hooks (grad student)
Heather Jaegertheoretical chemistry2010 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Joseph Jwu-shan JenFood Science
Jincan JinComputational Chemistry Chemistry20222026 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Li Jing Chemistry20042009 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Michael K. JohnsonInorganic Chemistry, Biological Chemistry
Keith Johnson Chemistry19962001 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Francis J. JohnstonIsotope exchange kinetics
Stephanie Jordan Department of Chemistry Yifan Wang (grad student)
Balawant Shankar JoshiOrganic chemistry, natural products chemistry
Renuka Kadirvelraj Zachary A. Wood (research scientist)
Muchena J. Kailemia Chemistry20092014 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Pramesh N. KapoorOrganic chemistry19681971 R. Bruce King (post-doc)
Ramesh Narain KapoorInorganic Chemistry19671970 R. Bruce King (post-doc)
Yan-Ting KeOrganic Chemistry Department of Chemistry2019 Eric M. Ferreira (grad student)
Eileen J. Kennedyconstrained peptides, kinases, kinase signaling, protein-protein interactions
Nicholas D. Keul Zachary A. Wood (grad student)
Chulwhan Kim Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20002001 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc)
R. Bruce Kingorganometallic chemistry, computational chemistry, and mathematical chemistry
Daniel Allen KingMass Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19982002 Ron Orlando (grad student)
Edward T. Kipreos
Peter A. Kner2004 John W. Sedat (post-doc)
John A. KoropchakAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry19771980 Geoffrey Coleman (grad student)
Sidney R. Kushnerpost-transcriptional control of gene expression
Kristopher M Kusnerik Geology Steven Holland (grad student)
Charles R. KutalPhotochemistry
Karl E. L. ErikssonInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences
Peter R. LaFayette Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19941998 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc)
Tyre Calvin LanierFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Biochemistry1977 John Allen Carpenter (grad student)
John H. Lawinsect biochemistry, protein structure and function, lipid metabolism, animal pigmentation, pathogenic fungal infections, orchid biology, and metal ion metabolism
Franklin E. Leach Chemistry20072011 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Dowon Lee Eugene Pleasants Odum (post-doc)
Q. Paula Lei Chemistry19921996 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Chad L. LeveretteAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, General Biophysics2000 Richard A. Dluhy (grad student)
Chenyang Liquantum chemistry Chemistry20122015 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Chunyan Li Chemistry20032009 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Bingnan Li Department of Chemistry Yifan Wang (grad student)
Chenyi LiSynthetic Biology, Metabolic Engineering, Microbial Biotechnology, Dynamic Regulation College of Engineering20172022 Yajun Yan (grad student)
Ameya J. LimayeConstrained peptides, Protein-protein interactions, In-silico peptide design Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences20172022 Eileen J. Kennedy (grad student)
Donald Edward LinnInorganic1983 R. Bruce King (grad student)
Yi LiuInorganic chemistry, denitrification
Yang Liu Peter A. Kner (grad student)
Bingxi Liumicroscopy2021 Peter A. Kner (grad student)
Lan Liu-Getz Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19931995 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc)
David Harris Live
Lars G. Ljungdahl
Richard L. Lord Chemistry20042004 Henry F. Schaefer, III (research assistant)
W. Walter Lorenz Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19952014 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (research scientist)
Heather L. LumppioMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry2000 Anne O. Summers (grad student)
Dominik LungerichSynthetic Organic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Nanoscience20102011 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student)
D. Brandon Magerscomputational chemistry20092014 Wesley David Allen (grad student)
Sharath Chandra MallojjalaComputational chemistry Chemistry20152019 Steven E. Wheeler (grad student)
Abhijit Marar Peter A. Kner (grad student)
Sean Marrache20102014 Shanta Dhar (grad student)
Bonnie C. McCaig Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19982001 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc)
Christopher R. McCurdyOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry1998 Joseph Warren Beach (grad student)
Michael K. McIntoshNutrition, Biochemistry, Pathology1987 Carolyn D. Berdanier (grad student)
Richard B. Meagher
Joseph F. MendicinoBiochemistry
William C. Merrickeukaryotic translation initiation factors, initiation pathway1971 Leon Sebring Dure III (grad student)
Stephen R. Miller CCQC20152018 Steven E. Wheeler (grad student)
Todd Mize Chemistry19972002 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Patricia J MooreEvolution & Development
Kelley W. MoremenBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
James Culvin MorrisMolecular and biochemical parasitology Cellular Biology Kojo Mensa-Wilmot (grad student)
Leonard Mortenson
Kalappagowda MuniyappaBiochemistry, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Cell Biology, Functional Genomics Joseph F. Mendicino (post-doc)
Vasu Nair
Alison S. NairnBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2001 Kelley W. Moremen (grad student)
Katie Nolan Yifan Wang (grad student)
Eugene Pleasants Odum
Ron Olando
Ron Orlando
Bryan Parks Chemistry20002005 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Rakesh K. PathakNanomedicine, Bio-inorganic chemistry, Drug delivery, Cisplatin based prodrugs20122015 Shanta Dhar (post-doc)
Ashis K. PatraBioinorganic chemistry, inorganic chemical biology Department of Chemistry20082011 Todd C. Harrop (post-doc)
Apurba Kumar PatraChemical biology, Coordination chemistry, Spectro-electrochemistry19992000 Charles R. Kutal (post-doc)
Ankan Paul2005 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Harry D. PeckBiochemistry od anaerobic bacteria, sulfate reducting and methanogenic bacteria
William B. Peeples Zachary A. Wood (research assistant)
S. William PelletierNatural Products Chemistry
Lauren E. Pepi Chemistry Biochemistry20202023 I Jonathan Amster (grad student), Parastoo Azadi (post-doc)
Norbert J. PientaPhysical Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, Sciences Education
Cynthia Pitsenberger Chemistry19911996 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Samuel J. Polizzi Zachary A. Wood (grad student)
James H. PrestegardApplying nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the study of biologically important macromolecular assemblies
James Clarence Price
John David Puett
Stephen W. RagsdaleBiochemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry Biochemistry19791983 Lars G. Ljungdahl (grad student)
James R. Y. Rawson
Jonathan C. Rienstra-KiracofeComputational Chemistry2000 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Gregory H. Robinson
Lockhart Burgess Rogersanalytical chemistry
Brandon RotaveraPhysical Chemistry, Combustion
Debjani RoyOrganic and General Chemistry Teaching Center for Computational Chemistry20032009 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student)
Robert Lewis Saffle
Brian Sanders Department of Chemistry20102015 Todd C. Harrop (grad student)
Patience Sanderson Chemistry20142019 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Brandon SatinskyMarine Microbial Ecology
Henry F. Schaefer, IIIComputational Chemistry Paul von Ragué Schleyer (collaborator)
Walter K. SchmidtYeast protease
Paul Schroeder
Loren Lee Schulze1978 Doyle Allen Ashley (grad student)
Michael Schuurman Department of Chemistry Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Lance C. SeefeldtBiochemistry Leonard Mortenson (post-doc)
Nicholas C. Sennett Zachary A. Wood (grad student)
Emily A. Shelby Entomology20202023 Patricia J Moore (grad student)
C. David Sherrillquantum chemistry19921996 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Robert L. ShewfeltFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry
Jason E. ShifletGeology Geology19951999 Paul Schroeder (grad student)
Atul Janardan ShuklaPharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry1985 James Clarence Price (grad student)
Sameera Siyabalapitiya ArachchigeOrganic Chemistry20162022 David Crich (grad student)
Michael SkaroCancer Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology Genetics20182022 Jonathan Arnold (grad student)
Bryan L. SkeltonPharmaceutical Chemistry2000 Joseph Warren Beach (grad student)
Darwin W. Smith
Alexander Yu. Sokolov Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry20092014 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Ming SongMicroscopy ECE2021 Peter A. Kner (grad student)
Bryan Soto Chemistry Steven E. Wheeler (grad student), Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
J. Paul Speir Chemistry19881993 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Vasundara Srinivasan2000 Bi-Cheng Wang (grad student)
Ramsey Steiner Department of Chemistry20122018 Todd C. Harrop (grad student)
Raja Sterjiades
Morgan Stickney Chemistry20142020 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Melissa Stoudemayer Chemistry20082014 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Anne O. SummersMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry
Kawaljit S. TandonFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry2000 Robert L. Shewfelt (grad student)
Kristina Taylor Chemistry19952000 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Kayvan Forouhesh Tehrani Peter A. Kner (grad student)
Pamela S. Thompson Chemistry20062011 Geert-Jan Boons (grad student)
Phan Truong Department of Chemistry20112018 Todd C. Harrop (grad student)
Gregory S. Tschumperphysical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces1999 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Brett M. TylerMolecular Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture, Biochemistry Molecular and Population Genetics19821984 Norman Henry Giles (post-doc)
Remigio Usai2022 Yifan Wang (post-doc)
Herman van Halbeek
Jonathon Vandezandecomputational chemistry, polymer chemistry, reaction mechanisms Chemistry20132017 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Alexander E VaughnComputational chemistry Chemistry20082014 Wesley David Allen (grad student)
Nery Villegas-EscobarComputational Chemistry Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry20162020 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Yusuf VohraCarbohydrate and glycopeptide synthesis Chemistry20052010 Geert-Jan Boons (grad student)
Michael W. W.
Virginia WalbotBotany Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics19721975 Leon Sebring Dure III (post-doc)
Nick R. Walkerrotational spectroscopy2003 Michael A. Duncan (post-doc)
Richard M. WalshCryo-EM Zachary A. Wood (research assistant)
Melody Walter Department of Chemistry20112016 Todd C. Harrop (grad student)
Bi-Cheng WangStructural Biology (X-ray Crystallography)
Yuxiao Wang Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Eileen J. Kennedy (grad student)
Liangjiang WangBioinformatics Biology19941999 Susan R Wessler (grad student)
Yifan WangBioinorganic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry, Mechanistic Enzymology Department of Chemistry Aimin Liu (grad student)
Chieh-Ting Wang Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources20002005 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
Xiao Wangquantum chemistry, electronic structure theory, computational materials chemistry Department of Chemistry20122016 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Chaitanya Shridhar WannereComputational chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student), Henry F. Schaefer, III (collaborator), R. Bruce King (collaborator)
Steven S. WesolowskiComputational Chemistry2000 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Jan Westpheling
Steven E. Wheelercomputational organic chemistry
Myron N. Williamsmicrobiology, biochemistry, plant biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19911996 Peter Albersheim (post-doc)
Robert V. Williams Chemistry20172022 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Joy J. WinzerlingBiochemistry, Entomology Biology John H. Law (grad student)
Jeremy J. Wolff Chemistry20032008 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)
Zachary A. WoodStructural Enzymology
Henry Lee Woodcock IIIComputational Chemistry2003 Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student)
Robert J. Woods
Judy I. WuComputational quantum chemistry2011 Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student)
Kwan-Nan Yeh1970 Eugene LeRoy Heric (grad student)
Emin YilmazFood Science and Technology Agriculture2000 Robert L. Shewfelt (grad student)
Yuan-Sheng Yu Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources20092012 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
Shenghua Yuan Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources20002006 Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student)
Young Yuh Chemistry Norman L. Allinger (grad student)
Yanghui ZhangOrganometallic reactions, carbohydrate chemistry20022007 Geert-Jan Boons (grad student)
Yuejie Zhao Chemistry20122017 I Jonathan Amster (grad student)