Mathew Abraham | Virology, In vivo Imaging, infectious diseases, veterinary medicine | Infectious Diseases | 2013 | 2018 | Robert B. Beckstead (grad student), Biao He (grad student) |
Michael W.W. Adams | | | | | |
Jeffrey N. Agar | Analytical Chemistry, General Biophysics, Biochemistry | Chemistry | | 2000 | Michael K. Johnson (grad student) |
Isaac Agyekum | Mass Spectrometry of Glycosaminoglycans | Chemistry | 2011 | 2017 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Peter Albersheim | Plant and Microbial Complex Carbohydrates | | | | |
Norman L. Allinger | computational chemistry, molecular mechanics | | | | |
I Jonathan Amster | mass spectrometry | | | | |
Jonathan Arnold | | | | | |
Robert D. Arnold | Drug Delivery, Nanomedicine, Liposomes, Pharmaceutics, PK/PD, Cancer Therapeutics | Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Small Animal Medicine and Surgery | 2010 | | Brian S. Cummings (collaborator), Benjamin Brainard (collaborator) |
Doyle Allen Ashley | | | | | |
Molly B. Atkinson | Chemistry Education Research | Department of Chemistry | 2012 | 2018 | Norbert J. Pienta (grad student) |
Parastoo Azadi | | | | | |
Lydia Babcock-Adams | Chemical Oceanography, Organic Geochemistry, Marine Organic Ligands | Marine Sciences | 2013 | 2016 | Patricia M. Medeiros (grad student) |
Paul Lee Babitzke | Biochemistry | | | 1991 | Sidney R. Kushner (grad student) |
Ujwal Bagal | | Institute of Bioinformatics | 2007 | 2013 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
John R. Barnes | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1996 | 2005 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
Pallabita Basu | | | | | David Crich (post-doc) |
Joseph Warren Beach | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | | | | |
Nathaniel R. Beattie | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (grad student) |
Carolyn D. Berdanier | Nutrition, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | | | | |
Hakan Bermek | Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Wood Technology Agriculture | | | 2000 | Karl-Erik L. Eriksson (grad student) |
Geert-Jan Boons | Carbohydrate Chemistry | | | | |
Andrea Bootsma | | Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry | 2015 | 2019 | Steven E. Wheeler (grad student) |
J. Micheal Bordeaux | | Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | 2006 | 2014 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
Joel P. Bowen | Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry | | | | |
J. Phillip Bowen | | Chemistry | 1984 | 1986 | Norman L. Allinger (post-doc) |
Larry D Bowers | | Chemistry | 1972 | 1975 | Peter W. Carr (grad student) |
George E. Boyd | | | | | |
Ellen Broering | | Department of Chemistry | 2012 | 2017 | Todd C. Harrop (grad student) |
Shawn T. Brown | Computational Chemistry | | | 2001 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Michael Buehl | | | | 1992 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (post-doc) |
John Allen Carpenter | | | | 1964 | Robert Lewis Saffle (grad student) |
Mary E. Case | | | | | Norman Henry Giles (grad student) |
Harry Charbonneau | Biochemistry | | | 1981 | Milton Joseph Cormier (grad student) |
Snehal Nitin Chaudhari | | | | 2019 | Edward T. Kipreos (grad student) |
Lirong Chen | | | | | Aimin Liu (post-doc) |
Weixin Cheng | Biogeochemistry, Soil Science Agriculture, Ecology Biology | | | 1989 | David C. Coleman (grad student) |
Geoffrey Coleman | | | | | |
Milton Joseph Cormier | Bioluminescence | | | | |
D. Shannon Cornett | | Chemistry | 1988 | 1993 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Thomas Daniel Crawford | Theoretical chemistry | | 1992 | 1996 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
David Crich | diastereoselective free radical chemistry, acyl radical chemistry, enantioselective synthesis of á-disubstituted amino acids, and carbohydrate chemistry | | | | |
Albert K. Culbreath | Plant Pathology | | | | |
Gregory S. Custer | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (research assistant) |
Neil D. Danielson | Organic Chemistry | | | 1978 | Lockhart Burgess Rogers (grad student) |
Alan G. Darvill | Biochemistry | | | | |
Jeffrey F. D. Dean | Plant biochemistry; forest genomics; wood formation; lignin biosynthesis; lignin degradation | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Genetics Plant Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Plant Biology Genetics Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2002 | 2008 | Karl-Erik L. Eriksson (research scientist), Raja Sterjiades (collaborator), Claudia Eggert (collaborator), Richard B. Meagher (collaborator), Lee H. Pratt (collaborator), Michael W.W. Adams (collaborator), William (Ned) Friedman (collaborator), Jan Westpheling (collaborator), Lars G. Ljungdahl (collaborator) |
Alexei V. Demchenko | Organic Chemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry | CCRC | 1995 | 2001 | Geert-Jan Boons (post-doc) |
Nathan DeYonker | | Chemistry | 2001 | 2005 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Shanta Dhar | Nanomedicine, Bio-inorganic materials | | | | |
Gregory L. Dilworth | | | | | Harry D. Peck (post-doc) |
Ivana Djelineo | Biochemistry | | | 2001 | Alan G. Darvill (grad student) |
Richard A. Dluhy | Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry | | | | |
Joshua Driver | | Chemistry | 2011 | 2017 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Jiana Duan | | Chemistry | 2013 | 2018 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Michael A. Duncan | Molecular Spectroscopy | | | | |
Christopher M Dundas | Synthetic Biology | | | | |
Leon Sebring Dure III | plant molecular biology | | | | |
Michael L. Easterling | | | 1993 | 1998 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Claudia Eggert | | | | | |
Hergen Eilers | | | | 1993 | William M. Yen (post-doc) |
Drew Ekman | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2001 | 2003 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
Douglas L. Elmore | Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry | | | 2001 | Richard A. Dluhy (grad student) |
Joseph P. Emerson | | Chemistry | 1999 | 2003 | Donald M. Kurtz (grad student) |
Adviye Ergul | Vascular Biology | | | | |
Karl-Erik L. Eriksson | Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Wood Technology Agriculture | | | | |
Francesco Evangelista | multireference coupled cluster theory | | | 2009 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Donald L. Evans | molecular immunology, signal transduction, and mechanisms of cellular innate immunity | | | | |
Helen E. Everts | Nutrition, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | | | 2000 | Carolyn D. Berdanier (grad student) |
Vivian Ezeh | | Department of Chemistry | 2008 | 2013 | Todd C. Harrop (grad student) |
Keith M. Faucher | Analytical Chemistry, General Biophysics | | | 2000 | Richard A. Dluhy (grad student) |
Eric M. Ferreira | | | | | |
John Charles Fetzer | Analytical Chemistry | Chemistry | 1977 | 1980 | Lockhart Burgess Rogers (grad student) |
Christian Freeman | | Chemistry | 2018 | 2019 | Shainaz Landge (research assistant) |
Evelyn E. Gaiser | General Biology, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Hydrology | | | 1997 | Barbara E. Taylor (grad student) |
M Carmen Galan | Oligosaccharides synthesis, glycobiology | Complex Carbohydrate Research Center | | | Geert-Jan Boons (grad student) |
John Morrison Galbraith | Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry | Chemistry | 1993 | 1997 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Eric Gale | | Department of Chemistry | 2008 | 2012 | Todd C. Harrop (grad student) |
Raymond N. Gallaher | Agronomy Agriculture, Statistics | Agronomy | | 1973 | Henry Frank Perkins (grad student) |
Jitendra J. Gangwal | | | 2011 | 2011 | Shanta Dhar (post-doc) |
Brianna Garcia | | Chemistry | 2017 | 2022 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Paige A. Gay | Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering | | | | |
Robert J. Gilliard | Main-Group Synthetic Chemistry | Chemistry | | | Gregory H. Robinson (grad student) |
Joseph L Glajch | Analytical Chemistry | Chemistry | | | Lockhart Burgess Rogers (grad student) |
Russell W. Goetze | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (research assistant) |
Gregory S. Gorman | | Chemistry | 1988 | 1993 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Phillip G. Gross | | | | | |
Aditi Gupta | | | | | |
Jodi A. Hadden | | Complex Carbohydrate Research Center | 2007 | 2014 | Robert J. Woods (grad student) |
Ionel Haiduc | | | 1971 | 1972 | R. Bruce King (post-doc) |
Tracy Hamilton | | Chemistry | | | Henry F. Schaefer, III (post-doc) |
Dorothy Hammond | | | | | |
Laura Hanold | | Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences | | | Eileen J. Kennedy (grad student) |
Drew Harding | | Chemistry | 2015 | 2019 | Steven E. Wheeler (grad student) |
Biao He | Virology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | | | | |
Junwon Heo | Mitochondrial bioenergetics, muscle physiology | | | | |
David M. Hercules | instrumental analytical techniques | | | | |
Eugene LeRoy Heric | Physical chemistry | | | | |
Alana Hiers | | | | | |
Richard Keith Hill | Organic Chemistry | | | | |
James F. Hinton | metal cation NMR spectroscopy | | | 1964 | Francis J. Johnston (grad student) |
Christopher F. Hoehamer | Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences | | | 2000 | Karl E. L. Eriksson (grad student) |
Lisabeth Hoffman | | Chemistry | 2004 | 2010 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Daisy Sophia Hollman | quantum chemistry, computational chemistry, computational science | | | | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Shelley B. Hooks | | | | | |
J. Todd Hoopes | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1994 | 2004 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
Peter Sandor Horanyi | Structural Biology and Biophysics of Membrane Proteins | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1999 | 2005 | Bi-Cheng Wang (grad student) |
Jillian H. Hurst | cell signaling, biochemistry, molecular pharmacology | | | 2009 | Shelley B. Hooks (grad student) |
Heather Jaeger | theoretical chemistry | | | 2010 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Joseph Jwu-shan Jen | Food Science | | | | |
Jincan Jin | Computational Chemistry | Chemistry | 2022 | 2026 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Li Jing | | Chemistry | 2004 | 2009 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Michael K. Johnson | Inorganic Chemistry, Biological Chemistry | | | | |
Keith Johnson | | Chemistry | 1996 | 2001 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Francis J. Johnston | Isotope exchange kinetics | | | | |
Stephanie Jordan | | Department of Chemistry | | | Yifan Wang (grad student) |
Balawant Shankar Joshi | Organic chemistry, natural products chemistry | | | | |
Renuka Kadirvelraj | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (research scientist) |
Muchena J. Kailemia | | Chemistry | 2009 | 2014 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Pramesh N. Kapoor | Organic chemistry | | 1968 | 1971 | R. Bruce King (post-doc) |
Ramesh Narain Kapoor | Inorganic Chemistry | | 1967 | 1970 | R. Bruce King (post-doc) |
Yan-Ting Ke | Organic Chemistry | Department of Chemistry | 2019 | | Eric M. Ferreira (grad student) |
Eileen J. Kennedy | constrained peptides, kinases, kinase signaling, protein-protein interactions | | | | |
Nicholas D. Keul | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (grad student) |
Chulwhan Kim | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2000 | 2001 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc) |
R. Bruce King | organometallic chemistry, computational chemistry, and mathematical chemistry | | | | |
Daniel Allen King | Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry | Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1998 | 2002 | Ron Orlando (grad student) |
Edward T. Kipreos | | | | | |
Peter A. Kner | | | 2004 | | John W. Sedat (post-doc) |
John A. Koropchak | Analytical Chemistry | Chemistry | 1977 | 1980 | Geoffrey Coleman (grad student) |
Sidney R. Kushner | post-transcriptional control of gene expression | | | | |
Kristopher M Kusnerik | | Geology | | | Steven Holland (grad student) |
Charles R. Kutal | Photochemistry | | | | |
Karl E. L. Eriksson | Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences | | | | |
Peter R. LaFayette | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1994 | 1998 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc) |
Tyre Calvin Lanier | Food Science and Technology Agriculture, Biochemistry | | | 1977 | John Allen Carpenter (grad student) |
John H. Law | insect biochemistry, protein structure and function, lipid metabolism, animal pigmentation, pathogenic fungal infections, orchid biology, and metal ion metabolism | | | | |
Franklin E. Leach | | Chemistry | 2007 | 2011 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Dowon Lee | | | | | Eugene Pleasants Odum (post-doc) |
Q. Paula Lei | | Chemistry | 1992 | 1996 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Chad L. Leverette | Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, General Biophysics | | | 2000 | Richard A. Dluhy (grad student) |
Chenyang Li | quantum chemistry | Chemistry | 2012 | 2015 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Chunyan Li | | Chemistry | 2003 | 2009 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Bingnan Li | | Department of Chemistry | | | Yifan Wang (grad student) |
Chenyi Li | Synthetic Biology, Metabolic Engineering, Microbial Biotechnology, Dynamic Regulation | College of Engineering | 2017 | 2022 | Yajun Yan (grad student) |
Ameya J. Limaye | Constrained peptides, Protein-protein interactions, In-silico peptide design | Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences | 2017 | 2022 | Eileen J. Kennedy (grad student) |
Donald Edward Linn | Inorganic | | | 1983 | R. Bruce King (grad student) |
Yi Liu | Inorganic chemistry, denitrification | | | | |
Yang Liu | | | | | Peter A. Kner (grad student) |
Bingxi Liu | microscopy | | 2021 | | Peter A. Kner (grad student) |
Lan Liu-Getz | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1993 | 1995 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc) |
David Harris Live | | | | | |
Lars G. Ljungdahl | | | | | |
Richard L. Lord | | Chemistry | 2004 | 2004 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (research assistant) |
W. Walter Lorenz | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1995 | 2014 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (research scientist) |
Heather L. Lumppio | Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry | | | 2000 | Anne O. Summers (grad student) |
Dominik Lungerich | Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Nanoscience | | 2010 | 2011 | Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student) |
D. Brandon Magers | computational chemistry | | 2009 | 2014 | Wesley David Allen (grad student) |
Sharath Chandra Mallojjala | Computational chemistry | Chemistry | 2015 | 2019 | Steven E. Wheeler (grad student) |
Abhijit Marar | | | | | Peter A. Kner (grad student) |
Sean Marrache | | | 2010 | 2014 | Shanta Dhar (grad student) |
Bonnie C. McCaig | | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1998 | 2001 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (post-doc) |
Christopher R. McCurdy | Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry | | | 1998 | Joseph Warren Beach (grad student) |
Michael K. McIntosh | Nutrition, Biochemistry, Pathology | | | 1987 | Carolyn D. Berdanier (grad student) |
Richard B. Meagher | | | | | |
Joseph F. Mendicino | Biochemistry | | | | |
William C. Merrick | eukaryotic translation initiation factors, initiation pathway | | | 1971 | Leon Sebring Dure III (grad student) |
Stephen R. Miller | | CCQC | 2015 | 2018 | Steven E. Wheeler (grad student) |
Todd Mize | | Chemistry | 1997 | 2002 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Patricia J Moore | Evolution & Development | | | | |
Kelley W. Moremen | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology | | | | |
James Culvin Morris | Molecular and biochemical parasitology | Cellular Biology | | | Kojo Mensa-Wilmot (grad student) |
Leonard Mortenson | | | | | |
Kalappagowda Muniyappa | Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Cell Biology, Functional Genomics | | | | Joseph F. Mendicino (post-doc) |
Vasu Nair | | | | | |
Alison S. Nairn | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology | | | 2001 | Kelley W. Moremen (grad student) |
Katie Nolan | | | | | Yifan Wang (grad student) |
Eugene Pleasants Odum | | | | | |
Ron Olando | | | | | |
Ron Orlando | | | | | |
Bryan Parks | | Chemistry | 2000 | 2005 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Rakesh K. Pathak | Nanomedicine, Bio-inorganic chemistry, Drug delivery, Cisplatin based prodrugs | | 2012 | 2015 | Shanta Dhar (post-doc) |
Ashis K. Patra | Bioinorganic chemistry, inorganic chemical biology | Department of Chemistry | 2008 | 2011 | Todd C. Harrop (post-doc) |
Apurba Kumar Patra | Chemical biology, Coordination chemistry, Spectro-electrochemistry | | 1999 | 2000 | Charles R. Kutal (post-doc) |
Ankan Paul | | | | 2005 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Harry D. Peck | Biochemistry od anaerobic bacteria, sulfate reducting and methanogenic bacteria | | | | |
William B. Peeples | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (research assistant) |
S. William Pelletier | Natural Products Chemistry | | | | |
Lauren E. Pepi | | Chemistry Biochemistry | 2020 | 2023 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student), Parastoo Azadi (post-doc) |
Norbert J. Pienta | Physical Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, Sciences Education | | | | |
Cynthia Pitsenberger | | Chemistry | 1991 | 1996 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Samuel J. Polizzi | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (grad student) |
James H. Prestegard | Applying nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the study of biologically important macromolecular assemblies | | | | |
James Clarence Price | | | | | |
John David Puett | | | | | |
Stephen W. Ragsdale | Biochemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry | Biochemistry | 1979 | 1983 | Lars G. Ljungdahl (grad student) |
James R. Y. Rawson | | | | | |
Jonathan C. Rienstra-Kiracofe | Computational Chemistry | | | 2000 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Gregory H. Robinson | | | | | |
Lockhart Burgess Rogers | analytical chemistry | | | | |
Brandon Rotavera | Physical Chemistry, Combustion | | | | |
Debjani Roy | Organic and General Chemistry Teaching | Center for Computational Chemistry | 2003 | 2009 | Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student) |
Robert Lewis Saffle | | | | | |
Brian Sanders | | Department of Chemistry | 2010 | 2015 | Todd C. Harrop (grad student) |
Patience Sanderson | | Chemistry | 2014 | 2019 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Brandon Satinsky | Marine Microbial Ecology | | | | |
Henry F. Schaefer, III | Computational Chemistry | | | | Paul von Ragué Schleyer (collaborator) |
Walter K. Schmidt | Yeast protease | | | | |
Paul Schroeder | | | | | |
Loren Lee Schulze | | | | 1978 | Doyle Allen Ashley (grad student) |
Michael Schuurman | | Department of Chemistry | | | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Lance C. Seefeldt | Biochemistry | | | | Leonard Mortenson (post-doc) |
Nicholas C. Sennett | | | | | Zachary A. Wood (grad student) |
Emily A. Shelby | | Entomology | 2020 | 2023 | Patricia J Moore (grad student) |
C. David Sherrill | quantum chemistry | | 1992 | 1996 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Robert L. Shewfelt | Food Science and Technology Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry | | | | |
Jason E. Shiflet | Geology | Geology | 1995 | 1999 | Paul Schroeder (grad student) |
Atul Janardan Shukla | Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry | | | 1985 | James Clarence Price (grad student) |
Sameera Siyabalapitiya Arachchige | Organic | Chemistry | 2016 | 2022 | David Crich (grad student) |
Michael Skaro | Cancer Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology | Genetics | 2018 | 2022 | Jonathan Arnold (grad student) |
Bryan L. Skelton | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | | | 2000 | Joseph Warren Beach (grad student) |
Darwin W. Smith | | | | | |
Alexander Yu. Sokolov | | Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry | 2009 | 2014 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Ming Song | Microscopy | ECE | 2021 | | Peter A. Kner (grad student) |
Bryan Soto | | Chemistry | | | Steven E. Wheeler (grad student), Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
J. Paul Speir | | Chemistry | 1988 | 1993 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Vasundara Srinivasan | | | | 2000 | Bi-Cheng Wang (grad student) |
Ramsey Steiner | | Department of Chemistry | 2012 | 2018 | Todd C. Harrop (grad student) |
Raja Sterjiades | | | | | |
Morgan Stickney | | Chemistry | 2014 | 2020 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Melissa Stoudemayer | | Chemistry | 2008 | 2014 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Anne O. Summers | Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry | | | | |
Kawaljit S. Tandon | Food Science and Technology Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry | | | 2000 | Robert L. Shewfelt (grad student) |
Kristina Taylor | | Chemistry | 1995 | 2000 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Kayvan Forouhesh Tehrani | | | | | Peter A. Kner (grad student) |
Pamela S. Thompson | | Chemistry | 2006 | 2011 | Geert-Jan Boons (grad student) |
Phan Truong | | Department of Chemistry | 2011 | 2018 | Todd C. Harrop (grad student) |
Gregory S. Tschumper | physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces | | | 1999 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Brett M. Tyler | Molecular Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture, Biochemistry | Molecular and Population Genetics | 1982 | 1984 | Norman Henry Giles (post-doc) |
Remigio Usai | | | 2022 | | Yifan Wang (post-doc) |
Herman van Halbeek | | | | | |
Jonathon Vandezande | computational chemistry, polymer chemistry, reaction mechanisms | Chemistry | 2013 | 2017 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Alexander E Vaughn | Computational chemistry | Chemistry | 2008 | 2014 | Wesley David Allen (grad student) |
Nery Villegas-Escobar | Computational Chemistry | Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry | 2016 | 2020 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Yusuf Vohra | Carbohydrate and glycopeptide synthesis | Chemistry | 2005 | 2010 | Geert-Jan Boons (grad student) |
Michael W. W. | | | | | |
Virginia Walbot | Botany Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics | | 1972 | 1975 | Leon Sebring Dure III (post-doc) |
Nick R. Walker | rotational spectroscopy | | | 2003 | Michael A. Duncan (post-doc) |
Richard M. Walsh | Cryo-EM | | | | Zachary A. Wood (research assistant) |
Melody Walter | | Department of Chemistry | 2011 | 2016 | Todd C. Harrop (grad student) |
Bi-Cheng Wang | Structural Biology (X-ray Crystallography) | | | | |
Yuxiao Wang | | Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences | | | Eileen J. Kennedy (grad student) |
Liangjiang Wang | Bioinformatics Biology | | 1994 | 1999 | Susan R Wessler (grad student) |
Yifan Wang | Bioinorganic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry, Mechanistic Enzymology | Department of Chemistry | | | Aimin Liu (grad student) |
Chieh-Ting Wang | | Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | 2000 | 2005 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
Xiao Wang | quantum chemistry, electronic structure theory, computational materials chemistry | Department of Chemistry | 2012 | 2016 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Chaitanya Shridhar Wannere | Computational chemistry | Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry | | | Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student), Henry F. Schaefer, III (collaborator), R. Bruce King (collaborator) |
Steven S. Wesolowski | Computational Chemistry | | | 2000 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Jan Westpheling | | | | | |
Steven E. Wheeler | computational organic chemistry | | | | |
Myron N. Williams | microbiology, biochemistry, plant biology | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1991 | 1996 | Peter Albersheim (post-doc) |
Robert V. Williams | | Chemistry | 2017 | 2022 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Joy J. Winzerling | Biochemistry, Entomology Biology | | | | John H. Law (grad student) |
Jeremy J. Wolff | | Chemistry | 2003 | 2008 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |
Zachary A. Wood | Structural Enzymology | | | | |
Henry Lee Woodcock III | Computational Chemistry | | | 2003 | Henry F. Schaefer, III (grad student) |
Robert J. Woods | | | | | |
Judy I. Wu | Computational quantum chemistry | | | 2011 | Paul von Ragué Schleyer (grad student) |
Kwan-Nan Yeh | | | | 1970 | Eugene LeRoy Heric (grad student) |
Emin Yilmaz | Food Science and Technology Agriculture | | | 2000 | Robert L. Shewfelt (grad student) |
Yuan-Sheng Yu | | Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | 2009 | 2012 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
Shenghua Yuan | | Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | 2000 | 2006 | Jeffrey F. D. Dean (grad student) |
Young Yuh | | Chemistry | | | Norman L. Allinger (grad student) |
Yanghui Zhang | Organometallic reactions, carbohydrate chemistry | | 2002 | 2007 | Geert-Jan Boons (grad student) |
Yuejie Zhao | | Chemistry | 2012 | 2017 | I Jonathan Amster (grad student) |