Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Zaifang Li20112015 Yinhua Zhou (grad student)
Bao Li Chemistry20162018 Hong-Cai Zhou (post-doc)
Dehui Li School of Optical and Electronic Information20092013 Qihua Xiong (grad student)
Rong-Zhen Liaocomputational catalysis
Conghui TangTM-catalysis, organic synthesis, green chemistry, heterogeneous
Xinglin Wen School of Optical and Electronic Information20122016 Qihua Xiong (grad student)
Guojiao Wu Chemistry Axel Jacobi von Wangelin (post-doc)
Fang XiaoBiochemistry Chemistry Kevin W. Plaxco (post-doc)
Lianbin Zhang
Yajun ZhaoSustainable and Biodegradable polymers, Organometallic chemistry, Radical polymerization
Yinhua Zhou20072008 Fengling Zhang (grad student)