University of Southampton

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Neil Kensington Adamsurface chemistry
Oleg Antzutkin
John P. Appleton1961 Kenneth N. C. Bray (grad student)
Chris Baily Chemistry19992003 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Raymond Baker
Rosemary Baker History20062011 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Philip N. BartlettElectrochemistry Chemistry1981 John Wyndham Albery (grad student)
Christian Bengs
Alan BerryMolecular Enzymology, Directed evolution, Protein engineering, Aldolases, enzymes19791983 Peter M. Shoolingin-Jordan (grad student)
Alan Bewick Martin Fleischmann (grad student)
Fabrice Birembaut Chemistry19982001 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Peter Birkin Chemistry Philip N. Bartlett (grad student)
Katie Blaney Chemistry20052008 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Abbe (Rose) Bond Chemistry20002004 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Margaret A. Brimble19831985 Raymond Baker (grad student)
Nathalie Busschaert20102014 Philip A. Gale (grad student), Philip A. Gale (grad student)
Rebecca (Mathew) Buxton Chemistry19961999 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Stephen Caddick1989 Philip J. Parsons (grad student)
Claudia Caltagirone Philip A. Gale (post-doc)
Ishbel Grace MacNaughton Campbell
Daren Carauana
Marina Carravetta Malcolm H. Levitt (grad student)
Linda Carretta Chemistry19951998 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Alan CarringtonSpectroscopy1959 Martyn Symons (grad student)
Neil R. ChampnessNanoscience19891993 William Levason (grad student)
Alan Edwin Chaplin Physiology and Biochemistry Physiology and Biochemistry1967 Kenneth Albert Munday (grad student), Alan Keith Huggins (grad student)
Gael Chouchelamane Chemistry20062010 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Harry Coles
Maria Concistrè Malcolm H. Levitt (grad student)
Richard C. CooksonOrganic Chemistry
Kenneth George DenbighPhysical chemistry, chemical thermodynamics, chemical engineering
Nicholas J. Dixon
Jordan A DorrellCrystal Structure Prediction, Computational Chemistry
James DowdenNatural product synthesis, Biochemistry19931996 Jeremy D. Kilburn (grad student)
John M. DykePhysical chemistry Noel Sydney Hush (grad student)
James Eills Malcolm H. Levitt (grad student)
Stuart J. ElliottNuclear Magnetic Resonance School of Chemistry20132018 Malcolm H. Levitt (grad student)
Jonathan W. Essex
Martin FleischmannElectrochemistry
Philip A. GaleSupramolecular Chemistry
Steve Goldup
Duncan H. GregorySolid state chemistry19891993 Mark T. Weller (grad student)
Martin C. GrosselOrganic, polymers, photochemistry, Alicyclic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic Molecular Electronics
David C. Hanna
Harry Harbor-Collinsnuclear magnetic resonance Malcolm H. Levitt (grad student)
David Harrowven
Cally J.E. Haynes Department of Chemistry20092011 Philip A. Gale (grad student)
Richard H. HenchmanStatistical Mechanics, Theoretical Chemistry Jonathan W. Essex (grad student)
Jennifer R. Hiscock20072010 Philip A. Gale (grad student)
Martin Blake HockingOrganic chemistry1963 Ishbel Grace MacNaughton Campbell (grad student)
David M. Hodgsonsynthesis of biologically active molecules19861989 Philip J. Parsons (grad student)
Brian J. HowardSpectroscopy, Intermolecular forces, Clusters19671970 Alan Carrington (grad student)
Alan Keith Huggins
Neal Stuart IsaacsHigh Pressure Chemistry; Physical Organic Chemistry
Tony D. KeeneChemistry School of Chemistry School of Chemistry20142015 Michael B. Hursthouse (grad student), Simon J. Coles (research scientist)
Jeremy D. KilburnSupramolecular chemistry
Colin King Chemistry20022006 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Piotr Kleszyk Chemistry20052009 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
William LevasonSynthetic inorganic chemistry
Malcolm H. Levitt
Sumeet Mahajan Chemistry Philip N. Bartlett (grad student)
Gurjit Mandair Chemistry20002004 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Stephanie Maniguet Chemistry19992002 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Bing-Wei MaoSTM Martin Fleischmann (grad student)
Andrew David McLachlanElectron spin resonance spectroscopy, Protein structure comparison, protein evolution, gene duplication1956 Martyn Symons (research assistant)
Stephen R. Meech1983 David Philips (grad student)
Benno Meier Malcolm H. Levitt (post-doc)
Karinne Miqueu20002001 John M. Dyke (post-doc)
Stephen M Morrisliquid crystalline materials Harry Coles (grad student)
Kenneth Albert Munday
Korakot Navakhun Philip A. Gale (grad student)
David Nicholls1959 Gerald Wilfred Albert Fowles (grad student)
J Steve OgdenMatrix Isolation
Anne de Paepe Chemistry19972001 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Martin R. PalmerGeochemistry
Philip J. Parsonsnatural product synthesis1978 Richard C. Cookson (grad student)
Rüdiger Paschotta19941997 David C. Hanna (post-doc)
Suzanne H. Pelfrey Chemistry20052008 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
David PhillipsPhysical Chemistry
Giuseppe Pileio Malcolm H. Levitt (post-doc)
B. Stanley Pons1979 Alan Bewick (grad student)
Stephen Price Chemistry20072011 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Nigel D. Priestley1990 John A. Robinson (grad student)
christopher pyneChemical Physics Alan Carrington (grad student)
Roberto Quesada Philip A. Gale (post-doc)
David Quin Chemistry20042007 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Robert Raja
Anna Regoutzsolid state chemistry, X-ray spectroscopy
Kevin A. ReynoldsPharmaceutical Chemistry, Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry1987 John A. Robinson (grad student)
Peter Richardson Chemistry20102014 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Mark G. Rockley1974 David Phillips (grad student)
Andrea E. RussellElectrochemistry, EXAFS, IR, SERS
Mohamed SabbaNuclear magnetic resonance20172021 Malcolm H. Levitt (grad student)
Peter J. SarreAstrochemistry19731976 Alan Carrington (grad student)
Trevor J. Sears1978 Alan Carrington (grad student)
Silke Severmann Martin R. Palmer (post-doc)
Peter M. Shoolingin-Jordan
Timothy P. SoftleySpectroscopy and dynamics Alan Carrington (grad student)
Jonathan B. Spencerbiosynthesis of antibiotics Peter M. Shoolingin-Jordan (grad student)
Martyn Symonsfree radicals
Neil R. ThomasBiological chemistry19871990 David Gani (grad student)
Philipp J. ThurnerBiomechanics, Mechanobiology, Collagen Fibrils
Zhong-Qun Tiansurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, spectro-electrochemistry Martin Fleischmann (grad student)
Helen Turner Chemistry20022006 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Priyanka VermaHeterogeneous catalysis, plasmonic photocatalysis, porous materials20192021 Robert Raja (post-doc)
mark viant Alan Carrington (grad student)
William Arnot WakehamThermophysical properties of fluids, intermolecular forces, thermodynamics, Chemical Engineering
Richard A. Waltonsynthesis, structure and reactivity of transition metal halides, hydrides, carboxylates and phosphine complexes1964 Gerald Wilfred Albert Fowles (grad student)
Amber K WatsonElectrochemistry20212025 Guy Denuault (grad student)
Jonathan K. WattsNucleic Acid Therapeutics, Chemical Biology
Peter P. Wells Chemistry20022007 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Jonathan James Westmicrofluidics, lab on chip
Jonathan D. Wilden Chemistry19972000 David Harrowven (grad student)
Natalie Wilson Chemistry19951998 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Richard Wiltshire Chemistry20012005 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Anna Wise Chemistry20082012 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Robert J K Wood
Gavin L. Woodhall Howard Wheal (grad student)
Timothy G. WrightPhysical chemistry19881991 John M. Dyke (grad student)
Jun Yao Chemistry19982001 Andrea E. Russell (grad student)
Nigel A. YoungMaterials Chemistry J Steve Ogden (grad student)
Zhihui Zhang Hsiu-Yi Chao (grad student), Steve Goldup (grad student)