C.J.P.N. Richard Anschütz | Organic chemistry | | | | |
Christoph Arenz | Organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry | | 2001 | 2004 | Athanassios Giannis (grad student), Konrad Sandhoff (post-doc), Ute Schepers (post-doc) |
Richard McLean Badger | molecular rotation-vibration spectroscopy | | 1928 | 1929 | Reinhard Mecke (post-doc) |
Joachim Bargon | Physical Chemistry | | | | |
Thomas Baumgartner | Main-group, Organic Materials Chemistry, and Sustainable Energy | | | 1998 | Edgar Niecke (grad student) |
Karl Binz | Pharmacology | | | | |
Guido Bodländer | Mineralogy, physical chemistry | | 1883 | 1886 | Karl Binz (post-doc) |
Ludwig Christian Georg Dietrich Brandis | | Chemistry | | 1948 | Karl Gustav Christoph Bischof (grad student), Friedrich Wöhler (grad student) |
Peter Broekmann | Interfacial Electrochemistry | | | 2000 | Klaus Wandelt (grad student) |
Thomas Carnelley | Organic chemistry | | 1874 | 1875 | August Kekulé (research assistant) |
Bruce K. Cassels | Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry | Organische Chemie | 1973 | 1974 | Rudolf Tschesche (post-doc) |
Theodor Curtius | analytical chemistry | | | | |
Adinarayana Doddi | Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis | | | 2009 | Rainer Streubel (grad student) |
Bernd Engels | Theoretical Chemistry focused in Medicinal/Biological Chemistry, Materials Science and Method Development | Institut fur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie | 1985 | 1987 | Sigrid Doris Peyerimhoff (grad student) |
Domonkos Feher | Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry | Chemistry | 2003 | 2004 | Fritz Vögtle (grad student) |
Alexander Constantin Filippou | Organometallic Chemistry | | | | |
Hermann (Emil) Louis Fischer | Organic chemistry, biochemistry | | | 1872 | August Kekulé (research assistant) |
Gerd Folkers | | | | 1980 | Hermann J. Roth (grad student) |
Karl Freudenberg | organic chemistry | | 1904 | 1907 | C.J.P.N. Richard Anschütz (research assistant) |
Guido Germano | Scientific Computing, Computational Finance, Statistical Physics, Complex Systems | Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät | 1994 | 1995 | Dieter Sondermann (research assistant) |
Athanassios Giannis | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry | | | 1986 | Manfred T. Reetz (grad student), Konrad Sandhoff (grad student) |
Jan Philipp Gölz | | Kekulé-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie | 2014 | | Dirk Menche (grad student) |
Wilhelm Groth | | | | | |
Arnim Grüneich | | Theoretical Chemistry | 1993 | 1996 | Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student) |
Tobias Alexander Marius Gulder | Natural Product Chemistry | | | | Joern Piel (research scientist) |
Frank Hahn | Natural products research / Biocatalysis | | 2005 | 2008 | Stefan Bräse (grad student) |
Uwe Hahn | | | 2000 | 2003 | Fritz Vögtle (grad student) |
Christof Hättig | | Theoretical Chemistry | 1992 | 1995 | Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student) |
Burckhardt Helferich | organic chemistry | | | | |
Daniel Herkommer | | Kekulé-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie | | 2015 | Dirk Menche (grad student) |
Bernd Arthur Heß | Theoretical Chemistry | | | 1980 | Sigrid Doris Peyerimhoff (grad student) |
Gerhard Hilt | | | | 1996 | Eberhard Steckhan (grad student) |
Georg Jansen | | Theoretical Chemistry | 1988 | 1993 | Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student) |
Hermann Jacques Jordan | Comparative physiology | | | 1901 | Hubert Ludwig (grad student) |
August Kekulé | Organic chemistry | | | | |
Friedrich Krafft | physical chemistry | | | 1874 | August Kekulé (grad student) |
Edward Kremers | pharmaceutical chemistry | | 1888 | 1888 | August Kekulé (research assistant) |
Hans Heinrich Landolt | Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry | | | | |
Marius LEWERENZ | Theoretical Chemistry | | | 1983 | Martin Quack (grad student) |
Hans-Gerd Löhr | | | | 1984 | Fritz Vögtle (grad student) |
Oleg Lukin | | | 2001 | 2004 | Fritz Vögtle (post-doc) |
Stephan Lütz | redox reactions; biocatalysis; reaction engineering; biochemical engineering | Chemistry | 2000 | 2008 | Christian Wandrey (post-doc) |
Arne Lützen | | | | | |
Reinhard Mecke | Physical chemistry | | | 1923 | Heinrich Mathias Konen (post-doc) |
Dirk Menche | | | | | |
Henry Forster Morley | Organic chemistry, chemistry education | | 1878 | 1879 | August Kekulé (research scientist) |
Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck | botany | | | | |
Sigrid Doris Peyerimhoff | Theoretical Chemistry | | | 1963 | Bernhard Kockel (grad student) |
Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp Pfeffer | Botany, plant physiology, organic chemistry | | | | |
Richard Tayler Plimpton | Organic chemistry | | 1878 | 1878 | August Kekulé (research assistant) |
Peter Reinhardt | Theoretical Chemistry | | 1990 | 1995 | Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student) |
Eric Keightley Rideal | Surface Chemistry | | | 1913 | C.J.P.N. Richard Anschütz (grad student), Eberhard Rimbach (grad student) |
Eberhard Rimbach | | | | | |
Guido Roßmüller | | Chemistry and Biochemistry | 2009 | 2014 | Christof Hättig (grad student) |
Konrad Sandhoff | Lipid biochemistry | | | | |
Ute Schepers | | | 1993 | 1997 | Konrad Sandhoff (grad student) |
Stephan Schulz | Inorganic Chemistry | | 1996 | 2001 | Edgar Niecke (post-doc) |
Eberhard Steckhan | redox chemistry, electron transfer reactions | | | | |
Wolfgang Steglich | Natural products chemistry | | | | |
Christoph Stock | | | | | Andreas Gansaüer (grad student) |
Hans Strehlow | | | | 1949 | Mark von Stackelberg (grad student) |
Rainer Streubel | Phosphorus chemistry; neutral/charged, open-/closed-shell reactive intermediates; coordination chemistry | | | | |
Carlo Thilgen | | | 1987 | 1990 | Fritz Vögtle (grad student) |
Thomas Edward Thorpe | Inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry | | | 1870 | August Kekulé (post-doc) |
Jan Peter Toennies | | | 1957 | 1962 | Wolfgang Paul (post-doc) |
Rudolf Tschesche | | | | | |
Francis Preston Venable | Organic chemistry | | | 1881 | August Kekulé (grad student) |
Wolf Vielstich | | | | | |
Regina de Vivie-Riedle | Theoretical chemistry | | | 1987 | Sigrid Doris Peyerimhoff (grad student) |
Fritz Vögtle | Supramolecular chemistry, dendrimers | | | | |
Andreas von Antropoff | physical chemistry | | | | |
Theodor von Bischoff | physiology | | | 1829 | Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (grad student) |
Mark von Stackelberg | | | | 1929 | Andreas von Antropoff (grad student) |
Hanns von Weyssenhoff | | | | 1957 | Wilhelm Groth (grad student) |
Otto Wallach | | | | 1870 | August Kekulé (post-doc) |
Klaus Wandelt | Surface and Interface Science | | | | |
Christian Wandrey | | | | | |
Tongtong Wang | | | 2010 | 2014 | Dirk Menche (grad student) |
Edwin Weber | | | 1974 | 1979 | Fritz Vögtle (grad student) |
Cornelia Welte | | Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät | | 2011 | Uwe Deppenmeier (grad student) |
Friedrich August Ferdinand Christian Went | | | | 1887 | Eduard Adolf Strasburger (post-doc) |
Robert Whytlaw-Gray | Physical chemistry | | 1903 | 1906 | C.J.P.N. Richard Anschütz (grad student) |
Jun Yang | | | | | |