Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
C.J.P.N. Richard AnschützOrganic chemistry
Christoph ArenzOrganic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry20012004 Athanassios Giannis (grad student), Konrad Sandhoff (post-doc), Ute Schepers (post-doc)
Richard McLean Badgermolecular rotation-vibration spectroscopy19281929 Reinhard Mecke (post-doc)
Joachim BargonPhysical Chemistry
Thomas BaumgartnerMain-group, Organic Materials Chemistry, and Sustainable Energy1998 Edgar Niecke (grad student)
Karl BinzPharmacology
Guido BodländerMineralogy, physical chemistry18831886 Karl Binz (post-doc)
Ludwig Christian Georg Dietrich Brandis Chemistry1948 Karl Gustav Christoph Bischof (grad student), Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Peter BroekmannInterfacial Electrochemistry2000 Klaus Wandelt (grad student)
Thomas CarnelleyOrganic chemistry18741875 August Kekulé (research assistant)
Bruce K. CasselsMedicinal Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry Organische Chemie19731974 Rudolf Tschesche (post-doc)
Theodor Curtiusanalytical chemistry
Adinarayana DoddiOrganometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis2009 Rainer Streubel (grad student)
Bernd EngelsTheoretical Chemistry focused in Medicinal/Biological Chemistry, Materials Science and Method Development Institut fur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie19851987 Sigrid Doris Peyerimhoff (grad student)
Domonkos FeherOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry20032004 Fritz Vögtle (grad student)
Alexander Constantin FilippouOrganometallic Chemistry
Hermann (Emil) Louis FischerOrganic chemistry, biochemistry1872 August Kekulé (research assistant)
Gerd Folkers1980 Hermann J. Roth (grad student)
Karl Freudenbergorganic chemistry19041907 C.J.P.N. Richard Anschütz (research assistant)
Guido GermanoScientific Computing, Computational Finance, Statistical Physics, Complex Systems Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät19941995 Dieter Sondermann (research assistant)
Athanassios GiannisOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry1986 Manfred T. Reetz (grad student), Konrad Sandhoff (grad student)
Jan Philipp Gölz Kekulé-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie2014 Dirk Menche (grad student)
Wilhelm Groth
Arnim Grüneich Theoretical Chemistry19931996 Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student)
Tobias Alexander Marius GulderNatural Product Chemistry Joern Piel (research scientist)
Frank HahnNatural products research / Biocatalysis20052008 Stefan Bräse (grad student)
Uwe Hahn20002003 Fritz Vögtle (grad student)
Christof Hättig Theoretical Chemistry19921995 Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student)
Burckhardt Helferichorganic chemistry
Daniel Herkommer Kekulé-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie2015 Dirk Menche (grad student)
Bernd Arthur HeßTheoretical Chemistry1980 Sigrid Doris Peyerimhoff (grad student)
Gerhard Hilt1996 Eberhard Steckhan (grad student)
Georg Jansen Theoretical Chemistry19881993 Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student)
Hermann Jacques JordanComparative physiology1901 Hubert Ludwig (grad student)
August KekuléOrganic chemistry
Friedrich Krafftphysical chemistry1874 August Kekulé (grad student)
Edward Kremerspharmaceutical chemistry18881888 August Kekulé (research assistant)
Hans Heinrich LandoltInorganic chemistry, organic chemistry
Marius LEWERENZ Theoretical Chemistry1983 Martin Quack (grad student)
Hans-Gerd Löhr1984 Fritz Vögtle (grad student)
Oleg Lukin20012004 Fritz Vögtle (post-doc)
Stephan Lützredox reactions; biocatalysis; reaction engineering; biochemical engineering Chemistry20002008 Christian Wandrey (post-doc)
Arne Lützen
Reinhard MeckePhysical chemistry1923 Heinrich Mathias Konen (post-doc)
Dirk Menche
Henry Forster MorleyOrganic chemistry, chemistry education18781879 August Kekulé (research scientist)
Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeckbotany
Sigrid Doris PeyerimhoffTheoretical Chemistry1963 Bernhard Kockel (grad student)
Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp PfefferBotany, plant physiology, organic chemistry
Richard Tayler PlimptonOrganic chemistry18781878 August Kekulé (research assistant)
Peter ReinhardtTheoretical Chemistry19901995 Bernd Arthur Heß (grad student)
Eric Keightley RidealSurface Chemistry1913 C.J.P.N. Richard Anschütz (grad student), Eberhard Rimbach (grad student)
Eberhard Rimbach
Guido Roßmüller Chemistry and Biochemistry20092014 Christof Hättig (grad student)
Konrad SandhoffLipid biochemistry
Ute Schepers19931997 Konrad Sandhoff (grad student)
Stephan SchulzInorganic Chemistry19962001 Edgar Niecke (post-doc)
Eberhard Steckhanredox chemistry, electron transfer reactions
Wolfgang SteglichNatural products chemistry
Christoph Stock Andreas Gansaüer (grad student)
Hans Strehlow1949 Mark von Stackelberg (grad student)
Rainer StreubelPhosphorus chemistry; neutral/charged, open-/closed-shell reactive intermediates; coordination chemistry
Carlo Thilgen19871990 Fritz Vögtle (grad student)
Thomas Edward ThorpeInorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry1870 August Kekulé (post-doc)
Jan Peter Toennies19571962 Wolfgang Paul (post-doc)
Rudolf Tschesche
Francis Preston VenableOrganic chemistry1881 August Kekulé (grad student)
Wolf Vielstich
Regina de Vivie-RiedleTheoretical chemistry1987 Sigrid Doris Peyerimhoff (grad student)
Fritz VögtleSupramolecular chemistry, dendrimers
Andreas von Antropoffphysical chemistry
Theodor von Bischoffphysiology1829 Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (grad student)
Mark von Stackelberg1929 Andreas von Antropoff (grad student)
Hanns von Weyssenhoff1957 Wilhelm Groth (grad student)
Otto Wallach1870 August Kekulé (post-doc)
Klaus WandeltSurface and Interface Science
Christian Wandrey
Tongtong Wang20102014 Dirk Menche (grad student)
Edwin Weber19741979 Fritz Vögtle (grad student)
Cornelia Welte Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät2011 Uwe Deppenmeier (grad student)
Friedrich August Ferdinand Christian Went1887 Eduard Adolf Strasburger (post-doc)
Robert Whytlaw-GrayPhysical chemistry19031906 C.J.P.N. Richard Anschütz (grad student)
Jun Yang