Northern Arizona University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Meredith Blynn Chemistry and Biochemistry Edwin A. Lewis (grad student)
Gerald CapleOrganic chemistry
Jennifer M. ClaesgensSolid State, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry
Pieter C. DorresteinBiochemistry, Chemical Biology, Mass spectrometry; Harvesting genomic information for therapeutics1998 John C. MacDonald (research assistant)
Hank W. EngSolid State Chemistry
Matthew W. Freyer Chemistry and Biochemistry Edwin A. Lewis (grad student)
Paul W. JagodzinskiPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Douglas Anson LoyPolymer and Materials chemistry19841986 Gerald Caple (grad student)
John C. MacDonaldOrganic chemistry, materials chemistry, surface chemistry
Daniel J Matthew
Nancy A. MoranSymbiosis; Genomics; Evolutionary Biology; metagenomics; metabolism 19841986 Thomas G. Whitham (post-doc)
Elizabeth M. O'ConnorMolecular Biology, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry2002 Richard F. Shand (grad student)
Joseph Ramos Chemistry and Biochemistry Edwin A. Lewis (grad student)
Mary Ruth ReidIgneous petrology and geochemistry
Richard F. ShandMolecular Biology, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry
Michael Elliot Smith
Casey R. Tierney Mary Ruth Reid (grad student)
Max K Whittington Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry20242026 M. Mozammel Hoque (research assistant), Naomi R. Lee (grad student)