University of Alabama, Birmingham

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Edward P. AcostaPharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Rigoberto C. AdvinculaPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Alok AgrawalBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, General Biology Alexander J. Szalai (post-doc)
Stephen G. AllerGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Structural Biology
Hope M. AmmPharmacology, Oncology Pharmacology and Toxicology2010 Donald J. Buchsbaum (grad student)
G M. AnantharamaiahBiochemistry, structural biology, molecular biology, pathology
Oon T. AngBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2002 Peter J. Detloff (grad student)
Erin K. ArnoldPathology2004 Victor M. Darley-Usmar (grad student)
Mutay AslanBiochemistry, Cell Biology2002 Bruce A. Freeman (grad student)
Chinwe O. AsomughaBiochemistry Vision Science2011 Om P. Srivastava (grad student)
Jeffrey L. AtkinsonGeneral Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry Chemistry2012 Sergey Vyazovkin (grad student)
Scott W. BallingerPathology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology
Michael L. BelenkyCell Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2011 Donald J. Buchsbaum (grad student)
Karen I. BertrandMolecular Biology2001 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Allison C. BloodsworthBiochemistry2001 Bruce A. Freeman (grad student)
Joseph R. Bloomer
LeeAnn J. BoermaBiochemistry, General, Oncology Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2012 Matthew B. Renfrow (grad student)
Betty M. BookerBiochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2010 Norman P. Higgins (grad student)
Elizabeth L. BrandonMembrane Traffic; Protein Degradation2004 Elizabeth Sztul (grad student)
Tom Broker
Wayne J. BrouiletteOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Wayne Jason BrouilletteOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Christie BrouilletteProtein Structural Cooperativity and Energetics, Biophysics, Antibacterial Drug Discovery
Donald J. BuchsbaumCell Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics
Mary Bunten Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2019 Matthew B. Renfrow (grad student)
Jamie A. CearleyGenetics, Biochemistry2001 Peter J. Detloff (grad student)
Jose M. ChavesMolecular Biology Vision Science2008 Om P. Srivastava (grad student)
Jianzhong ChenChemistry, Mass Spectrometry, HPLC, Lipidomics, Proteomics, tear film
Igor N. ChesnokovMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Wei-Ming Chien2001 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Louise T. Chow
Gin C. ChuangToxicology, Pathology, Environmental Health Pathology2010 Scott W. Ballinger (grad student)
Evan Q. ComeauxMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Pharmacology and Toxicology2013 Robert C. van Waardenburg (grad student)
Ellenore Craine Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Matthew B. Renfrow (grad student)
Andrew B. CrouseMolecular Biology2005 Peter J. Detloff (grad student)
John K. CuttsPharmacology, Biochemistry Pharmacology and Toxicology2014 Helen Kim (grad student)
Louis R. D'AbramoFisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Biochemistry, Animal Physiology Biology
Luan D. Dao Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2008 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Victor M. Darley-UsmarCell Biology, Biochemistry
Lawrence J. DeLucasBiochemistry1982 Fred L. Suddath (grad student), Charles E. Bugg (grad student)
Jan A. den Hollandermagnetic resonance Adrienne C. Lahti (collaborator), H. Randall Griffith (collaborator)
Wentao Deng2004 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Christine Denning2011 Kristina M. Visscher (grad student)
Peter J. DetloffGenetics, Biochemistry
Anne R. DiersCell Biology, Biochemistry Pathology2010 Aimee Landar (grad student)
Chuanqing DingOphthalmology2002 Om P. Srivastava (grad student)
Karen T. DixonBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Pathology2004 Peter J. Detloff (grad student)
Jerome DrainBiochemistry, Pathology2000 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Brian P. DrankaCell Biology, Biochemistry Pathology2009 Victor M. Darley-Usmar (grad student)
Aaron A. Duffy Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2010 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Anindya DuttaBiochemistry
Tricia ElgavishBiochemistry2000 Stephen C. Harvey (grad student)
Shannon M. EliukPharmacology, Toxicology Pharmacology and Toxicology2008 Helen Kim (grad student)
Jeff EnglerBiochemistry
Jeffrey A. EnglerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Mitzy Erdmann Chemistry2015 Joe L March (grad student)
Heidi ErlandsenProtein Crystallography
Xiaowu FanPolymer Chemistry2003 Rigoberto C. Advincula (grad student)
Jessica L. FettermanPathology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology Pathology2011 Scott W. Ballinger (grad student)
Josh Forakis Chemistry2023 Joe L March (grad student)
Bruce A. Freemaneukaryotic cell production, reactions and signal transduction properties of oxidizing and free radical inflammatory mediators
Ya-sheng GaoMembrane Traffic; Protein Degradation2001 Elizabeth Sztul (grad student)
Rafael Garcia-MataRho GTPases2002 Elizabeth Sztul (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Gardnerforensics
Nicholas J. Genovese Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2010 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Anthony P. GiesAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry2004 William K. Nonidez (grad student)
Daniel E. GoldenBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2005 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Robert GrabskiMembrane Traffic; Protein Degradation Cell Biology2008 Elizabeth Sztul (grad student)
Jayleen M. GramsMolecular Biology2001 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Stephen L. HajdukBiochemistry, Pathology
Jeannie D. HamanBiomedical Engineering, Dentistry, Analytical Chemistry2001 Linda C. Lucas (grad student)
Alyssa Hansen Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Matthew B. Renfrow (grad student)
Veronica R. HarringtonBiochemistry, Ophthalmology2004 David Whikehart (grad student)
Corey M. HarrisonPathology, Environmental Health Pathology2011 Scott W. Ballinger (grad student)
Stephen C. HarveyBiochemistry19711973 Herbert C. Cheung (post-doc)
Ashlee N. HigdonBiochemistry, Cell Biology, General Pathology2011 Victor M. Darley-Usmar (grad student)
Norman P. HigginsBiochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
Richard D. HockettBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Chantelle B. HoodPharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2007 Edward P. Acosta (grad student)
Sai P. IyerBiochemistry2003 Jeff Engler (grad student)
Samith B JayawardanaChemistry Chemistry2020 Gayan B. Wijeratne (grad student)
Haining JiAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry2001 William K. Nonidez (grad student)
Sinu P. JohnBiochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology, Virology Biology2006 Colleen B. Jonsson (grad student)
Colleen B. JonssonVirology Biology, Cell Biology
Natalia Y. KedishviliCell Biology, Biochemistry
Andrew J KennedyNeuroepigenetics Neurobiology20122016 J. David Sweatt (post-doc)
Baldeep KhareBiochemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2011 Narayana V. Sthanam (grad student)
Eun-Young Kho Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2012 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Helen KimPharmacology, Biochemistry
Anthony E. KlonBiochemistry2002 Stephen C. Harvey (grad student)
Sthanam V. L. NarayanaGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Physics, Biostatistics Biology, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry
Yi-Shin LaiCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2011 Tim Townes (grad student)
Koop LammertsmaOrganic Chemistry
Aimee LandarCell Biology, Biochemistry
Anthony J. LangAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2010 Sergey Vyazovkin (grad student)
Suzanne E. LapiNuclear Chemistry, Nuclear Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Radiology
Seung-Ah LeeCell Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2008 Natalia Y. Kedishvili (grad student)
Chin-Hsing LinBiochemistry, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology2001 Peter J. Detloff (grad student)
Jason Locklin
Angelina I. Londono-JoshiPathology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Pathology2013 Donald J. Buchsbaum (grad student)
Jason LoweryMembrane Traffic; Protein Degradation Cell Biology2012 Elizabeth Sztul (grad student)
Linda C. LucasBiomedical Engineering, Dentistry, Analytical Chemistry1983 Jack E. Lemons (grad student)
Joe L MarchChemical Education, Inorganic
Howard C. MasuokaMolecular Biology, Genetics2002 Tim Townes (grad student)
Michael Thomas McManusNoncoding RNA, Genetics, Molecular Biology19942000 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Ashley S McNeillComputational Chemistry, Chemical Education
Jason A. MearsBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Structural Biology, Cryo-EM, mitochondrial dynamics Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics19992005 Stephen C. Harvey (grad student)
Nathalia Melo Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Matthew B. Renfrow (grad student)
Jeffrey D. MilnerMolecular Biology, Pharmacology2000 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Pritam MondalBioinspired Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry20192023 Gayan B. Wijeratne (post-doc)
Whitney B. MoroOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2007 Wayne J. Brouilette (grad student)
Dwayaja H. NadkarniPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Sadanandan E. Velu (grad student)
Timothy R. NagyNutrition, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Jason J. Nichols
William K. NonidezAnalytical Chemistry
Francisco Noya2001 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Jooyeun OhBiochemistry, Pathology2008 Victor M. Darley-Usmar (grad student)
Monika W. OliMolecular Biology2001 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Steven J. OntiverosVirology Biology, Cell Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2009 Colleen B. Jonsson (grad student)
Robert E. PalazzoCell Biology, Biochemistry
Kumar R. PandyaMolecular Biology, Genetics2002 Tim Townes (grad student)
Thomas R. PeavyNeuroscience Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology2013 Helen Kim (grad student)
Jessica PerezMolecular Biology Cellular and Molecular Physiology2010 Victor M. Darley-Usmar (grad student)
Gary A. PiazzaBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Medicine and Surgery
Cameron Postnikoffoptometry, contact lens, dry eye, neutrophil, nanotechnology Vision Sciences20142019 Kelly K. Nichols (grad student)
Josef T. PrchalBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Shanuk R RajapakseChemistry Chemistry2020 Gayan B. Wijeratne (grad student)
Harish RamanathanVirology Biology, Cell Biology2007 Colleen B. Jonsson (grad student)
Bharat G. ReddyBiochemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2014 Lawrence J. DeLucas (grad student)
Meredith A. Reidneuroimaging, schizophrenia, MR spectroscopy, diffusion MR Biomedical Engineering20072013 Adrienne C. Lahti (grad student)
Colin R. ReilyBiochemistry, Cell Biology Pathology2012 Victor M. Darley-Usmar (grad student)
Matthew B. RenfrowBiochemistry, General, Oncology
Paul E. RichardsonBiochemistry2005 Stephen C. Harvey (grad student)
Christina R. RicheyAstrochemistry Physics20052011 Perry A. Gerakines (grad student)
Nikolay RovinskiyBiochemistry, Genetics Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2013 Norman P. Higgins (grad student)
John A. SecristOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Christopher J. SheldahlBiochemistry, Medical Biophysics2002 Stephen C. Harvey (grad student)
Rita L. SherrerMolecular Biology, Genetics2003 Stephen L. Hajduk (grad student)
Tanvi Sinha20092014 Jianbo Wang (grad student)
Đani ŠkalameraOrganic chemistry, synthesis, photochemistry, natural products, carbohydrate chemistry, immunoadjuvants Chemistry Department20182019 Pengfei Wang (post-doc)
Om P. SrivastavaBiochemistry
Scott M. StaggMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2002 Stephen C. Harvey (grad student)
Delisha A. StewartBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2001 Tim Townes (grad student)
Narayana V. SthanamBiochemistry
Andrea A. SvendsenGenetics2006 Tim Townes (grad student)
Anton SvitinMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2010 Igor N. Chesnokov (grad student)
Elizabeth SztulMembrane Traffic; Protein Degradation
Tomasz SzulMembrane Traffic; Protein Degradation Cell Biology2009 Elizabeth Sztul (grad student)
Michael J. TealeGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology2000 Lawrence J. DeLucas (grad student)
Tommy T. ThomasBiomedical Engineering2003 Linda C. Lucas (grad student)
Heather N. TinsleyPharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology2010 Gary A. Piazza (grad student)
Cristy Tower-GilchristMembrane Traffic; Protein Degradation Cell Biology2011 Elizabeth Sztul (grad student)
Tim TownesMolecular Biology, Genetics
Timothy TownesBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Brian A. Van Tine2003 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Robert C. van WaardenburgMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Margaret S. VanLoockBiochemistry2000 Stephen C. Harvey (grad student)
Sadanandan E. VeluPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Sergey VyazovkinAnalytical Chemistry
Sabrina L. Walthall2006 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Hsu-Kun Wang Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2009 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Chao-Cheng WangAnalytical Chemistry2001 William K. Nonidez (grad student)
David WhikehartBiochemistry, Ophthalmology
Douglas W. WhiteAstrochemistry Physics20052010 Perry A. Gerakines (grad student)
Gayan B. WijeratneInorganic/Bioinorganic Chemistry
Zachary A. WoodStructural Enzymology Stephen L. Hajduk (research assistant)
Li-Chen WuMolecular Biology, Genetics Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2008 Tim Townes (grad student)
Chuanjun XiaPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2002 Rigoberto C. Advincula (grad student)
Jei-Hwa Yu Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics2008 Louise T. Chow (grad student)
Blake R. ZelicksonPathology, Cell Biology Pathology2011 Victor M. Darley-Usmar (grad student)
Congxiang ZhaPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2000 Wayne Jason Brouillette (grad student)
Yanxi ZhangPhysical Chemistry2007 Sergey Vyazovkin (grad student)
Yinong ZongGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Physics, Biostatistics Biology, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry2003 Sthanam V. L. Narayana (grad student)