Queen Mary, University of London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Stellios ArseniyadisOrganic chemistry
Donald C. Bradleytransition metals and lanthanides
Jason E. CampOrganic Synthesis
Michael A. ChestersPhysical chemistry J Pritchard (grad student)
Malcolm H. Chisholminorganic, organometallic and materials chemistry1969 Donald C. Bradley (grad student)
Sean Khine David Mills (grad student)
Frederick E. King1927 James Riddick Partington (grad student)
Campoy Quiles Mariano20022006 Donald C. Bradley (grad student)
Aurelio Mateo-Alonso20002004 Peter Brian Wyatt (grad student), James H.P. Utley (grad student)
Gordon Shepherd McDougallSurface Chemistry19841985 J Pritchard (post-doc)
David Millschemical physics20022005 Kurt W. Kolasinski (grad student)
Catarina Owesson-Whiteelectrochemistry, drug abuse, reward 19982002 Jonathan A. Stamford (grad student), Daniel McLaughlin (grad student)
James H. P.
James H. P.
Matteo Palmananoscience, nanopatterning, self-assembly of functional nanostructures
James Riddick Partingtonphysical chemistry
Gerald Pattendenorganic synthesis of natural products and biosynthetic processes19631966 Basil Weedon (grad student)
J PritchardSurface science Frederick Clifford Tompkins (grad student)
Tina Raisinghaney David Mills (grad student)
James H.P. Utley
Basil Weedonstructure and synthesis of carotenoids