Université Paris-Sud XI

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Pierre AsselinSpectroscopy1992 Iliana Dimicoli (grad student)
Robert Azerad
Patrick Batail
Jacques Bauche
Jean Pierre Bégue
Mehdi BeniddirNatural product chemistry20092012 Marc litaudon (grad student)
Franck Bénière1992 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Catherine Bessada1987 Henri Szwarc (grad student)
Marcel Bessishematology
J. A. Beswick
Luis Blanco1982 Jean-Marie Conia (grad student)
Thomas Boddaertorganic chemistry, catalysis, organometallic chemistry
Danièle Bonnet-Delpon
Philippe Bordarier1997 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Rene Botter1968 Michel Magat (grad student)
Christophe BourOrganic chemistry, catalysis, organometallic chemistry
Emeric Bourasseau19992003 Philippe Ungerer (grad student)
Anne Boutin
Jean-Paul Briand
Gérard Bricogneprotein and virus structure determination
Emmanuel Brouillet
Séverine Buttefey2002 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Benjamin Cahier2018 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Victoria E. Campbell
Thiago Carita CorreraPhysical-Chemistry, spectroscopy20132013 Philippe MAITRE (post-doc)
Bruce K. CasselsMedicinal Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry Faculté de Pharmacie Faculté de Pharmacie19851987 André Cavé (research scientist), André Cavé (research scientist)
Martine Castella-VenturaTheoretical Chemistry1987 André Tramer (grad student)
André Cavé
Gaëlle Charron2008 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Majed Chergui1981 Jacques Bauche (grad student)
Jean-Marie Conia
Guillaume Conrath Pharmacy1986 Nicholas A. Peppas (grad student)
Susannah C. Coote Chimie20072008 Cyrille Kouklovsky (post-doc)
Alexa CourtyNanoparticles1997 Claude Dedonder-Lardeux (grad student)
David Crichdiastereoselective free radical chemistry, acyl radical chemistry, enantioselective synthesis of á-disubstituted amino acids, and carbohydrate chemistry1984 Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)
Mariella Damiano
Richard Danielloucarbohydrates, enzymes20002003 André Lubineau (grad student)
Patrick Maurice Dansettereactive metabolites, drug metabolism Biochemistry19661972 Robert Azerad (grad student)
Serge DavidOrganic chemistry, biochemistry
Jerome DelhommellePhysical Chemistry19972000 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Nada Dia2013 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Silvia Diez-Gonzalez2004 Luis Blanco (grad student)
Catherine Dodane2002 Eric Simoni (grad student)
Anne Dolbecq1995 Patrick Batail (grad student)
Gilberte Dosseh1990 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Héloïse Dossmanngas-phase chemistry, photoelectron spectroscopy,mass spectrometry Physical-chemistry Odile Dutuit (grad student)
Catherine Dubernet Pharmacy1987 Nicholas A. Peppas (grad student)
Odile Dutuit
Odile EisensteinTheoretical Chemistry1977 Lionel Salem (grad student), Nguyen Trong Anh (grad student)
Fatima El-Khatib2017 Victoria E. Campbell (grad student), Talal Mallah (grad student)
Jacques Eustache Chemistry19751979 Serge David (grad student)
Nicolas Ferrando2011 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Marcel FétizonOrganic Chemistry
Benoit Fleury2006 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Sebastien Fouchard2000 Eric Simoni (grad student)
Isabelle FourréTheoretical Chemistry, Physics1994 Maurice Raoult (grad student)
Catherine Fressigné1992 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Alain H. Fuchs19801983 Henri Szwarc (grad student)
Daniela Heurtaux2007 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Philippe HibertyTheoretical Chemistry1978 Lionel Salem (grad student)
Stéphane HumbelTheoretical Chemistry1995 Philippe Hiberty (grad student)
Juliette Imbach2001 Eric Simoni (grad student)
Joel Janin
Marie Jeffroy2010 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Denis Jérome
Christian Jungen
Henri B. Kaganasymmetric organic synthesis
Olivier Kahn
Cyrille Kouklovsky
Véronique Lachet1998 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Marie Lagache2003 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Julien Legros Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy Danièle Bonnet-Delpon (grad student), Jean Pierre Bégue (grad student)
Stanislas Leiblercollective behavior of biomolecules, cells and organisms1984 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (grad student)
Marc litaudon
Jean-francois Lucchini2001 Eric Simoni (grad student)
Mahagundappa R. Maddani20102011 Henri B. Kagan (post-doc)
Gurvan Magadur2012 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Michel Magatphysical chemistry
Trinh Thi Mai20162019 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Jean-Bernard Maillet1997 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Philippe MAITREPhysical Chemistry Philippe Hiberty (grad student), Michael T. Bowers (post-doc)
Talal Mallah Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay Olivier Kahn (grad student)
François Martz20112014 Bogdan Iorga (grad student)
Arnaud Marvilliers1999 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Christian MinotTheoretical Chemistry1977 Lionel Salem (grad student), Nguyen Trong Anh (grad student)
María Moragues-Cánovas2004 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Sara P. MorcilloOrganic chemistry
Paul Morinsynchrotron, x-ray spectroscopy
Mohandas NarlaRed Cell Physiology19731976 Marcel Bessis (post-doc)
Cédric Nicolas2003 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Jean Ollivier
Rafael Oriol
Manish Pareek Chemistry2017 Vincent Gandon (post-doc)
Olivier PariselTheoretical Chemistry19921995 Yves Ellinger (grad student), Gaston Berthier (grad student)
Pierre Pascual2004 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Alain Pinchart2000 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Sylvain PlessisModeling of Titan's ionospheric chemistry
Yoann Prado2010 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Yousuf Raza2013 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Jean-Noël Rebilly2005 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Jean-Pierre Renard
Olivier Riant1992 Henri B. Kagan (grad student)
Youngju ROElectrochemistry
Guillaume Rogez2002 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Bernard Rousseau
Sophie Sacquin-Mora2003 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Jaques Salaun
Lionel SalemTheoretical Chemistry
Olivier Saslawski Pharmacy1990 Nicholas A. Peppas (grad student)
Serge Segot-Chicq Pharmacy1985 Nicholas A. Peppas (grad student)
Roberta Sessoli Jean-Pierre Renard (research assistant)
Feng Shao
Laurens D.A. Siebbelesexcited states in molecular materials19911994 J. A. Beswick (post-doc)
Marc Simonx-ray spectroscopy1992 Paul Morin (grad student)
Jean-Marc Simon1997 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Riccardo SpeziaTheoretical chemistry LCP20032003 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Humberto O. Stumpf Chimie Inorganique19891993 Olivier Kahn (grad student)
Henri Szwarc Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Rayonnements1965 Michel Magat (grad student)
Emmanuel A. TheodorakisSynthetic, Medicinal, Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry, Methods and Strategies in Natural Products Chemistry1992 Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)
Frederic Touchard harmacy1986 Nicholas A. Peppas (grad student)
André Tramer
Simon Tricard2009 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Hervé Tricoire1978 Jean-Paul Briand (grad student)
Philippe Ungerer1999 Alain H. Fuchs (grad student)
Marie Varin20042007 Bogdan Iorga (grad student), Catherine Guillou (grad student)
Michel Verdaguer Olivier Kahn (grad student)
François VolatronTheoretical Chemistry Odile Eisenstein (grad student)
Florence Volatron2010 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Yiting Wang20152019 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Aurélie Wender2006 Anne Boutin (grad student)
Georges Zakhia2015 Talal Mallah (grad student)
Samir Z. Zard Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)