Carnegie Mellon University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Catalina AchimInorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry Chemistry19931998 Eckard Münck (grad student), Emile Louis Bominaar (grad student)
Peter J. AdamsAtmospheric chemistry and physics
Gabriel Adriano Chemistry2023 Gabriel dos Passos Gomes (grad student)
Ashish Agarwalprocess systems engineering2006 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Murni M. Ahmadbioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2006 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Abdularahman Alattas Chemical Engineering2012 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Nicolae M. AlbuPhysical Chemistry, Theory Physics Chemistry2013 David Yaron (grad student)
Mohammed H. AlviStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2005 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Shelley L. Anna
Pamela Antunez de Mayoloribosomes2002 John Woolford (grad student)
Robert Apap Chemical Engineering2017 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Bruce A. ArmitageBiochemistry
Josue Ayuso-Carrillo
Raman BahalBiochemistry2012 Danith Ly (grad student)
Padmanabhan BalaramBioorganic Chemistry, Molecular Biophysics1972 Aksel A. Bothner-By (grad student)
Jayanth Balasubramanianprocess systems engineering2003 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Aditya Balasubramanian Materials Science & Engineering20102014 Christopher J. Bettinger (grad student)
Courtney L. Ballietnanostructured materials2012 Tomasz Kowalewski (grad student)
Deboshri BanerjeeInorganic Chemistry2007 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Anjan Banerjee
Prakriti Ranjan Bangal20012001 Linda A. Peteanu (post-doc)
Michael J. Bartkovskybioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2006 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Mariana Barttfeld Chemical Engineering2003 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Marcos D. Battistel2010 Miguel Llinás (grad student)
Charles Lloyd BauerMetallurgy and Materials Science
Evan S. BeachInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Sciences2007 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Kathryn L. Beers2000 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
John A. Belot,19901995 Richard D. McCullough (grad student)
Sidi A. BencherifPolymer Chemistry2009 Newell R. Washburn (grad student)
Tricia A. BennettStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2006 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Andrea L. BenvinOrganic Chemistry2008 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Tristan Bereau Physics Markus Deserno (grad student)
Kenneth D. Berglundbioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2002 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Guillermo A. Bermejo2007 Miguel Llinás (grad student)
Stefan BernhardOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Alternative Energy
Guy C. BerryPolymer Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
Christopher J. Bettingerpolymers, biomaterials
Michael A. BevanChemical Engineering, Biochemistry Chemical Engineering1999 Dennis C. Prieve (grad student)
David L. BeveridgeTheoretical and computational chemistry19661968 John Anthony Pople (post-doc)
Burcu Beykal Chemical Engineering2014 Meagan S. Mauter (grad student)
Silvia Bezer Chemistry2010 Catalina Achim (grad student)
Arsh Bhatia Chemical Engineering20222027 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Shantanu S. BhattacharyyaBiochemistry Biological Sciences2013 Gordon S. Rule (grad student)
Dinesh Bhunia
Mark E. BierMass Spectrometry Instrumentation, Analytical Chemistry
Deepak Birewar Chemical Engineering1989 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Robert R. Birgenanotechnology
Donna G. Blackmondasymmetric catalysis1984 Edmond I. Ko (grad student)
Michael BockstallerPolymers
Daniil Boiko Chemical Engineering2022 Gabriel dos Passos Gomes (grad student)
Emile Louis Bominaar
Nan Boonyachut2007 David E. Laughlin (grad student)
Aksel A. Bothner-Bynuclear magnetic resonance
Abhijit P. BrahmeStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2005 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Klára Briknarová1999 Miguel Llinás (grad student)
Hindy E. BronsteinPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons1995 Richard D. McCullough (research assistant)
Anthony C. Brooks20102014 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Marcel P. Bruchezbio-nanotechnology
Braulio Brunaud Chemical Engineering2019 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Hy S. BuiPolymer Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2004 Guy C. Berry (grad student)
John E. BulkowskiProfessor Emeritus1973 Charles H. Van Dyke (grad student)
Lisa Bullard Chemical Engineering1991 Lorenz T. Biegler (grad student)
Joseph T. BusheyEnvironmental Engineering, Plant Physiology, Biogeochemistry2003 David A. Dzombak (grad student)
Juan C. Cabada-AmayaChemical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics2003 Spyros N. Pandis (grad student)
Theodore W. Cadmanchemical engineering1965 Robert R. Rothfus (grad student)
Bruno Calfa Chemical Engineering2015 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Adam L. Canadybioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development Chemical Engineering2013 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Kaiyu Cao Chemical Engineering2022 Can Li (post-doc)
Heber J. Chacon-MadridAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2012 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Mrinmoy ChakrabartiMetalloproteins, Bioinorganic models, Magnetochemistry, Mössbauer and EPR Spectroscopy, Theory of transition metal complexes2010 Eckard Münck (grad student)
Arani ChandaInorganic Chemistry2007 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Chung-ke ChangStructural biology, SARS, metabolomics, biobanking Biological Sciences19972001 Chien Ho (grad student)
Qi Chen Chemical Engineering2020 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Venugopal Chenna
Soonwuk CheongStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2002 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Kenneth B. ChiacchiaScience Writing, Visual Search, Olfactory (Canine) Search
Danielle Chirdon Chemistry20112016 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Seolhee ChoOptimization, Mixed-integer programming, Power systems, Reliability Chemical Engineering20202024 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Sukwon ChoiFuel Cells, PVD, MBE Materials Science20032008 Paul Salvador (grad student)
Mahbuboor R. ChoudhuryEnvironmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering2012 David A. Dzombak (grad student)
Arindam ChowdhurySingle-Emitter Imaging, Dynamics and Spectroscopy19972002 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
GORDON F CHRISTOPHERinterfacial rheology, rheology, soft matter20032008 Shelley L. Anna (grad student)
Hoyong ChungPolymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering20072011 Newell R. Washburn (grad student)
Robert Clay Chemical Engineering1994 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Itzhaq T. Cohen-Karninanoscience Ernesto Joselevich (research assistant)
Bernard D. ColemanRheology
Terrence J. CollinsInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Harold Conroy
Philip J. Costanzo Department of Chemistry19992001 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (research assistant)
Matthew J. Crawford20072011 Danith Ly (grad student)
Dieter CremerTheoretical Chemistry19721974 John Anthony Pople (post-doc)
Larry Curtisscomputational chemistry, nanomaterials, lithium-air batteries Chemistry19691973 John Anthony Pople (grad student)
Brian Cusicknanostructured materials2009 Tomasz Kowalewski (grad student)
Mark Daichendt Chemical Engineering1995 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Susan M. Daly DiPasquobioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2004 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Subha R. DasGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry, Nanoscience, RNA
Anindita Das20102015 Rongchao Jin (grad student)
Bhaskar DattaOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology19992004 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Melissa C. DayChemical Engineering, Climate Change Chemical Engineering2014 Spyros N. Pandis (grad student)
Raymond F. De HontMetalloproteins, Bioinorganic models, Magnetochemistry, Mössbauer and EPR Spectroscopy, Theory of transition metal complexes2010 Eckard Münck (grad student)
Vincent DeGeorge Materials Science and Engineering Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Arnie DeLeon Chemistry2012 Catalina Achim (grad student)
Junriz O. Delos SantosBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Melik C. DemirelStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2002 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Sourav Kumar Dey Chemistry Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Fabio Di LenaPolymer Chemistry, Functional surfaces2008 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (post-doc)
Isil DilekBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Biology2003 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Hangjun Ding Materials Science and Engineering20122016 Christopher J. Bettinger (post-doc)
Neil M. DonahueAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry
Gabriel dos Passos GomesOrganic Chemistry, Machine Learning, Catalysis
Justin T. Douglas2006 Miguel Llinás (grad student)
Alexander Dowling Chemical Engineering2015 Lorenz T. Biegler (grad student)
Anca Dragulescu-AndrasiBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry2006 Danith Ly (grad student)
Alina Dragulescu-AndrasiInorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2007 Catalina Achim (grad student)
Markus Drouven Chemical Engineering2017 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Greg T. DrozdAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2011 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Marco Duran Chemical Engineering1984 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
David A. DzombakEnvironmental Engineering, Plant Physiology, Biogeochemistry
Bassem S. El-DasherStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2003 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Allison N. ElderGeneral Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Biochemistry2013 Newell R. Washburn (grad student)
Martijn van Elzakker Chemical Engineering2013 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Sujata R. EmaniCell-penetrating Peptides, endocytosis, fluorescent probes20032005 Alan S. Waggoner (grad student)
Alan E EncisoPolymers, materials, organic synthesis Chemistry Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (post-doc)
Alan Enrique EncisoATRP, Enzymes, Organic Chemistry, Materials, Biomaterials Chemistry20162018 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (post-doc)
Muge Erdirik-Dogan Chemical Engineering2007 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Zhaohui Fan2004 David E. Laughlin (grad student)
Adam Feinberg Biomedical Engineering Kevin Kit Parker (grad student)
Patrick J. FisherFuel Cells, PVD, MBE2008 Paul Salvador (grad student)
James Fitzpatrick Chemistry Marcel P. Bruchez (post-doc)
Christodoulos A. Floudas1986 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Andrew J. FrancisFuel Cells, PVD, MBE2005 Paul Salvador (grad student)
Holger Frey1990 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (research assistant)
Sijie Fu
Ian Fucci Department of Biological Sciences20142019 Gordon S. Rule (grad student)
Liliana Cabrera GallegosChemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2023 Gabriel dos Passos Gomes (post-doc)
Haifeng Gaosynthesizing functional polymer materials with controlled nanostructures and understanding their fundamental structure-property relationships2008 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Timothy M. GaydosChemical Engineering, Environmental Sciences2004 Spyros N. Pandis (grad student)
Marion Gehrmann2002 Miguel Llinás (grad student)
Andrew J. Gellmansurface chemistry
Soumitra Ghoshprocess systems engineering2006 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Anindya GhoshInorganic Chemistry2004 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Roberto R. GilChemistry / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Peter M.W. GillTheoretical and Computational Chemistry19881992 John Anthony Pople (research scientist)
Vikas Goelprocess systems engineering2005 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Haw Z. GohGeneral Physics, General Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry2013 Mathais Loesche (grad student)
Robert N. Goldberg1969 Loren George Hepler (grad student)
Adina P. GolombekPhysical Chemistry2003 Michael P. Hendrich (grad student)
Jacob Good Chemistry K. V. Lakshmi (research assistant)
Mark S. GordonQuantum Theory1968 John Anthony Pople (grad student)
Timothy D. GordonEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences2012 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Kyle Gorkowski Aerosols20102012 Manvendra K Dubey (grad student)
Sunipa Goswami Chemistry2020 Isaac Garcia-Bosch (grad student)
Susan T. GraulPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Andrew P. GrieshopEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences2008 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Nigel D. F. GrindleyDNA Replication and Repair19731975 William S. Kelley (post-doc)
Alexander V. Grishaev2001 Miguel Llinás (grad student)
Ignacio E. Grossmannprocess systems engineering
Anmol Groverbio-nanotechnology Science2013 Marcel P. Bruchez (grad student)
Zhenyu GuPolymer Science, Colloid Science, Chemistry and Physics of Liquids and Complex Fluids, Light Scattering, History and Philosophy of Chemistry2004 Gary D. Patterson (grad student)
Gamze Gumuslu2014 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
William A. GundersonPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2009 Michael P. Hendrich (grad student)
Anisha GuptaBiochemistry, General Chemistry Chemistry2013 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Rupal GuptaPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, General Biophysics, Biochemistry2012 Mike Hendrich (grad student)
Sayam Sen GuptaInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering2002 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Vijay Gupta Chemical Engineering2013 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Klaus Michael Hahn Alan S. Waggoner (post-doc)
Keshava Halemane Chemical Engineering1982 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Mohammad A. HalimAnalytical and Computational Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry20182019 Mark E. Bier (post-doc)
Yelda HangunInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering2002 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Kristen C. HannahBiochemistry2006 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Christopher Hanselman Chemical Engineering2020 Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (grad student)
Nicholas Hattrup
Sarthak HaveliaFuel Cells, PVD, MBE20042009 Paul Salvador (grad student)
Joshua A. HaydenBiochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2011 Michael P. Hendrich (grad student)
Gaofei HeBiochemistry2008 Danith Ly (grad student)
Wei He Chemistry2009 Catalina Achim (grad student)
Martin Head-GordonTheoretical Chemistry1989 John Anthony Pople (grad student)
Teresa Head-GordonTheoretical and computational chemistry, biophysics19841989 Charles L. Brooks (grad student)
David D. Hebertinorganic chemistry, redox-active ligands, electrically conductive polymers Chemistry2020 Isaac Garcia-Bosch (grad student)
Michael P. HendrichInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Mike HendrichPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, General Biophysics, Biochemistry
Kaytlin M. HenryAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2012 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Pablo Garcia Herreros Chemical Engineering2015 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Ramith Hettiarachchi
Lea HildebrandtChemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Atmospheric Chemistry Chemical Engineering20062011 Spyros N. Pandis (grad student), Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Jonathan D. HirstComputational chemistry
Chien Homolecular biology
John HolleranCell Biology2011 Jonathan W. Jarvik (grad student)
Robert R. HolmesChemistry of high-coordinate phosphorus and silicon compounds
Eric P. HolowkaNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems Chemistry Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (research assistant)
Brian S. Holsclawsurface chemistry2012 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Joshua D. Horvathsurface chemistry2003 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Amy C. Hsiaomagnetic and superconducting materials2001 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Jinyu Huang2007 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Wei-Chen Huang Materials Science and Engineering20152017 Christopher J. Bettinger (post-doc)
William Humbioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2011 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Boonchuan Immarapornsurface chemistry2002 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Ramaswamy Iyer Chemical Engineering1997 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Jennifer R. Jacksonprocess systems engineering2003 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Isabel JafferBioinorganic chemistry, inorganic chemistry Chemistry20232028 Isaac Garcia-Bosch (grad student)
Vipul Jain Chemical Engineering1999 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Wojciech Jakubowski2007 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Andrea Jaquins-Gerstl2007 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Jonathan W. JarvikMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Shantanu H. JatharAtmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences2012 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Eluvathingal Devassay JemmisApplied Theoretical Chemistry, Structure and Reactivity of molecules and clusters Chemistry19741978 John Anthony Pople (grad student)
Sangki Jeongmagnetic and superconducting materials2002 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Niki Sweta Jha20112012 Maumita Mandal (post-doc)
Francis Johnsonmagnetic and superconducting materials2003 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Husain Kagalwala Chemistry20112015 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
Ravindra S. Kamathprocess systems engineering Chemical Engineering2012 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Debashis KarStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2012 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Paul J KarolNuclear Chemistry
Ramkumar Karuppiah Chemical Engineering2007 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Balasubramaniam R. KavaipattiFuel Cells, PVD, MBE Materials Science20012006 Paul Salvador (grad student)
Yoshiaki Kawajiri Chemical Engineering2007 Lorenz T. Biegler (grad student)
Andrew D KehrBiochemistry, Vision, Membrane Dynamics, Cryo-EM Biological Sciences20092015 Gordon S. Rule (grad student)
William S. KelleyMolecular biology
Aditya S. KhairFluid mechanics and transport processes; Complex and multiphase fluids
Sameer KhaitanEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2006 David A. Dzombak (grad student)
Donggun Kimsurface chemistry2006 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Chang-Soo KimElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry2004 Ted R. Massa (grad student)
Young Jo Kim Materials Science and Engineering20122016 Christopher J. Bettinger (post-doc)
Hiroaki Kitano19881991 Masaru Tomita (research scientist)
Luke Klosterman Materials Science and Engineering20122016 Christopher J. Bettinger (grad student)
Hung S. Kosurface chemistry2000 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Gary Kocis Chemical Engineering1988 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Truman Paul Kohmanradiochemistry
Jing Kong Chemistry2014 Catalina Achim (grad student)
Bonyoung KooChemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering2003 Spyros N. Pandis (grad student)
Tomasz Kowalewskinanostructured materials
Edward J. Kramerpolymer interfaces1967 Charles Lloyd Bauer (grad student)
Stephanie N. Kramer Chemistry20162022 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Michal Kruknanoporous materials20032005 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (post-doc), Tomasz Kowalewski (post-doc)
Suresh Kumar
Premkumar Kumpati
Soumen KunduOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2012 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Stuart A. KushonBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry2002 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Soon-Cheol KweonMechanical Engineering, Packaging Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2002 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Andrew T. LambeAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2009 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Nikolaos Lappas Chemical Engineering2019 Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (grad student)
Cristiana Lara Chemical Engineering2019 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Robert L. LastPlant metabolism, Plant genomics Biological Sciences19801986 John Woolford (grad student)
David E. Laughlinphase transformations and the structure of materials by means of transmission electron microscopy
Alex Leary Materials Science and Engineering Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Juliette LecomteGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Miguel Llinás (grad student)
Hyung-il Lee2007 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Hwan-Soo Lee2004 David E. Laughlin (grad student)
Sukbin LeeStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2008 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Chih-Ling Leemagnetic and superconducting materials2002 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Sangbum Leeprocess systems engineering2002 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Bongjoon LeePolymer physics Materials Science and Engineering20122016 Michael Bockstaller (grad student)
Christian Legaspi Chemistry Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Justin LegleiterAmyloid, macromolecular self-assembly, atomic force microscopy, neurodegeneration20002005 Tomasz Kowalewski (grad student)
Harold Lessure Materials Science and Engineering Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Wenwen Li2012 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Xiang Liair pollution, atmospheric chemistry Mechanical Engineering20122017 Albert A. Presto (grad student)
Yuanchao LiPolymer Materials, Surface and Interfacial Properties, Stimuli Responsive Macromolecules, Molecular Fluidics, and Atomic Force Microscopy Department of Chemistry20092014 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (collaborator)
Can Li Chemical Engineering2021 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Chao V. LimStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2008 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Eric M. LipskyMechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering2004 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Jinsong Liupolymer chemistry2002 Richard D. McCullough (grad student)
Yufeng Liubiological physics2003 John F. Nagle (grad student)
Shengpeng LiuBiochemistry, Nanoscience Chemistry2013 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Miguel LlinásNMR
Sarah A. Locknar Chemistry19931998 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Mathais LoescheGeneral Physics, General Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Robert S. Loewepolymer chemistry2000 Richard D. McCullough (grad student)
Sabrina LusvarghiOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2009 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Danith LyOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20132015 Maiomaio Wang (collaborator), Premkumar Kumpati (collaborator), Venugopal Chenna (collaborator), Bichismita Sahu (collaborator), Srinivas Rapireddy (collaborator), Suresh Kumar (collaborator), Dinesh Bhunia (collaborator), Anjan Banerjee (collaborator)
Zhijie MaInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2011 Catalina Achim (grad student)
Ronald D. MacfarlaneAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry1959 Truman Paul Kohman (grad student)
Robert MacKnight Chemical Engineering2021 Gabriel dos Passos Gomes (grad student)
Andrew Magenau Chemistry2013 Marcel P. Bruchez (post-doc)
Gilbert J. Mains
Suvrajit Maji Computational Biology2012 Marcel P. Bruchez (grad student)
Christopher M. Mancinellisurface chemistry2003 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Maumita Mandal
Victor R. MannNanoscience, chemical biology Chemistry Neuroscience20132014 Marcel P. Bruchez (research assistant), Alison Barth (research assistant)
Arunava Manna Chemistry20112015 Danith Ly (grad student)
Christos T. Maraveliasprocess systems engineering2004 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Violeta L. MarinOrganic Chemistry2005 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Hershel MarkovitzRheology
Hedi Mattoussi19891992 Guy C. Berry (post-doc)
Krzysztof Matyjaszewskipreparation and processing of precisely controlled polymers to reach targeted materials properties
William Robert McClureBiochemistry
Richard D. McCulloughpolymer chemistry
Lynne McCullough2009 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Patrick Matthew McCurry
Kathleen M. McDonoughEnvironmental Engineering, Hydrology, Environmental Sciences2005 David A. Dzombak (grad student)
Michael E. McHenrymagnetic and superconducting materials
Sean W. McNamaraEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2002 Richard G. Luthy (grad student)
Katlyn K MeierPhysical Bioinorganic Chemistry Chemistry20102015 Eckard Münck (grad student)
Jilian R. Melamed Chemical Engineering2018 Kathryn A. Whitehead (post-doc)
Bharat S. Mhatresurface chemistry Chemical Engineering2013 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
William D. Michalaksurface chemistry2011 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Clarence Millersurfactants, emulsions, microemulsions, and foams and their applications in detergency and enhanced oil recovery
Jill Millstonenanoparticle20012003 Richard D. McCullough (research assistant)
Marissa A. MiracoloMechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Atmospheric Chemistry2011 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Sumit Mitra Chemical Engineering2013 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Rowena Mittalbio-nanotechnology2010 Marcel P. Bruchez (grad student)
Halimatu S. MohammedGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry2012 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Jacob W MohinChemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Physics, Nanomaterials, Energy storage, Pi-electron materials, nanocarbons Chemistry Chemistry20102015 Tomasz Kowalewski (grad student), Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (collaborator)
Il Moon Chemical Engineering1992 Gary J. Powers (grad student)
Alberto Moscatelli Chemistry Linda A. Peteanu (post-doc)
Sylvain Mouret Chemical Engineering2010 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Eckard MünckMetalloproteins, Bioinorganic models, Magnetochemistry, Mössbauer and EPR Spectroscopy, Theory of transition metal complexes
Connor T. MurphyMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2010 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Benjamin N. MurphyAtmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences2012 Spyros N. Pandis (grad student)
John F. Naglebiological physics
Yisu Nieprocess systems engineering Chemical Engineering2014 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Hiromi Niki Chemistry1962 Gilbert J. Mains (grad student)
Chi Ninh Materials Science & Engineering20102014 Christopher J. Bettinger (grad student)
Kevin J.T. Noonan20082011 Geoffrey William Coates (post-doc)
Hunaid B. Nulwalasynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science
Casey P. O'Briensurface chemistry2011 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Paul R. Ohodnicki2008 David E. Laughlin (grad student), Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Satya Ojha Michael Bockstaller (grad student)
David Ologan20172018 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Sheetal S. Paibioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2011 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Hyun-jong Paik2001 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Jianjun Panbiological physics2009 John F. Nagle (grad student)
Spyros N. PandisChemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Atmospheric Chemistry
Soterios Papoulias Chemical Engineering1982 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Eduardo ParedesGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry, Nanoscience2012 Subha R. Das (grad student)
Jung O Park Chemistry1986 Guy C. Berry (grad student)
Kris R. Paserbasurface chemistry2001 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Melissa A. Pasquinellimolecular modeling, nanotechnology, polymers2002 David Yaron (grad student)
Nitin PatelFuel Cells, PVD, MBE2008 Paul Salvador (grad student)
Ravi Kant Pathak20042006 Neil M. Donahue (post-doc)
Goutam Kumar Patra20032004 Catalina Achim (post-doc)
Gary D. PattersonPolymer Science, Colloid Science, Chemistry and Physics of Liquids and Complex Fluids, Light Scattering, History and Philosophy of Chemistry
Edgar Perea Chemical Engineering2002 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Hector Perez Chemical Engineering20182022 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Linda A. Peteanu
Linda PeteanyGeneral Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
Pitirat "Proud" Pholpabu Biomedical Engineering20112016 Christopher J. Bettinger (grad student)
Virginia Piermattie Chemistry1980 Patrick Matthew McCurry (grad student)
Richard L. Pilstonpolymer chemistry2001 Richard D. McCullough (grad student)
Tomislav Pintauer19982002 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Jose Pinto Chemical Engineering1995 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos Chemical Engineering1988 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Logan D. Plath Chemistry20132018 Mark E. Bier (grad student)
Delia-Laura PopescuInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Sciences2007 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Codrina V. Popescu2000 Eckard Münck (grad student)
John Anthony Poplestatistical mechanics of water Paul von Ragué Schleyer (collaborator), Leo Radom (collaborator)
Jan F.M. Post19811984 Chien Ho (post-doc)
Joseph E. PrataBiochemistry, Biomedical Engineering2012 Newell R. Washburn (grad student)
Lavanya L. Premvardhan19952000 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Albert A. Prestoatmospheric aerosols, air quality20012006 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Deepika Priyadarshinisurface chemistry2011 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Todd M. Przybycienbioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development
Ankita Puri Chemistry2020 Isaac Garcia-Bosch (grad student)
Jeffrey Pyun Chemistry19972002 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Dong-Chul Jeffrey Pyun2002 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Huifeng QianGeneral Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2012 Linda Peteany (grad student)
Jian Qiu2000 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Ignacio Quesada Chemical Engineering1993 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Syed QutubuddinSurfactant and Interfacial Phenomena in Nanomaterials Chemical Engineering19781982 Clarence Miller (grad student)
Leo Radomcomputational quantum chemistry19691972 John Anthony Pople (post-doc)
Krishnan Raghavachari1981 John Anthony Pople (grad student)
Kailasham Ramalingam20212024 Aditya S. Khair (post-doc)
Raman Ramesh Chemical Engineering1992 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
David M. Rampullasurface chemistry2005 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Srinivas Rapireddy
Timothy M. RaymondAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Sciences, Chemical Engineering2002 Spyros N. Pandis (grad student)
Jose Regio Chemistry2023 Gabriel dos Passos Gomes (grad student)
Robert Vernon Ricesmooth muscle, ultrastructural analysis
Ilona Riipinen Chemical Engineering20092011 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Allen L. RobinsonMechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Atmospheric Chemistry
Anthony D. RollettStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries
Robert R. Rothfus
Subhadeep Roy Chemistry20032007 Danith Ly (grad student)
Juan Pablo Ruiz2011 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Gordon S. RuleGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry1986 Chien Ho (grad student)
Daniel Russ Morton Kaplan (post-doc)
Iulia A. SacuiBiochemistry2010 Danith Ly (grad student)
Kundan Sagar Chemistry20222023 Isaac Garcia-Bosch (post-doc)
Amy M. SageAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2007 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Aarti Sahasranamanribosomes2010 John Woolford (grad student)
Nikolaos SahinidisOptimization1990 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Bichismita Sahu
Paul SalvadorFuel Cells, PVD, MBE
Saumya SaurabhChemical Biology, Super-resolution microscopy, Fluorescent tags, Bacterial Systems Biology Chemistry20092014 Marcel P. Bruchez (grad student)
Daniel A. SavinChemistry, Polymer Science19952002 Gary D. Patterson (grad student)
Nicolas Sawayaprocess systems engineering2006 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
G. Alan SchickSurface Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Chemistry19851988 Robert R. Birge (research scientist)
H. Bernhard SchlegelTheoretical chemistry1977 John Anthony Pople (post-doc)
Craig Schmidt Chemical Engineering1998 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Rajarshi Sengupta Aditya S. Khair (grad student)
Ashif Yasin ShaikhChemistry Chemistry2015 Danith Ly (post-doc)
Nathaniel I. Shankbio-nanotechnology2012 Marcel P. Bruchez (grad student)
Elena E. Sheinapolymer chemistry2004 Richard D. McCullough (grad student)
Mark Shelton Chemical Engineering1985 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Longzhu Q. ShenGeneral Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Sustainability2013 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Uday V. ShenoyChemical engineering1989 Herbert Lawrence Toor (grad student)
Gizelle Sherwood Chemistry20012007 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Devon A. ShippPolymer Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Materials Science Engineering Chemistry Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (post-doc)
Daniel John Siegwart2008 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Rachelle Palchesko Simko Biomedical Engineering20062011 Ellen S. Gawalt (grad student)
Kaustubh SinhaGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry2009 Gordon S. Rule (grad student)
Stephen D. SintayStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2010 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Timothy Smith Carnegie Mellon University19992004 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Woong Young Sophotophysics, nanoparticle, polymer, metastasis Chemistry20122018 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Suk-Joon Sonmagnetic and superconducting materials2003 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Steven Richard SpurgeonNanomagnetism, magnetoelectrics, thin films, transmission electron microscopy, neutron scattering, oxides
Kumar Srinivasan2004 David E. Laughlin (grad student)
Matthew J. StadlerInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering2007 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Mihaela C. StefanGeneral Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy20032005 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (post-doc), Richard D. McCullough (research scientist)
Troy A. Stich Chemistry Michael P. Hendrich (research assistant)
Sebastian A. StoianMetalloproteins, Bioinorganic models, Magnetochemistry, Mössbauer and EPR Spectroscopy, Theory of transition metal complexes2006 Eckard Münck (grad student)
Heather Dawn Stout Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Eckard Münck (grad student), Catalina Achim (grad student)
David Straub Chemical Engineering1991 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Audria StubnaMetalloproteins, Bioinorganic models, Magnetochemistry, Mössbauer and EPR Spectroscopy, Theory of transition metal complexes2006 Eckard Münck (grad student)
Vish V. Subramaniam Mechanical engineering1986 John L. Lawless (grad student)
R. SubramanianMechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering2004 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Anirudh Subramanyam Chemical Engineering2019 Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (grad student)
Millicent O. Sullivan19982003 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Brent S. SumerlinPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry20032005 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (post-doc)
Dougyong Sungsurface chemistry2004 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Rajasekaran Swaminathanmagnetic and superconducting materials2005 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Grzegorz Szczepaniak
Nikolaus M. SzeverenyifMRI, MRI contrast mechanisms Chemistry19781979 Aksel A. Bothner-By (post-doc)
Mitra Lenore TaheriTransmission electron microscopy, metallurgy, oxides, thin films, magnetoelectrics2005 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Jason Talkishribosomes Biological Sciences2013 John Woolford (grad student)
Chuanbing TangPolymer Chemistry, Renewable Materials, Metal-containing Polymers2006 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student), Tomasz Kowalewski (grad student)
Bora Tarhan Chemical Engineering2008 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Sebastian Terrazas Morenoprocess systems engineering2011 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Ranjani B. TheregowdaEnvironmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Water Resource Management2012 David A. Dzombak (grad student)
Filipe A. Tiago de OliveiraMetalloproteins, Bioinorganic models, Magnetochemistry, Mössbauer and EPR Spectroscopy, Theory of transition metal complexes2006 Eckard Münck (grad student)
David A. Tirrellartificial proteins
Daniel S. TkacikEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Chemistry Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Allen L. Robinson (grad student)
Douglas James TobiasTheoretical and Computational Chemistry1991 Charles L. Brooks (grad student)
Aimee L. TomlinsonPhysical Chemistry2004 David Yaron (grad student)
Francisco Trespalacios Chemical Engineering2015 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Lacramioara Trofin Philip R. LeDuc (post-doc)
Erica R. TrumpAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2013 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Ching-Hsuan Tsaimolecular biology2000 Chien Ho (grad student)
Nicolay Vasilev Tsarevskychemistry, polymer science20002005 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Jessica M. Tuckerbioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2006 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Zafer Turgutmagnetic and superconducting materials2000 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Metin Turkay Chemical Engineering1996 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Changyong Ummagnetic and superconducting materials2006 Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Anup K. UpadhyayInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2004 Michael P. Hendrich (grad student)
Susara A. van den Heeverprocess systems engineering2001 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Charles H. Van Dyke
Jane Vaselenak Chemical Engineering1985 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Kalin VasilevMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Biological Sciences2012 Jonathan W. Jarvik (grad student)
Aldo Vecchietti Chemical Engineering2000 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Ganesh Vedanthambioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2000 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Vasilios Voudouris Chemical Engineering1993 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Leonard D. VuocoloInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Sciences2000 Terrence J. Collins (grad student)
Alan S. WaggonerFluorescent Probes
Lisha Wang2004 David E. Laughlin (grad student)
Yi Wang Biological Sciences2015 Marcel P. Bruchez (grad student)
Miaomiao WangBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry2002 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Maiomaio Wang
Akang Wang Chemical Engineering2020 Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (grad student)
Newell R. Washburnbiomedical materials
Richard M. Watson2008 Catalina Achim (grad student)
Jason D. WeibelPhysical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry2001 David Yaron (grad student)
Emily Daniels WeissChemistry, nanotechnology, organic electronics Chemistry20092015 Tomasz Kowalewski (grad student)
Ryan M. Weiss Chemical Engineering20172019 Kathryn A. Whitehead (post-doc)
Emily A. WeitkampAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2007 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Michael C. WienerStructural biology of membrane proteins John F. Nagle (grad student)
Angela M. Wilcoxbioprocessing, drug delivery, medical device development2002 Todd M. Przybycien (grad student)
Matthew A. Willardmagnetic materials and nanostructured alloys2000 David E. Laughlin (grad student), Michael E. McHenry (grad student)
Belinda B. WillardPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2000 Susan T. Graul (grad student)
James Woods Chemistry20102014 Stefan Bernhard (grad student)
John Woolfordribosomes
Haosheng Wu Materials Science & Engineering20112015 Christopher J. Bettinger (grad student)
Dingcai Wuporous polymer materials
Eric C Wu Chemistry Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Tong Wu Chemistry20182023 Isaac Garcia-Bosch (grad student)
Jiajun YanPolymer Chemistry Chemistry20132018 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student)
Qi Yanbio-nanotechnology2012 Marcel P. Bruchez (grad student)
Chih-Chao YangStructure-property relationships, computer simulation, grain boundaries2000 Anthony D. Rollett (grad student)
Linlin Yang Chemical Engineering2014 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
David YaronComputational chemistry, Machine learning
Pingping Yesurface chemistry2006 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Qing YeAtmospheric Chemistry Chemistry Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Yixin Ye Chemical Engineering2020 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Terence Yee Chemical Engineering1990 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Hector Yeomans Chemical Engineering1999 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Fengqi You Chemical Engineering2009 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Liping Yu2006 Linda A. Peteanu (grad student)
Yang Yunsurface chemistry2005 Andrew J. Gellman (grad student)
Dmytro Yushchenko Chemistry2013 Marcel P. Bruchez (post-doc)
Juan Zamora Chemical Engineering1997 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Kimberly J. ZanottiBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Molecular Biology2011 Bruce A. Armitage (grad student)
Victor Zavala Chemical Engineering2008 Lorenz T. Biegler (grad student)
Lei Zhaipolymer chemistry2002 Richard D. McCullough (grad student)
Yiping ZhanGeneral Biophysics2004 Gordon S. Rule (grad student)
Jieyuan ZhangAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry2006 Neil M. Donahue (grad student)
Jingyu Zhangribosomes2008 John Woolford (grad student)
Liwei ZhangEnvironmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geochemistry2013 David A. Dzombak (grad student)
Qi Zhang Chemical Engineering2016 Ignacio E. Grossmann (grad student)
Shuming Zhang Chemistry2019 Isaac Garcia-Bosch (grad student)
Anping ZhengEnvironmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering2001 David A. Dzombak (grad student)
Mingjiang Zhong Chemistry Chemistry20082013 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (grad student), Tomasz Kowalewski (grad student)
Peng Zhou Chemistry20012006 Danith Ly (grad student)
Congcong Zhu Materials Science & Engineering20102014 Christopher J. Bettinger (grad student)
Zailong Zhuang2001 David E. Laughlin (grad student)
Alessandra C ZimmermannBiochemistry, Chemistry, Bioegineering Subha R. Das (research assistant)