University of Houston

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Rakshya Ojha Department of Chemistry2020 Scott R. Gilbertson (grad student)
Steve F. AbcouwerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1991 Charles Francis Goochee (grad student)
Mansour K. AbdulBakiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2011 Ramanan Krishnamoorti (grad student)
Martin Louis AdamoMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology1986 Robert Leonard Hazelwood (grad student)
Anton Agarkov2004 Scott R. Gilbertson (post-doc)
Aman AgrawalEnergy Materials, Soft Matter, Non-linear Spectroscopy Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20182023 Alamgir Karim (grad student)
Anupam Aichsickle cell disease, heme-hemolgobin, pain, cancer Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering20102015 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Bryan Gencianeo AlamaniCrystallization Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20132019 Jeffrey D. Rimer (grad student)
Joseph Alvarado2009 Olafs Daugulis (research assistant)
Ekhaterina Anokhina Chemistry20012004 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
J. App2002 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Gil Armangue Joan Oró (grad student)
Malik Waqar ArshadComputational Catalysis
Appala R. BadireddyEnvironmental Engineering, Toxicology, Biochemistry2009 Shankar Chellam (grad student)
Michael BaerTheoretical Chemistry19701971 Donald J. Kouri (post-doc)
James E. Baileybiochemical engineering
Gan B. Bajracharya20072009 Olafs Daugulis (research scientist)
Steven BaldelliSurface Chemistry
Jiming Bao
David Barrietmaterials chemistry and nanotechnology2005 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Mary Beth Bean Chemistry1983 Harold Kohn (grad student)
Ralph S. Beckerphotophysics and photochemistry
N.S.P. Bhuvanesh Chemistry19992001 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Eric R. BittnerTheoretical Chemistry, condensed matter physics
Silas C. Blackstockorganic electron transfer chemistry19851986 Jay K. Kochi (post-doc)
Steven R. BlankeMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry
Ronko Bontchevinorganic chemistry Chemistry20002002 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Lawrence A. BottomleyAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry1980 Karl M. Kadish (grad student)
Stanko R. BrankovicElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry
Jakoah BrgochSolid State: Experiment & Theory
Jon E. Burger1995 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Chengzhi CaiOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19911996 Andrea Vasella (grad student)
Pieremanuele Canepamaterials modeling, discovery science
Regina M. CapuanoGeology, Geochemistry, Physical Oceanography
Edwin Carrasquillo-Molina
Laura M. Castro Castrosolid state chemistry19982003 Arnold Guloy (grad student)
Henry S. ChafetzGeology, Geochemistry
Zhixiang ChangPhysical chemistry, electron spin resonance, microporous materials2002 Larry James Kevan (grad student)
Cheng-Wei Tom Chang
Y.C. Chang1996 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Hong-Young Chang Chemistry20042009 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Tai-Yen Chen20112016 Peng Chen (post-doc)
Po-An Chen Chemistry Chemistry20182018 Jeremy A. May (grad student), Randolph P. Thummel (post-doc)
Xinyang ChenGeochemistry Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Earth and Atmospheric Sciences20112016 Henry S. Chafetz (grad student), Thomas J. Lapen (grad student)
Ling ChenNLO Materials, Crystallography Chemistry20002003 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Eunok Chi Chemistry20032006 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Naihao ChiangPlasmonics, Vibrational Spectroscopy
Hendrich A. Chiong Chemistry20032007 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Raghu Chitta20112011 Randolph P. Thummel (post-doc)
Pavan Kumar ChityalaPharmaceutics; Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics.
Joon H. Cho Chemistry20082011 Scott R. Gilbertson (post-doc)
Kyuho ChoInorganic Chemistry2003 Alex Ignatiev (grad student)
Hosun ChouPhysical chemistry, electron spin resonance, microporous materials2001 Larry James Kevan (grad student)
Chia-Chun Chouquantum dynamics Chemistry20112012 Donald J. Kouri (post-doc)
Roy Christoffersenspace science, minerals, microscopy Chemistry19961998 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Katherine Cimatu Chemistry20032008 Steven Baldelli (grad student)
Gil C. ClaudioTheoretical Chemistry2003 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Scott E. Collibee
Ramon Colorado2002 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Don M. Coltart
Robert J. Comitocatalysis for polymer synthesis
J. Cooper2000 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Athanassios G. Coutsolelos19851986 Karl M. Kadish (post-doc)
Gregory Douglas Cunymedicinal chemistry
Arkadiusz CzaderInorganic Chemistry2006 Roman S. Czernuszewicz (grad student)
Roman S. CzernuszewiczAnalytical Chemistry
Francis D'SouzaSupramolecular chemistry, nanophotonics19921994 Karl M. Kadish (post-doc)
Sameer Dambal Physics Physics2022 Eric R. Bittner (collaborator), Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Paritosh Kumar DasComputational chemistry, Organic photochemistry, Polymer chemistry, Photophysics, Molecular spectroscopy19731978 Ralph S. Becker (grad student)
Olafs Daugulisorganometallics, catalysis
David P. Dawson
Subhasis De2007 Scott R. Gilbertson (post-doc)
Christopher A. DeisterCortex, Basal Ganglia, Biophysics20012004 Costa Colbert (research assistant)
Anne Delcourmolecular mechanisms of ion channel function and modulation
Maxence DelugeOrganic Chemistry2006 Chengzhi Cai (grad student)
Stanley N. Deminganalytical chemistry
Ayse Demir Korkmazmagnetic nanoparticles, inorganic nanoparticles, nanocomposites
Sean W. DerricksonTheoretical Chemistry2007 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Joseph DiCarlosolid state chemistry, synthesis, energy storage Chemistry19921994 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Ly Tran Dieu20082013 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Marie-Ange DjieugouePhysical chemistry, electron spin resonance, microporous materials2000 Larry James Kevan (grad student)
Hien-Quang Do20062011 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Junghwan DoSolid State Chemistry, Ionics19972000 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Loi H. Dobioinorganic chemistry
Hieu A Doan20102015 Lars C. Grabow (grad student)
Pauline Doran Chemical Engineering James E. Bailey (grad student)
Craig M. Downiesolid state chemistry19972002 Arnold Guloy (grad student)
Manolis Doxastakis
Rafal B. DrabekBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies2006 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
Jason Peter DworkinMeteorites, astrobiology, organic analytical chemistry19851987 Joan Oró (research assistant)
Kippi M. DyerBiochemistry, Chemical Physics/Physical Chemistry, Computer Science2005 B. Montgomery Pettitt (grad student)
Wenbo EAnalytical Chemistry2004 Karl M. Kadish (grad student)
Jerry O. Ebalunode2005 James M. Briggs (grad student)
Joseph EichbergBiochemistry
Don ElthonAnalytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
William Eplingenvironmental catalysis, which included catalyst design, manufacture, characterization and application
Robert J. FairhurstGeochemistry, Analytical Chemistry2002 Don Elthon (grad student)
Michael FeigBiophysics, Biochemistry1999 B. Montgomery Pettitt (grad student)
Luis F. FilobeloChemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2005 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Robert O. Foxmolecular biophysics
Jonathon FriedmanOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Shridhar R. GadreQuantum Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry19791980 Robert Louis Matcha (post-doc)
Xiaolian GaoBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies
P. S. Gautam2003 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Daniel Genov
Dimitra K. GeorgiouGeneral Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering2006 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Christine A. GerschOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2000 Jonathon Friedman (grad student)
Scott R. GilbertsonOrganic synthesis
Michael K. GilsonStatistical mechanics, molecular modeling, computer-aided drug design, chemical informatics Chemistry19911994 J. Andrew McCammon (post-doc)
Yong Bok GoSolid State Chemistry, Ionics20022006 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Yang Bok Go
Anne M. Gojstatistical mechanical methods to study molecular motions and dynamical processes including reaction kinetics, transport, and spectroscopy20072012 Eric R. Bittner (post-doc)
Oya A. GokcenAnalytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry20032004 Don Elthon (grad student), P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Dincer GokcenElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry2010 Stanko R. Brankovic (grad student)
Ysmael Gomez-Verde Chemistry20002003 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Charles Francis Goochee
Joanna R. Goodeysolid state chemistry19962001 Arnold Guloy (grad student)
Joanna Goodey-Pelloisinorganic chemistry, chemical education Chemistry19982002 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Lars C. GrabowComputational Catalysis, Interface Chemistry
Jun Guansolid state chemistry2001 Arnold Guloy (grad student)
Sean A. GuidryGeology, Biogeochemistry, Paleontology2001 Henry S. Chafetz (grad student)
Arnold Guloysolid state chemistry
D. Gupta1998 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
John Z. H. ZhangPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry Physics Donald J. Kouri (grad student)
Mai L. HaChemical Engineering2011 Ramanan Krishnamoorti (grad student)
Quang Hiep Ha
P. Shiv HalasyamaniMaterials, Non-Linear Optical Materials, Crystal Growth
Xingwang Hanpolymer chemistry Department of Chemistry20192021 Maurice S. Brookhart (post-doc)
William TA Harrisoncrystallography, microporous solids19921994 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Eva HarthPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Robert Leonard Hazelwooddiabetes
Tian He2003 Edwin Carrasquillo-Molina (grad student)
Xing HePhysical chemistry, chemical dynamics Chemistry2013 Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang (post-doc)
Aaron F. HeneghanPhysical Chemistry2002 A D. J. Haymet (grad student)
John Reid HowellRadiative Heat Transfer, Monte Carlo Method
Chi-Chung Hua Chemical Engineering19911996 Jay Donald Schieber (grad student)
Hung-Chung HuangBioinformatics, Computational Biology/Biochemistry Biology and Biochemistry20022005 George E. Fox (post-doc), James M. Briggs (grad student)
Jin HuangSolid State Chemistry, Ionics2004 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Zhong-le Huang Chemistry20012002 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Kiseong HyeongGeology, Geochemistry, Physical Oceanography2000 Regina M. Capuano (grad student)
Alex IgnatievMaterials Science Engineering, Analytical Chemistry
Srinivasan S. IyengarPhysical Chemistry, Molecular Physics, Biochemistry19941998 Donald J. Kouri (grad student)
A D. J. HaymetPhysical Chemistry
Allan JacobsonSolid State Chemistry, Ionics
Mateusz Janeta2019 Maurice S. Brookhart (post-doc), Olafs Daugulis (post-doc)
Santa Jansone-Popova Chemistry20092014 Jeremy A. May (grad student)
Christopher E. JeffersBiochemistry, General Biophysics2000 Shiao-Chun Tu (grad student)
Richard JudsonBioinformatics, Chemistry, Toxicology Chemistry Donald J. Kouri (post-doc)
Kyu-Yeon JunBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies2006 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
Karl M. Kadish
sravan kumar kanchari bavajigariDensity functional theory, FTIR Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2015 Lars C. Grabow (grad student)
Young Soo KangThe synthesis and application of nanostructured materials for IT and Energy Related Fields Chemistry19871992 Larry James Kevan (grad student)
Sung Bong Kang Chemical Engineering20152018 William Epling (post-doc)
Heon Kang J. Wayne Rabalais (post-doc)
Stoyan Karabunarliev Chemistry20002004 Eric R. Bittner (post-doc)
Panagiotis KatsonisGeneral Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry2006 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Alan Kelley Chemistry2016 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Larry James KevanPhysical chemistry, electron spin resonance, microporous materials
Rana Kashif M. Khan Chemistry20062008 Olafs Daugulis (research assistant)
Jun-Hyun Kim2005 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Guntae KimSolid State Chemistry, Ionics20002005 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Sang-Hwan KimNLO materials, Crystal growth Chemistry20082012 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Sun Woo Kimchemical education, inorganic chemistry Chemistry20092014 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Jun Ho Kim Chemistry20062008 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
EunKyoung Kim Chemistry19851990 Jay K. Kochi (grad student)
Mark KobrakPhysical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry19982001 Eric R. Bittner (post-doc)
Jay K. Kochichemistry of organogold compounds
Harold Kohnbiological mechanisms of therapeutic agents
Dusan KolarskiOrganic chemistry Ognjen S. Miljanic (research scientist)
Konrad J. Krakowiak
Ramanan KrishnamoortiPolymers, Nanotechnology, Energy
Angela F. Ku Chemistry20112016 Gregory Douglas Cuny (grad student)
Amol Anant Kulkarni Chemistry20082010 Olafs Daugulis (post-doc)
Duraisamy KumaresanMaterials chemistry, Nanotechnology, Photovoltaics20072008 Randolph P. Thummel (post-doc)
Se Hun KwakOrganic chemistry20152020 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Youngjoo KwonBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies2002 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
Croix J. Laconsay Chemistry Judy I. Wu (post-doc)
Vladimir Lankevich Chemistry2018 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Maia Larios Sanz2003 George E. Fox (grad student)
Deana C. Larkin2001 George E. Fox (grad student)
Anna Lazareva Chemistry20062008 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Phong Le20102015 Jeremy A. May (grad student)
Arnaud Le Tiranbiological mechanisms of therapeutic agents2000 Harold Kohn (grad student)
T. Randall Leematerials chemistry and nanotechnology
Hunjoong LeeBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies2003 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
Tae H. Leeionics, SOFC, hydrogen, ceramics Chemistry19941999 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Glen B. LeggeBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Eric M. LeProustBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies2001 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
E. Lewis2008 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Jian-Yuan Li2014 Jeremy A. May (post-doc)
Chi-Hui LiBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology2005 Shiao-Chun Tu (grad student)
Xi LiBiochemistry2006 Shiao-Chun Tu (grad student)
Chien-Hung Li Chemistry20092015 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Hao Li Chemistry2014 Eric R. Bittner (post-doc)
Han Liaonanomedicine, drug delivery
Tommie L. LincecumBiochemistry2003 Susan A. Martinis (grad student)
Jason Locklin Chemistry20022004 Rigoberto C. Advincula (grad student)
John C. LowBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology2002 Shiao-Chun Tu (grad student)
Long MaGeology, Geochemistry2006 Henry S. Chafetz (grad student)
Jeremy B. MaddoxTheoretical Chemistry2003 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Jeffry D. MaduraPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry19861990 J. Andrew McCammon (post-doc)
Estelle M. MaesAnalytical Chemistry2000 Roman S. Czernuszewicz (grad student)
Tarek M. Mahfouz2006 James M. Briggs (grad student)
Robert Louie Uy MandinOrganic Chemistry, Synthetic Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, Total Synthesis of Natural Products Chemistry2018 Scott R. Gilbertson (grad student)
V. Mani1998 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Arturo Manzo-FontesCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Joseph Eichberg (grad student)
Arnulfo Marbiochemical properties of medicinal plants1987 Joan Oró (grad student)
Kirt A. Martin2002 George E. Fox (grad student)
Archer John Porter MartinChromatography, biochemistry
Susan A. MartinisBiochemistry
Robert Louis Matchatheoretical chemistry
Jeremy A. May
Margaret A. McLoughlin
Gerhard George MeiselsAnalytical and Fundamental Mass Spectrometry, Radiation Chemistry and Chemistry of Gas Phase Ions
Milad MesgarOrganic Synthesis, Silicones, Acrylic polymer, PUDs and Polyesters Chemistry Chemistry20172018 Olafs Daugulis (grad student), Maurice S. Brookhart (post-doc)
Josef Michlphysical organic chemistry19651966 Ralph S. Becker (post-doc)
Cristinel P. MiineaBiochemistry2002 Joseph Eichberg (grad student)
Jovana V. Milicsupramolecular chemistry, physical organic chemistry, molecular machines Chemistry20102010 Ognjen S. Miljanic (research assistant)
Ognjen S. Miljanicsupramolecular chemistry, dynamic combinatorial chemistry, self-organizing systems, fluorescent sensors, porous materials
Vicky V. ModyOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry2007 Roman S. Czernuszewicz (grad student)
Kishore Kumar MohantyChemical EOR, Gas Enhanced Oil Recovery, Hydraulic Fracturing
Titash MondalPolymer Nanocomposites, graphene Chemical Engineering20112015 Ramanan Krishnamoorti (grad student)
Celeste E. MooreBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2001 S.-C Tu (grad student)
J. N. MoorthyOrganic Photochemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry: Crystal Engineering, Development of Porous Metal-Organic Materials, Development of Organic Light Emitting Materials, Mechanistic Organic Chemistry Chemistry19941995 Jay K. Kochi (post-doc)
Pedro A. Moreno Tovar2004 George E. Fox (grad student)
Maria S. MudaduOrganic Chemistry2004 Randolph P. Thummel (grad student)
Richard S. MursinnaBiochemistry2003 Susan A. Martinis (grad student)
Gabriela Mustata2003 James M. Briggs (grad student)
Younghwa Nabiological mechanisms of therapeutic agents2000 Harold Kohn (grad student)
Enrico Tapire NadresC-H functionalization, organometallic, catalysis, polymer synthesis, adsorption, water chemistry Civil and Environmental20072012 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Uma Nagaswamy2002 George E. Fox (grad student)
Madhavi A. Nayar2005 George E. Fox (grad student)
Thien Nguyen Department of Chemistry20102015 Jeremy A. May (grad student), Cafer T. Yavuz (grad student)
Sau Doan NguyenNLO materials, crystal growth Chemistry20042009 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Long H. NguyenSynthetic Organic Chemistry Chemistry20182019 Phong Le (research assistant)
Hieu D. Nguyenbioinorganic chemistry, glutathione, carbon dioxide, iridium Department of Chemistry20192024 Loi H. Do (grad student)
Yibo NianMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Alex Ignatiev (grad student)
Sameer Nikhar Pharmacological Sciences20132018 Gregory Douglas Cuny (grad student)
Scott Hayes Northrupphysical chemistry, Diffusion-controlled reactions in solution19791980 J. Andrew McCammon (post-doc)
Milos Novotnyanalytical separation methods1971 Albert Zlatkis (post-doc)
Sarbesh Ojha
Kang Min OkInorganic Materials Chemistry19982003 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Kang-Min Ok
Joan Oróastrobiology, comets, origin of life, metabolism19521956 Donald A. Rappoport (grad student)
W. Ryan OsterlohElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20232023 Karl M. Kadish (grad student), Karl M. Kadish (post-doc)
Zhongping OuAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2000 Karl M. Kadish (grad student)
Weichun PanGeneral Biophysics2006 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Yogendra N PandeyMolecular Simulation, Reaction Kinetics Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20082013 Manolis Doxastakis (grad student)
Christina PapagianniCondensed Matter Physics2005 Alex Ignatiev (grad student)
Joon-Seo Park2004 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Seung-Kyu ParkPhysical chemistry, electron spin resonance, microporous materials2000 Larry James Kevan (grad student)
Kush Patel Chemistry2019 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Derek L. PattonPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering Chemistry20022006 Rigoberto C. Advincula (grad student)
Jean-Philippe V. Pellois2002 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
Andrey Pereverzevspectroscopy, quantum chemistry20042008 Eric R. Bittner (post-doc)
B. Montgomery PettittBiochemistry, Chemical Physics/Physical Chemistry, Computer Science1980 Robert Louis Matcha (grad student)
Tuan D. PhanToxicology, Environmental Sciences, Analytical Chemistry2004 Karl M. Kadish (grad student)
A PolatGeochemistry, Petrology Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences19901992 John F Casey (grad student)
Ryan Poling-Skutvik Chemical Engineering2018 Ramanan Krishnamoorti (grad student)
Regis Pomesbiophysics, membrane transport, statistical thermodynamics, computer simulation J. Andrew McCammon (grad student)
Colin F. PooleAnalytical Chemistry1978 Albert Zlatkis (post-doc)
Yetta D. PorterMaterials, NLO19982003 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Elise Pouchad Chemistry20122013 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Anupam Prakash Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20062011 Manolis Doxastakis (grad student)
B.A. Bhanu Prasad2008 Scott R. Gilbertson (post-doc)
Hebind Pun Kayatorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology, synthetic organic chemistry chemistry Gan B. Bajracharya (grad student)
Micky Purimaterials, diffraction, superconductivity Chemistry Chemistry19911993 Allan Jacobson (post-doc), Larry James Kevan (grad student)
Yasser QutubChemical Engineering2006 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Ettore J RastelliOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Don M. Coltart (grad student)
Kenneth Reissolid state ionincs, semiconductors Chemistry19921994 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Jiaxiang RenChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Polymer Chemistry2002 Ramanan Krishnamoorti (grad student)
Selimar RiveraSurface Chemistry2006 Steven Baldelli (grad student)
L. A. Rodriguez-Guadarrama1999 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Casey RomeroSurface Chemistry2006 Steven Baldelli (grad student)
Sergiy V. RosokhaIntermolecular interactions and their role in chemical reactions. Jay K. Kochi (post-doc)
Pesak RungojchaiponSolid State Chemistry, Ionics2006 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
A. Sani2008 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Greggy SantosChemistry, Spectroscopy, Laser, Surface Chemistry
Volker Schurig19711972 Albert Zlatkis (post-doc)
Mehmet SenStructural Biology Department of Biology and Biochemistry20012006 Glen B. Legge (grad student)
Dmitry Shabashov Chemistry20052010 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Mrinal ShahChemical Engineering2005 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Jianguo ShaoAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2001 Karl M. Kadish (grad student)
Young-Seok ShonNanocatalysis, organic chemistry, materials chemistry, nanoscience, nanoparticles, biotechnology Chemistry19941999 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Kyoseung SIMsoft electronics
M. Singh2001 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Jaykrishna V. Singh2010 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Sunsanee SinlapadechSolid State Chemistry, Ionics2003 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
T. Sivakumar Chemistry20042007 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Paul Edward Smith Chemistry19891991 B. Montgomery Pettitt (post-doc)
Mark Alan Smithorganic chemistry of the interstellar media and outer planetary atmospheres
Damian StefaniukCivil engineering, Micromechanics, Inverse problems, Stochastic optimization, Prestressed bridges Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering20212022 Konrad J. Krakowiak (post-doc), Abdeldjelil Belarbi (post-doc)
William StrubleGeomorphology
Vance J. StyveAnalytical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering2006 Don Elthon (grad student)
Chalada Suebsuwong Chemistry20122017 Gregory Douglas Cuny (grad student)
Zhuming Sun Chemistry Pharmacological Sciences20122014 Scott R. Gilbertson (post-doc), Gregory Douglas Cuny (post-doc)
S. Talsania1997 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Andrew A. Tangonanorganic chemistry, polymers Chemistry T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Thomas S. Teetsmolecular inorganic chemistry and homogenous catalysis
Agnes L. TempezMaterials Science Engineering, Analytical Chemistry2001 Alex Ignatiev (grad student)
Randolph P. ThummelOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Harry Fred Tibbalsmaterials science, analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, digital sensors, biomedical devices Chemistry Gerhard George Meisels (grad student)
Freddie TitusMathematics Education, Educational Psychology Education2010 Xi Li (grad student)
Thanh Thao Trancrystal growth, NLO Materials, functional materials Chemistry20102015 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Thanh Truong Department of Chemistry20102014 Olafs Daugulis (grad student)
Shiao-Chun TuBiochemistry
S.-C TuBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Kayo Umezawa-Vizzini2000 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Veselina V. UzunovaMolecular Physics, Chemical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry2010 Peter G. Vekilov (grad student)
Norha VaganayBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies2004 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
Ravikrisna Vallakati20102015 Jeremy A. May (grad student)
Herman W. T. van VlijmenComputational Drug Discovery Chemistry1990 B. Montgomery Pettitt (research assistant)
John VaugheyMaterials Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Energy Storage19921994 Allan Jacobson (post-doc)
Peter G. VekilovGeneral Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry
Mohana Rao Vippila Pharmacological Sciences20122016 Gregory Douglas Cuny (post-doc)
Quan VoVibrational Spectroscopy20132015 Steven Baldelli (grad student), Lars C. Grabow (grad student)
Shuangyan WangSolid State Chemistry, Ionics Chemistry19962000 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Jiachen Wang2006 George E. Fox (grad student)
Yanqi WangCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2002 Alex Ignatiev (grad student)
Yong Wang Pharmacological Sciences20152016 Gregory Douglas Cuny (post-doc)
Yuanxing WangPhysical & Materials Chemistry2021 Jiming Bao (post-doc)
Chih-Jen WeiBiochemistry2001 Shiao-Chun Tu (grad student)
Tabatha R. WhitfieldSolid State Chemistry, Ionics2003 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Amy M. Williams2007 George E. Fox (grad student)
Yongqiang WuGeology2001 Henry S. Chafetz (grad student)
Judy I. WuComputational quantum chemistry
P. Wylie1997 Kishore Kumar Mohanty (grad student)
Manoj YadavSolid State Chemistry, Ionics20052010 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Xunmo Yang2015 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Ding-Shyue (Jerry) YangPhysical chemistry, chemical dynamics
Wu YaoBiological NMR of Nucleic Acids and Proteins; Microarray BIOCHIP Technologies2006 Xiaolian Gao (grad student)
Dan YeMolecular Biology2000 Steven R. Blanke (grad student)
Jeongho Yeon Chemistry20062011 P. Shiv Halasyamani (grad student)
Shailaja Yerrapragada2005 George E. Fox (grad student)
Jiho YooSolid State Chemistry, Ionics2002 Allan Jacobson (grad student)
Hongwei Yucrystal growth, NLO Materials Chemistry20142017 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Ranbo Yu Chemistry20032004 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Jong-Sung Yu Chemistry1990 Larry James Kevan (grad student)
Koray YurekliChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2002 Ramanan Krishnamoorti (grad student)
Vladimir Zaitsev Chemistry20032005 Olafs Daugulis (post-doc)
Adelajda A. ZarebaInorganic Chemistry2006 Roman S. Czernuszewicz (grad student)
Svitlana Zaster2016 Eric R. Bittner (grad student)
Melissa L. Zastrowbioinorganic chemistry, inorganic cell biology
Yuxin Zhai2006 James M. Briggs (grad student)
Riqiang ZhanAnalytical Chemistry2006 Karl M. Kadish (grad student)
Shishan Zhangmaterials chemistry and nanotechnology2007 T. Randall Lee (grad student)
Lei Zhang Chemistry20022004 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Tianxiang Zhu Chemistry20082009 P. Shiv Halasyamani (post-doc)
Albert Zlatkischromatography