Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Elżbieta Bartoszak-Adamskacrystallography Faculty of Chemistry1996 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Dominika Borekcrystallography Faculty of Chemistry2001 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Krzysztof Brzezińskichemistry Faculty of Chemistry2006 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Damien Clavel Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Mirosław Gilskicrystallography Faculty of Chemistry2001 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Mateusz Rafał Gołdynpurine alkaloids chemistry, organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, crystallography2023 Elżbieta Bartoszak-Adamska (grad student)
Alejandra Hernandez-Santoyo Department of Crystallography Mariusz Jaskolski (post-doc)
Robert Janowskicrystallography Faculty of Chemistry2002 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Mariusz JaskolskiStructural chemistry and Structural biology
Robert Kolodziejczyk Department of Crystallography Mariusz Jaskolski (post-doc)
Maciej Leszek Kozakcrystallography Faculty of Chemistry1999 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Szymon Hubert Krzywdacrystallography Faculty of Chemistry1998 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Karolina Michalskachemistry Faculty of Chemistry2007 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Sunil Panigrahi Department of Crystallography Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Andrii Pyrihcrystallochemistry2024 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)
Karol Synoradzki
Agnieszka Wojtkowiakchemistry Faculty of Chemistry2013 Mariusz Jaskolski (grad student)