University of Toronto

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jonathan Paul Dilworth AbbattAtmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences
Ahmed I AbdelrahmanPolymer Chemistry Chemistry Chemical Engineering20112012 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student), Timothy P Bender (post-doc)
Maryam Abdinejad Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (grad student)
Khosrow AdeliPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry
Maurice Adelman1946 John Goldie Breckenridge (grad student)
Khaja F. AhmadBiochemistry2003 Gilbert Gerard Privé (grad student)
Zakaria A. AhmedMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2002 Philip W. Connelly (grad student)
Victoria E. AhnMolecular Biology2004 Gilbert Gerard Privé (grad student)
Yukie Aizawa Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2012 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Ceren Akdeniz20162018 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Sameer Al-Abdul-Wahid Chemistry R. Scott Prosser (grad student)
Amer Alagicorganic chemistry2004 Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Charles B. Alcockphysical chemistry, ceramics, vapor pressure of metals
Fathei Ali19861991 Michael Menzinger (grad student)
Amir A. AliabadiThermo-fluids, Meteorology, Turbulence, Atmospheric Science, Air Quality, Energy, Building Science, Applied Math James S. Wallace (grad student)
Francis Barclay Allan1901 William Robert Lang (grad student)
D. Grant AllenChemical Engineering, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry19811983 Michael V. Sefton (grad student)
Albert (Bert) Derrick Alleninorganic chemistry
Rohan Alvares Chemistry R. Scott Prosser (grad student)
Fernando AmadorMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology Biology Medical Biophysics2013 Mitsu Ikura (grad student)
Susan Ambrose
Kaveh Amini Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (grad student)
Brenda AndrewsYeast genomics Charlie Boone (collaborator)
Nikolaos AnesiadisChemical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, System Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2014 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (grad student)
Peter D. AngeloChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering2013 Ramin Farnood (grad student)
Jessica M. AnnaChemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, Laser Chemistry and Spectroscopy Chemistry20112014 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Jacques ArchambaultVirology Biology, Biochemistry1992 James D. Friesen (grad student)
Tewodros G. AsefaNanochemistry Chemistry20022002 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student), Geoffrey A. Ozin (post-doc)
Mikhail Askerkaphotovoltaics, catalysis, computational chemistry, data science Electrical and Computer Engineering2017 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Naila M. AssemOrganic synthesis Chemistry2012 Andrei K. Yudin (grad student)
Chris J. Atkins
Philip AwadallaPopulation Genetics, Evolution, Disease Genomics
Grace Aye Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Pooya Azadi ManzourChemical Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2012 Ramin Farnood (grad student)
Fariba AzgomiChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2014 Ramin Farnood (grad student)
Yaldah AzimiChemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2013 D. Grant Allen (grad student), Ramin Farnood (grad student)
Jon Babi20172017 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Claudia BabijInorganic Chemistry2003 Anthony John Poë (grad student), David H. Farrar (grad student)
Nicolaas Pieter Badenhuizenbiopolymers, starch
Nirmalya BagBiophysical chemistry20152015 Christopher Yip (post-doc)
Atrish BagchiCancer Immunotherapy, Structural Biology, EGFR, Antibody Drug
Bidraha BaghInorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry20122014 Douglas Stephan (post-doc)
Lindsay A. BakerGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Biochemistry2012 John L. Rubinstein (grad student)
Dolores Baksh2004 John E. Davies (grad student)
Stephen T. BalkeChemical Engineering
Brian Ballios Chemistry2012 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Frederick G. Bantingdiabetes John James Rickard MacLeod (post-doc)
John D. BarransMolecular Biology, Pathology2002 Choong-Chin Liew (grad student)
Gurbaksh Basi Biochemistry19871990 Peter N. Lewis (grad student)
Jean-Marie Basset Chemical Engineering19691971 William F. Graydon (post-doc)
Nazareth BastajianMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Molecular and Medical Genetics2012 Brenda Andrews (grad student)
Robert A. Batey
Victor S. BatistaTheoretical Chemistry20002001 Paul W. Brumer (post-doc)
Jane A. BattMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Daniela Rotin (grad student)
M. Douglas Baumann20102011 Molly Shoichet (post-doc)
Thomas BaumgartnerMain-group, Organic Materials Chemistry, and Sustainable Energy2002 Ian Manners (post-doc)
Jane M. BayaniObstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Genetics2013 Eleftherios P. Diamandis (grad student)
David P. Bazett-JonesBiochemistry
Frederick Earl Beamishanalytical chemistry
Christine BearCell Biology, Physiology Biology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry
Stephen L. Bearneenzymology, bioorganic chemistry Chemistry Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Samaneh BeheshtiInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (grad student)
Nolan BeiseBiochemistry Biochemistry2014 William S. Trimble (grad student)
Crestina L. BeitesCell Biology2004 William S. Trimble (grad student)
Catherine M. BellinghamBiomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering2001 Fred W. Keeley (grad student)
T.P BenderChemical Engineering
Neil R. BennettGeology, Geophysics, Geochemistry Earth Sciences2013 J Brenan (grad student)
Andrea L. Berenbaum2002 Ian Manners (grad student)
Harold J. Bernstein1938 William Howard Martin (grad student)
Charles H. Bestdiabetes Frederick G. Banting (research assistant), James Bertram Collip (research assistant), John James Rickard MacLeod (research assistant)
Ramsay E. Beveridge Chemistry2014 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
James MacDonald Richardson Beveridgelipid biochemistry Pathological Chemistry1940 Colin Cameron Lucas (grad student)
Kim BlakelyMolecular Biology2012 Jason Moffat (grad student)
Benjamin BlencowemRNA splicing
Patrick H. BlitBiomedical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2011 Kim Woodhouse (grad student)
Andrew BognarMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Yuri Bolshan20032008 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Judy L. BoltonToxicology, Biochemistry1988 Robert A. McClelland (grad student)
Steffen-Sebastian BolzPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology
Cynthia L. BongardMolecular Biology, Environmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry2013 Roberta Fulthorpe (grad student)
Walter Daniel BonnerPhysical chemistry1911 W. Lash Miller (grad student)
Michael P. Boone Chemistry Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Henry Borsookprotein synthesis and nutrition1924 Hardolph Wasteneys (grad student)
Kenneth A. Bosnicksurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)2000 Martin Moskovits (grad student)
Roberto J. BotelhoCell Biology2004 Sergio Grinstein (grad student)
Sara C. Bourke2004 Ian Manners (grad student)
Antoine Boyer20152017 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Alistair Boyer Chemistry20092011 Mark Lautens (post-doc)
Neil R. Brandamolecular switches, photochromism and electrochromism, molecular recognition and supramolecular chemistry Ronald H. Kluger (research assistant)
Brian BranfireunBiogeochemistry, Physical Geography, Hydrology, Limnology Biology
John Goldie Breckenridge
Elena BreiChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2011 D. Grant Allen (grad student)
J BrenanGeology, Geophysics, Geochemistry
John D. Brennan Ulrich J. Krull (grad student)
Robert K. BrintonPhysical chemistry19541955 Edgar William Richard Steacie (research scientist)
Adrian Gibbs Brook1950 George F. Wright (grad student)
Steven A. Brookesorganic chemistry2003 Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
William Lester Brown1937 Arthur Leonard Parsons (grad student), Thomas Leonard Walker (grad student)
Grant W. BrownDNA replication, DNA repair
Anthony William Aldridge Brownentomology1936 Hardolph Wasteneys (grad student)
Robert Stephen Brown Chemistry1992 Ulrich J. Krull (grad student)
Alex Bruening Chemistry and Physics K. V. Lakshmi (research assistant)
Paul W. Brumertheoretical chemical physics
Paola Bukuroshi Pharmaceutical Sciences20122018 K. Sandy Pang (grad student)
Kevin A. BuntenInorganic Chemistry2002 David H. Farrar (grad student), Anthony John Poë (grad student)
Markus BussmannMechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Susan P. BustosBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2011 R Reithmeier (grad student)
Gordon Cecil Butlerdesoxyribonucleic acid1938 Guy Frederic Marrian (grad student)
Ludovico CademartiriMaterials Science & Engineering, Plant Development20032008 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Kevin P. CampbellIon channels, muscle pathology David H. MacLennan (post-doc)
Malcolm CampbellMolecular Biology, Agronomy Agriculture, Biochemistry
David A. CanditoOrganic Synthesis Chemistry2012 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Pengpeng Cao Biological Chemistry20092014 Mark Nitz (grad student)
Lan Cao2002 Ian Manners (grad student)
Xudong CaoRegenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering2002 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Yang CaoMolecular Design, Main-Group Chemistry, Energy Materials, Machine Learning
Mark A. CappelliInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Aerospace Engineering19821987 Raymond M. Measures (grad student)
Christopher B Caputo Chemistry Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Tucker Carrington1981 John C. Polanyi (research assistant)
Jeremy P Carver
Victor S. CastellinoChemical Engineering2011 Yu-Ling Cheng (grad student)
Israel Lyon Chaikoffbiochemical endocrinology and metabolism1927 John James Rickard MacLeod (grad student)
Andrew ChanAnalytical Chemistry2013 Ulrich J. Krull (grad student)
I-San ChanBiochemistry Chemistry2012 Jumi Shin (grad student)
Arthur Chan
Steven Chan
Kim C. Chan ChungBiochemistry Chemistry2011 Deborah Zamble (grad student)
Rachel Y. ChangAtmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences Chemistry2011 Jonathan Paul Dilworth Abbatt (grad student)
Christopher Charles2013 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc), Donald Wayne Davis (grad student)
Michelle M.G. Chartrand Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Preston Allen Chase Chemistry Douglas Stephan (research scientist)
Steven P Chatfield2005 Manish N Raizada (post-doc)
Niladri ChattopadhyayPharmacology, Oncology, Radiology, Nanoscience Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Raymond M. Reilly (grad student)
Steven G. ChaulkBiochemistry2001 Andrew M. MacMillan (grad student)
Shihao ChenBiochemistry2002 Harry Schachter (grad student)
Bin ChenMaterials Science2018 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Weibin Chen Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Ian (Gang) ChenAerosol Science; Source Apportionment; Black Carbon; PMF Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry20162018 Arthur Chan (grad student)
Yu-Ling ChengChemical Engineering, Biochemistry
Anran Cheng Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Shilin L. Cheung Chemistry2012 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Kahlin Cheung-OngGenetics, Molecular Chemistry, Oncology2013 Guri Giaever (grad student)
Anthony ChibbaBiofilms, probes, protecting-group free synthesis Chemistry2014 Mark Nitz (grad student)
Jik Chin Chemistry Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Reagan W. ChingBiochemistry Biochemistry2011 David P. Bazett-Jones (grad student)
Saurabh S. Chitnis Chemistry20172018 Douglas Stephan (post-doc)
Pauline Chiuorganic synthesis Chemistry19901994 Mark Lautens (grad student), Adrian Gibbs Brook (grad student)
Ting T. ChiuBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2014 Amira Klip (grad student)
Sangho ChoPolymer Department of Chemistry20152017 Eugenia Kumacheva (post-doc)
Jongmin CHOI Electrical20162018 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Yang-Chieh Chouprotein kinase regulation2011 Frank Sicheri (grad student)
Arthur Chow1966 Frederick Earl Beamish (grad student)
Edwin CY Chow Pharmaceutical Sciences20062012 K. Sandy Pang (grad student)
Dinesh ChristendatBiochemistry
Xu Chu
Dae Chung Biochemistry19801986 Peter N. Lewis (grad student)
Joyce S. ClementeAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Soil Science Agriculture Chemistry2012 Myrna J. Simpson (grad student)
William R. CluettChemical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, System Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Leonard Harvey Cohen1954 Gordon Cecil Butler (grad student)
Elisabetta Collini20082009 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Rich Collins Botany19901998 M G. AbouHaidar (research scientist)
Douglas B. Collinsmass spectrometry, aerosols and clouds, multiphase chemistry Department of Chemistry2016 Jonathan Paul Dilworth Abbatt (post-doc)
James Bertram Collipneuroendocrinology1916 Archibald B. Macallum (grad student), Frederick G. Banting (collaborator)
Andrew G. ConlyGeology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry2003 Steven D. Scott (grad student)
Philip W. ConnellyMolecular Biology, Biochemistry1983 Arnis Kuksis (grad student)
Neil Coombs Chemistry19831986 Peter N. Lewis (grad student)
Alexander L CorbettAntibiotics, DNA, Biotechnology Chemistry Ruby Sullan (grad student)
Donald E. Cormacktransport phenomena and applied mathematics Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry Rein Luus (grad student)
Timothy W Corsonophthalmology, angiogenesis, chemical biology, cancer
Michael A. CostanzoMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2003 Brenda Andrews (grad student)
Matthew M. Coulter Chemistry2011 Vy Maria Dong (grad student)
Kevin J. CrowellGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry2002 Peter M. Macdonald (grad student)
Karin A. CrowhurstBiochemistry2003 Julie Forman-Kay (grad student)
Cathleen M. CruddenChiral materials, organoboron catalysis Chemistry19891990 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Menandro V. CruzPolymer Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Department of Chemistry20162018 Mitchell A. Winnik (research assistant)
Imre Gyula CsizmadiaComputational chemistry
Huan CuiGeobiology and Biogeochemistry20202022 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Fiona CunninghamBiochemistry, General Biophysics Biochemistry2011 Charles Deber (grad student)
Robert J. CvetanovicKinetics, Photochemistry and Catalysis1951 Donald J. LeRoy (grad student)
Fatme Dahcheh Chemistry2014 Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Ken S. DaiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2001 Choong-Chin Liew (grad student)
Arvin C. Dar2006 Frank Sicheri (grad student)
Somnath Dasgupta Mark Nitz (post-doc)
DatongInorganic Chemistry
Daryl David Tony J. C. Harris (grad student)
Alan DavidsonBiochemistry
John E. Daviesbone, biomaterials, stem cells, mesenchymal
Benjamin G. DavisOrganic Chemistry, Carbohydrates Chemistry J. Bryan Jones (grad student)
John R. De BackereChemical Education, Inorganic Chemistry
Joan De Vera2020 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc), Bridget A. Bergquist (grad student)
Charles DeberBiochemistry
Anil K. Deisingh2002 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Adam A. DempseyGenetics, Human Development, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Choong-Chin Liew (grad student)
Lehua Deng Mark Nitz (post-doc)
James DennisGlycosylation Harry Schachter (grad student)
Ozren DespicIndustrial Engineering2003 Joseph C. Paradi (grad student)
Raj S. Dhimanorganic chemistry Chemistry2012 Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Ariel A. Di NardoMolecular Biology2003 Alan Davidson (grad student)
Eleftherios P. DiamandisMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Michael John Dignamsurface spectroscopy1956 Donald J. LeRoy (grad student)
Elena DimitrijevicOrganic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry Chemistry2014 Mark S. Taylor (grad student)
Arlette N. DinautOrganic Chemistry2001 Scott Taylor (grad student)
Brenden Ding20152017 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Christina B. Dirk-FaitakisChemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering2001 D. Grant Allen (grad student)
Bimsara W DisanayakaChemistry Chemistry1989 Mitchell A. Winnik (post-doc)
Gordon H. Dixon1956 Charles Samuel Hanes (grad student)
Ryan Steven DohertyNMR; Ubiquitin; Structural Genomics; Structural Biology; Proteomics
D James (Jamie) DonaldsonOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Peter K. Dornan2013 Vy Maria Dong (grad student)
Gabriel dos Passos GomesOrganic Chemistry, Machine Learning, Catalysis Chemistry20192021 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Colin Douglas Chemistry20092015 Deborah Zamble (grad student)
Lisa Douglas Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Michael Downey Daniel Durocher (grad student)
Joel A. DrewryOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2012 Patrick T. Gunning (grad student)
Fei Duan Mechanical and Industrial Engineering20002005 Charles Ward (grad student)
Igor A. DubovykOrganic synthesis Chemistry2012 Andrei K. Yudin (grad student)
Paul N. DuchesneX-ray Spectroscopy, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Renewable Fuels, Energy Materials Chemistry20172020 Geoffrey A. Ozin (post-doc)
Paul A. DufortGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry2000 Charles J. Lumsden (grad student)
Alexandru DumitracheChemical Engineering, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2014 D. Grant Allen (grad student)
Dustin DuncanAntimicrobials Molecular Genetics Chemistry20212022 Leah E. Cowen (post-doc), Robert A. Batey (post-doc)
Matthew R. Durk Pharmaceutical Sciences20092014 K. Sandy Pang (grad student)
Petar Duspara20052012 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Jason R. DwyerBioanalytical chemistry, materials chemistry, biophysical chemistry Chemistry19982005 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Seyed A. Ebrahimi-SabetChemical Engineering2001 Honghi Tran (grad student), Donald E. Cormack (grad student)
Maryam Edalat ManeshChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2012 Mohini M. Sain (grad student)
Landon J EdgarImmunology, Pharmacology, Chemical Biology, Glycobiology, Organic Chemistry Chemistry20112016 Mark Nitz (grad student)
Sepehr EhsaniGenetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Bioinformatics Biology, Biochemistry Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2012 Gerold Schmitt-Ulms (grad student)
Alon EisensteinPhysical Chemistry, Nanoscience Chemistry2014 Cynthia Goh (grad student)
Azza EissaMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2013 Eleftherios P. Diamandis (grad student)
Michael EllisonSynthetic Biology, Ubiquitin David Pulleyblank (grad student)
Martin Elsner20042005 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
David Erickson Mechanical Engineering Dongqing Li (grad student)
Wesley ErringtonBiochemistry Biochemistry2013 Gilbert Gerard Privé (grad student)
George S. EspieBotany Biology, Biochemistry
Mathew P. EsteyCell Biology, Human Development Biochemistry2011 William S. Trimble (grad student)
Catalina Estrada Vallejo Biomedical Engineering2013 John E. Davies (grad student)
Ghotas Evindar2004 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Reinhart A. F. ReithmeierBiochemistry19781980 David H. MacLennan (post-doc)
Keith FagnouC-H activation Mark Lautens (grad student)
Gregory Fairn20072012 Sergio Grinstein (post-doc)
Zahra Fakhraaistructure, dynamics and chemistry in nanometer length scales20072008 Gilbert C. Walker (post-doc)
Natashya Falcone Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (grad student)
Xinghua FanEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics2004 Scott Mabury (grad student)
Forouzandeh Farahani AlaviChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2010 Stephen T. Balke (grad student)
Emmanuel Farber
Malahat FardadiMechanical Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering20042010 Honghi Tran (grad student), Pierre Sullivan (grad student)
Ramin FarnoodChemical Engineering1995 Christopher Terence John Dodson (grad student), Stuart Reid Loewen (grad student)
David H. FarrarInorganic Chemistry
Jeffrey M. Farrell Chemistry2014 Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Negah FatemiBiochemistry Biochemistry2011 Julie Forman-Kay (grad student)
W. Ronald Fawcettnon-aqueous solutions, interfacial electrochemistry, and electrode kinetics1964 Michael John Dignam (grad student)
Ulrich FeklPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Theory Physics, General Biophysics
Poorya A. FerdowsiMechanical Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering2012 Markus Bussmann (grad student)
Anthony L. FernandezTransition metal chemistry, phosphorus(III) ligand effects Chemistry19982000 Anthony John Poë (post-doc)
Grant FerrisBiogeochemistry, Geology, Geochemistry
Eric Fillionorganic synthesis Mark Lautens (grad student)
Hermann O.L. Fischersynthetic organic chemistry with emphasis on compounds of biological interest
Lindsay E. Fitzpatrickbiomaterials, biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine Biomedical Engineering2012 Michael V. Sefton (grad student)
Stephanie Flude Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Louise Y. FoongBiochemistry2001 Andrew M. MacMillan (grad student)
Julie Forman-KayBiochemistry, biophysics
Hooman ForoughiChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2012 Masahiro Kawaji (grad student)
Leonard J. FosterCell Biology, Molecular Biology2001 Amira Klip (grad student)
Frank FoulkesEnvironmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Energy
Ignacio FrancoPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry Chemistry20022007 Paul W. Brumer (grad student)
Michele A. Francoeur Immunology19751981 Cliff Stanners (grad student)
Carla M. FranzinPhysical Chemistry2002 Peter M. Macdonald (grad student)
Simon J. FraserTheoretical chemistry, nonlinear dynamics
Pascal FriederichMachine Learning, Materials Science, Chemistry20182019 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Michael D. FryzukInorganic chemistry19741978 Brice Bosnich (grad student)
Rui Fu Chemistry Chemistry20162016 Jik Chin (grad student), Mark Lautens (research assistant)
Ellis I. Fulmer1919 W. Lash Miller (grad student)
Roberta FulthorpeMolecular Biology, Environmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry
Barbara FunnelMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Linda M. Furtado2001 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Eden M. FussnerBiochemistry Biochemistry2012 David P. Bazett-Jones (grad student)
Kevin H. Gardner19951998 Lewis E. Kay (post-doc)
Simon J. Garrettsurface and interfacial chemistry19931996 John C. Polanyi (post-doc)
Derek Gates1997 Ian Manners (grad student)
Julia Gavrilyuk20022007 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Pratish GawandChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2014 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (grad student)
Manapurathu Verghese GeorgePhotochemistry, laser chemistry George F. Wright (post-doc)
Joseph Geraci2008 Daniel A. Lidar (grad student)
Shakour Ghafouri-Bakhsh2000 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Hamed GhaneiGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology Medical Biophysics2013 Gilbert Gerard Privé (grad student)
Avik Jim GhoshdastidarAtmospheric and Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Assaad J. GhoussoubOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2003 Jik Chin (grad student)
Guri GiaeverGenetics, Molecular Chemistry, Oncology
Tetyana Gilevska Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Naomi Shauna Ginsbergphotosynthetic light harvesting Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (research assistant)
Stephen E. GirardinCell Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry
Thomas GiuntaGeochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Stable isotopes Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Chris GleinPlanetary Science, Geochemistry, Astrobiology20142015 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
John R. Glover
Wioletta K. GlowackaBiochemistry2012 Daniela Rotin (grad student)
Frank A P C Gobasenvironmental chemistry and toxicology1988 Donald Mackay (grad student)
John D. GoddardBiochemistry1978 Imre Gyula Csizmadia (grad student)
Cynthia GohPhysical Chemistry, Nanoscience
Alex Goldberg Chemistry20072007 Mark Lautens (research assistant)
Alejandro Gomez Aristizabal Dentistry2012 John E. Davies (grad student)
Jiangbin Gongtheoretical chemical physics2001 Paul W. Brumer (grad student)
Jordon Goodreid20092016 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Maud B. Gorbet Michael V. Sefton (grad student)
Andrew R. GordonThermodynamics1925 W. Lash Miller (grad student)
Maryna GorelikMolecular Biology Molecular and Medical Genetics2011 Alan Davidson (grad student)
Allan Godfrey Gornallpathological chemistry1942 Andrew Hunter (grad student)
Ross Aiken GortnerAgricultural Biochemistry1908 W. Lash Miller (grad student)
Natalie K. GotoDevelopment and Application of NMR Methods for The Study of Protein Structure and Dynamics2001 Lewis E. Kay (grad student)
William F. Graydon
Sergio GrinsteinCell Biology, Biochemistry
Claudia M. GrozeaPolymer Surface Mechanics, Conducting Nanostructures, Chemical Microscopy, Nanophotonic Devices, Marine Biofouling, Hierarchically Self-Assembling Nanostructures Chemistry2012 Gilbert C. Walker (grad student)
Justyna Grzyb2004 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Xinyao Gu20182020 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Rei Guan Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology20112015 Jim Hu (grad student)
Anna V. Gudmundsdottir2009 Mark Nitz (grad student)
James E. Guilletpolymers
Sumedha Gunewardena20052008 ZhaoLei Zhang (post-doc)
Harry Emmet Gunning1942 Edgar William Richard Steacie (grad student)
Patrick T. GunningMolecular Chemistry, Cell Biology, Oncology
Hui Guo Medical Biophysics20162022 John L. Rubinstein (grad student)
Suraj Gupta2017 Datong Song (post-doc)
Alero Jennifer Gure Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Katalin GyomoreyAnimal Physiology Biology, Cell Biology2000 Christine Bear (grad student)
Gregory Edward HallLaser Spectroscopy Chemistry1980 Geraldine Anne Kenney-Wallace (grad student)
Heekyung Hantheoretical chemical physics2004 Paul W. Brumer (grad student)
Wooseok HanOrganic Synthesis2003 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Charles Samuel Hanesplant amylases
David B. HanifordBiochemistry19811986 David Pulleyblank (grad student)
Gabriel Hanna Chemistry20012006 Raymond E. Kapral (grad student)
Maher HarbCondensed Matter Physics Chemistry20032009 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Gregory HarePhysiology Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Tony J. C. HarrisCell Biology2003 Chi-Hung Siu (grad student)
Alexander George Harrisonmass spectrometry
Jack Harrowfield Brice Bosnich (post-doc)
Yasser HassanSolar, materials, nanomaterials, perovskite Chemical engineering ECE20212022 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student), Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Mélisa Hatat-Fraile20162018 Elodie Passeport (post-doc)
James C. HaveyMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Molecular and Medical Genetics2012 Barbara Funnel (grad student)
Kasumi Hayashi Chemistry2019 Datong Song (grad student)
Zhi HeOrganic synthesis Chemistry2012 Andrei K. Yudin (grad student)
Heiko HeerklotzPharmacy, Biochemistry
Zachariah M. Heidensynthetic inorganic, bioinorganic, and organometallic chemistry Chemistry20082011 Douglas W. Stephen (post-doc)
Velyien Ewart Henderson
Lisa HenkeAnalytical Chemistry2000 Ulrich J. Krull (grad student)
Hugh A. HenryEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Botany Biology, Plant Physiology2003 Robert L. Jefferies (grad student)
Pauline C. HenryCell Biology2003 Daniela Rotin (grad student)
John W. Hepburn Chemistry19761980 John C. Polanyi (grad student)
Choy L. HewBiochemistry
Yin C. HewMolecular Biology2001 Fred W. Keeley (grad student)
Sheldon A. HiebertOrganic Synthesis2003 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Peter M. Higgins Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Sarah Hirschorn Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Karyn Ho2012 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Nu B. HoangPharmacy, Nanotechnology, Oncology, Women's Studies, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering Pharmaceutical Sciences2014 Raymond M. Reilly (grad student)
Theodor Hofmann
P L. HonellBiochemistry
Axel Horst20132016 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Mir M. Hosseini2002 John E. Davies (grad student)
Walid Houry
P. Lynne HowellProtein structure and function & protein-based drug design
Michael Howorucha
Joanne HsiehPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry2012 Khosrow Adeli (grad student)
Jim Hu
Jiping HuangEnvironmental Sciences, Analytical Chemistry2000 Scott Mabury (grad student)
Rui Huang Biochemistry Lewis E. Kay (post-doc)
Kai HuangPhysical chemistry, chemical kinetics Chemistry2011 John C. Polanyi (grad student)
Robert H. E. HudsonOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19881990 Anthony John Poë (grad student)
Gregory J. HughesOrganic Chemistry2001 Mark Lavtens (grad student)
Russell P. HughesOrganometallic mechanism and synthesis, CF bond activation, catalysis, computational chemistry19681972 John Powell (grad student)
Gabriel HumOrganic Chemistry2002 Scott Taylor (grad student)
Christine L. HumphriesCell Biology, Molecular Biology2004 Brenda Andrews (grad student)
Hayley H. HungEnvironmental Sciences2000 Donald Mackay (grad student)
Andrew HunterPhysiological chemistry
Robert Osmond Hurst1952 Gordon Cecil Butler (grad student)
Sadakat HussainMaterials Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Applied Mechanics Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2014 Mark T. Kortschot (grad student)
Vanessa Huxter2009 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
Mitsu Ikura
Ahsan Islam Chemical Engineering2014 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (grad student)
Gregory R. J. ThatcherOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Iffat Jabeen20072009 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Charles JaffeReaction dynamics Chemistry19791982 Paul W. Brumer (post-doc)
Dinesh JagadeesanEfficient heterogeneous catalysis20092011 Eugenia Kumacheva (post-doc)
Richard B.C. Jagt Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Dominic C. JaikaranBiochemistry2003 Andrew M. MacMillan (grad student)
Frieder JakleInorganic Chemistry19971999 Ian Manners (post-doc)
John JanetzkoGPCRs, biochemistry, biophysics, GRK, post-translational modifications, mass spectrometry Chemistry Chemistry20082011 Robert A. Batey (research assistant), Datong Song (research assistant)
Jaewan Jang20182023 Andrew Woolley (grad student)
Andrzej A. JankowskiCell Biology, Biochemistry2003 Sergio Grinstein (grad student)
Leili JavanmardiAnalytical Chemistry2013 Yuri Lawryshyn (grad student)
Hubert Jean-RuelFemtosecond Electron Diffraction, Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Liquids and Biological/Molecular Systems Physics2014 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Mais J. JebrailAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2011 Aaron R. Wheeler (grad student)
Robert L. JefferiesEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Botany Biology, Plant Physiology
Kenneth R. JeffreyNMR and neutron diffraction studies of model membrane systems, NMR of superionic conducting polymers and glasses, dynamic NMR microscopy.1969 Robin Louis Armstrong (grad student)
Melanie A. JeffreyEpilepsy Pharmacology20082014 W. Mac Burnham (grad student)
Amy H. JeonNeuroscience Biology, Pathology Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2012 Gerold Schmitt-Ulms (grad student)
Philip G. JessopPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry19911992 Robert H. Morris (post-doc)
Andrew H. JheonBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2001 Jaro Sodek (grad student)
José-Luis Jimenez Chemistry2018 Datong Song (grad student)
Maria C. Jimenez HamannRegenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering2004 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Arturo Jiménez-SánchezChemical sensors
Kim S. Jonesbiomaterials, biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine2004 Michael V. Sefton (grad student)
Marcus JonesNanomaterials, Spectroscopy Chemistry20062009 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
J. Bryan Jones
Jeong Chan Joo Chemical Engineering20122015 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (post-doc)
Kjell JornerDigital chemistry, computational chemistry, machine learning20212022 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Laurie Joyce20032008 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Mads KaernPhysical Chemistry19952001 Michael Menzinger (grad student), Michael Menzinger (grad student)
Tara F. KahanReactivity at ice surfaces, Fate of pollutants in natural waters, Chemistry at urban surfaces, Indoor chemistry Chemistry20052010 D James (Jamie) Donaldson (grad student)
Harold KalantPharmacology
Supipi W. KaluarachchiMolecular Biology, Genetics Molecular and Medical Genetics2011 Brenda Andrews (grad student)
Brett A. KaminoChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2013 T.P Bender (grad student)
Voula KanelisBiochemistry2001 Daniela Rotin (grad student)
Usheer Kanjee Biochemistry2012 Walid Houry (grad student)
Georgios KaragiannisMedicine and Surgery, Pathology, General Biology Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2014 Eleftherios P. Diamandis (grad student)
Shahram KarimiEnvironmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Energy Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2011 Frank Foulkes (grad student)
Jeffrey M. KarpBiomedical Engineering2004 John E. Davies (grad student), Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Masahiro KawajiChemical Engineering
Lewis E. KayDevelopment and Application of NMR Methods for The Study of Protein Structure and Dynamics
Fred W. KeeleyBiochemistry
Shana O Kelleyelectrochemistry, chemical biology, cancer
Aaron Kelly Chemistry20042010 Raymond E. Kapral (grad student)
Robert W. KennedyWood science
Geraldine Anne Kenney-WallaceLaser Spectroscopy
Frank B. Kenrick
Kagan KermanChemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors Physical and Environmental Sciences20072008 Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (grad student)
Eric KeskeOrganic Synthesis, Catalysis, Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry Robert H. Morris (post-doc)
Rachel KeunenPolymers, nanoparticles, drug delivery Chemistry Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Ahlia Khan Biochemistry19992006 Peter N. Lewis (grad student)
Shekeb KhanBiochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology Medical Biophysics2012 Emil F. Pai (grad student)
May KhannaChemical Biology CCBR20042009 Benjamin Blencowe (post-doc)
Walter H. KharBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Physiology Biology
Zayna A. KhayatCell Biology2001 Amira Klip (grad student)
Sina KheiriMicrofluidics
Poh-Ling KhooIndustrial Engineering2002 Joseph C. Paradi (grad student)
Deepa KhushalaniMaterials Chemistry Chemistry19921997 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Moshe KimCell Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry2014 William S. Trimble (grad student)
Jeongho KimTime-resolved spectroscopy, Time-resolved X-ray diffraction20042009 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Howard Kim2011 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Matthew S. KimberGenetics
Earl Judson Kingclinical biochemistry1926 Francis Barclay Allan (grad student)
Angela T. KingyensIndustrial Engineering, Operations Research Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2012 Joseph C. Paradi (grad student)
Andrea Kirby Chemistry Aaron R. Wheeler (grad student)
Andrea E. KirkwoodMicrobiology Biology, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering, Environmental Sciences2003 Roberta Fulthorpe (grad student)
Andrew M. KirulutaComputational NeuroImaging, MRI Physics1997 Velimir M. Ristic (grad student), Anastasios (Tas) Venetsanopoulos (grad student)
Anil Kishendentistry, biomaterials, oral microbiology, endodontics, nanobiomaterials, phototherapeutics
Thomas Kislinger
Vladimir Kitaev Geoffrey A. Ozin (post-doc), Eugenia Kumacheva (grad student)
Julianne Kitevski-LeBlanc R. Scott Prosser (grad student)
Amira KlipBiochemistry
Ronald H. Klugerorganic chemistry
Caroline H. KoCircadian Biology, Neurobiology, Nanotechnology, Martin R. Ralph (grad student), Robert James McDonald (research assistant)
Sven Kochmann20072012 Otto S. Wolfbeis (research assistant)
Ilana KoganAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology2003 Christine Bear (grad student)
Samir Kumar KonarPolymer Chemistry, Biodiesel Chemistry, Petro-chemistry , Applied Organic Chemistry
Ramakrishna R. KonduruChemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2002 D. Grant Allen (grad student)
Aristo C. Kong Anita Ragyanszki (grad student)
Daniel KonradCell Biology, Molecular Biology2003 Amira Klip (grad student)
Roman KorolQuantum dynamics, Molecular transport Chemistry Chemistry20172018 Dvira Segal (research assistant), Jeremy Schofield (research assistant)
Mark T. KortschotMaterials Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Applied Mechanics
Christopher C. KotorisOrganic Chemistry2000 Scott Taylor (grad student)
Baichuan Kou2021 Eugenia Kumacheva (grad student)
Heinz-Bernhard KraatzInorganic Chemistry
Alexander Jerry Kresgemechanisms of organic reactions
Ulrich J. KrullAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry1983 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Leslie A. KrushelMolecular Biology1990 Derek van der Kooy (grad student)
Kevin J. Kubarychultrafast nonlinear, multidimensional spectroscopy of biomolecules; optical control of biomolecular dynamics2003 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Arnis KuksisStructure and Function of Lipoprotein and Membrane Lipids and Regulatory Roles of Cholesterol
Kevin Kulbaba2002 Ian Manners (grad student)
Eugenia Kumachevapolymer and materials science19951996 Mitchell A. Winnik (post-doc)
Eugenia KumadhevaAnalytical Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry
E. Peter KündigSynthetic and mechanistic organometallic chemistry19711975 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Paraskevi Olympia LagaditisChemistry; Catalysis; Inorganic Chemistry; Organometallic
Sudip Kumar LahiriMaterials science, nano materials, coatings, wastewater treatment.
Ping-Shan S. LaiOrganic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry Chemistry2011 Mark S. Taylor (grad student)
Ka Yee Lam20142020 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Kai Landskron Geoffrey A. Ozin (post-doc)
William Robert Lang
Robert A. LangChemical physics
John M. Lansdown19921995 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Yakov Lapitskysoft materials, complex fluids2009 Molly Shoichet (post-doc)
Sacha T LardaStructural Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Chemistry Chemistry20082015 R. Scott Prosser (grad student)
Henry A. Lardythe vitamin biotin, thyroid toxicity and the thyroid hormone. the coupling of energy from respiration with ATP formation and the sites of uncoupling by the antibiotics aurovertin, oligomycin, antimycin A, and rutamycin, etc.1945 Hermann O.L. Fischer (post-doc)
Christian Larsen20162018 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Michael Parker LathamBiomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance20082014 Lewis E. Kay (post-doc)
Mark LautensOrganic Synthesis
Mark LauteusOrganic Chemistry
Mark LavtensOrganic Chemistry
Yuri LawryshynMechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Finance
Christine M. Leorganic chemistry Chemistry Mark Lautens (grad student)
Michael R. LeachProtein chaperones in the ER, MHC processing2004 David B. Williams (grad student)
Doris LeeOrganic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry Chemistry2013 Mark S. Taylor (grad student)
Holly LeeOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Scott Mabury (grad student)
Anna Lee2012 Eugenia Kumadheva (grad student)
Ernest Lee20002005 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Taehyung C Lee2017 Claudiu Gradinaru (post-doc)
Anna Leephotochemistry energy Chemistry20092014 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
Nana Leeprofessional development of scientists Biochemistry2001 B H Robinson (grad student)
Michael Leipold Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Christopher T. LemkeBiochemistry, Pathology2002 P. Lynne Howell (grad student)
R Bruce LennoxPhysical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering1985 Robert A. McClelland (grad student)
Donald J. LeRoychemical reaction kinetics, electrochemistry, and photochemistry1939 Andrew R. Gordon (grad student)
Linus H. Leungbiomaterials, biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine Mechanical and Industrial Engineering2012 Michael V. Sefton (grad student)
Peter N. LewisProtein Structure, Epigenetics, neurodegeneration, drug discovery, artificial intelligence Biochemistry2013 G Angus McQuibban (collaborator)
Shaopei LiChemistry, Biosensor, Electrochemistry Physical and Environmental Sciences20162021 Kagan Kerman (grad student)
Paul C.H. LiBioanalytical Chemistry1995 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Zhengjun LiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2002 Choy L. Hew (grad student)
Sze Wan Li19992005 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Isaac T. S. LiDNA nanostructures, Single-Molecule Fluorescence, Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy, Super-Resolution Microscopy, Mechanobiology, Polymer Surface Mechanics, Chemical Microscopy, Hierarchically Self-Assembling Nanostructures IBBME Chemistry20072012 Kevin Truong (grad student), Gilbert C. Walker (grad student)
Dongqing LiMechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry
Fengwang LiElectrochemistry, Nanofabrication, Electrocatalysis, Renewable Energy
Jingjing Li Molecular Genetics20072011 ZhaoLei Zhang (grad student)
Yue Li Computer Science20102014 ZhaoLei Zhang (grad student)
Long Li Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Qiuming Liang Chemistry2015 Datong Song (grad student)
Xiaoming Liang2009 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc), Elizabeth Edwards (post-doc)
Paul D. Lickiss19831984 Adrian Gibbs Brook (post-doc)
Daniel A. Lidarquantum information, quantum control
Choong-Chin LiewMolecular Biology, Biochemistry1967 Allan Godfrey Gornall (grad student)
Qingsong LinMolecular Biology2002 Choy L. Hew (grad student)
Cliff LingwoodHIV Harry Schachter (post-doc)
Jane E. G. LipsonStatistical mechanics of polymer melts, glasses, and blends. Theory and simulation applied to problems of blend behavior, and glassy thin films and mixtures1984 James E. Guillet (grad student)
Xinyu LiuBioengineering2009 Yu Sun (grad student)
Li Liu2022 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Chang Liumass spectrometry Chemistry20132015 Aaron R. Wheeler (post-doc)
Liu Leo LiuMain Group Chemistry Chemistry20162019 Douglas Stephan (post-doc)
Jiangshu Liu Tony J. C. Harris (post-doc)
Kopin Liu19771979 John C. Polanyi (post-doc)
Jennifer LogiePolymer Chemistry, Nanoparticles20112016 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Barbara Sherwood LollarIsotope Geochemistry, Contaminant Hydrogeology, Ancient Waters, Deep Subsurface Biosphere
Jonathan F. Lovell Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering2012 Gang Zheng (grad student)
Woon-Kai LowBiochemistry2002 Fred W. Keeley (grad student)
Jiao Lu2012 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Xin Lu2002 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Colin Cameron Lucas1936 Earl Judson King (grad student)
Rudy L. LuckInorganic Chemistry Chemistry1987 Robert H. Morris (grad student)
Francine E. Luiorganic chemistry Chemistry2011 Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Vivienne N. LukAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering Chemistry2012 Aaron R. Wheeler (grad student)
Charles J. LumsdenGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Emma-Louise E. Lyle2004 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Scott MaburyOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Archibald B. Macallummicrochemical distribution of inorganic ions1883 Robert Ramsay Wright (research assistant)
Donald L. MacDonaldcarbohydrate chemistry1948 Hermann O.L. Fischer (grad student)
Peter M. MacdonaldGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Bruce Mackay19941999 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Donald MackayEnvironmental and Resource Studies
Mark J. MacLachlanOrganic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry1999 Ian Manners (grad student), Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
David H. MacLennanCalcium handling
John James Rickard MacLeodcerebral circulation
John MacMillan Chemistry20152023 Donald F. Weaver (grad student)
Andrew M. MacMillanBiochemistry
Radhakrishnan MahadevanChemical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, System Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Alborz MahdaviBioengineering, Chemical Biology Chemical Engineering Peter W. Zandstra (grad student)
Daniel Majonispolymer science, self-assembly, and nanochemistry Chemistry2012 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Jean-Remy M. MakanaForestry and Wildlife Agriculture2004 Sean C. Thomas (grad student)
Firhan A. MalikPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology Physiology2014 Steffen-Sebastian Bolz (grad student)
Marc A. MamakNanochemistry2002 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Fabrizio Mancinchemistry Department of Chemistry20012002 Jik Chin (post-doc)
Silvia Mancini Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
John Mancuso2003 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Ian ManiversPolymer Chemistry
Jesse Manna
Ian Manners
Guy Frederic MarrianBiochemistry
William Howard Martin Chemistry1920 Frank B. Kenrick (grad student)
Carlos Alberto Martín1974 Robin Louis Armstrong (grad student)
James MartinSynthetic organic chemistry
Jason A. MasseyPolymer Chemistry2000 Ian Manivers (grad student)
Sanna N MasudMolecular Genetics Molecular Genetics Molecular Genetics Jason Moffat (research scientist), Charlie Boone (research scientist)
Saba Mitri MattarChemical Phhysics, Theoretical Chemistry, Magnetic Resonance, Electromagnetics, Spectroscopy, Spectrometer Design Chemistry19851986 James E. Guillet (grad student)
Mohammad Mazhab-Jafari Mitsu Ikura (grad student)
Richard A. McAloneyPhysical Chemistry2002 Cynthia Goh (grad student)
Corey A. McClaryOrganic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry Chemistry2014 Mark S. Taylor (grad student)
Robert A. McClelland1969 Keith Yates (grad student)
Jill McDermott Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Jeffrey J. McDowellNanochemistry Chemistry2013 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Melanie McGill Tony J. C. Harris (post-doc)
Patrick N McGraw
Alison P. McGuiganto design predictive tissue mimetic systems for understanding mechanisms of tissue assembly and disease20002005 Michael V. Sefton (grad student)
Jennifer Gray McKelvie Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Andrew McKinley Tony J. C. Harris (grad student)
Adam M. McKinty Chemistry2014 Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Chris McLaughlin Chemistry2013 Molly Shoichet (post-doc)
Daniel McLean2012 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
G Angus McQuibbanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology
George Angus McQuibbanMitochondria autophagy, rhomboid proteases19921995 Peter N. Lewis (grad student)
Robert D. McWhinneyOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences2013 Jonathan Paul Dilworth Abbatt (grad student)
Andrew R. McWilliams2001 Ian Manners (grad student)
Michael McWilliamsGeology, Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry1974 David J. Dunlop (grad student)
Rebecca L. MelenChemistry Chemistry Douglas Stephan (post-doc)
Gabriel MénardClean Energy, Sustainable Chemistry, Catalyst Design, Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis20092013 Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Michael MenzingerPhysical Chemistry
Michael MenzingerChemical reaction dynamics, nonlinear dynamics Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Physics20012011 Fathei Ali (collaborator), Arkady B Rovinsky (collaborator), Patrick N McGraw (collaborator), Robin Louis Armstrong (collaborator)
Erika F. Merschrod SPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering20012003 Cynthia Goh (post-doc)
Ming M. MiaoBiochemistry2001 Choy L. Hew (grad student)
Stephen W. Michnick Jeremy P Carver (grad student)
Alexandre MikhailineInorganic chemistry chemistry20082012 Robert H. Morris (grad student)
Freda Diane Millercell and molecular developmental neurobiology
W. Lash Millerthermodynamics
R. J. Dwayne MillerFemtosecond Electron Diffraction, Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Liquids and Biological/Molecular Systems
Evan MillsBiomedical Engineering, Cell Biology Biomedical Engineering2012 Kevin Truong (grad student)
Veetshok MisraMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2000 A M. Rauth (grad student)
Panagiotis (Peter) MitrakosPhysical Chemistry2000 Peter M. Macdonald (grad student)
Anthony K. MittermaierDevelopment and Application of NMR Methods for The Study of Protein Structure and Dynamics2004 Lewis E. Kay (grad student)
Jason MoffatGenetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2002 Brenda Andrews (grad student)
Mahmood MohtashamiNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2002 William S. Trimble (grad student)
Ian F. Mooreorganic chemistry2003 Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Trevor F. Moraesstructure of membrane proteins and complexes
Laurence Moran
James Moran Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Karen Morenz Chemistry Chemistry20162021 Mark W.B. Wilson (grad student), D James (Jamie) Donaldson (research assistant)
Fernando Morgan-SagastumeChemical Engineering, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering2003 D. Grant Allen (grad student)
Penny Morrill Earth Sciences Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Robert H. Morrisinorganic chemistry, catalysis
Mario A. MoscarelloMyelin Basic Protein in Multiple Sclerosis Charles Samuel Hanes (grad student)
Martin Moskovitssurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)1971 Michael John Dignam (grad student)
Roger MossGeochemistry, Mineralogy2000 Steven D. Scott (grad student)
Mohammad MovassatMechanical Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering2012 Markus Bussmann (grad student), Nasser Ashgriz (grad student)
Christina MuellerFemtosecond Electron Diffraction, Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Liquids and Biological/Molecular Systems Chemistry2014 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Aleixo M. Muise Biochemistry20052008 Daniela Rotin (post-doc)
Frans A.A. MulderStructural biology, NMR spectroscopy, protein biophysics, dynamics of biomolecules, protein electrostatics Lewis E. Kay (post-doc)
Henrike Müller-Werkmeister20142017 R. J. Dwayne Miller (post-doc)
Cory M. MulvihillMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, General Biophysics Biochemistry2012 Charles Deber (grad student)
Scott Mundle2010 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc), Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
James E. MungallGeology, Geochemistry
Gabriel Musso Molecular Genetics20052010 ZhaoLei Zhang (grad student)
Steven N.LissChemical Engineering
Vincent G. NadeauBiochemistry Biochemistry2014 Charles Deber (grad student)
Bhushan Nagarsturucture of glycosyltransferases2001 James M. Rini (grad student)
G. Vijay Nair Peter Yates (post-doc)
Linda NazarMaterials Chemistry1989 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Mozhgan NazariPharmacy, Biochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Heiko Heerklotz (grad student)
Mathew Neal Chemistry20162023 Donald F. Weaver (grad student)
Rebecca C. Neu Chemistry2012 Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Stephen Newman Chemistry2012 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Kenneth K. NgMolecular Imaging, Nanotechnology, Biomedical Engineering Medical Biophysics20082014 Gang Zheng (grad student)
Derek P. NgNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2013 Charles Deber (grad student)
Alphonsus H.C. NgMicrofluidics, infectious disease diagnostics, immuno-oncology, single cell analysis Institute for Biomedical Enginering20092015 Aaron R. Wheeler (grad student)
Neilson NguyenInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2014 Ulrich Fekl (grad student)
Zhihong Nie Department of Chemistry20032008 Eugenia Kumacheva (grad student)
Steven Ole NielsenPhysical Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Nanoscience2001 Raymond E. Kapral (grad student)
Corey NisiowGenetics, Molecular Chemistry, Oncology
Mark NitzBiofilms, probes, protecting-group free synthesis
Meissam Noroozifar Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (research scientist)
Kenneth Howard NorwichTheory
Farhad Nowrouzi Chemistry2011 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Wylie Wing Oinorganic chemistry, catalysis2012 Robert H. Morris (grad student)
Jennifer P. OgilvieFemtosecond Electron Diffraction, Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Liquids and Biological/Molecular Systems2003 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Megan H. OhUltrafast Spectroscopy, Energy Transfer Chemistry2013 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
Ann Sullivan OjedaGeohealth, Fate and Transport of Organic Contaminants, Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Environmental Chemistry2019 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Scott R. J. OliverMaterials Chemistry1997 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Claire J. OswaldBiogeochemistry, Physical Geography, Hydrology, Limnology Biology Geography2011 Brian Branfireun (grad student)
Stephane G. OuelletOrganic Synthesis2003 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Shawn C. Owen Chemistry20092013 Molly Shoichet (post-doc)
Geoffrey A. OzinNanochemistry
Brent D. PageBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Oncology, Cell Biology, Medicine and Surgery Chemistry2013 Patrick T. Gunning (grad student)
John Arthur Pageanalytical chemistry
Emil F. PaiMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry
Matthew F. PaigePhysical Chemistry2000 Cynthia Goh (grad student)
Benoit Palmieri20082011 Charles Ward (post-doc)
K. Sandy PangPharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Vitamin D
Keith H. PannellInorganic Chemistry1966 Adrian Gibbs Brook (grad student)
Marie-Eve PaquetProtein chaperones in the ER, MHC processing2004 David B. Williams (grad student)
Jean-François PaquinOrganic Chemistry; Organic Synthesis; Organofluorine Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry19992004 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Joseph C. ParadiIndustrial Engineering, Operations Research
Jai I. Parkpolymer and materials science Chemistry2010 Eugenia Kumacheva (grad student)
Jun Y. Park2004 John E. Davies (grad student)
Jonathan Mark Parnismodelling of physico-chemical properties of chemicals1987 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Arthur Leonard Parsons
Anthony W. PartridgeBiochemistry2004 Charles Deber (grad student)
Elodie Passeport20122014 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Stanislav P. PasykCell Biology, Physiology Biology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry Biochemistry2014 Christine Bear (grad student)
Gren PateyPhysical Chemistry1975 John Valleau (grad student)
Sian T. PattersonCell Biology, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2011 Reinhart A. F. Reithmeier (grad student)
Caroline E. Paul Department of Chemistry20082009 Mark Nitz (grad student)
Melissa J. PaulitePolymer Surface Mechanics, Conducting Nanostructures, Chemical Microscopy, Nanophotonic Devices, Marine Biofouling, Hierarchically Self-Assembling Nanostructures Chemistry2012 Gilbert C. Walker (grad student)
Brent G. PautlerAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Myrna J. Simpson (grad student)
Peter Pawelek biochemistry19881992 Peter N. Lewis (grad student)
Janusz PawliszynAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry1984 Michael John Dignam (post-doc)
James PeekBiochemistry Cell and Systems Biology2014 Dinesh Christendat (grad student)
H. Benson PengPharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacokinetics, Vitamin D, Alzheimer's Disease Pharmaceutical Sciences20142022 K. Sandy Pang (grad student)
Zhiwei PengFluid Mechanics, Active Matter Department of Chemistry20222023 Raymond E. Kapral (post-doc)
Avinash PersaudBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Chemistry, Oncology Biochemistry2012 Daniela Rotin (grad student)
Muhammad PervaizMaterials Science Engineering, Wood Technology Agriculture Forestry2012 Mohini M. Sain (grad student)
Elizabeth PhamBiomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology2011 Kevin Truong (grad student)
Hung H. Phampolymer science, self-assembly, and nanochemistry2000 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Nam X. PhamCell Biology, Molecular Biology2002 Daniela Rotin (grad student)
Diem H. Phanorganic synthesis Chemistry2012 Vy Maria Dong (grad student)
Michael S. PhillipsGenomics, Pharmacogenomics, Clinical Genetics and Population Genetics Biochemistry19881998 David H. MacLennan (grad student)
Elizabeth PhillipsIsotope Geochemistry, Contaminant Hydrogeology Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Colin R. Phillips
Lloyd Montgomery Pidgeon
Piotr Piecuchcoupled-cluster theory John C. Polanyi (post-doc)
Pamela J. PlantBiochemistry2000 Daniela Rotin (grad student)
Anthony John PoëInorganic Chemistry
Raymond Poirier Imre Gyula Csizmadia (grad student)
Varvara Pokrovskaya Mark Nitz (post-doc)
John C. PolanyiPhysical chemistry, chemical kinetics Iain R. McNab (collaborator)
Joanna PoloczekBiofilms, probes, protecting-group free synthesis Chemistry2012 Mark Nitz (grad student)
Regis Pomesbiophysics, membrane transport, statistical thermodynamics, computer simulation
Wilson PoonDrug delivery, gene delivery, nanomedicine Biomedical Engineering20142020 Warren C. Chan (grad student)
Ameya PophaliMechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2011 Markus Bussmann (grad student)
Milka PopovBiochemistry2000 Reinhart A. F. Reithmeier (grad student)
Konstantin PopovicMolecular Biology Medical Biophysics2011 Gilbert Gerard Privé (grad student)
Bradley E. PoulsenBiochemistry Biochemistry2012 Charles Deber (grad student)
John PowellOrganometallic Chemistry
David A. Powell2003 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Karyn N. Power-Billard2003 Ian Manners (grad student)
Ioannis PrassasOncology, Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2012 Eleftherios P. Diamandis (grad student)
Alastair James Arthur Price Chemistry2023 O. Anatole von Lilienfeld-Toal (post-doc)
Gilbert Gerard PrivéBiochemistry
Demyan E. Prokopchuk Chemistry20092015 Robert H. Morris (grad student)
Andrew H. ProppeSpectroscopy, quantum dots, quantum optics, perovskites, machine learning Chemistry Chemistry20162019 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (grad student), Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
R. Scott ProsserBiophysical Chemistry, NMR Spectroscopy
Michael ProuseMolecular Biology, Agronomy Agriculture, Biochemistry Cell and Systems Biology2013 Malcolm Campbell (grad student)
David Pulleyblank
Jieshu Qianpolymer science, self-assembly, and nanochemistry Chemistry2013 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Zhen QinBiosensing Mechanical and Industrial Engineering2018 Xinyu Liu (grad student)
Holly P. Quach Pharmaceutical Sciences20112016 K. Sandy Pang (grad student)
Tan D. Quach2004 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Janne A. QuiltyBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Pathology2002 Reinhart A. F. Reithmeier (grad student)
Cristina L. QuinnMolecular Chemistry, Biochemistry, Cell Biology2013 Frank Wania (grad student)
Darius G. Rackusmicrofluidics, elelctrochemistry Department of Chemistry20122017 Aaron R. Wheeler (grad student)
Jose E. Raezpolymer science, self-assembly, and nanochemistry2004 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Paul J. Ragogna2005 Ian Manners (grad student)
Shamsur Rahman Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Vishal RaiOrganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology20082011 Andrei K. Yudin (post-doc)
Jan K. RaineyGeneral Biophysics2003 Cynthia Goh (grad student)
Thanashan Rajakulendranprotein kinase regulation Molecular and Medical Genetics2011 Frank Sicheri (grad student)
Timothy R. Ramadhar Chemistry2012 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Amelia A. RandBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry2013 Scott Mabury (grad student)
Arianna RathBiochemistry2004 Alan Davidson (grad student)
Sarah RauscherComputational Biophysics Regis Pomes (grad student)
A M. RauthMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Anthony Redpath Chemistry19701975 Michael Menzinger (grad student)
Dorea I. ReeserOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Chemistry2013 D James (Jamie) Donaldson (grad student)
Raymond M. ReillyPharmacy, Nanotechnology, Oncology, Women's Studies, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering
Jakeb Reis
R ReithmeierBiochemistry
Michael Reppert20172019 Paul W. Brumer (post-doc)
Rui Resendes2000 Ian Manners (grad student)
Mojgan RezvaniMolecular Biology, Pathology2001 Choong-Chin Liew (grad student)
Leandra Rhodes-Dicker20162018 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
James M. Rinisturucture of glycosyltransferases Harry Schachter (grad student)
Zev A. Ripstein2020 John L. Rubinstein (grad student)
Eric Rivard2004 Ian Manners (grad student)
Michael A. RobbComputational chemistry Imre Gyula Csizmadia (grad student)
B H Robinson
Francisco Rodrigues Tony J. C. Harris (grad student)
Alessandro Rodrigues Departmento of Chemistry20072008 Robert A. Batey (post-doc)
Michael K. Rosen Lewis E. Kay (post-doc)
Greg Rosocha20062011 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Ali RostamiOrganic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry Chemistry2012 Mark S. Taylor (grad student)
Daniela RotinBiochemistry
Benjamin H. RotsteinOrganic synthesis Chemistry2012 Andrei K. Yudin (grad student)
Sophie RousseauxCatalysis, reaction mechanisms, organmetallic chemistry
Marc R. RousselMathematical biology, Mathematical chemistry, Nonlinear dynamics, Stochastic kinetics19881994 Simon J. Fraser (grad student)
Arkady B Rovinsky
Tomislav RovisOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis19931998 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Aron Roxin Pharmaceutical Sciences2014 Gang Zheng (grad student)
Stephen J. RubinoImmunology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2014 Stephen E. Girardin (grad student)
Anthony F. Rullo Chemistry2012 Mark Nitz (grad student)
Lori A. RutkevichProtein chaperones in the ER, MHC processing Biochemistry2012 David B. Williams (grad student)
Ilya G. Ryabinkin Chemistry20122018 Artur F. Izmaylov (post-doc)
William RyuBiophysics, Behavior
Maria Sabaye MoghaddamPhysical Chemistry2001 S G. Whittington (grad student)
K. A. Niradha SachinthaniOrganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Oragnic Electronics Chemistry20182019 Dwight S. Seferos (post-doc)
Paul SadowskiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Michelle A SahaiMolecular modelling, computational biochemistry, biomedicine Medical Biophysics Chemistry Emil F. Pai (grad student), Imre Gyula Csizmadia (grad student)
Mohini M. SainChemical Engineering
Ali Salahpour
Qasim SaleemPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2014 Peter M. Macdonald (grad student)
Fahimeh SalimiChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2014 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (grad student)
Subhas Samanta
Liliana M. SampaleanuBiochemistry2003 P. Lynne Howell (grad student)
Bishnu D. Sanwal
Jethro Sanz-Robinson20202021 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Punit SaraonCell Biology, Pathology Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2014 Eleftherios P. Diamandis (grad student)
Vivian C. SaridakisMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Bibudhendra SarkarBiochemistry
Mohammed G. SarwarOrganic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry Chemistry2012 Mark S. Taylor (grad student)
N. Sathyamurthy John C. Polanyi (post-doc)
Bernard D. SattinGeneral Biophysics2004 Cynthia Goh (grad student)
Daniel M. SaturninoChemical Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2012 Honghi Tran (grad student)
Harry SchachterGlycosylation1964 Gordon H. Dixon (grad student)
Florencia B. SchapiroCell Biology2001 Sergio Grinstein (grad student)
Gerold Schmitt-UlmsGenetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Bioinformatics Biology, Biochemistry
Elijah G. SchnitzlerAtmospheric aerosols, Heterogeneous reactions, Molecular complexes
Gregory D. ScholesUltrafast electron transfer, Quantum mechanical energy transfer processes, Photosynthetic and bio-inspired solar energy conversion, Multidimensional electronic spectroscopy, Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Quantum Biology
Daniel J. SchulzeGeochemistry, Geology
Robert W. J. ScottNanochemistry, catalysis19952002 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Steven D. ScottGeology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry
David Aylmer ScottBiochemistry, insulin, proteins1925 Andrew Hunter (grad student)
Michael V. Seftonbiomaterials, biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine
Dvira SegalChemical Physics, theory
Martin SeifridMaterials Chemistry, Self-Driving Labs Chemistry2019 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Andrea Sellainorganic synthesis, education, public engagement Chemistry19841986 Robert H. Morris (grad student)
Mehran Seyed AhmadiMaterials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2014 Markus Bussmann (grad student)
Vijay M. ShahaniMolecular Chemistry, Cell Biology, Oncology Chemistry2013 Patrick T. Gunning (grad student)
Arkady C. ShaikhMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2000 Paul Sadowski (grad student)
Mohtashim H. ShamsiAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz (grad student)
Suchana Shamsunnahar20172022 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Sara SharifpoorMolecular Biology, Genetics Molecular and Medical Genetics2011 Brenda Andrews (grad student)
Mahsa Shayan20162017 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Sonia Sheikh Chemistry2014 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Leslie Webster Shemilt1947 Andrew R. Gordon (grad student)
David Wenyan ShenNew Drug Development: innovative division19921996 Mary Miu Yee WAYE (research assistant), Jeffrey Tze Fai Wong (grad student)
Ming Shen2002 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Yi ShengMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2004 Andrew Bognar (grad student)
Jumi ShinBiochemistry
Molly ShoichetRegenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering
Molly ShoicletChemical Engineering, Molecular Chemistry
Chubashini ShunthirasinghamAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry Chemistry2010 Frank Wania (grad student)
Frank Sicheriprotein kinase regulation
Juveria Siddiqui2011 M. Iqbal Choudhary (grad student)
Sachdev Sidhu
Paul C. SimakIndustrial Engineering, Finance2000 Joseph C. Paradi (grad student)
Myrna J. SimpsonAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
André Simpson
Tung SiuOrganic synthesis2003 Andrei K. Yudin (grad student)
Chi-Hung SiuMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Bradley J. SiwickFemtosecond Electron Diffraction, Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Liquids and Biological/Molecular Systems2004 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Gary A. SkarjaChemical Engineering2001 Kim Woodhouse (grad student)
Nikolai R. SkrynnikovNMR is used to study proteins and nucleic acids19992002 Lewis E. Kay (post-doc)
Gregory F. SlaterGeochemistry2001 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Piotr SlizMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry2000 Emil F. Pai (grad student)
J. J. Sloan John C. Polanyi (post-doc)
David V. Smil2001 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Lawrence Bruce Smilliestructure and function of proteins1955 Gordon Cecil Butler (grad student)
Christopher Smith20032008 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Ian William Murison Smith19641965 John C. Polanyi (post-doc)
Oliver Smithiesgenetics19541960 David Aylmer Scott (research scientist)
Kelsey Smyth2018 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Fraser SoaresCell Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2014 Stephen E. Girardin (grad student)
Jaro SodekBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1970 Theodor Hofmann (grad student)
Mohsen Soleimani Kheibaripolymer science, self-assembly, and nanochemistry Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2012 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Mohamed A. SolimanGlycosylation Molecular and Medical Genetics2014 James Dennis (grad student)
Rabindranauth-Romel SomwarCell Biology, Molecular Biology2002 Amira Klip (grad student)
Datong SongInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry20032004 Robert H. Morris (post-doc)
Yin SongMultidimensional spectroscopy, chemical physics, physical chemistry, biophysics Chemistry20092015 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
Min Song Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Jessica Sonnenberginorganic chemistry, catalysis Chemistry2014 Robert H. Morris (grad student)
Samuel Soskincauses and treatment of diabetes1932 Charles H. Best (grad student), John James Rickard MacLeod (research assistant)
Ivana V. SotenNanochemistry2002 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Chris E. Soteros Department of Chemistry1989 S G. Whittington (post-doc)
Taraneh SowlatiIndustrial Engineering, Banking Business Administration2001 Joseph C. Paradi (grad student)
Horace B. Speakman
Timothy A. StammersOrganic Synthesis2002 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Cliff StannersMolecular and Cellular Biology of Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 19711995 James Edgar Till (grad student), Louis (Lou) Siminovitch (grad student), Victor Ling (collaborator)
Edgar William Richard Steacie
Andreas SteinInorganic Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Experimental Physical Chemistry1991 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Douglas Stephan
Douglas W Stephaninorganic chemistry, catalysis, main group chemistry,
Douglas W. StephenInorganic Chemistry
Nancy van Stone Earth Sciences Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Peter E. Suesinorganic chemistry, catalysis Chemistry2014 Robert H. Morris (grad student)
Ruby Sullan Gilbert C. Walker (grad student)
Chong SunQuantum chemistry Computer Science2021 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Huadong Sun Pharmaceutical Sciences20022008 K. Sandy Pang (grad student)
Yunshan Sun Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Yedi Sun2014 Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Smith SundarWood Technology Agriculture, Chemical Engineering Forestry2011 Mohini M. Sain (grad student)
Mark C. SurkaCell Biology2004 William S. Trimble (grad student)
Nadine Chelsea Sutcliffe20132015 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Braden SweetingBiochemistry Medical Biophysics2013 Emil F. Pai (grad student)
Andrew M. SydorBiochemistry Chemistry2013 Deborah Zamble (grad student)
Arthur Gustav SzaboBiochemistry Chemistry19631968 Peter Yates (grad student)
Melanie D. SzwerasGlycosylation2000 James Dennis (grad student)
Celia N. TahaBiochemistry2000 Amira Klip (grad student)
William Tamorganic synthesis Mark Lautens (grad student)
Fai K. TamIndustrial Engineering2004 Joseph C. Paradi (grad student)
Stephanie D. TammamMolecular Biology, Microbiology Biology Biochemistry2012 P. Lynne Howell (grad student)
Runyu TanInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Datong Song (grad student)
Shuyao Tan2019 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Danny TandraPulp & Paper Recovery Boiler Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry20002005 Donald E. Cormack (grad student), Honghi Tran (grad student)
Adrienne E. TanurPolymer Surface Mechanics, Conducting Nanostructures, Chemical Microscopy, Nanophotonic Devices, Marine Biofouling, Hierarchically Self-Assembling Nanostructures Chemistry2012 Gilbert C. Walker (grad student)
Nardos G. Tassew2003 Michael Thompson (grad student)
Li-Lin Taysurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)2000 Martin Moskovits (grad student)
Mark S. TaylorOrganic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry19971999 Mark Lautens (research assistant)
Scott Taylor Chemistry Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Oswald Sydney TeePhysical Organic Chemistry19681970 Keith Yates (post-doc)
Jon Telling20042006 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Karen Temple2002 Ian Manners (grad student)
Tracy TeodoroBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2012 Allen Volchuk (grad student)
Avinash N. Thadani2001 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
Gregory ThatcherBiochemistry Ronald H. Kluger (grad student)
Theophile TheophanidesOrganometallic chemistry1963 Albert (Bert) Derrick Allen (grad student)
Heloise Therien-Aubin Chemistry2016 Eugenia Kumacheva (post-doc)
Sean C. ThomasForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Climate Change, Biogeochemistry
Michael Thompson
Jordan W. ThomsonNanochemistry Chemistry2012 Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
William A. Tiller1955 Bruce Chalmers (grad student)
Andy A. Tjeng Chemistry2011 Robert A. Batey (grad student)
James Makoto ToguriMetallurgy1958 Lloyd Montgomery Pidgeon (grad student)
Christopher TonMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Choong-Chin Liew (grad student)
Jiefei Tong Biochemistry1999 David H. MacLennan (grad student)
Eric J. Toonebiocatalysis/applied enzymology, ligand binding and the activity of water, and the synthesis of novel donors of nitric oxide1988 J. Bryan Jones (grad student)
F. Dean Tosteorganic synthesis, catalysis, and organometallic chemistry19931995 Ian W.J. Still (research assistant)
Honghi TranChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry Douglas W. Reeve (grad student)
Kenneth Tran
William S. TrimbleCell Biology, Biochemistry, v-SNARE, vesicle fusion, neurotransmitters
Kevin Truong Mitsu Ikura (grad student)
Brian Tsz Ho Tsui Chemistry Chemistry20162014 Robert H. Morris (grad student), Datong Song (research assistant)
Gavin Chit Tsui Mark Lautens (grad student)
Chit TsuiOrganic Synthesis Chemistry2013 Mark Lautens (grad student)
Eugenia-Teodora TudoseChemical Engineering2002 Masahiro Kawaji (grad student)
David V. TulumelloBiochemistry, General Biophysics Biochemistry2012 Charles Deber (grad student)
Josephine S. TurnerBiomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering2001 Yu-Ling Cheng (grad student)
Rachel F. TyndaleAddiction, Drug Metabolism Pharmacology and Toxicology Werner Kalow (grad student)
Ulug M. Unligilsturucture of glycosyltransferases2002 James M. Rini (grad student)
Denisa UrbanBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Physiology Biology Biochemistry2014 Walter H. Khar (grad student)
John ValleauElectrochemistry, chemical physics
Adrian D. Van RythovenGeochemistry, Geology Geology2012 Daniel J. Schulze (grad student)
Gary W. vanLoonOrganic Chemistry, Environmental Sciences1966 John Arthur Page (grad student)
Thamiya Vasanthakumar Biochemistry20162022 John L. Rubinstein (grad student)
Sandra A. VelaIndustrial Engineering, Banking Business Administration2002 Joseph C. Paradi (grad student)
Kaushik Raj VenkatesanSynthetic Biology, Metabolic Engineering Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry20152020 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (grad student)
Camilo J. ViasusCO2 reduction
John W. VinceBiochemistry2000 R Reithmeier (grad student)
Alexander E. VlahosTissue engineering, Regenerative medicine, Pancreatic islet transplantation, Biomaterials Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Michael V. Sefton (grad student)
Allen VolchukBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology19931998 Amira Klip (grad student)
Max von Delius20112012 Vy Maria Dong (post-doc)
Katarina Vulic2014 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Matthew Waas Thomas Kislinger (grad student)
Gilbert C. WalkerPolymer Surface Mechanics, Conducting Nanostructures, Chemical Microscopy, Nanophotonic Devices, Marine Biofouling, Hierarchically Self-Assembling Nanostructures
Thomas Leonard Walker
James S. Wallace
Kenneth A. Walsh1959 Charles Samuel Hanes (grad student)
Ying Wangelectrochemistry, electrocatalysis, electrochemical engineering20182019 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Yuhang WangNanomaterials, energy, catalysis
MIngfeng WangPolymer Chemistry and Materials, Organic Electronics, Nanomedicine, Biomedical Engineering Chemistry20042009 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Chen WangAtmospheric chemistry, Indoor air chemistry, Air pollution Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences Chemistry20122021 Frank Wania (grad student), Jonathan Paul Dilworth Abbatt (post-doc)
Zhuo Wang Ian Manners (post-doc)
Yuanfei Wang Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry2014 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Shuping Wang2021 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Po-Hsiang WangMicrobial Biosynthsis; Mmicrobial degradation; cell-free metabolic Engineering; circular bioeconomy Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry20142018 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (collaborator), Elizabeth Edwards (grad student)
Wilford Zhiyu Wang Pharmaceutical Sciences20172021 Donald F. Weaver (grad student)
Sunya (Shunyao) Wang Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry20162021 Arthur Chan (grad student)
Ziyun WangTheoretical Catalysis,Electrochemistry,Computational Chemistry,Machine Learning Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering20182021 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Frank WaniaAnalytical Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering
Oliver Warrgeochemistry, hydrogeology, noble gases, geochronology20162019 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Hardolph Wasteneysprotein synthesis
Iain D. G. Watson Andrei K. Yudin (grad student)
James H. WattersonAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2003 Ulrich J. Krull (grad student)
Mary Miu Yee WAYEDyslexia, Psychiatric Diseases, Suicide, Reading & Writing, twins, KIAA0319, HBX19861992 Cliff Stanners (grad student), Jane E. Aubin (collaborator)
Mingyang Wei20202021 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (grad student), Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Arnold D. Welch1934 Velyien Ewart Henderson (grad student)
Junior West Tony J. C. Harris (grad student)
S G. WhittingtonPhysical Chemistry
Stefan Wilhelm Biomedical Engineering Warren C. Chan (post-doc)
Kenna M. K. WilkieBiogeochemistry, Paleoclimate Science, Geochemistry20122013 Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
David B. WilliamsProtein chaperones in the ER, MHC processing, calnexin1981 Harry Schachter (grad student), William J. Lennarz (collaborator)
Rohan Williams2013 Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Lisa Willis2013 Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Mark W.B. WilsonSpectroscopy, Excitons, Excitonic Upconversion, Singlet Exciton Fission, Organic Electronics, Colloidal Nanocrystals
Mitchell A. Winnikpolymer science, self-assembly, and nanochemistry
Gideon WolfaardtChemical Engineering, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry
Estella F. WongCell Biology, Biochemistry2002 Chi-Hung Siu (grad student)
Stanley S. WongBiomedical Engineering Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering2013 Kevin Truong (grad student)
Cathy Y. WongTime-resolved spectroscopy Chemistry20052011 Gregory D. Scholes (grad student)
Ka-Chun WongBioinformatics, Computational Biology, Data Science, Optimization Computer Science20112014 ZhaoLei Zhang (grad student)
Jenny Pui Shan Wong Chemistry2015 Jonathan Paul Dilworth Abbatt (grad student)
Edmond Wong
Charles S. Wong Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc), Scott Mabury (post-doc)
Kim WoodhouseBiomedical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering
Andrew Woolleyprotein engineering Biochemistry1990 Charles Deber (grad student)
G A. WoolleyBiochemistry
Paul Worsfold Chemistry Michael Thompson (grad student)
David Wren Chemistry19711976 Michael Menzinger (grad student)
George F. Wright
Langping Wu20192021 Elodie Passeport (post-doc)
Bing WuNMR Department of Chemistry20172019 André Simpson (post-doc)
Ryan Wylie2011 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Xiaoji XuNear-field microscopy, vibrational spectroscopy Chemistry20122014 Gilbert C. Walker (post-doc)
Bruce Xu Barbara Sherwood Lollar (grad student)
Ellen X. Yansurfaces, synthesis, functionalization20142014 Datong Song (research assistant)
Laurence Yang Chemical Engineering2012 Radhakrishnan Mahadevan (grad student)
Zhenyu (Kevin) Yangsurface chemistry, inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry20142018 Edward H. (Ted) Sargent (post-doc)
Hong YangNanomaterials for Energy and Biotechnology, Electrocatalysis Geoffrey A. Ozin (grad student)
Qi (Joy) Yang Pharmaceutical Sciences20132018 K. Sandy Pang (grad student)
Kyoko L. YapGeneral Biophysics2004 Mitsu Ikura (grad student)
Keith Yates
Peter Yatesorganic chemistry
Paul M. YipNeuroscience Biology2004 Chi-Hung Siu (grad student)
Christopher YipBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
Kelly-Marie Yokuda Chemistry2020 Mark W.B. Wilson (grad student)
Leslie Youngmetabolism of foreign compounds
Frank George Youngdiabetes19341935 Charles H. Best (post-doc)
George M. YousefMedicine and Surgery2002 Eleftherios P. Diamandis (grad student)
Bomina YuBiochemistry2004 P L. Honell (grad student)
Zhu Hao Yu20182020 Elodie Passeport (grad student)
Andrei K. YudinOrganic synthesis
Nichole Zacharia Geoffrey A. Ozin (post-doc)
Tasneem Zahir20052011 Molly Shoichet (grad student)
Deborah ZambleBiochemistry
Lee Zamparo Computer Science20082015 ZhaoLei Zhang (grad student)
Arash Zarrine-Afsar Benjamin Schuler (post-doc)
Sidney Howard ZbarskyBiochemistry1945 Leslie Young (grad student)
David Zechel Chemistry Ronald H. Kluger (research assistant)
Hua Chun Zenginorganic nanostructures1991 John C. Polanyi (post-doc)
Guohua Zhang Mark Nitz (post-doc)
Xianming ZhangAnalytical Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering Chemistry2012 Frank Wania (grad student)
Xiaokun ZhangEnvironmental Engineering2004 Mohini M. Sain (grad student)
Yixie Zhang Tony J. C. Harris (grad student)
Xiaoxi Zhao Chemistry2012 Douglas Stephan (grad student)
Gang Zheng
Haizheng Zhongsemiconductor nanocrystals Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
Charles C. Zhoupolymer science, self-assembly, and nanochemistry2002 Mitchell A. Winnik (grad student)
Yige Zhounanoelectrochemistry Pharmacy20132015 Shana O Kelley (post-doc)
Valentin B. ZunicOrganic Synthesis2003 Mark Lautens (grad student)