Wake Forest University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ralph J. Abi-HabibOncology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2005 Arthur E. Frankel (grad student)
Rebecca W. Alexander
C. Leigh Allenx-ray crystallography, chemical biology, protein purification, biochemistry, carbohydrate synthesis, reproductive biology S. Bruce King (research assistant)
Sajant Anand Physics20162018 Andrew M Zeidell (research assistant)
Ekaterina V. AnokhinaInorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2001 Abdessadek Lachgar (grad student)
Ekhaterina Anokhina Chemistry19962001 Abdessadek Lachgar (grad student)
Svetlana AroutiounianCondensed Matter Physics2002 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Blythe AshcraftPhysical Chemistry2007 Robert L. Swofford (grad student)
Robb Atkinson S. Bruce King (grad student)
Ivan A. AzarovGeneral Biophysics, Physiology Biology Physics2011 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Ranjan Banerjee S. Bruce King (grad student)
Surya R BanksSynthetic Organic, Inorganic, Organometallic Chemsitry, Biomaterials, Energy Chemistry2016 Mark E. Welker (post-doc)
Avinash H. Bansode Kiran K. Solingapuram Sai (post-doc)
Hemanta BaruahBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Oncology2005 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
Darcy J. BatesBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2008 Charles S. Morrow (grad student)
Amanda S. BeauchampCell Biology, Oncology Molecular Medicine and Translational Science2012 Waldemar Debinski (grad student)
Erika Bechtold Chemistry2010 S. Bruce King (grad student)
Andrea Belanger Physics2015 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Lansdon Bellavia Physics2013 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Ulrich BierbachBiochemistry
Ulrich BierbachChemistry
Crystal Bolden Molecular Medicine and Translational Science2017 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
K Bridget BrosnihanPhysiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Michael E. BudimanBiochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2006 Rebecca W. Alexander (grad student)
M. W. CalcuttAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry2001 Ronald E. Noftle (grad student)
Debajit ChakrabortyCondensed matter physics
Kejing ChenGeneral Biophysics2004 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Kimberly D. Chichester2008 Willie L. Hinze (grad student)
Jayati R. ChoudhuryBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Oncology2008 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
Craig Clodfelter S. Bruce King (grad student)
Timothy M. Colussi2009 Al Claiborne (grad student)
Terra Colvin Physics20162019 Freddie R. Salsbury (grad student)
Christa L. ColyerAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Kenneth E. CrookMetal-mediated Diels-Alder, OTFT, PI3K2008 Mark E. Welker (grad student)
Jian DaiInorganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2002 Ronald E. Noftle (grad student)
Huw M. L. Daviessynthesis of biologically active natural products
Amanda C. Davis2006 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Subhasis De2007 Mark E. Welker (grad student)
Waldemar DebinskiMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Ronald V. DimockBiochemistry, Toxicology, Environmental Sciences
Song DING Chemistry20102015 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
George L. Donati2010 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Patricia C. Dos SantosBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry
Thomas D. DuBosePhysiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Jenna F. DuMond Chemistry2012 S. Bruce King (grad student)
Mark V. DykeMaterials Science Engineering, Biochemistry
Beatriz M. Fontoura
Arthur E. FrankelOncology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Anthony R. GerardiMolecular Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2011 Christa L. Colyer (grad student)
Scott M. GeyerQuantum Dot Opto-electronics
William H. GmeinerBiochemistry, Medicine and Surgery, Oncology, Nanotechnology
Ryan C. Godwin20112017 Freddie R. Salsbury (grad student)
Leigh A. GrahamBiochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Oncology Chemistry2012 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
Jiyan Gu Chemistry2010 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Summer N. Hanna Chemistry2011 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Willie L. Hinze
Xiandeng HouAtomic spectroscopy Bradley T. Jones (post-doc)
Steven J. HowellPolymer Chemistry2007 Ronald E. Noftle (grad student)
Zhi HuangCondensed Matter Physics2002 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Kris T. HuangMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2006 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Jesse R. InghamAnalytical Chemistry20222024 George L. Donati (grad student), Bradley T. Jones (grad student), Beatriz M. Fontoura (collaborator)
Laura Jennings Physics20162018 Andrew M Zeidell (research assistant)
Bradley T. Jones
Amanda C. JonesRapid-Injection NMR, Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry
Paul B Jonesorganic chemistry; photochemistry; natural products
Christopher S. JunkerMetal-mediated Diels-Alder, OTFT, PI3K Chemistry2011 Mark E. Welker (grad student)
Daniel B. Kim-ShapiroGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
S. Bruce King
Caroline Elise KuczynskiMD simulations, gene therapy, hematopoietic stem cells, sickle cell anemia Physics Chemistry20172018 Samuel S. Cho (research assistant), Rebecca W. Alexander (research assistant)
Timothy E. Kute
Abdessadek LachgarInorganic Chemistry
ZHE LIOrganic Chemistry20162017 S. Bruce King (post-doc)
Zhidong LinBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2007 Todd Lowther (grad student)
Chen Liu Physics2013 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Xiaohua Liu Physics2017 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Virginia L. Lockamy2004 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Todd LowtherBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Yan Lu Freddie R. Salsbury (post-doc)
Chang LuPerovksite, Perovskite Stability, Lead Free Perovskite Chemistry2014 Scott M. Geyer (grad student)
John C. LukeshMedicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology
Zhidong MaPharmaceutical Chemistry, General Chemistry2009 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
Christopher M. MacNeillPolymer Chemistry Chemistry2011 Ronald E. Noftle (grad student)
Gregory S. MaloneyPlant Culture Agriculture, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2014 Gloria Kressin Muday (post-doc)
Elizabeth M. McCorquodaleAnalytical Chemistry2001 Christa L. Colyer (grad student)
Zhengrui Miao S. Bruce King (grad student)
Charles S. MorrowBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Rajeswari Mukherjee S. Bruce King (grad student)
Ronald E. NoftleAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Eric N. Olsonmuscle biology1981 Peter B. Smith (grad student)
Hetal PandyaMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Molecular Genetics & Genomics2011 Waldemar Debinski (grad student)
Kerry A. PaumiMetal-mediated Diels-Alder, OTFT, PI3K2002 Mark E. Welker (grad student)
Heather L. Peters2003 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Amanda J. PickardMolecular Chemistry, Oncology, Pharmacology Chemistry2014 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
Ramakrishna R. PidaparthiMetal-mediated Diels-Alder, OTFT, PI3K Chemistry2011 Mark E. Welker (grad student)
Tanya PinderMetal-mediated Diels-Alder, OTFT, PI3K Chemistry2012 Mark E. Welker (grad student)
Tom Poole S. Bruce King (grad student)
Lu RaoBiochemistry Chemistry2011 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
Julie A. Reisz Chemistry2011 S. Bruce King (grad student)
Ann Rittenhouse19771984 Chirstopher H. Price (grad student)
Stephanie E. RockettAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2012 Christa L. Colyer (grad student)
Jennifer A. Rust2006 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Freddie R. SalsburyMolecular Physics, Molecular Chemistry
Katherine Saulneuromuscular biomechanics
Bruna P. SelbachBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Patricia C. Dos Santos (grad student)
Xin Sha2006 S. Bruce King (grad student)
Amy L. SloatAnalytical Chemistry, Toxicology2007 Christa L. Colyer (grad student)
Peter B. Smithcytochromes P-450 and flavin-dependent monooxygenase (FMO)
Troy A. Stich
Jimmy SuryadiBiochemistry Chemistry2011 Rebecca W. Alexander (grad student)
Robert L. SwoffordPhysical Chemistry
Natalie A. W. HolzwarthInorganic Chemistry
Liqiong WangMetal-mediated Diels-Alder, OTFT, PI3K Chemistry2012 Mark E. Welker (grad student)
Roy W. Ware2000 S. Bruce King (grad student)
Franklin H. WelderAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry2004 Christa L. Colyer (grad student)
Mark E. WelkerMetal-mediated Diels-Alder, OTFT, PI3K
Jiajie Xiao Physics20122018 Freddie R. Salsbury (grad student)
Xiuli XuGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry2004 Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro (grad student)
Zheng Yang2004 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Mu YangMedicinal chemistry Chemistry20112017 Ulrich Bierbach (grad student)
Carl G. Young Chemistry2011 Bradley T. Jones (grad student)
Ye Yuan Physics20032009 Freddie R. Salsbury (grad student)
Yuyang Zhuglycan, NMR, reaction mechanism Chemistry20102015 Amanda C. Jones (grad student)
Zhou Zou2005 S. Bruce King (grad student)