Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Hemlata Agarwala20172019 Marc Fontecave (post-doc)
André-Marie AmpèrePhysics
Safwan Aroua Marc Fontecave (post-doc)
Antoine-Jérôme Balardchemistry
Mireille Blanchard-DescePhotochemistry, photonics Jean-Marie Lehn (grad student)
Henricus Brucaeusmedicine1554 Petrus Ramus (research assistant)
Sophie CarencoChemistry ; Material Sciences
Matthew Burke Chambers20132015 Marc Fontecave (post-doc)
Martien A. Cohen StuartPhysical Chemistry and Colloid Science19851986 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (post-doc)
Josiah Parsons Cookechemistry Victor Regnault (research scientist)
Charles E CreissenElectrocatalysis, CO2 reduction, Solar Fuels Marc Fontecave (post-doc)
jean d'Aarcet
Pierre-Gilles de Gennespolymer physics, interfacial problems
Jean-Baptiste Joseph Delambre1792 Joseph Jérôme LeFrançais de LaLande (grad student), Pierre Mechain (grad student)
Marcel Delépine
Aude Demessence20082010 Clément Sanchez (post-doc)
Subal Dey20182019 Victor Mougel (post-doc)
Charles DufraisseOrganic Chemistry Charles Moureu (grad student)
Jean-Pierre Ebel1955 Emmanuel Fauré-Fremiet (post-doc)
Noemie Elgrishi20112015 Marc Fontecave (grad student)
Emmanuel Fauré-Fremiet
Marc Fontecave
Ernest Fourneau1898 Charles Moureu (grad student)
Wolcott Gibbsinorganic chemistry18471848 Victor Regnault (post-doc)
Steve Granicksingle-molecule methods, polymers, complex fluids, and biomaterials1983 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (post-doc)
Roger GuilleminNeuroendocrinology
Bernard HalpernMedicinal chemistry, immunology, oncology1936 Jean Gautrelet (grad student)
Jean Jacqueschemistry of estrogen, stereochemistry Marcel Delépine (grad student)
John Raven Johnsonfuran chemistry, medicinal chemistry1924 Charles Moureu (post-doc)
Jean Frédéric JoliotNuclear chemistry
Irène Joliot-CurieNuclear chemistry Collège de France Paul Langevin (grad student)
Ludovic JullienChemistry / Biophysics1990 Jean-Marie Lehn (grad student)
Henri B. Kaganasymmetric organic synthesis1960 Jean Jacques (grad student)
Antoine Lacassagneradiation therapy
Sarah Lamaison20172020 Victor Mougel (grad student)
Jacques Livage
Florencia Marchini ·Chemie du solide et énergie20142018 Ernesto J. Calvo (grad student)
Éleuthère Mascart18681871 Victor Regnault (research scientist)
Hedi Mattoussi1987 Madeleine Veyssié (grad student)
Ahmed Mouchfiq20172020 Victor Mougel (grad student)
Charles MoureuChemistry
Andres Manuel Del RioInorganic chemistry, mineralogy1783 jean d'Aarcet (grad student)
Jean Rocherespiratory proteins, thyroid biochemistry
Paul Sabatiercatalysis1880 Pierre Eugène Marcellin Berthelot (grad student)
Clément Sanchez
Paul Schützenberger Antoine-Jérôme Balard (research assistant)
J. Lawrence SmithMineralogy Léonce Élie de Beaumont (post-doc)
Johan van Heurnemedicine1566 Petrus Ramus (research assistant)
Madeleine Veyssié
David Wakerley20172019 Victor Mougel (post-doc)
Antoine WillemarOrganic Chemistry1929 Charles Moureu (grad student)
Walter Wolf1956 Jean Roche (grad student)
Leiting Zhangrechargeable batteries, interphases, interfaces, material characterizations20142018 Jean-Marie Tarascon (grad student)
Ignacy ZłotowskiNuclear chemistry1936 Jean Frédéric Joliot (post-doc)