Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Patrick M. Beardsleydrug abuse, behavioral pharmacology, rat/primate self administration Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology19831985 Bob Balster (post-doc)
Robert L. Campbellpharmacology, analgesics, clinical trials
Martin M. DconaChemistry and Drug Discovery Internal Medicine Steven R. Grossman (post-doc)
Robert J. DeLorenzoEpilepsy, calcium signaling, neural plasticity
William L. Deweypharmacology, analgesics, opioids
Lynn W. Enquistvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis S. Gaylen Bradley (grad student)
Song Fu
Sara GerkePharmacy
Kurt F. HauserNeuropharmacology, NeuroAIDS, Substance abuse, Glia
Sally Shaffer Hunnicuttphysical chemistry, chemical education
Justin Poklis