Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Freddy Adams1963 Julien Hoste (grad student)
Marc Anteunis Organic Chemistry Department19541958 Firmin Govaert (grad student)
Simon Backx
Leo Henricus Arthur Baekeland18851888 Théodore Swarts (research assistant)
Rakesh BatchuCatalysis, Kinetics, Materials and Characterization Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering20132017 Guy B.M.M. Marin (grad student), Vladimir V Galvita (grad student)
Asamanjoy Bhunia20132015 Pascal Van Der Voort (post-doc)
Serge Van Calenbergh19911995 Piet Herdewijn (grad student)
Hans-Heinrich Carstensen
Subrata ChattopadhyayMacromolecular chemistry, polymer chemistry20142016 Filip Du Prez (post-doc)
Pierre De Clercq organic chemistry19691973 Maurits Vandewalle (grad student)
Matthias D'hooghe Norbert De Kimpe (grad student)
Sasanka Dalapati20192020 Pascal Van Der Voort (post-doc)
Jef De Brabander Organic Chemistry Department19891992 Maurits Vandewalle (grad student)
Norbert De Kimpe19711975 Niceas Maurice Alphonse Schamp (grad student)
Bjorn De Samber Chemistry Laszlo Vincze (grad student)
Tapas DebsharmaSustainable synthetic polymer chemistry20202023 Filip Du Prez (post-doc)
Victor Desreux1934 Frédéric Jean Edmond Swarts (grad student)
Peter Dubruel Organic Chemistry Department19982003 Etienne Schacht (grad student)
Dirk Elewaut
Lin FangComplex Fluids, Fluid Mechanics, Biopolymers, and Molecular Simulations Ernst Koster (grad student)
Vladimir V Galvita
Jeroen Geeraerts
Eric J. Goethals Organic Chemistry Department19581963 Firmin Govaert (grad student)
Walter Gomes
Firmin Govaert19281934 Frédéric Jean Edmond Swarts (post-doc)
Geert-Jan W. GraulusProtein engineering Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry20132018 Peter Dubruel (grad student), Sandra Van Vlierberghe (grad student)
Piet Herdewijn
Thomas Heugebaert Christian V. Stevens (grad student)
Richard Hoogenboom Ulrich Sigmar Schubert (grad student)
Julien Hoste Firmin Govaert (grad student)
Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübnerorganic chemistry18601862 August Kekulé (post-doc)
Paul A.J. JanssenPsychiatry, neurology, GI, anti-infectives, anti-virals Pharmacology19501956 Corneille Heymans (grad student)
Jonas Janssensorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry Department of Pharmaceutics2014 Serge Van Calenbergh (grad student)
Mathew JohnReaction Kinetics, Catalyst Design, Molecular modelling, Process Modelling and Simulation Laboratory Of Chemical Technology20132016 Guy B.M.M. Marin (grad student)
August KekuléOrganic chemistry
Jean Jacques Kickx1863 Jean Kickx (grad student)
Jean Kickx
Bruno J. Linclau Organic Chemistry Department19921996 Maurits Vandewalle (grad student)
Eduard Linnemann1863 August Kekulé (post-doc)
Frederic Lynen20002004 Pat J. Sandra (grad student)
Julius Mac Leodbotany, biology18781885 Felix Plateau (grad student), Jean Jacques Kickx (grad student)
Annemieke Madder Organic chemistry19931997 Pierre De Clercq (grad student)
Sven Mangelinckx Norbert De Kimpe (grad student)
Guy B.M.M. MarinChemical reaction engineering and catalysis1980 Gilbert F. Froment (grad student)
José MartinsNMR spectroscopy and structure analysis Organic Chemistry Department19881993 Marc Anteunis (grad student)
Jean-Christophe M. MonbaliuOrganic Chemistry, flow chemistry Bioscience Engineering20082010 Christian V. Stevens (post-doc)
Iwan MoreelsColloidal nanocrystals
Chandra Sekhar Mutyala Iwan Moreels (post-doc)
Timothy Noël20052009 Johan Van der Eycken (grad student)
Felix Plateau18621868 Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau (grad student)
Filip Du Prez Organic Chemistry Department19921996 Eric J. Goethals (grad student)
Bart Roman Christian V. Stevens (grad student)
Mark Saeys Laboratory for Chemical Technology20142018 Guy B.M.M. Marin (grad student)
Pat J. Sandra Organic Chemistry Department19691975 Maurice Verzele (grad student)
Etienne Schacht Organic Chemistry Department19681973 Eric J. Goethals (grad student)
Niceas Maurice Alphonse Schamp
Ondřej Sedláček20172020 Richard Hoogenboom (post-doc)
Christian V. Stevens Norbert De Kimpe (grad student)
Théodore Swarts1864 August Kekulé (grad student)
Frédéric Jean Edmond Swarts1889 Théodore Swarts (grad student)
César A. Urbina-BlancoOrganometallic Chemistry,CO2 Chemistry Laboratory For Chemical Technology2016 Mark Saeys (post-doc)
Erik van der EyckenMicrowave-Assisted Chemistry, Combinatorial Chemistry, Solid Phase Chemistry, Transition Metal Chemistry, Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products (analogues), Heterocyclic Compounds & Peptidomimetics1987 Maurits Vandewalle (grad student)
Johan Van der EyckenMedicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry Organic Chemistry Department19791986 Maurits Vandewalle (grad student)
Pascal Van Der VoortInorganic Chemistry
Theodoor Van Hove
Maurits Vandewalle organic chemistry19551959 Maurice Verzele (grad student)
Kevin VanGeem Lab Chemical Technology Guy B.M.M. Marin (grad student)
Daniël A.M. VanmaekelberghChemistry and physics of nanostructures1984 Walter Gomes (grad student)
Guido Verniest20002004 Norbert De Kimpe (grad student)
Eduard C. VerschaffeltPharmacology and physiology of plants1891 Julius Mac Leod (grad student)
Toon Verstraelen
Maurice Verzele organic chemistry19451949 Firmin Govaert (grad student)
Bjorn Victor Institute of Tropical Medicine20102014 Magnus Palmblad (grad student)
Sandra Van Vlierberghe
Hermann WichelhausChemical technology1863 August Kekulé (grad student)
Johan Maurits Winneorganic synthesis Organic chemistry20002006 Pierre De Clercq (grad student)