Weizmann Institute of Science

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ran Eitan Abutbul Michal Leskes (post-doc)
Lia AddadiGeochemistry1979 Meir Lahav (grad student), Mendel David Cohen (grad student)
Ilana Aksenfeld Michal Leskes (grad student)
Shlomo AlexanderNMR, superconductors, condensed matter1958 Saul Meiboom (grad student)
Assaf AlonStructural Biology Structural biology Biological Chemistry20132015 Deborah Fass (grad student), Sarel Fleishman (post-doc)
Nadav Amdursky20112013 David Cahen (post-doc), Mordechai Sheves (post-doc)
Saadia Amiel
Liat Amir-ZilbersteinMolecular Biology2007 Rivka Dikstein (grad student)
Tal Amitay-RosenPhysical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemical Physics2009 Shimon Vega (grad student)
Gonen Ashkenasy19972001 Abraham Shanzer (grad student)
Meir Asscher1964 David Vofsi (grad student)
Sharon AyalGenetics, Agronomy Agriculture2006 Avraham A. Levy (grad student)
Mariana BaborBiochemistry2006 Meir Edelman (grad student)
Mario D. Bachi
Anat BahatCell Biology, Biochemistry BCH Biological Chemistry2008 Michael Eisenbach (grad student)
Ekambaram BalaramanOrganometallics, sustainable catalysis20082012 David Milstein (post-doc)
yael s. balazsnmr Shimon Vega (post-doc)
Maya Bar SadanInorganic Chemistry2007 Reshef Tenne (grad student)
Omer BaradGenetics, Human Development2011 Naama Barkai (grad student)
Michael Bárányphysiology of fast- and slow-twitch muscles, NMR1958 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (post-doc)
Naama BarkaiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Edward A. BayerMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Avital BeerMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology2010 Ami Navon (grad student)
Talya BelogusBiochemistry BCH Biological Chemistry2009 Steven Karlish (grad student)
Tal Ben MosheNanotechnology, Nanoscience2011 Brian Berkowitz (grad student)
Avi Ben ShimonMolecular Biology, Genetics Structural Biology2010 Zippora Shakked (grad student)
Eyal Ben-AriInorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2007 David Milstein (grad student)
Irit Ben-AvrahamBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology ORG Organic Chemistry2008 Avraham Minsky (grad student)
Tehila Ben-MoshePhysiology Biology2005 David Wallach (grad student)
Danny Ben-ZviAnatomy Biology, Human Development2011 Naama Barkai (grad student)
Michael BendikovPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2001 Yitzhak Apeloig (grad student)
Yaakov BenensonBioinformatics Biology2005 Ehud Y. Shapiro (grad student)
Alexander BerchanskyGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry2003 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (grad student)
Ernst David Bergmannorganic chemistry
Isaac BerithBiochemistry ORG Organic Chemistry2008 Avraham Minsky (grad student)
Jonathan Berkheim
Dikla BerkoCell Biology2010 Ami Navon (grad student)
Max L. BerkowitzTheoretical and Computational Chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry1978 R. Benny Gerber (grad student), Victor Yakhot (grad student)
Brian BerkowitzGeochemistry
Ofer Biham19831988 David Mukamel (grad student)
Yoav Y. BitonApplied Mechanics, Microbiology Biology, Mechanical Engineering Samuel Safran (grad student)
A. Daniel BoeseQuantum chemistry, noncovalent interactions Organic Chemistry20022004 Jan M.L. Martin (post-doc)
Ludwig Branddynamic structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, glyco-conjugates, and membranes1963 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (research scientist)
Sagie Brodsky Naama Barkai (grad student)
Merlin L. Bruening polymer adsorp- tion or growth of polymers from surfaces to create functional films on or in membranes Organic Chemistry1995 Abraham Shanzer (grad student)
Isaac Buchine Michal Leskes (grad student)
Israel CabassoPolymer Chemistry Chemistry19691973 David Vofsi (grad student)
David Cahen
S. Roy CaplanKinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Molecular Machines and Oscillatory Processes
Miriam CarmiTeacher Training Education2002 Avi Hofstein (grad student)
Jonathan CaspiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry BCH Biological Chemistry2008 Edward A. Bayer (grad student)
Subrata ChakrabortyOrganometallic Catalysis20142018 David Milstein (post-doc)
Michal Chapal Naama Barkai (grad student)
Soumit ChatterjeeOrganic Synthesis, Laser spectroscopy Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics20162017 Daniel Zajfman (post-doc)
Limor ChenPharmacology2000 Meir Wilchek (grad student)
David M. ChipmanBranched chain amino acid synthesis, biophysics Chemistry19651967 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (post-doc)
Cyrus H. ChothiaComputational Molecular Biology1974 Michael Levitt (post-doc)
Joyanta ChoudhuryOrganometallics, Catalysis, Surface Chemistry Chemistry20082011 Milko Erik van der Boom (post-doc)
Lev Chuntonov20092012 Gilad Haran (post-doc)
Dorit CohenGenetics, Virology Biology MGV Molecular Genetics2009 Yosef Shaul (grad student)
Mendel David Cohen
Galit Cohen-Ben-LuluGeneral Biophysics2006 Michael Eisenbach (grad student)
Miriam Cohen-KandliCell Biology, Molecular Biology2006 Nava Dekel (grad student)
Ilit Cohen-OfriGeochemistry, Archaeology Anthropology2006 Steve Weiner (grad student)
Riccardo ConteTheoretical Chemistry, Semiclassical Dynamics, QCT Dynamics Chemical Physics Department Eli Pollak (post-doc)
Avihai DanonPlant Culture Agriculture, Biochemistry
Oded DanzigerBiochemistry2005 A Horovitz (grad student)
Sanjib Das20102011 Rafal Klajn (post-doc)
Chen Davidovich Structural Biology20042010 Ada E. Yonath (grad student)
Prosenjit DawOrganometallic Catalysis & Renewable Energy20152019 David Milstein (post-doc)
Soumen DeSupramolecular chemistry20162020 Rafal Klajn (post-doc)
Graham de Ruiter2013 Milko Erik van der Boom (grad student)
Nabanita Deb20172020 Edvardas Narevicius (post-doc)
Hadassa Deganimagnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy of cancer
Nava DekelMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Noam DiamantBiochemistry, Genetics Biological Chemistry2010 Zvi Livneh (grad student)
Rivka DiksteinBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1993 Yosef Shaul (grad student)
Eytan DomanyComputational Biology, Bioinformatics, Statistical Physics
Orly Dym
Marvin Edelman
Meir EdelmanBiochemistry
Eran EdriArtificial photosynthesis; materials chemistry; electrochemistry; photovoltaics Material & Interfaces20092014 Gary Hodes (grad student)
Iris EdryAnimal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology, Cell Biology BIR Biological Regulation2008 Nava Dekel (grad student)
Michael EisenbachCell Biology, Biochemistry
Henryk (Heini) Eisenbergmolecular biophysics, structural biology1952 Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky (grad student)
Avital Eisenberg-LernerCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2009 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Ran EliashBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry2006 Meir Lahav (grad student)
Joseph EnglanderMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology2007 Abraham Minsky (grad student)
Mike Fainzilber Pabitra Sahoo (collaborator)
Deborah FassBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Virology Biology
Jerry A. FereiroMolecular electronics, Bio-electronics, bio-molecular electronics, interfacial charge transport, surface functionalization, nano-fabrication, low temperature electronic measurements, surface characterization and electrochemistry20152021 David Cahen (post-doc), Mordechai Sheves (post-doc)
Daniel FiatBiomedical Engineering
Alan FineNeurophysiology Amiram Grinvald (post-doc)
Simon Fishilevich Biotechnology Engineering20082010 Lital Alfonta (grad student)
Liat FlaishonImmunology2005 Idit Shachar (grad student)
Sarel Fleishman
Marc Florent2011 Daniella Goldfarb (grad student)
Robert FluhrCell Biology, Biochemistry, Plant Pathology Agriculture
Marcel FrailichSciences Education, General Chemistry STD Science Teaching Department2007 Miri Kesner (grad student)
Leonard Deepak FrancisNanomaterials, Electron Microscopy20062008 Reshef Tenne (post-doc)
Gabriel A. Franksingle molecule biophysics, physical chemistry Chemical Physics2010 Gilad Haran (grad student)
Daniel Frankel Materials and Interfaces Jacob Klein (post-doc)
Mati FridkinOrganic Chemistry, Pharmacy, Oncology
Matityahu FridkinOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Yael FridmannMolecular Biology2002 A Horovitz (grad student)
Gilgi Friedlander-MalikMolecular Biology2005 Naama Barkai (grad student)
Dan FrumkinCell Biology, Oncology BCH Biological Chemistry2008 Gideon Rechavi (grad student)
Lucio FrydmanAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
Anthony H. FutermanBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Pathology
Maria G. FuzesiPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry2006 Steven Karlish (grad student)
Ari GafniStructural Enzymology, Protein Processing and Folding1974 Izchak Z. Steinberg (grad student)
Mark Gandelman2003 David Milstein (grad student)
Tali GarinMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology2010 Menachem Rubinstein (grad student)
Haim GartyCell Biology, Biochemistry
Ehud GazitBionanotechnology, Supramolecular biochemistry1997 Yechiel Shai (grad student)
Kfir GazitBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Biological Chemistry2010 Rivka Dikstein (grad student)
Ilya GelfandEnvironmental Sciences ESE Environmental Sciences and Energy Research2009 Dan Yakir (grad student)
Jeffrey E. GerstBiochemistry
Eitan GevaTheoretical and Computational Chemistry19981999 David J. Tannor (post-doc)
Jamal GhabbounElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2004 David Cahen (grad student)
Arnab GhoshQuantum thermodynamics20152019 Gershon Kurizki (post-doc)
Ori GidronAromaticity, Curved Aromatic Compound, pi-Conjugated Macrocycles Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry20082012 Michael Bendikov (grad student), Milko Erik van der Boom (grad student)
Emanuel Gil-Av1951 Ernst David Bergmann (grad student)
Assaf A. GiladMRI, synthetic biology19962003 Michal Neeman (grad student)
David GillBiological physics1958 Saul Meiboom (grad student)
Alexander N. GlazerPhycobilisome Architecture Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (post-doc)
Itai GlinertOncology, Medicine and Surgery2010 Avigdor Scherz (grad student)
Yuval GolanNanomaterials, thin films, chemical epitaxy Materials and Interfaces Israel Rubinstein (grad student), Gary Hodes (grad student)
Roni Golan-LaviMolecular Biology, Genetics Molecular Genetics2010 Menachem Rubinstein (grad student)
Alex Goldberg Chemistry2013 David Milstein (post-doc)
Eran GoldbergPlant Culture Agriculture, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry PLG Plant Sciences2010 Avigdor Scherz (grad student)
Yair GoldfarbGeneral Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Quantum Physics CHP Chemical Physics2008 David J. Tannor (grad student)
Vera GorbunovaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology1999 Avraham A. Levy (grad student)
Yael GoreImmunology, Cell Biology Immunology2010 Idit Shachar (grad student)
Bat A. GotlivBiochemistry, General Biology2004 Steve Weiner (grad student)
Otto Richard GottliebPhytochemistry, Natural Products David Lavie (research assistant)
Maxime Gouet-KaplanGeneral Chemistry2010 Brian Berkowitz (grad student)
Michael GozinEnergetic Materials19881995 David Milstein (grad student)
Yonatan Gressel
Cunlan Guo Mordechai Sheves (post-doc)
Tarkeshwar GuptaChemical/biological processes on solid-state surfaces Milko Erik van der Boom (post-doc)
Elisha Haasself-assembly of protein structures, the second genetic code, and the dynamics and mechanisms of function proteins and nucleic acids1976 Izchak Z. Steinberg (grad student), Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (grad student)
David J. Haascrystallography, biophysics Crystallography, Dept of Chemistry19661967 Wolfie Traub (post-doc)
Shira Haber Michal Leskes (grad student)
Adina HaimovOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2007 Ronny Neumann (grad student)
Motti HakimBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Virology Biology2011 Deborah Fass (grad student)
Liat Haklai-Toper Avraham Yaron (post-doc)
Israel HanukogluEpithelial sodium channel (ENaC), Steroidogenesis, Keratin structure, Oxidoreductase enzymes, Cell biology
Rotem Har-LavanGeneral Engineering2011 David Cahen (grad student)
Gilad Haransingle molecule biophysics, physical chemistry1993 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (grad student), Elisha Haas (grad student)
Nofar HarpazBiochemistry, Cell Biology2011 Talila Volk (grad student)
Léon J. HaskelbergOrganic chemistry
Haim HavivBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology Biological Chemistry2010 Steven Karlish (grad student)
Oded Heber
Ella Z. HeckerCell Biology2001 Lia Addadi (grad student)
Ayal HendelGenetics2010 Zvi Livneh (grad student)
Sivan Henis-KorenblitMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2003 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Rigoberto HernandezTheoretical and Computational Chemistry19941994 Eli Pollak (post-doc)
Hagen Hofmann Benjamin Schuler (post-doc)
Avi HofsteinSciences Education, General Chemistry
Barry H. Honigcomputational biophysics and bioinformatics1968 Joshua Jortner (grad student)
A HorovitzBiochemistry
Mark Alan IronComputational Chemistry Jan M.L. Martin (grad student)
Berith IsaacMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2007 Abraham Minsky (grad student)
Avital isenberg-LernerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2009 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Ariel IsmachInorganic Chemistry, Nanoscience, Materials Science Engineering MAI Materials and Interfaces2009 Ernesto Joselevich (grad student)
David IsraeliGenetics MGV Molecular Genetics2009 Talila Volk (grad student)
Lior IzharBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Cell Biology BIC Biochemistry2009 Zvi Livneh (grad student)
Kenneth A. JacobsonGPCRs, adenosine, P2 receptors19811983 Abraham Patchornik (post-doc)
Sankar Jana20142015 Mordechai Sheves (post-doc)
Daniel Jardon Alvarez Michal Leskes (research scientist)
Julius Jellinek1983 Moshe Shapiro (grad student), Michael Baer (grad student)
Ernesto JoselevichInorganic Chemistry, Nanoscience, Materials Science Engineering
Daphna Joseph-StraussCell Biology2006 Naama Barkai (grad student)
Leemor Joshua-TorStructural biology, Nucleic acid regulation, RNAi, Molecular recognition, X-ray crystallography19871991 Joel L. Sussman (grad student)
Yaakov KacherBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Pathology BCH Biological Chemistry2009 Anthony H. Futerman (grad student)
Maya Kahan-HanumMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology2011 Ehud Y. Shapiro (grad student)
Chaim KahanaCell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Rishir KalepuEnzyme biochemistry, protein design and engineering, boocatalysis
Ariel Kaplan Biomolecular Sciences Gilad Haran (post-doc), Eitan Reuveny (post-doc)
Edith KarioMicrobiology Biology, Physiology Biology Biological Regulation2010 Ami Navon (grad student)
Essie (Esther) Kariv-MillerOrganic chemistry1967 Ernest Wenkert (grad student), David Lavie (grad student)
Steven KarlishPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry
Jacob KarniGeneral Chemistry
Amir KartonComputational materials, Computational chemistry, Theoretical chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Jan M.L. Martin (grad student)
Yoel KashmanIsolation of bio active natural compounds1967 Ernst David Bergmann (grad student)
Itamar KassProtein dynamics, Drug design Structural Biology Amnon Horovitz (grad student)
Ephraim Katchalski-KatzirBiophysics
Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky
Ofer KedemNanomaterials
Ehud Keinan Chemistry19721977 Yehuda Mazur (grad student)
Alona Keren-PazGenetics, Cell Biology MGV Molecular Genetics2009 Chaim Kahana (grad student)
Miri KesnerSciences Education, General Chemistry
Naama Kessler
Julia Khusnutdinova20122015 David Milstein (post-doc)
Choongik Kim2002 Gilad Haran (research assistant)
Jin-Chul KimBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry Biological Chemistry2010 David Wallach (grad student)
Adi KimchiCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Jack F. Kirsch19631964 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (post-doc)
Ester M. KitaynerCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Nuclear Chemistry Structural Biology2010 Zippora Shakked (grad student)
Oded KleifeldMolecular Biology2002 Irit Sagi (grad student)
Jacob Kleinphysics and physical chemistry of soft matter1977 Alex Silberberg (post-doc)
Yossef KligerBiochemistry2001 Yechiel Shai (grad student)
Judith Pollock Klinmanfundamental aspects of enzyme catalysis1968 David Samuel (post-doc)
Joachim KohnBiomedical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry1983 Meir Wilchek (grad student)
Frieda KopnovMaterials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry2007 Reshef Tenne (grad student)
Freida KopnovPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry MAI Materials and Interfaces2008 Reshef Tenne (grad student)
Amnon KorenGenetics MGV Molecular Genetics2009 Naama Barkai (grad student)
Elizaveta KossoyOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry2010 David Milstein (grad student)
Santhosh Kotni Gilad Haran (post-doc)
Sebastian KozuchComputational quantum chemistry, catalysis Jan M.L. Martin (post-doc)
Eli Kraisler Materials and Interfaces20102015 Leeor Kronik (grad student)
Jeffrey L KrausePhysical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry19871989 Moshe Shapiro (post-doc)
Olga Kraynis
Miri Krupkin Structural biology Ada E. Yonath (grad student)
Eugenia Kumachevapolymer and materials science19911994 Jacob Klein (post-doc)
Pintu Kundu20122015 Rafal Klajn (post-doc)
Gershon Kurizki
Tamar Kustanovich-FlorPhysical Chemistry2002 Yitzhak Rabin (grad student)
Michal Lahav20062004 Israel Rubinstein (post-doc), Milko Erik van der Boom (research scientist)
Meir LahavBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry Leslie Leiserowitz (collaborator)
Premkumar Lakshmanane2005 Joel L. Sussman (grad student)
Nardy LamplMolecular Biology, Botany Biology, Immunology2010 Robert Fluhr (grad student)
Guy LandauCell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2011 Chaim Kahana (grad student)
Kfir LapidBiochemistry, Cell Biology2011 Tsvee Lapidot (grad student)
Tsvee LapidotCell Biology, Biochemistry
Henrik R. LarssonTheoretical Chemistry2018 David J. Tannor (grad student)
David Lavienatural compounds for medicinal purposes1949 Léon J. Haskelberg (grad student), Ernst David Bergmann (grad student)
Ji-Woong Leeorganic chemistry20142014 Rafal Klajn (post-doc)
Leslie LeiserowitzBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry1966 Gerhard Martin Julius Schmidt (grad student)
Michal Leskes Shimon Vega (grad student)
Vered Lev-GoldmanOrganic Chemistry, Pharmacy, Oncology ORG Organic Chemistry2008 Mati Fridkin (grad student)
Yael Levi-KalismanGeochemistry2002 Steve Weiner (grad student)
Michael Levittcomputational structural biology19721974 Shneior Lifson (post-doc)
Avraham A. LevyMolecular Biology, Biochemistry1987 Moshe Feldman (grad student)
Sagi Levy Naama Barkai (grad student)
Shira LezerPlant Culture Agriculture, Biochemistry PLG Plant Sciences2009 Avihai Danon (grad student)
Tirosh LibbatGeneral Biology, Cell Biology, Human Development BIR Biological Regulation2009 Eldad Tzahor (grad student)
Michal Lieberman-LazarovichGenetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2010 Avraham A. Levy (grad student)
Shneior Lifson
Moti Liscovitchmolecular biology
Uriel Z. LittauerPrognostic Markers for Neuroblastoma Tumors1954 Ernst David Bergmann (grad student)
Zvi LivnehBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Cell Biology
Nitzan Livni Michal Leskes (grad student)
Nir LondonChemical biology, drug discovery and design
Yoav LubelskyGenetics2006 Yosef Shaul (grad student)
David M. LubmanProteomics and Cancer Research Chemical Physics Ron Naaman (research scientist)
Aya LudinCell Biology2011 Tsvee Lapidot (grad student)
Zeev LuzNMR
Ayan Maity Michal Leskes (post-doc)
Shmuel Malkinphotosynthesis
Rachel Mamlok-NaamanSciences Education, General Chemistry
Joost Manassenphysical organic chemistry
Debasish MannaBio-Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology20142015 Rafal Klajn (post-doc)
Arun K. MannaTheoretical and computational chemistry20152017 Leeor Kronik (post-doc)
Premashis MannaMolecular Biophysics Chemical and Biological Physics2022 Gilad Haran (post-doc)
Jörn Manzquantumdynamic methods for chemical elementary reactions19741975 Raphael David Levine (post-doc)
Maya Maor Avraham Yaron (grad student)
Lea MarashMolecular Biology, Genetics MGV Molecular Genetics2008 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Yonit MarcusHistology Biology, Physiology Biology2010 Yoram Shechter (grad student)
Omer MarkovitchChemistry, hydrogen bonds, proton transport, prebiotic evolution, systems chemistry, self-assembly, self-replication2014 Doron Lancet (grad student)
Jan M.L. MartinComputational quantum chemistry Organic Chemistry David Milstein (collaborator), Ronny Neumann (collaborator), Joel L. Sussman (collaborator)
Kadmiel S. MaseykEcology Biology, Plant Physiology2006 Dan Yakir (grad student)
Yehuda Mazur
Raphael Mechoulamchemistry and pharmacology of cannabinoids1958 Franz Sondheimer (grad student)
Saul MeiboomNMR Chaim Leib Pekeris (research scientist)
Christoph Meier David J. Tannor (post-doc)
Alexandre MikhailineInorganic chemistry Chemistry20122013 David Milstein (post-doc)
Anat Milophysical organic chemistry Organic Chemistry20052011 Ronny Neumann (grad student)
Ron Milo
David MilsteinOrganometallic chemistry, homogenous catalysis
Adi Minis Avraham Yaron (grad student)
Abraham MinskyMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Avraham MinskyBiochemistry
Saurabh Mishra20192023 Daniel Zajfman (post-doc), Oded Heber (post-doc)
Ramprasad Misra20152020 Mordechai Sheves (post-doc)
Guy Mlechkovich Avraham Yaron (grad student)
Prakash Chandra MondalInorganic chemistry20132016 Ron Naaman (post-doc)
Ellen MoonsMaterials Physics, Organic Photovoltaics Materials and Interfaces19901995 David Cahen (grad student)
Ilia Moroz Michal Leskes (post-doc)
Shiri MoshitzkyCell Biology, Biochemistry2011 Haim Garty (grad student)
Arup MukherjeeInorganic chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Organometallic Catalysis and Mechanitic Study, Small molecule activation & functionalization for fuels and fine chemicals, Green and sustainable chemistry.20132015 David Milstein (post-doc)
Fred R. NaiderBiochemistry19711972 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (post-doc)
Rafael J. NajmanovichComputational Pharmacology Physics of Complex Systems Marvin Edelman (grad student), Eytan Domany (grad student)
Ashim NandiComputational Chemistry, Chemistry Biophysics, QM/MM, DFT, Molecular Dynamics, Quantum Tunneling, Enzyme Catalysis, Photochemistry Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science20212022 Jan M.L. Martin (post-doc)
Edvardas Narevicius
Filipe Natalio Chemistry20102012 Wolfgang Tremel (post-doc)
Elisha NathanEvolution and Development Biology, Molecular Biology Biological Regulation2010 Eldad Tzahor (grad student)
Martin Nausner
Ami NavonCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Michal NeemanMRI19831989 Hadassa Degani (grad student)
Ronny NeumannOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Ronit NirMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology Molecular Genetics2010 Talila Volk (grad student)
Dror NoyPlant Culture Agriculture2000 Avigdor Scherz (grad student)
Fabio NudelmanGeochemistry, Oceanography Biology2007 Steve Weiner (grad student)
Zeev OlamiPhysical Chemistry
George F. Osterprotein motors, eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell motility, membrane geometry and protein organization and pattern formation in neural systems1972 Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky (post-doc)
Adi PaisMolecular Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Oncology2011 Hadassa Degani (grad student)
Benoit Palmieri20112015 Samuel Safran (post-doc)
Leela Srinivas Panchakarlasolid state chemistry, nanoscience, materials chemistry20132016 Reshef Tenne (post-doc)
V. Adrian ParsegianComputed and Measured Forces Among Membranes, Nanoparticles, and Macromolecules19621964 Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky (research assistant), Shneior Lifson (research assistant)
Abraham Patchornik
Emanuel PerugiaOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry ORG Organic Chemistry2009 Mati Fridkin (grad student)
Eli Pollak
Tatyana PonomaryovCell Biology2004 Tsvee Lapidot (grad student)
Ziv PoratCell Biology2007 Chaim Kahana (grad student)
Martin H. G. Prechtlcatalysis, hydrogen storage, sustainable chemistry20042007 David Milstein (grad student)
Yitzhak RabinPhysical Chemistry
Igor RahinovPhysical Chemistry Molecular Physics20092010 Daniel Zajfman (post-doc)
Akhil RajputMolecular Biology2006 David Wallach (grad student)
Janakiramanan RamachandranBioorganic chemistry, molecular biology, hormone biochemistry19651966 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (post-doc)
Revital Rapoport Department of Hormone Research Israel Hanukoglu (grad student)
Adi Raveh Eitan Reuveny (grad student)
Tal RavehMolecular Biology2000 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Sefi RazGeochemistry, Organic Chemistry2003 Steve Weiner (grad student)
Gideon RechaviBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Oncology, Genetics
Rambabu ReddiOrgano catalysis and enantioselective total synthesis20172022 Nir London (post-doc)
Sharon ReefMolecular Biology2007 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Eran ReemGenetics, Cell Biology MGV Molecular Genetics2009 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Sharon ReikhavMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2011 Avraham A. Levy (grad student)
Orly Reiner
Emil ReislerBiochemistry, Biophysics, Structural and Computational Biology, Systems Biology and Biological Regulation, Proteomics and Bioinformatics1971 Henryk (Heini) Eisenberg (grad student)
Adriana ReuvenyMolecular Biology2007 Talila Volk (grad student)
Elizabeth E. RhoadesBiological, Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry Gilad Haran (post-doc)
Ariel RinonGeneral Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology BIR Biological Regulation2009 Eldad Tzahor (grad student)
Micah RobinsonMolecular Biology2006 Jeffrey E. Gerst (grad student)
Erez Romi Avraham Yaron (grad student)
Gabriel RosenblumMolecular Biology STB Structural Biology2008 Irit Sagi (grad student)
Avner RothschilGeneral Chemistry
Shira RubinGeneral Chemistry2012 Brian Berkowitz (grad student)
Israel RubinsteinSupramolecular chemistry; self-assembly; nanostructured metal films; localized plasmon; optical sensors; electrochemistry; thin films; nanoparticles; template synthesis
Efrat RubinsteinPharmacy, Oncology PLG Plant Sciences2008 Avigdor Scherz (grad student)
Menachem RubinsteinEndocrinology Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics
Irit SagiGeneral Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Tapas Sahoo20142016 Eli Pollak (post-doc)
David Samuelchemical kinetics, neurobiology
Chris Sandercomputational biology, structural biology, cancer biology, evolutionary biology Shneior Lifson (post-doc)
Golokesh SantraComputational Chemistry Organic Chemistry20182023 Jan M.L. Martin (grad student)
Amir SchajnovitzPhysiology Biology, Cell Biology2010 Tsvee Lapidot (grad student)
Luana SchefferMolecular Biology2007 Lia Addadi (grad student)
Avigdor ScherzPlant Culture Agriculture, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Joseph Schlessingertyrosine phosphorylation1974 Izchak Z. Steinberg (grad student)
Gerhard Martin Julius SchmidtX-ray Crystallography, Photochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Solid-State Chemistry
Aya Schneider-MorGeochemistry, Physical Oceanography2006 Aldo Shemesh (grad student)
Zohar SchoenmannPreripherial nervous system development Avraham Yaron (grad student)
Gideon Schreiber Alan Roy Fersht (grad student)
Volker Schurig19691971 Emanuel Gil-Av (post-doc)
Shakked Schwartz Michal Leskes (grad student)
Dvira SegalChemical Physics, theory Chemistry20042005 Moshe Shapiro (post-doc)
Dadi SegalPhysiology Biology, Botany Biology Plant Sciences2010 Avigdor Scherz (grad student)
Michael Selapeptide and protein chemistry and immunology
Netta Sela-PasswellGeneral Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry STB Structural Biology2009 Irit Sagi (grad student)
Yoram Selzer David Cahen (post-doc)
Idit ShacharCell Biology, Biochemistry
Nitzan ShadmiCarbon nanotubes, Li ion batteries
Yael Shahar-PomerantzMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2011 Nava Dekel (grad student)
Abhishek Shahi Daniel Zajfman (post-doc)
Yechiel ShaiMembrane Research and Biophysics1985 Abraham Patchornik (grad student)
Yuri Shakhman Michal Leskes (grad student)
Zippora ShakkedCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Nuclear Chemistry
Abraham Shanzer
Ehud Y. ShapiroBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Oncology, Genetics
Moshe Shapiro
Yosef ShaulCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Tal ShayGeneral Physics, General Biophysics, Genetics PCS Physics of Complex Systems2009 Eytan Domany (grad student)
Yoram ShechterBiochemistry
Michal ShefferOncology, Molecular Biology2012 Eytan Domany (grad student)
Timur Shegaiplasmonics Gilad Haran (grad student)
Aldo ShemeshGeochemistry, Physical Oceanography
Eilon Shermansingle molecule biophysics CHP Chemical Physics2008 Gilad Haran (grad student)
Mordechai ShevesMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology1978 Yehuda Mazur (grad student)
Tanya ShirmanGeneral Chemistry2010 Milko Erik van der Boom (grad student)
Amir ShlomaiGenetics, Virology Biology MGV Molecular Genetics2009 Yosef Shaul (grad student)
Uri Shmueli1966 Gerhard Martin Julius Schmidt (grad student)
Yishay ShovalGenetics, Cell Biology Molecular Genetics2010 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Alex Silberbergbiorheology
Gilad SilbertPolymer Chemistry2010 Jacob Klein (grad student)
Olga SingurindyGeochemistry2005 Brian Berkowitz (grad student)
Boris SlobodinMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2010 Jeffrey E. Gerst (grad student)
Zohar SnapirGenetics, Molecular Biology Molecular Genetics2010 Chaim Kahana (grad student)
Vladimir SobolevBiochemistry
Ilya SoiferCell Biology2012 Naama Barkai (grad student)
Nahum Sonenbergtranslational control1976 Ada Zamir (grad student), Meir Wilchek (grad student)
Dipankar SrimaniCatalysis, green chemistry20112014 David Milstein (post-doc)
Joel StavansBiophysics, membrane mechanics, complex fluids
Izchak Z. SteinbergElectrical behavior of nerve cells1960 Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir (grad student)
Yuval Steinberg Michal Leskes (grad student)
Keren StimlerCell Biology, Biochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry2011 Dan Yakir (grad student)
Oded SuadMolecular Biology2007 Zippora Shakked (grad student)
Joel L. Sussman3D structure/function of nervous system proteins Neurobiolgy Dept. Israel Silman (collaborator)
Mario Suwalsky19641969 Wolfie Traub (grad student)
Asya Svirinovsky-Arbeli Michal Leskes (grad student)
Alex Martin SzpilmanOrganic Chemistry Department of Organic Chemistry19982003 Mario D. Bachi (grad student)
Ari TadmorObstetrics and Gynecology, Cell Biology2011 Nava Dekel (grad student)
Dorit TaitelbaumTeacher Training Education, Sciences Education Science Teaching2010 Avi Hofstein (grad student)
David J. Tannor
Reshef TenneInorganic Chemistry
Ofer TevetMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience Materials and Interfaces2011 Reshef Tenne (grad student)
Yitzhak TorPolymer Chemistry, Biochemistry1990 Abraham Shanzer (grad student)
Wolfie Traub
Peter TsvetkovPhysiology Biology, Oncology, Aging2010 Yosef Shaul (grad student)
Yuri Tulchinsky Abraham Shanzer (research assistant)
Eldad TzahorEvolution and Development Biology, Cell Biology
Abraham Ulmanself-assembled monolayers1978 Joost Manassen (grad student)
Sameernandan UpadhyayulaTheoretical Chemical Physics
Yaron VagimaImmunology, Cell Biology Immunology2010 Tsvee Lapidot (grad student)
Milko Erik van der Boomnanofabricated nanostructures1999 David Milstein (grad student)
Maksym VasylyevOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry2005 Ronny Neumann (grad student)
Shimon VegaNMR1974 Zeev Luz (grad student)
Inder M. Verma genetics and gene therapy1970 Uriel Z. Littauer (grad student)
Netta Vidavsky
Arkadi VigalokAsymmetric Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Transition Metals19941999 David Milstein (grad student)
David Vofsi1954 Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky (grad student)
Charlotte Vogt Ronny Neumann (research assistant)
Yoav Voichek Naama Barkai (grad student)
Talila VolkBiochemistry, Cell Biology
Gloria VolohonskyMolecular Biology2005 Talila Volk (grad student)
Niklas von Wolff20182019 David Milstein (post-doc)
David WallachBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry
Meni Wanunu Chemistry, Materials and Interfaces2005 Israel Rubinstein (grad student)
Arieh WarshelTheoretical Chemistry and Biophysics1969 Shneior Lifson (grad student)
Adam WasserstromCell Biology2007 Eldad Tzahor (grad student)
Bess WayburnMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology Molecular Genetics2010 Talila Volk (grad student)
Robert A. Weinbergoncogenes Ernest Winocour (post-doc)
Adina WeinbergerMolecular Biology2004 Jeffrey E. Gerst (grad student)
Steve WeinerGeochemistry
Jonas Wietek Peter Hegemann (grad student)
Yair H. WijsboomPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Organic Chemistry2010 Michael Bendikov (grad student)
Meir WilchekBiorecognition1963 Abraham Patchornik (grad student)
Gal WittenbergBiochemistry, Botany Biology2010 Avihai Danon (grad student)
Eitan Wong Irit Sagi (grad student)
Omer Yaffe David Cahen (grad student)
Dan YakirCell Biology, Biochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry
Liat Yakir-TamangGenetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology MGV Molecular Genetics2010 Jeffrey E. Gerst (grad student)
Avraham YaronAxon guidence
Malka YayonSciences Education, General Chemistry2011 Rachel Mamlok-Naaman (grad student)
Elizabeth YehudaCell Biology2006 Avraham A. Levy (grad student)
Ada E. YonathBiochemistry, structural chemistry1968 Wolfie Traub (grad student)
Alioshin YuryGeneral Chemistry2010 Avner Rothschil (grad student)
Eduardo Zaborowski Shimon Vega (grad student)
Sanjio S. ZadeConjugated polymers, Metal Organic Framework, Supramolecular Assembly and catalysis, Conjugated Macrocycles, Synthesis of Conjugated Small Molecules and their Application, Dye Sensitized Solar Cells20042006 Michael Bendikov (post-doc)
Einat ZalckvarGenetics, Cell Biology MGV Molecular Genetics2009 Adi Kimchi (grad student)
Gabriel ZarbivMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry2011 Michael Eisenbach (grad student)
Nathan ZaubermanOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Organic Chemistry2010 Abraham Minsky (grad student)
David B. ZaxStudy of novel solid materials using solid state magnetic resonance Shimon Vega (post-doc)
Yehuda Zeiri Chemical Physics Moshe Shapiro (grad student)
Einat Zelman-ToisterCell Biology, Biochemistry2011 Idit Shachar (grad student)
Mingliang Zhang20022004 Eli Pollak (post-doc)
Gadi ZiporGenetics, Bioinformatics Biology Molecular Genetics2010 Jeffrey E. Gerst (grad student)
Yehudit ZoharImmunology PLG Plant Sciences2008 Robert Fluhr (grad student)