Imperial College, London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Charles B. Alcockphysical chemistry, ceramics, vapor pressure of metals
Peter Alexanderradiobiology1943 Henry V.A. Briscoe (grad student)
Richard A. Andersenorganometallic, and inorganic chemistry19741976 Geoffrey Wilkinson (post-doc)
John Stuart Anderson Herbert B. Baker (grad student)
C. Austen Angellphysical chemistry, glass science, water, ionic liquids, energy storage1961 John W. Tomlinson (grad student)
Henry Edward ArmstrongOrganic chemistry
John Arnoldinorganic and organometallic compounds1989 Geoffrey Wilkinson (post-doc)
Christian BaerlocherZeolite, powder diffraction, crystallography1973 Richard M. Barrer (grad student)
Kenneth Bailey William T. Astbury (grad student)
Herbert B. Baker
Jack E. BaldwinSynthetic chemistry and reaction mechanisms, natural products1964 Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)
Richard M. Barrer
Anthony GM BarrettTotal Synthesis
Andrew R. Barronnanotechnology19831986 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Derek Harold Richard BartonOrganic chemistry, stereochemistry1942 Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student), Ewart Ray Herbert Jones (grad student)
David 'Judge' JM Bevan John Stuart Anderson (grad student)
Donna G. Blackmondasymmetric catalysis
James Lawrence BloomerBiosynthesis1964 Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)
John O'Mara BockrisPhysical Electrochemistry1945 Harold J. T. Ellingham (grad student)
William Arthur BoneExplosives
Martyn Boutelle John Wyndham Albery (grad student)
Ernest A. R. Braudeorganic chemistry1944 Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student)
Peter Brickcrystallography David M. Blow (post-doc)
Henry V.A. BriscoeInorganic chemistry
Adrian Gibbs Brook Reginald Patrick Linstead (post-doc)
Brian C. H. Steelefuel cells, solid electrolytes, ceramics Materials Science19621965 Charles B. Alcock (grad student)
Mike CaseyOrganic synthesis, chemistry education research Chemistry Chemistry19791982 Charles W. Rees (grad student), Christopher J. Moody (grad student)
nicolas g. chablozchemistry
Ernst Boris Chain19391947 Howard Walter Florey (research scientist)
David J. Cole-HamiltonApplications of organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalysis and materials science19741975 Geoffrey Wilkinson (post-doc)
Elena Conti1996 Peter Brick (grad student)
Brian Evans ConwayElectrochemistry19461949 John O'Mara Bockris (grad student)
Arthur Herbert CookOrganic chemistry1935 Reginald Patrick Linstead (grad student), Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Leslie Crombienatural compounds1950 Reginald Patrick Linstead (research scientist)
John Cymerman Craig Ewart Ray Herbert Jones (grad student)
Ranchhodji Dajibhai DesaiOrganic chemistry, Dye chemistry19281931 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Surendra Nath DharOrganic chemistry19181920 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Frank DickensExperimental Biochemistry1923 George Armand Robert Kon (grad student)
Silvia Diez-Gonzalez
Niall Mac Dowell Claire Adjiman (grad student)
Kurt L. DrickamerMolecular function of sugar-binding receptors in cellular recognition events
Gavin L. Edwardsmedicinal chemistry19871989 William B. Motherwell (post-doc)
Russell G. EgdellInorganic Chemistry
Harold J. T. Ellingham
John Arthur ElvidgeOrganic chemistry1947 Arthur Herbert Cook (grad student), Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student)
Ernest Harold Farmer1924 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student), Christopher K. Ingold (grad student)
D. John FaulknerMarine Natural Products Chemistry1965 Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)
Martin FleischmannElectrochemistry1952 John O'Mara Bockris (grad student), John F. Herringshaw (grad student)
Martin Onslow Forster18941895 Henry Edward Armstrong (research scientist)
Nick P. FranksBiophysics, Anesthesia Mechanisms, Structural Biology
Bertram O. Fraser-Reidcarbohydrates19641966 Derek Harold Richard Barton (post-doc)
Simon J. Garrettsurface and interfacial chemistry1991 Russell G. Egdell (grad student)
Malcolm GerlochLigand field theory, transition metals1964 Ronald Mason (grad student)
Susan E. Gibson
Robert David Gillard1964 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Malcolm L.H. Greenorganometallic chemistry of the transition metals1959 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
William P. GriffithCoordination Chemistry Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Ignacio E. Grossmannprocess systems engineering1977 Roger WH Sargent (grad student)
A. A. Leslie GUNATILAKANatural Products Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry19701973 Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)
Frank S. Guziec19721974 Derek Harold Richard Barton (post-doc)
Stanley H. HarperOrganic structure determination; Natural products synthesis1937 Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student)
Parastoo HashemiQualitative in vivo neurotransmitter measurements Bioengineering20032007 Martyn Boutelle (grad student)
Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron
H. Bernard HenbestOrganic Chemistry Ewart Ray Herbert Jones (grad student)
John F. HerringshawInstumental analysis
Robert Fergus HunterValence theory, biochemistry, polymer chemistry, carotenoids1926 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Christopher K. Ingoldalkyl halides1921 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Douglas Inman John O'Mara Bockris (grad student)
Alan Woodworth Johnsonnatural products synthesis1940 Ewart Ray Herbert Jones (grad student)
Richard A. Jonesorganometallic and coordination chemistry1978 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Marc JuliaOrganic Chemistry Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student)
Raymond David Walter KemmittInorganic chemistry1962 David William Arthur Sharp (grad student)
William J. Kerrmetal-mediated synthetic organic chemistry19881989 Steven Victor Ley (research scientist)
Daniel A. KIRSCHNERmembrane structure; x-ray diffraction; neutron diffraction; myelin; amyloid Biophysics19801980 Nick P. Franks (post-doc)
Hartmuth C. KolbClick chemistry1991 Steven Victor Ley (grad student)
George Armand Robert Konorganic chemistry1922 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Alfred Barry P. Lever Bioinorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy, Solar Energy Conversion1960 John Arthur Elvidge (grad student)
Bill R. LiebBiophysics
Reginald Patrick Linsteadorganic chemistry1926 George Armand Robert Kon (grad student), Jocelyn F. Thorpe (post-doc)
Colin J. L. Lockinorganic drugs with an emphasis on structure determination using X-ray crystallography1963 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Gordon LoweOrganic Synthesis, Drug Discovery, Combinatorial Chemistry Chemistry Ernest A. R. Braude (grad student)
J. William Lown Lloyd M. Jackman (grad student)
Thomas Martin Lowry1899 Henry Edward Armstrong (grad student)
Barry LygoNatural product synthesis, Catalysis19811984 Steven Victor Ley (grad student)
David LyonsInorganic Chemistry Chemistry19811984 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Edmond Magner Department of Chemistry19891993 John Wyndham Albery (post-doc)
Philip D. MagnusSynthesis of biologically important natural products1968 Derek Harold Richard Barton (grad student)
Richard S. H. MahModeling and Computation in Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical Engineering & Chemical Technology1961 Roger WH Sargent (grad student)
Ronald Masonorganometallic chemistry
Jon A. McCleverty1963 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Walter Meier1951 Richard M. Barrer (grad student)
Nicholas Miller1939 Harry J. Emeléus (grad student)
William B. Motherwellmetallocarbenoids1977 Derek Harold Richard Barton (post-doc)
Kuverji Gosai NaikOrganic chemistry19191921 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Stephen Neidlenucleic acid structure, anti-cancer and anti-infective agents1970 Donald Rogers (grad student)
Michael Samuel NeubergerImmunology, Antibodies1977 Brian S. Hartley (grad student)
Dudley Maurice Newitt
George Augustine O'DohertyOrganic chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry, asymmetric synthesis, medicinal chemistry Chemistry19951996 Anthony GM Barrett (post-doc)
Elena Orlova Marin Gerard van Heel (post-doc)
John Anthony Osborn1966 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Phil Page Steven Victor Ley (grad student)
Ioannis Papamichail2002 Claire Adjiman (grad student)
Roger Parsonselectrochemistry1948 John O'Mara Bockris (grad student)
Philip J. Parsonsnatural product synthesis
Anthony John PoëInorganic Chemistry1961 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
William Jackson Pope1897 Henry Edward Armstrong (grad student)
Ralph Alexander Raphaelsynthetic organic chemistry1943 Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student), Ewart Ray Herbert Jones (grad student)
William Reusch19571958 Derek Harold Richard Barton (post-doc)
Olivier Riant Susan E. Gibson (post-doc)
Michael A. RobbComputational chemistry
Donald RogersChemical Crystallography
David Max Roundhill1967 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Marcelo Salierno20042009 Roberto Etchenique (grad student)
Roger WH SargentComputing techniques for mathematical modelling, process design and process control1951 Dudley Maurice Newitt (grad student)
Gregory D. ScholesUltrafast electron transfer, Quantum mechanical energy transfer processes, Photosynthetic and bio-inspired solar energy conversion, Multidimensional electronic spectroscopy, Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Quantum Biology19951997 David Phillips (post-doc)
Martin SchröderMacrocyclic chemistry19751978 William P. Griffith (grad student)
Samuel Barnett SchryverBiochemistry
Simon R. Schultztheoretical neuroscience, biophysics
Hemendra Kumar SenOrganic chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Biochemistry19111915 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Charles William Shoppee Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Zahid H. SiddikOncology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology1975 Richard Tecwyn Williams (grad student)
Nigel SimpkinsOrganic chemistry19801983 Steven Victor Ley (grad student)
Franz Sondheimersteroid synthesis1948 Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student)
Christian Speck
Alan C. SpiveySynthetic Chemistry
Roger StephensAtomic spectrometry1971 Thomas Summers West (grad student)
Edward W. Tatechemical Biology, organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry
Walter C. TaylorNatural Products Chemistry19591960 Derek Harold Richard Barton (post-doc)
Joseph L. Templetonplatinum and tungsten chemistry19751976 Geoffrey Wilkinson (post-doc)
Kenneth Vivian Thimannplant hormones1928 Samuel Barnett Schryver (grad student)
Jocelyn F. Thorpe
Christopher John TimmonsOrganic chemistry Ernest A. R. Braude (grad student)
John W. TomlinsonPhysical chemistry. Inorganic chemistry. Electrochemical processes; Solid state physical chemistry John O'Mara Bockris (grad student)
David W. TurnerPhotoelectron Spectroscopy Ernest A. R. Braude (grad student)
Marin Gerard van HeelStructural Biology
Vassilios S. Vassiliadis Chemical Engineering1993 Costas Pantelides (grad student)
Eric Vauthey19891990 David Phillips (post-doc)
Baoren Wang19331935 Jocelyn F. Thorpe (grad student)
Frank L. Warren1929 Ernest Harold Farmer (grad student)
Michael John WeaverElectrochemistry1972 Douglas Inman (grad student)
Basil Weedonstructure and synthesis of carotenoids1942 Ian (Isidore) Morris Heilbron (grad student), Ewart Ray Herbert Jones (grad student)
Thomas Summers WestAnalytical Chemistry
Cuthbert John Wilkins1942 Harry J. Emeléus (grad student)
Geoffrey Wilkinsoninorganic chemistry, organic chemistry1946 Henry V.A. Briscoe (grad student)
William WisdenHypothalamus, sleep
Thomas C. Wright19841987 Geoffrey Wilkinson (post-doc)
William Palmer Wynne1892 Henry Edward Armstrong (grad student)
Vivian Wing-Wah Yamhigh-valent metal and oxidation chemistry19911992 Geoffrey Wilkinson (post-doc)