Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jodie L. Abrahams Department of of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences20132016 Nicolle H. Packer (grad student)
Morten Thaysen Andersen Department of of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences20102014 Nicolle H. Packer (post-doc)
Christopher AshwoodGlycobiology, analytical biochemistry Molecular Sciences20152018 Nicolle H. Packer (grad student)
Emma Barnes Christian Hertweck (post-doc)
Raymond Chong Molecular Sciences20142019 Nicolle H. Packer (grad student)
Maja Christiansen Department of of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences20112013 Nicolle H. Packer (post-doc)
Michael S. Cowled20182021 Andrew M. Piggott (grad student)
Liting Deng Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Samantha Emery Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Gayani Gammulla Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Iniga George Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Michael Gotsbacher Chemistry Peter Karuso (grad student)
Fatemeh Habibpourmehraban Molecular Sciences Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Sara Hamzelou Molecular Sciences Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
David Handler Molecular Sciences Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Paul A. HaynesProteomics, informatics Biological Sciences19881992 John W. Redmond (grad student), Keith Williams (grad student)
Ian McLeod JamieChemistry, Chemical Ecology, Attractants, Lures, Fruit Flies, Atmospheric Chemistry
John A. Kalaitzis2018 Andrew M. Piggott (post-doc)
Peter KarusoChemical Biology, chemical proteomics
Daniel Kolarich Department of of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences20072010 Nicolle H. Packer (post-doc)
Albert Lee Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences20062011 Nicolle H. Packer (grad student)
Chi-Hung Lin Department of of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences20132016 Nicolle H. Packer (post-doc)
Michael Mariani Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Mehdi Mirzaei Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Paul M. Mirzayans2018 Andrew M. Piggott (post-doc)
Mohammad Y A MollahReaction kinetics and catalysis, Material science, Environmental chemistry, Solid waste managements, Wastewater treatment, Nanochemistry and Nanocomposite, Supramolecular chemistry. School of Chemistry19751979 Jacob S. Shapiro (grad student)
Damian Moran Chemistry Peter Karuso (grad student)
Mahmud T. Morshed20172021 Andrew M. Piggott (grad student)
Dylan Multari Molecular Sciences Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Sridevi Muralidharan Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Karlie Neilson Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Terry Nguyen-Khuong Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences20102012 Nicolle H. Packer (post-doc)
Nicolle H. Packer
Andrew M. PiggottNatural products chemistry, biodiscovery, chemical proteomics Chemistry20002004 Peter Karuso (grad student)
Prathiba Ravishankar Molecular Sciences Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
John W. Redmond
James G. RohrboughBioanalytical Mass Spectrometry/Peptide and Protein Sequencing/ Ion-Surface Collisions/Large Protein-Protein Complexes/Biodefense/Proteomics Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Jacob S. Shapiro
Morten Thaysen
Shalini Tirunagari20152018 Andrew M. Piggott (grad student)
Quach Truong Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Vineet Vaibhav Paul A. Haynes (grad student)
Yuling Wang Erkang Wang (grad student)
Edwin Clifford Webbenzymology
Keith Williams