Xiaojun Wu | | | 2017 | 2019 | Yoel Ohayon (research scientist) |
Stephanie Oyola-Reynoso (Harvard | | Chemistry | 2018 | 2018 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Jonathan Paul Dilworth Abbatt | Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences | | | 1990 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Nicholas L. Abbott | interfacial phenomena and complex fluids | | 1991 | 1993 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Robert Heinz Abeles | mechanistic enzymology | | | 1957 | Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc) |
Joshua Abell | | Chemistry | 2009 | 2011 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Jonathan Abraham | structural cell biology | | | 2010 | Stephen C. Harrison (grad student) |
Catalina Achim | Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 1999 | 2001 | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
Kazuo Achiwa | | Chemistry | 1969 | 1970 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Allison Kalben Ackerman | | Chemistry | | | Eric J. Heller (grad student) |
Drew James Adams | | | | 2009 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Roger Adams | Organic chemistry | Chemistry | 1913 | 1916 | Henry Augustus Torrey (grad student), Charles Loring Jackson (post-doc), Theodore William Richards (research assistant) |
Steven A. Adelman | theoretical physical chemistry | | | 1972 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Utsarga Adhikary | Cancer Biology | | | | |
Suneet Agarwal | Immunology, Molecular Biology | | | 2001 | Anjana Rao (grad student) |
Ritesh Agarwal | Ultrafast Spectroscopy | | 2002 | 2005 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Alexander Agassiz | | | | 1855 | Louis Agassiz (grad student) |
Isao Agata | | Chemistry | 1961 | 1964 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Christian Agatemor | Chemistry | Bioengineering | 2017 | 2018 | Samir Mitragotri (post-doc) |
William C. Agosta | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 1958 | 1959 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student), Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Dimitris Agrafiotis | | Chemistry | 1990 | 1991 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Vincent Aguirre | Biochemistry, Pathology | | | 2002 | Morris F. White (grad student) |
Kyo Han Ahn | | Chemistry | | | Elias James Corey (research scientist) |
Joanna Aizenberg | biomineralization, biomimetics, self-assembly, crystal engineering, surface chemistry, nanofabrication, biomaterials, biomechanics and biooptics | | 1996 | 1998 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Özge Akbulut | Micro/nanofabrication, Enrichment of rare cells, Composite materials, Chiral Nanoclusters | | 2009 | 2012 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Venkateswarlu Akelia | | Chemistry | 1969 | 1972 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Deniz C Aksel | Stem Cell Biology, Development, Systems Biology | Biophysics | 2016 | 2022 | Sharad Ramanathan (grad student) |
Mohammad H. Al-Sayah | Supramolecular Chemistry, Host-Guest Interactions, Molecular Recognition, Fluorescent Sensors | | 2012 | 2013 | George M. Whitesides (research scientist) |
Colleen E. Albacker | Genetics | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Scott Allen Armstrong (grad student) |
David G. Alberg | | Chemistry | | | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Bruce Alberts | DNA replication, cell cytoskeleton | | | 1965 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
Sem Albonico | | Chemistry | 1969 | 1970 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
John Albright | | Chemistry | 1976 | 1982 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Millard H. Alexander | Theoretical Chemistry, Collision Dynamics | | 1969 | 1971 | Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc), Edgar Bright Wilson (post-doc) |
Becky Alexander | Atmospheric chemistry: physical chemistry of isotope effects; solar system formation | Earth and Planetary Sciences | 2003 | 2005 | Daniel James Jacob (post-doc) |
Augustine Oliver Allen | Radiation chemistry | | | 1938 | Oscar Knefler Rice (grad student) |
Charles Francis Hitchcock Allen | | | | 1924 | Elmer P. Kohler (grad student) |
Brett Douglas Allison | | | | 2001 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Warren Douglas Allmon | Paleontology, macroevolution | | | 1988 | Stephen J. Gould (grad student) |
A. Louis Allred | Inorganic chemistry | | | 1957 | Eugene George Rochow (grad student) |
Dariela Almeda | | Engineering and Applied Sciences Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | Guido Guidotti (grad student), Kevin Kit Parker (grad student), David J. Mooney (grad student), Debra T. Auguste (grad student) |
Steven C. Almo | Biochemistry | | | 1990 | Gregory A. Petsko (grad student) |
Allen Dennis Aloise | | | | 2004 | Matthew D. Shair (grad student) |
Jose Alonso | rotational spectroscopy | | | 1980 | Edgar Bright Wilson (post-doc) |
Michael David Alpert | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Frederick W. Alt | DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma | | | | |
Mark A. Altabet | Analytical Chemistry, Geochemistry | | | 1984 | James J. McCarthy (grad student) |
Sidney Altman | Biochemistry | | | | Matthew S. Meselson (post-doc) |
Carlos E. Alvarez | canine-human comparative genomics, molecular pharmacology | | | | Walter Gilbert (grad student) |
Douglas V. Amato | Polymer Science; Emulsions; Thiol-ene | Physics | | 2016 | David A. Weitz (research scientist) |
Babak Amir-Parviz | | | 2001 | 2003 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Helen M. Amos | Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2014 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
Giridhar Anand | | | | | Sharad Ramanathan (grad student) |
Mark Lawrence Andermann | visual system, mouse behavior | | | 2006 | Christopher I. Moore (grad student) |
Niels H. Andersen | biorecognition | Chemistry | 1966 | 1968 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Jerome Anderson | | Chemistry | 1963 | 1971 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Erin Michelle Anderson | | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | David J. Mooney (grad student) |
Janelle R. Anderson | Bio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry | | | 2001 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Amy Christine Anderson | X-Ray crystallography, Structural biology, Molecular modeling, Structure-based drug design | | | 1997 | Christin A. Frederick (grad student) |
James M Anderson | Epithelial Biology | Biology | 1974 | 1979 | Guido Guidotti (grad student) |
Charles D Anderson | | Chemistry | | 1959 | Peter Yates (grad student) |
D. Ryan Anderson | Organic synthesis | | | 2009 | Matthew D. Shair (grad student) |
Jim Anderson | Inorganic Chemistry | | | | |
Roger William Anderson | experimental and theoretical aspects of chemical reactions, energy transfer and gas phase chemical processes that produce solid or liquid phase products | | | 1968 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
James G. Anderson | Atmospheric Chemistry | | | | |
Xavier Andrade | Electronic structure | | 2010 | | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc) |
Peter R. Andreana | Organic Chemistry | | 2002 | 2005 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Stefan A. Andreev | chemistry, physics, and biology of disordered materials | | | 2006 | David R. Reichman (grad student) |
Amy H. Andreotti | Nuclear magnetic resonance, Macromolecular structure and recognition | | 1994 | 1996 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
E. Raymond Andrew | solid state NMR, MRI | | | 1948 | Edward Mills Purcell (post-doc) |
Frank Clinton Andrews | thermodynamics and statistical mechanics | | | 1961 | Ilya Prigogine (grad student) |
Arlyn E. Andrews | Atmospheric and Environmental Science | | | 2000 | Steven C. Wofsy (grad student) |
Ioan Andricioaei | Theoretical Chemistry and Biophysics | | | 2003 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Merritt B. Andrus | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 1991 | 1993 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Samantha Angle | | | | | |
David Allen Annis | | Chemistry | | 1998 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Aseem Z. Ansari | Regulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics | | | 1998 | Mark Ptashne (post-doc) |
Fred C. Anson | electrochemistry | | | 1957 | James J. Lingane (grad student) |
Scott T. Aoki | structural cell biology | | | 2010 | Stephen C. Harrison (grad student) |
Chanat Aonbangkhen | | Chemistry & Chemical Biology | 2018 | 2020 | Christina M. Woo (post-doc) |
Roland Appel | | Chemistry | 2011 | 2012 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Meredithe Lee Applebury | Biochemistry of Vision | | | | |
Jon B. Applequist | Conformation of biological macromolecules | | | 1959 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
Brent A. Appleton | structural biology | | | 2004 | James M. Hogle (grad student) |
Yoshinobu Arai | | Chemistry | 1978 | 1979 | Elias James Corey (research scientist) |
Praveen Ravindra Arany | Biomedical engineering; Dentistry | | | 2011 | David J. Mooney (grad student) |
Georgios Archontis | | Biophysics | | 1994 | Martin Karplus (grad student) |
Yair Argon | Functions of molecular chaperones in modulating cell surface receptors and secreted proteins | | | 1980 | Samuel Ward (grad student) |
Scott Allen Armstrong | General Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Oncology | | | | |
Edward McC. Arnett | reactive intermediates | | | 1957 | Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc) |
Kelly L. Arnett | structural cell biology | | | 2005 | Stephen C. Harrison (grad student) |
John Arnett | | Chemistry | 1973 | 1974 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Zdenek Arnold | | Chemistry | | 1968 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Raagya Arora | Materials Science, Simulations, Modelling, Thermoelectrics, Phase Transitions | Physics | 2023 | | Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student) |
Natasha Arora | Human Development, Virology Biology, Cell Biology | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | George Q. Daley (grad student) |
Hiroki Asari | visual system | | | | Markus Meister (post-doc) |
Paul D. Ashby | nanoscience | | | 2003 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Sanford A. Asher | Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry | | 1977 | 1980 | Peter S. Pershan (post-doc) |
Damon R. Asher | Immunology, Molecular Biology | | | 2004 | Robert W. Finberg (grad student) |
Eric Ashley | | Chemistry | 2006 | 2009 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Eric Robert Ashley | | Chemistry | 2006 | 2009 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Alán Aspuru-Guzik | energy transfer in photosynthetic complexes, spectroscopy of molecules in nanoscale environments | | | | |
Edwin B. Astwood | endocrinology, hyperthyroidism | | 1937 | 1939 | Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student) |
Yeung (Billy) Au | Chemical Vapor Deposition, Thin Films | | 2007 | 2012 | Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student) |
Paul A. Auerbach | Genetics, Molecular Biology | | | 2005 | Bruce Demple (grad student) |
Debra T. Auguste | Biomaterials, Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering | | | | |
David J. Austin | | | 1994 | 1996 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Frederick Michael Ausubel | Molecular Biology | | 1974 | 1975 | Lawrence Bogorad (post-doc) |
Roy Auty | Molecular Biology | | | 2005 | Stephen Buratowski (grad student) |
Gary J Axen | Geology, Geochemistry, Materials Science Engineering | | | 1991 | Brian P. Wernicke (grad student) |
Yimon Aye | | | | 2009 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
William Alfred Ayer | natural products chemistry | | 1957 | 1958 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Mihai Azimioara | | Chemistry | 1990 | 1996 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Zhaoqing Ba | | | | | Yijun Qi (grad student) |
Timor Baasov | | | 1986 | 1988 | Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc) |
Ryan Babbush | Quantum Information | | | | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (grad student) |
David J. Babinski | | | 2013 | | Tobias Ritter (post-doc) |
Thorsten Bach | | Chemistry | 1991 | 1992 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
Mikael P. Backlund | optical nanoscopy and applied quantum sensing | Physics | 2016 | 2020 | Ronald L. Walsworth (post-doc) |
Abraham K. Badu-Tawiah | diagnostic mass spectrometry, Accelerated droplet reactions, Aerosol therapy | | 2012 | 2014 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Yunjung Baek | Organometallics | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2014 | 2020 | Theodore A. Betley (grad student) |
Kenneth Bailey | | | | 1939 | Edwin Joseph Cohn (post-doc) |
Colin D. Bain | Physical, Spectroscopy, Interfaces | Chemistry | | 1989 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
C. Baker | | Chemistry | 1993 | 1998 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Murray Baker | Synthetic chemistry | | 1988 | 1990 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Thomas A. Baker | Molecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces | | | 2009 | Cynthia Marie Friend (grad student) |
Brian M. Baker | molecular recognition and cellular communication | | | 2001 | Don C. Wiley (post-doc) |
Mark Bakkus | | | | | Priscilla L. Yang (grad student) |
Raman Bakshi | | Chemistry | 1986 | 1989 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Somenath Bakshi | Quantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro | Systems Biology | 2014 | 2018 | Johan Paulsson (post-doc) |
Anand Bala Subramaniam | Synthetic Biology, Soft Matter Physics, Colloid and Interface Science, Microfabrication and Microfluidics | | 2011 | 2014 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc), Howard Alvin Stone (grad student) |
Richard Balanson | | | 1971 | 1975 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Padmanabhan Balaram | Bioorganic Chemistry, Molecular Biophysics | | 1972 | 1973 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Alejandro B. Balazs | Engineering Immunity | | | 2006 | Richard Mulligan (grad student) |
Alan L. Balch | chemistry | | | 1967 | Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
John D. Baldeschwieler | nuclear magnetic resonance and double resonance spectroscopy, nuclear Overhauser effects, ion cyclotron resonance and perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy | | | | |
Carl Joseph Balibar | | | | 2008 | Christopher T. Walsh (grad student) |
Eric Glendinning Ball | | | | | |
Madeleine P. Ball | structural biology | | | 2010 | James M. Hogle (grad student) |
Carl J. Ballhausen | Inorganic chemistry | | 1954 | 1955 | William E. Moffitt (post-doc) |
Emily Balskus | microbial chemistry | | | 2008 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Jennifer L. Baltz | structural biology | | | 2010 | James M. Hogle (grad student) |
Anirban Banerjee | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2005 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Steven M. Banik | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2011 | 2016 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Allison V. Banse | Differentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis | | | 2010 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
Younis Baqi | | Chemistry | 2007 | 2008 | Elias James Corey (research scientist) |
Phil S. Baran | Natural Product Total Synthesis, New Methods | Chemistry | 2001 | 2003 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Joseph K. Barbay | synthesis of natural products | | | 2002 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Allen J. Bard | electrochemistry | | | 1958 | James J. Lingane (grad student) |
Thirupathi Barla | Natural Products Synthesis and Methodology | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2015 | 2018 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Diana H. Barnes | Atmospheric and Environmental Science | | | 2000 | Steven C. Wofsy (grad student) |
David Barnes-Seeman | | Chemistry | 1996 | 2000 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Alexander H. Barnett | quantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos | | | 2000 | Eric J. Heller (grad student) |
Matthew C. Barr | quantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos | Physics | | 2014 | Eric J. Heller (grad student) |
Carl J. Barrelet | nanoscience | | | 2007 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Dianah S. Barrett | Chemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors | | | 2007 | Suzanne Walker (grad student) |
Andrew R. Barron | nanotechnology | | | | |
Robert D. Barrows | Organic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2020 | 2022 | Matthew D. Shair (post-doc) |
Sean Thomas Barry | precursor synthesis, ALD, CVD | | 1998 | 2000 | Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc) |
David P. Bartel | "RNA World", regulation of gene expression by small RNAs found in animal and plant cells | | | 1993 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Paul D. Bartlett | physical organic chemistry | | | 1931 | James Bryant Conant (grad student) |
Alan Barton | | Chemistry | 1978 | 1984 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
James Keane Bashkin | Chemistry, polyamides, antivirals, gene chemistry, bioorganic, organic, biochemistry, biophysics | | 1983 | 1985 | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
Venkata Basireddy | | Chemistry | 2004 | 2006 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Sundarababu Baskaran | Synthetic Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 1993 | 1995 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Jon Bass | | Chemistry | 1962 | 1963 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Kelvin Bates | | | | | |
David B. Bates | Bacterial DNA replication | Biochemistry | 2000 | 2007 | Nancy E. Kleckner (post-doc) |
Wildred M. Bates | General Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, Optics Physics | | | 2009 | Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student) |
Robert Bau | Neutron Diffraction and Inorganic Chemistry | Chemistry | 1968 | 1969 | William N. Lipscomb (post-doc), Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student) |
Nathan Bauld | | Chemistry | 1959 | 1960 | Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc) |
J. Percy Baumberger | | | | 1918 | George H. Parker (grad student), William Morton Wheeler (research assistant) |
Alfons L. Baumstark | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | | | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Gregory P. Baxter | analytical chemistry | | | 1899 | Theodore William Richards (grad student) |
Kyle D. Bayes | Photochemistry of small molecules | | | 1959 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
Hagan P. Bayley | Chemical Biology | | 1974 | 1979 | Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student) |
Martin Z. Bazant | | | | | Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student) |
Peter A. Beal | ribonucleic acids (RNAs) | | 1994 | 1996 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Herbert Beall | Boron Hydrides, Crystallography | | 1963 | 1967 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
David Beames | | Chemistry | 1971 | 1974 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
David C. Bear | Optics, Biomedical Imaging | | | 2000 | Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student) |
Adilson Beatriz | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 2018 | 2019 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Jesse L. Beauchamp | Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance | | | 1967 | John D. Baldeschwieler (grad student) |
André M. Beauchemin | Organic Cheistry | | 2001 | 2004 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
Elizabeth Beck | | Chemistry | 2008 | 2010 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Konrad Becker | | Chemistry | 1971 | 1972 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Jonathan R. Beckwith | bacterial genetics | | | 1961 | Lowell P. Hager (grad student) |
Mark D. Bednarski | to develop nanoparticles that could selectively kill cancer cells | | | 1986 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Christine Beemelmanns | | | | | Jon C. Clardy (post-doc) |
Jakob Begun | Molecular Biology | | | 2005 | Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student) |
Victor Behar | | Chemistry | 1995 | 1998 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Douglas Carl Behenna | | Chemistry | 2006 | 2010 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Jason James Beiger | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2013 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Theodore Wiseman Beiler | | | | 1952 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Lee Belding | | Chemistry | 2017 | 2019 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Kevin D. Belfield | Chemistry, two-photon absorption | | 1990 | 1992 | William von Eggers Doering (post-doc) |
Peter M. Bell | high pressure science | | | 1963 | Cornelius S. Hurlbut Jr. (grad student) |
John J. Bellizzi | biochemistry, X-ray crystallography, natural products | | 2000 | 2008 | Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc) |
Peter J. Belshaw | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 1990 | 1996 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Danny Ben-Zvi | Anatomy Biology, Human Development | | | | Douglas A. Melton (post-doc) |
Myron L. Bender | reaction mechanisms and the biochemistry of enzyme action | | | | Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc) |
George B. Benedek | phase transitions, self-assembly and aggregation of several biological molecules | | 1955 | 1957 | Edward Mills Purcell (grad student), Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student), Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc) |
Francis G. Benedict | metabolism | | | 1894 | Josiah Parsons Cooke (research assistant) |
Steven A. Benner | "synthetic biology" | | | 1979 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student), Frank H. Westheimer (grad student) |
Vann Bennett | Membrane Biochemistry | | | | Daniel Branton (post-doc) |
Doran Bennett | Ultrafast Spectroscopy | | 2015 | 2019 | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc) |
Sidney W. Benson | thermochemistry | | 1941 | 1942 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student), George Shannon Forbes (post-doc) |
Ilya V. Berezin | Biochemistry, chemical kinetics | | 1962 | 1963 | Bert Lester Vallee (post-doc) |
Elizabeth Hulme Berezovsky | | | | 2010 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
James Berg | | | | 2008 | Gary Yellen (grad student) |
Howard C. Berg | Molecular motors | | | 1964 | Norman F. Ramsey (grad student) |
Jeremy Mark Berg | structural and functional roles that metal ions, especially zinc, have in proteins | | | 1985 | Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
Steven H. Bergens | enantioselective homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis of electrochemical reactions in fuel cells | | 1991 | 1993 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
James M. Berger | Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | | | 1995 | James C. Wang (grad student), Stephen C. Harrison (grad student) |
Joseph Berkowitz | | | | 1955 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
David B. Berkowitz | Organic Chemistry, Chemical Biology | | | 1990 | Steven A. Benner (grad student) |
Jacob M. Berlin | | | 2000 | 2001 | Eric N. Jacobsen (research assistant) |
Ernst Berliner | Organic chemistry | | | 1943 | Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student) |
Curtis P. Berlinguette | physical inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry | | 2004 | 2006 | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
Robert A. Berner | | | | 1962 | Raymond Siever (grad student) |
Gabriel F. Berriz | Protein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery | | | 2001 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
R. Stephen Berry | Structures, Properties and Dynamics of Clusters and Biopolymers, Dynamics of Few-Body Systems, Finite-time Thermodynamics | | | 1955 | William E. Moffitt (grad student) |
Marla J. Berry | Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry | | | | |
Richard Bersohn | Physical chemistry | | | 1949 | John H. van Vleck (grad student) |
Jerome A. Berson | Physical Organic Chemistry | | 1949 | 1950 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Carolyn R. Bertozzi | Bioorthogonal chemistry | | | 1988 | Joseph J. Grabowski (research assistant) |
Steven H. Bertz | | Chemisty | 1973 | 1977 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Theodore A. Betley | Polynuclear complexes for cooperative redox chemistry | | | | |
Arley Tunis Bever | | | | 1955 | Frederick Lee Hisaw (post-doc) |
Diego vaz Bevilaqua | | | 2002 | 2005 | Eric J. Heller (post-doc) |
Beyton Beyer | | | 2020 | | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Elsa M. Beyer | Protein Systems | | | 2010 | Gavin MacBeath (grad student) |
Susan A. Bezman | | Chemistry | 1968 | 1973 | Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student) |
Prerna Bhargava | General Biology, Immunology, Cell Biology | Biological Sciences in Public Health | | 2013 | Chih-Hao Lee (grad student) |
Friedrich Bickelhaupt | Organometallic chemistry | | | 1960 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
William Bies | | | | | Eric J. Heller (grad student) |
Z. Başar Bilgiçer | design of multivalent molecules to provide enhancement in selectivity and avidity in targeting various diseases for diagnostic and therapeutic applications | | 2005 | 2008 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Peter H. Bird | | Chemistry | 1966 | 1968 | Melvyn R. Churchill (post-doc) |
George R. Bird | organic dyes | | | 1953 | Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Robert R. Birge | nanotechnology | | 1973 | 1975 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
James Birrell | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2013 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Kyle J.M. Bishop | colloidal materials | | 2009 | 2010 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Mina J. Bissell | Microenvironmental Influences on Gene Expression and Tissue Specificity in Normal and Malignant Breast | | | 1969 | Luigi Gorini (grad student) |
Dimitris Bitounis | | School of Public Health | 2018 | | Philip Demokritou (post-doc) |
Joshua A. Bittker | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | | | 2004 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
Pamela J. Björkman | cell surface recognition | | | 1984 | Don C. Wiley (grad student) |
Miriam Blaauboer | Quantum transport and dynamics in solid-state nanostructures | | 2000 | 2001 | Eric J. Heller (post-doc) |
Stephen C. Blacklow | structure and function of cell surface receptor molecules | | | 1991 | Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student) |
Helen Elizabeth Blackwell | synthesis of biologically active molecules | | 1999 | 2002 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Paul C. Blainey | room-temperature single-molecule spectroscopy | | | 2007 | X. Sunney Xie (grad student) |
Landy K. Blasdel | synthesis of natural products | | | 2009 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Larry Blaszczak | | Chemistry | 1973 | 1975 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Albert Harold Blatt | | | 1923 | 1926 | Elmer P. Kohler (grad student) |
Samuel M. Blau | Reaction networks, high-throughput molecular electronic structure, electrochemistry, open quantum systems | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2012 | 2017 | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (grad student) |
Megan Blewett | | | 2008 | 2011 | Elias James Corey (research assistant) |
Seymour M. Blinder | Theoretical Chemistry | | | 1961 | William E. Moffitt (grad student), John H. van Vleck (grad student) |
Konrad Bloch | Biological Synthesis of Cholesterol | | | | |
Eric D. Bloch | Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry | | 2014 | 2016 | Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc) |
Eric Block | Organosulfur chemistry, olfaction, Allium chemistry, organoselenium chemistry | | 1962 | 1967 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
James Lawrence Bloomer | Biosynthesis | | | 1965 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Walter R. Bloor | fats in human nutrition | | | 1911 | Otto Folin (grad student) |
Timothy R. Blosser | single-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes | | | 2010 | Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student) |
Elkan Rogers Blout | protein chemistry | | | 1943 | Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc), Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Thomas Blumenthal | Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1970 | 1973 | James D. Watson (post-doc) |
Yunxin Bo | | Chemistry | 1997 | 1999 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Niel Boaz | | Chemistry | 1981 | 1985 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Mark Bock | | Chemistry | | 1974 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Kristie A. Boering | Physical and Atmospheric Chemistry | | | 1994 | Steven C. Wofsy (post-doc) |
Alessandro Boezio | | | 2003 | 2005 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Joshua Boger | | Chemistry | 1973 | 1979 | Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student) |
Dale L. Boger | synthetic organic chemistry | Chemistry | 1976 | 1979 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Lawrence Bogorad | the biogenesis of chloroplasts and the photosynthetic apparatus in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria | | | | |
Gregory E. Bokinsky | | | | 2007 | Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student) |
Madhuri Borde | Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology | | | 2006 | Anjana Rao (grad student) |
Weston T. Borden | Computational Chemistry | | 1960 | 1968 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Stefan Boresch | Computational Chemistry | | 1990 | 1997 | Martin Karplus (grad student) |
George Borg | | | | 2007 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
George Borg | Bio-organic Chemistry | | | 2007 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Ajay Kumar Bose | Beta-lactam chemistry, | | 1950 | 1951 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Zarko V. Boskovic | | | 2011 | | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
William H. Bossert | Mathematical models of complex biological systems | | | 1963 | Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student), Anthony Gervin Oettinger (grad student) |
Aksel A. Bothner-By | nuclear magnetic resonance | | | 1949 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
David Botstein | Genomics | | | 1963 | Boris Magasanik (research assistant) |
Paul Davis Boudreau | | Chemistry | 2013 | | Emily Balskus (post-doc) |
Steeve Boulant | Virology, Innate Immunity, Clathrin mediated endocytosis | | | | Max L. Nibert (grad student) |
Roman A. Boulatov | Chemistry of stressed polymers | | 2003 | 2005 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Cara C. Boutte | Microbiology, biochemistry | Immunology and Infectious Disease | 2011 | 2017 | Eric J. Rubin (post-doc) |
Roderick Bovee | Biogeochemistry | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2014 | Ann Pearson (grad student) |
Ned B. Bowden | organic materials | | 1994 | 1999 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Kit H. Bowen Jr. | clusters and nanoparticles | | | 1978 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student), William Klemperer (grad student) |
Deric Bownds | photoreceptor transduction, rhodopsin | | | 1967 | George Wald (grad student) |
Rustum Boyce | | Chemistry | 1994 | 1997 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Raymond Boyer | Organic Chemistry | | | 1935 | Elmer P. Kohler (post-doc) |
Paul Julius Bracher | Prebiotic chemistry | | 2002 | 2010 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Alexander S Bradley | | | | 2012 | David T Johnston (post-doc) |
Kenneth A. Bradley | biological toxins | | | 2002 | John A. T. Young (grad student) |
James Bradner | | | | | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Charles Kilgo Bradsher | polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons | | | 1937 | Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student) |
Jacqueline M. Brady | | The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard | 2015 | 2020 | Alejandro B. Balazs (grad student) |
Katrien Brak | | | 2010 | 2012 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Bruce Branchaud | | Chemistry | 1976 | 1981 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Bridget Debora Brandes (Rohde) | | Chemistry | 1992 | 1998 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Clifford P. Brangwynne | self-assembly of biological materials | | | 2007 | David A. Weitz (grad student) |
Lewis M. Branscomb | science and technology policy | | | 1949 | Donald Howard Menzel (grad student) |
Daniel Branton | biophysics | | | | |
Craig Braun | molecular mechanisms of various antibiotics | Chemical Biology | | 2012 | Daniel E. Kahne (grad student) |
Rolf Breinbauer | | | 1998 | 2000 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Thomas Brennan | | Chemistry | 1969 | 1971 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Marshall R. Brennan | Inorganic, Organometallic | Chemistry | 2010 | 2011 | Tobias Ritter (research assistant) |
William R Brennen | Chemical kinetics | Chemistry | 1958 | 1965 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
Michael B. Brenner | | | | | |
Ronald Charles David Breslow | physical organic chemistry | | | 1955 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Matthias Breuning | | Chemistry | 1999 | 2001 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Gérard Bricogne | protein and virus structure determination | | | 1981 | Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc) |
Cheyenne S. Brindle | | | 2010 | 2012 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Francis Brion | | Chemistry | 1980 | 1981 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Scott Talmadge Brittain | | | | 2000 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
William Keith Brooks | morphologist, zoologist, embryology | | | 1875 | Alexander Agassiz (grad student) |
Charles L. Brooks | computational biophysics | | 1982 | 1985 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Bernard R Brooks | Computational Biophysics | | | | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Arthur Brosius | | | 1998 | 2000 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Adam Brown | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2013 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Stephanie L. Brown | | | | 2011 | Suzanne Walker (grad student) |
Walter Eric Brown | | | 1942 | 1948 | Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Ronald Frederick Brown | | | | 1939 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
M. Kevin Brown | | Chemistry | | | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Douglas T. Browne | | | | | Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc) |
Jason D. Brubaker | synthesis of natural products | | | 2008 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Anna Bruchez | | | | | Priscilla L. Yang (grad student) |
Raphael J. Bruckner | origin of life | | | 2010 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Yevgeny Brudno | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | Chemistry | 2004 | 2010 | David R. Liu (grad student), David J. Mooney (post-doc) |
Julia L. Brumaghim | biological applications of inorganic chemistry | | 1993 | 1993 | George M. Whitesides (research assistant), Andrew R. Barron (research assistant) |
Paul W. Brumer | theoretical chemical physics | | | 1972 | Martin Karplus (grad student) |
Eric Y. Brumer | chemistry, physics, and biology of disordered materials | | | 2003 | David R. Reichman (grad student) |
William Henry Brune | Atmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry | | | 1978 | James G. Anderson (post-doc) |
Daniel Brunelle | | Chemistry | 1975 | 1977 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Steven Douglas Bruner | | | | 2000 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Axel Brunger | crystallography, synaptic neurotransmission | | 1982 | 1983 | Martin Karplus (post-doc), Gregory A. Petsko (post-doc) |
Derek A. Bruzewicz | | | 2001 | 2007 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Doryen A. Bubeck | structural biology | | | 2005 | James M. Hogle (grad student) |
Victoria Buch | | | | | Alexander Dalgarno (post-doc) |
Stephen L. Buchwald | organometallic chemistry | | | 1982 | Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student) |
Itay Budin | origin of life | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2012 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Bruce Buffett | Geophysics, Geochemistry | | | 1990 | Richard John O'Connell (grad student) |
William J. Buikema | | | 1979 | 1985 | Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student) |
John E. Bulkowski | Professor Emeritus | | | 1975 | John Anthony Osborn (post-doc) |
Martha L. Bulyk | transcriptional regulation | | | 2001 | George M. Church (grad student) |
Stephen C. Bunnell | Immunology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry | | | 1998 | Leslie Joan Berg (grad student) |
Stephen Buratowski | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology | | | | |
Jonathan J. Burbaum | Chemistry; Enzymology | Chemistry | 1982 | 1988 | Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student) |
Jason David Burch | | | | 2005 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Anthony W.G. Burgett | | Chemistry | 2007 | 2010 | Matthew D. Shair (post-doc) |
Albert William Burgstahler | chemistry of natural products | | | 1953 | Gilbert Stork (grad student) |
Martin D. Burke | synthesis and study of small molecules with protein-like functions | | | 2004 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Charles W. Burnham | structural mineralogy | | | | |
Noah Z. Burns | Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry | Chemistry | | 2012 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Dominique Burri | | | | | Priscilla L. Yang (post-doc) |
Anna Elizabeth Burrows | | | | 2012 | Stephen J. Elledge (grad student) |
Allen R. Buskirk | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | | | 2004 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
Manish J. Butte | immune cell function | | | 2009 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Ludovico Cademartiri | Materials Science & Engineering, Plant Development | | 2008 | 2011 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Rebecca Voß Cademartiri | biomolecule-material interactions for environmental, food safety and medical applications | | 2009 | 2011 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Brian J. Cafferty | Self-assembly, Supramolecular Polymers, Origins of Life, Nucleic Acids | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2015 | | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
James F. Cahoon | Nanomaterials/Nanowire Synthesis, Nanostructured Solar Cells, Thermal Energy Harvesting, Interfacial Energy Transport, Photonics/Plasmonics | | 2009 | 2011 | Charles M. Lieber (post-doc) |
Dongsheng Cai | NF-kB IN HYPOTHALAMIC DYSREGULATION OF ENERGY BALANCE, Aging | | | | Steven E. Shoelson (post-doc) |
Long Cai | single cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy | | | 2006 | X. Sunney Xie (grad student) |
Liheng Cai | Polymer Physics | School of Engineering and Applied Science | | | David A. Weitz (post-doc), Jeffrey Joseph Fredberg (post-doc) |
Ryan S D Calder | | | 2012 | 2017 | Elsie M.H.A. Sunderland (grad student) |
Christopher T. Calderone | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | | | 2005 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
Matthew E. Call | T Cell Biology and Cancer Immunology | | | 2007 | Kai W. Wucherpfennig (grad student) |
David Calligaris | | | | | |
Matthew R. Callstrom | | | 1987 | 1988 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Michael A. Calter | Organic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis | | 1988 | 1993 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Hieu Cam | | MCB | 1997 | 2002 | Brian David Dynlacht (grad student) |
Gulden Camci-Unal | | | 2013 | 2012 | Ali Khademhosseini (post-doc), George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Michael G. Campbell | fluorination chemistry for late-stage functionalization of complex natural and unnatural products and bimetallic transition metal redox catalysis | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2014 | Tobias Ritter (grad student) |
Jennifer C. Campbell | | Chemistry | 2008 | 2011 | Suzanne Walker (post-doc) |
Lachlan S. Campbell-Verduyn | Chemistry | | | | |
David E. Cane | Chemistry, Enzymology and Molecular Genetics of Natural Products Biosynthesis | | | 1971 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Lewis C. Cantley | PI3K and cancer metabolism | | | 1978 | Guido Guidotti (post-doc) |
Mario R. Capecchi | | | | 1967 | James D. Watson (grad student) |
Christopher B Caputo | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | | Theodore A. Betley (post-doc) |
John P. Caradonna | non-heme iron metalloproteins | | 1985 | 1987 | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
Jeffrey Carbeck | General Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry | Chemistry | | | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Peter N. Carlsen | Synthetic Organic Chemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2015 | 2017 | Andrew G. Myers (post-doc) |
Robert M. Carlson | Organic chemistry | | | | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Jacob C. Carlson | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | Chemical Biology | 2014 | 2016 | David R. Liu (grad student), Gary Ruvkun (grad student) |
Tricia B. Carmichael | flexible and stretchable electronics and molecular electronic devices | | 1997 | 1999 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Michael J. Carney | | Chemistry | | | Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
Robert Leon Carney | | Chemistry | 1966 | 1970 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Karen E. Carniol | Differentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis | | | 2004 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
James M. Carothers | | | | 2005 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Gene B. Carpenter | | | | 1947 | Ralph S. Halford (grad student) |
Erick M. Carreira | synthesis of natural products | | | 1990 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Dayton Ernest Carritt | | | | 1947 | James J. Lingane (grad student) |
William Robert Carroll | | | | 1942 | Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student) |
Ian O. Carter-O'Connell | signal transduction, transcriptional regulation | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2012 | Erin K. O'Shea (grad student) |
Jeremy P Carver | | | | 1967 | Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student) |
David A. Case | Theoretical chemistry of biomolecules | | | 1977 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student), Martin Karplus (grad student) |
James Cason | organic chemistry | | | 1940 | Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc) |
Adam B. Castoreno | Cell Biology, Biochemistry | | | 2005 | Axel Nohturfft (grad student) |
Michael P. Cava | natural product synthesis | | 1951 | 1953 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Richard R. Cavanagh | Physical Chemistry, Surface Science | | | 1978 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Victor John Cee | | | | 2003 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Murat Cetinbas | Computational Physics/Chemistry/Biology | | | | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc) |
Çağrı Çevrim | | | | | Kara L. McKinley (post-doc) |
Michael Lawrence Chabinyc | materials for flexible electronics and energy storage and conversion | | 1999 | 2002 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
G. A. Chadwick | | Gordon McKay Laboratory | | 1961 | Bruce Chalmers (grad student) |
Hernan Chaimovich | Micelles, Vesicles, Ion selectivity, micellar catalysis | Department of Chemistry | 1966 | 1967 | Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc) |
William J. Chain | Organic synthesis | | | 2006 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Animesh Chakravorty | Coordination chemistry, Inorganic chemistry | | 1962 | 1964 | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc), Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
Martin Chalfie | C. elegans | | 1968 | 1977 | Robert L. Perlman (grad student), Klaus K. Weber (research assistant) |
Bruce Chalmers | Metallurgy | | | | |
Michael J. Chamberlin | RNA polymerase | | | 1959 | John Tileston Edsall (research assistant) |
A. Richard Chamberlin | Organic Synthesis, Chemical Biology | | 1978 | 1980 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Sunney I. Chan | Structure and function of membrane proteins | | 1960 | 1961 | Norman F. Ramsey (post-doc) |
Yick Stella Chan | | | | | Eric J. Heller (grad student) |
Lawrence Kwan Chan | | | | 2003 | Matthew D. Shair (grad student) |
Tak-Hang (Bill) Chan | organic synthesis, aqueous organometallic chemistry, ionic liquids, and medicinal chemistry | | 1965 | 1966 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Gail Chan | Biomedical engineering; Immunology | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2013 | David J. Mooney (grad student) |
Kelly Chance | Spectroscopy, atmospheric science | | | 1978 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
David Chandler | statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, liquids, complexity, biophysics | | | 1969 | Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student) |
Srinivasan Chandrasekaran | Organic chemistry, natural products chemistry | | 1973 | 1975 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Sukbok Chang | | | | 1996 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Bryan H. Chang | Chemical biology | | | 2010 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Richard Kounai Chang | | Gordon McKay Laboratory, | | 1966 | Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student) |
Luke H. Chao | Structural Biology of Cellular Signal Transduction and DNA Replication | | | | Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc) |
Carol J. Chao | synthesis of natural products | | | 2007 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
George B. Chapman | biological electron microscopy | | | | |
Kevin T Chapman | Opto-fluidics, cancer cell therapies, synthetic biology | Chemistry | 1981 | 1987 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Patrick Charbonneau | chemical physics, glass, soft condensed matter | | | 2006 | David R. Reichman (grad student) |
Mark G. Charest | synthesis of natural products | | | 2004 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
André B. Charette | stereoselective synthesis of organic compounds | | 1987 | 1989 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
David E. Chavez | Mechanistic and synthetic chemistry | | | 2003 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Liwei Chen | nanoscience | | | 2001 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Qinghao Chen | Mechanistic and synthetic chemistry | | | 2006 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Ye G. Chen | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | Chemical Biology | | 2012 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
Irene A. Chen | Synthetic biology, Systems Biology, Biophysics, Origin of Life, Molecular Evolution, Phage-based Applications, Human Microbiome | | | 2005 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
William W. Chen | Protein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery | | | 2006 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
Peiqiu Chen | Protein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery | | | 2011 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
Jiunn-Ren Chen | Protein Systems | | | 2008 | Gavin MacBeath (grad student) |
Peter Chen | organic and metallorganic chemistry | | | | |
Chuo Chen | | | | 2001 | Matthew D. Shair (grad student) |
Xin Chen | surface chemistry | | 2008 | 2011 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Peng Chen | single-molecule microscopy | | | 2005 | X. Sunney Xie (post-doc) |
Jue Chen | Virology Biology | | | | Don C. Wiley (grad student) |
James K. Chen | chemical biology, developmental biology | | 1991 | 1998 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research assistant) |
Mark S. Chen | | | 2004 | 2009 | M. Christina White (grad student) |
Robert Chênevert | Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry | | | | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Ji-Xin Cheng | label-free chemical imaging of cell behavior in 3D cultures, model organisms, and live animals | | | 2003 | X. Sunney Xie (post-doc) |
Bichu Cheng | | Chemistry | | 2013 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Hwan-Sung Cheon | synthesis of natural products | | | 2006 | Yoshito Kishi (grad student) |
Peter T. Cherbas | | | | 1967 | Carroll M. Williams (grad student) |
Paul Cherukuri | | Chemistry | 2007 | 2009 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Chin L. Cheung | nanoscience | | | 2002 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Alice Y. Cheung | Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology | | 1982 | 1986 | Lawrence Bogorad (post-doc) |
Kevin M. Cheung | | | 2020 | | Hongkun Park (post-doc) |
Kenneth B. Chiacchia | Science Writing, Visual Search, Olfactory (Canine) Search | | 1983 | 1990 | Guido Guidotti (grad student) |
Ryan C. Chiechi | Organic Materials-Chemistry and Devices, Unconventional Nanofabrication, and Self-Assembled Monolayers | | 2006 | 2009 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Daniel T. Chiu | Analytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology | | 1998 | 2000 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Anna Chiu | Bio-organic Chemistry | | | 2005 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Shu S. Chng | molecular mechanisms of various antibiotics | | | 2010 | Daniel E. Kahne (grad student) |
Glen S. Cho | origin of life | | | 2004 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Sung E. Choe | structural aspects of protein function | | | 2000 | Gerhard Wagner (grad student) |
Insung S. Choi | biomineralization, micro-pattern formation, and conrolled attachment of biomolecules | | 1994 | 2000 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Seok-ki Choi | biologic nanotechnology | | 1994 | 1997 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Wonjae Choi | small scale fluid mechanics, wetting/non-wetting characteristics of nano-engineered surfaces, microfluidics, and hemodynamics | | 2009 | 2011 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Joonhyuk Choi | signal transduction, transcriptional regulation | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2013 | Erin K. O'Shea (grad student) |
Paul J. Choi | room-temperature single-molecule spectroscopy | | | 2009 | X. Sunney Xie (grad student) |
Jeong-Mo Choi | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2011 | 2016 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
Nicholas I. Choly | Computational physics and materials science | | | 2004 | Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student) |
Yuh Min Chook | Nuclear Transport | | | 1994 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
Danny Hung-Chieh Chou | Chemical biology | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2007 | 2011 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
James J. Chou | molecular mechanism of membrane channels, receptors, and transporters | | 1994 | 1999 | Gerhard Wagner (grad student) |
Amit Choudhary | | | 2011 | 2015 | Stuart L. Schreiber (research scientist) |
Sourav Chowdhury | Protein Folding, Bio-physical Evolution, Systems Biology | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2018 | | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc) |
Halvor N. Christensen | | | | 1940 | A. Baird Hastings (grad student) |
David W. Christianson | structure-mechanism of hydrolytic metalloenzymes | | | 1987 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
George Christou | inorganic chemistry | | 1981 | 1982 | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
Shih-I Chu | Physical Chemistry, Atomic Physics, Optics Physics | | | 1974 | Alexander Dalgarno (grad student) |
Yen-Ho Chu | Biomolecular Recognition, Combinatorial Organic Synthesis, Ionic Liquids for Chemical and Biochemical Applications | | 1986 | 1993 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Yizhuo Chu | | | | 2011 | Kenneth B. Crozier (grad student) |
Justin Jang-Hann Chu | | | 2006 | 2007 | Priscilla L. Yang (post-doc) |
Yen-Ho Chu | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Frances Chu | Differentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis | | | 2007 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
Doo Soo Chung | | Physics and Applied Physics | | 1991 | Eric Mazur (grad student) |
Hak S. Chung | molecular mechanisms of various antibiotics | | | 2007 | Daniel E. Kahne (grad student) |
George M. Church | Computational Genetics | | | 1984 | Walter Gilbert (grad student) |
Milan Chytil | | | | 2000 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Karlene A. Cimprich | DNA damage response | | 1994 | 1997 | Elias James Corey (grad student), Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Stefano Ciurli | chemistry | Chemistry | 1986 | 1990 | Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
Charles Himes Clapp | Mechanisms of enzymatic reactions, synthesis and mechanistic characterization of enzyme inhibitors | | | 1975 | Frank H. Westheimer (grad student) |
Jon C. Clardy | natural products | | | 1969 | J. Zanos Gougoutas (grad student) |
J Stephen Clark | Synthetic organic chemistry | | | | |
Margaret J. Clark | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | Priscilla L. Yang (grad student) |
Steven G. Clarke | macromolecular repair for DNA and proteins | | | 1976 | Guido Guidotti (grad student) |
Ronald Claus | | | | | |
Steven M. Claypool | Mitochondrial lipid metabolism | | | 2003 | Richard S. Blumberg (grad student) |
Paul Andrew Clemons | | | | 2001 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Alan F. Clifford | Fluorine chemistry | | | 1941 | Robert B. Woodward (research assistant) |
Tom Cline | Genetics, Genomics and Development | | | 1973 | John (Woody) Woodland Hastings (grad student) |
Derrick L J Clive | Organic Synthesis, Natural Products Synthesis | | | | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Hilary G. Close | Biogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2012 | Ann Pearson (grad student) |
Gerhard L. Closs | | | | 1957 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Cynthia V. Clower | PI3K and cancer metabolism | | | 2011 | Lewis C. Cantley (grad student) |
Dick T. Co | Atmospheric Chemistry | | | 2008 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Anne Chuy Co | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2008 | 2010 | Cynthia Marie Friend (post-doc) |
Robert Allan Coburn | drug discovery | | | 1966 | Rodger Wentworth Griffin (grad student) |
Jonathan B. Cohen | nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors | | | 1972 | Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Ronald E Cohen | geophysics, materials science, physics, high pressure, electronic structure, condensed matter physics | Geology Geology | 1979 | 1985 | Charles W. Burnham (grad student), James Burleigh Thompson (grad student) |
Jack S. Cohen | biomolecular NMR | | 1966 | 1967 | Oleg Jardetzky (post-doc) |
Ronald C. Cohen | chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere now and in the past and predicting future changes | | 1991 | 1996 | James G. Anderson (post-doc) |
Adam E. Cohen | tools to study biomolecules | | 2001 | 2003 | Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (grad student), Yongxin Zhao (collaborator), George M. Whitesides (research assistant) |
Nadia R. Cohen | Fluid Mechanics | | | 2011 | Michael B. Brenner (grad student) |
Saul G. Cohen | | | | 1940 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Itzhaq T. Cohen-Karni | nanoscience | | | 2011 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Edwin Joseph Cohn | proteins | | | | |
Robert Hugh Cole | chemical physics | | | 1940 | John H. van Vleck (grad student) |
Christopher J. Coletta | synthesis of natural products | | | 2007 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
R. John Collier | diphtheria toxin | | | 1964 | Alwin M. Pappenheimer, Jr (grad student) |
Roberta F. Colman | enzyme active sites | | | 1962 | Frank H. Westheimer (grad student) |
James Bryant Conant | chemistry | | 1915 | 1916 | Elmer P. Kohler (grad student), Theodore William Richards (grad student) |
Francis Edward Condon | | | | 1944 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Le Cong | | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2014 | George M. Church (grad student) |
Daniel N. Congreve | | | | | |
Brian T. Connell | Organic Chemistry, Catalysis | | | 2002 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Harold Conroy | | | | 1950 | Gilbert Stork (grad student) |
Simone Conti | molecular modeling, protein-protein interactions, self-assembly | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2016 | | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Silas P. Cook | natural product synthesis | | 2006 | 2008 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Sherburne Friend Cook | | | | 1925 | Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student) |
Kristen E. Cook | signal transduction, transcriptional regulation | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2012 | Erin K. O'Shea (grad student) |
Josiah Parsons Cooke | chemistry | | | | |
Joan Cooke | | Chemistry | 1968 | 1969 | Melvyn R. Churchill (post-doc) |
Albert Sprague Coolidge | | | | 1924 | George Shannon Forbes (grad student) |
Barry S. Cooperman | Biological | | | 1968 | Frank H. Westheimer (grad student) |
Paul W. Coote | structural aspects of protein function | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | Gerhard Wagner (grad student) |
Elias James Corey | Organic chemistry | | | | |
Marta Cortes-Cros | Immunology | | | 2002 | Katia Georgopoulos (grad student) |
Alsoph Henry Corwin | chemistry of chlorophyll and hemoglobin | | | 1932 | James Bryant Conant (grad student) |
Mircea Cotlet | | Chemistry | 2003 | 2003 | X. Sunney Xie (post-doc) |
F. Albert Cotton | transition metal chemistry | | | 1955 | Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student) |
Albert J. Courey | The Molecular Basis of Development | | | 1986 | James C. Wang (grad student) |
Ben Cowie | | | 2013 | 2016 | David T Johnston (post-doc) |
Casandra Rose Cox | Chemistry | | 2014 | 2014 | Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc), Daniel G. Nocera (grad student) |
Norman C Craig | | | | 1957 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
William Moore Craig | Physical chemistry | | 1919 | 1927 | Theodore William Richards (grad student) |
Donald J. Cram | Organic chemistry | | 1945 | 1947 | Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student) |
Robert Kellogg Crane | | | | 1950 | Eric Glendinning Ball (grad student) |
Debbie C. Crans | Biological, Bioorganic, Bioinorganic, and Mechanistic Chemistries | | 1980 | 1985 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Charisse M. Crenshaw | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2009 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Peter Cresswell | major histocompatibility complex (MHC) | | | | Jack L. Strominger (post-doc) |
Craig M. Crews | organic synthesis, pharmacology, molecular biology | | 1993 | 1995 | Raymond L. Erikson (grad student), Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Daniel Crocker | isotopes atmopsheric chemistry | | | | David T Johnston (post-doc) |
James J. Cronican | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | Chemical Biology | | 2012 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
R. James Cross | Fullerene Chemistry, Dynamics of Organic Reactions, Theory of Inelastic Scattering | | | 1966 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Michael Thomas Crow | | | 1976 | 1981 | Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student) |
Kenneth B. Crozier | | | | | |
Fernando Cruz-Guilloty | Immunology, Genetics, Pathology | | | 2008 | Anjana Rao (grad student) |
Yanjie Cui | energy storage, thermoelectrics | Materials Science | 2010 | 2011 | Shriram Ramanathan (post-doc) |
Yi Cui | nanomaterials for energy storage, photovoltaics, topological insulators, biology and environment | | 1998 | 2002 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Qiang Cui | computational chemistry and biophysics | | 1997 | 2001 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Jianping Cui | Molecular Biology | | | 2004 | Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student), Naomi E. Pierce (grad student) |
Robert F. Curl | Organic chemistry, structural chemistry | | | 1958 | Edgar Bright Wilson (post-doc) |
David Yarrow Curtin | solid-state organic reactions | | | 1946 | Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc) |
Alan D. D'Andrea | Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology | | | | |
Mingjie Dai | Biophysics, DNA nanotechnology, synthetic biology, single-molecule techniques, super-resolution microscopy | Systems Biology Genetics Department | 2017 | 2016 | Peng Yin (grad student), George M. Church (grad student), Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc) |
Xiaochuan Dai | Chemistry | Chemistry Chemistry | 2015 | 2018 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student), Charles M. Lieber (post-doc) |
Hongjie Dai | nanomaterials | | | 1994 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
George Q. Daley | Biochemistry, Human Development, Cell Biology | | | | |
Larry R. Dalton | materials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques | | | 1971 | Alvin L. Kwiram (grad student) |
Rick L. Danheiser | synthesis of natural products | | | 1978 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Farrington Daniels | solar energy | | | 1914 | Theodore William Richards (grad student) |
Claudia B. Danilowicz | | Physics | 1991 | 1996 | Ernesto J. Calvo (grad student) |
Samuel J. Danishefsky | synthetic organic chemistry | | | 1962 | Peter Yates (grad student) |
Ananya Das | origin of life | | | 2000 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
William G. Dauben | structure and synthesis of alicyclic compounds, with particular emphasis on stereochemistry and photochemistry | | | 1944 | Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student), Reginald Patrick Linstead (grad student) |
Hyp J. Dauben | | | | 1941 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Peter R. David | Novel Pharmaceuticals, data analytics, | | 1984 | 1990 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
Emily C Davidson | Polymer Science | | 2017 | 2020 | Jennifer A. Lewis (post-doc) |
Ronald W. Davis | Functional Genomics | | | 1972 | James D. Watson (post-doc), Mark Ptashne (post-doc) |
Tenney Lombard Davis | chemistry of explosives | | | 1917 | Elmer P. Kohler (grad student) |
Rowland Hallowell Davis | | | | 1958 | Robert Paul Levine (grad student), John Robert Raper (grad student) |
Kwaku Dayie | | | | 1996 | Gerhard Wagner (grad student) |
John de la Parra | phytochemistry, ethnopharmacology, ethnobotany | | | | |
Nathalie P. de Leon | | | | 2011 | Hongkun Park (grad student), Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc) |
Paul Jose de Mayo | Natural products chemistry | | | | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Cailin E. Deal | | The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard | 2014 | 2019 | Alejandro B. Balazs (post-doc) |
Anthony M. Dean | chemical kinetics, combustion, pyrolysis, free radical, physical chemistry | | | 1971 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
Donald R. Deardorff | Organic Synthesis | Chemistry | | | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Will DeBenedetti | Physical Chemistry, Surface Science, Nuclear Materials Science | Chemistry | 2020 | 2021 | Cynthia Marie Friend (post-doc) |
Eric J. Deeds | Protein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery | | | 2005 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
Benjamin A. DeGraff | luminescent transition metal complexes | | 1965 | 1967 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (post-doc) |
L. J. Deiner | Molecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces | | | 2003 | Cynthia Marie Friend (grad student) |
Nynke Hester Dekker | Bionanoscience | | | 2000 | Mara Prentiss (grad student) |
Ana Martinez del Campo | | | 2013 | | Emily Balskus (post-doc) |
Philip Demokritou | | | | | |
Bruce Demple | Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | | | | |
Graham T. Dempsey | single-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes | Biophysics | | 2012 | Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student) |
Xingyi Deng | Molecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces | | | 2006 | Cynthia Marie Friend (grad student) |
Bing Deng | Chemistry, Nanoscience and nanotechnology | | | | |
Jun Deng | Total synthesis of natural product | | 2014 | 2016 | Andrew G. Myers (post-doc) |
Nan-Nan Deng | Microfluidics | Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2017 | 2019 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Li Deng | Alkaloid organocatalysis | Chemistry Chemistry | 1996 | 1998 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc), Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc) |
Tao Deng | Bioinspired materials engineering and bioinspired micro/nano device fabrication, and the application of such materials/devices in energy transfer and storage, bio/chem detection, and photonics | | | 2001 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Liang Deng | organometallics | | 2007 | 2009 | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
David T. Denhardt | Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | | | | |
Vladimir Denic | Very long-chain fatty acids | | | | |
Edward Alan Dennis | Biochemistry: phospholipase A2, signal transduction in macrophages, lipid maps, prostaglandin regulation, mass spec of lipids and proteins | | | 1968 | Frank H. Westheimer (grad student) |
Leila F. Deravi | Bioanalytical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry | | 2010 | 2013 | Kevin Kit Parker (post-doc) |
Ratmir Derda | drug discovery | | 2008 | 2011 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Jessica L. Dermody | Molecular Biology | | | 2009 | Stephen Buratowski (grad student) |
Michael M. Desai | evolutionary dynamics | | | 2006 | Daniel S. Fisher (grad student) |
Bimal N. Desai | Chemical biology | | | 2002 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Pierre Deslongchamps | Organic Chemistry | | | 1965 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Didier Desmaele | | | 1985 | 1987 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Jean-Nicolas Desrosiers | | | 2008 | 2010 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Louis F. DeTulleo | Immune Disease | | | 2000 | Tomas Kirchhausen (grad student) |
Supriya Dey | Carbohydrate Chemistry, glycobiology, programmable one pot synthesis of glycans, Enzymatic synthesis of polysaccharides | Chemistry | 2019 | | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Martin J. Deymier | | The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard | 2016 | 2018 | Alejandro B. Balazs (post-doc) |
Param P. Dhillon | chemistry, physics, and biology of disordered materials | | | 2007 | David R. Reichman (grad student) |
Luiz Carlos Dias | Organic Synthesis | | 1994 | 1995 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
Michael D. Dickey | thin-films, interfaces, soft materials, and micro- and nanofabrication | | 2006 | 2008 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Bryan C. Dickinson | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2011 | 2014 | David R. Liu (post-doc) |
Rebecca Dickstein | Biochemistry, Botany Biology, Molecular Biology | | 1985 | 1989 | Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc) |
Andriy Didovyk | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2010 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
David Dietrich | | | 2014 | | Jon C. Clardy (post-doc) |
Willow R. DiLuzio | Bio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry | | | 2005 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Daniel C. DiMaio | Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses | | 1981 | 1983 | Tom Maniatis (post-doc) |
Paul A. DiMilla | | | 1991 | 1993 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Thomas A. Dineen | | Chemistry | 2005 | 2007 | Andrew G. Myers (post-doc) |
Shengtao Ding | Organic Chemistry | | 2014 | 2015 | Tobias Ritter (post-doc) |
Aaron R. Dinner | theoretical studies of cellular behavior | | | 1999 | Martin Karplus (grad student) |
Christopher J Dinsmore | Chemistry | Chemistry | 1991 | 1994 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
Reinaldo DiPolo | | | 1966 | 1970 | Arthur K. Solomon (post-doc), C M Gary-Bobo (post-doc) |
Donald C. Dittmer | Organic chemistry with tellurium, synthesis of optically active molecules, Zero-solvent reactions | | 1953 | 1954 | Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc) |
Steven Thomas Diver | Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry | | 1995 | 1997 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
David A. Dixon | Computational chemistry | | | 1976 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student), Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Ivana Djuretic | Immunology, Molecular Biology | | | 2009 | Anjana Rao (grad student) |
Ivan J. Dmochowski | Bioinorganic, Bioorganic, Biophysical Chemistry | | | 1994 | George M. Whitesides (research assistant) |
Daniel Luis do Nascimento | | Chemistry | | | Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc) |
Dennis E. Dobrovolsky | Chemical biology | Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 2015 | | Nathanael Gray (grad student) |
Zainab Doctor | cancer biology, kinase inhibitors, cyclin dependent kinases | | 2014 | | Nathanael Gray (grad student) |
Edward A. Doisy | Steroid Hormone Biochemistry | | | 1920 | Otto Folin (grad student) |
Malcolm Dole | electrochemistry and polymer chemistry | | | 1928 | Grinnell Jones (grad student) |
Jimmie D. Doll | theoretical approaches to many-body chemical phenomena | | | 1971 | William P. Reinhardt (grad student) |
David H. Dolphin | porphyrin chemistry | | | 1966 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Brian N. Dominy | Biochemistry, General Biophysics, Physical Chemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc) |
Neil M. Donahue | Atmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry | | 1991 | 1993 | James G. Anderson (post-doc) |
James P. Donahue | transition metal complexes | | | 1998 | Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
Jason E. Donald | Protein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery | | | 2007 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
Yajie Dong | nanoscience | | | 2010 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Bertram Donn | astrochemistry | | | 1952 | Bart J. Bok (grad student), Fred Lawrence Whipple (grad student) |
Russell F. Doolittle | blood coagulation | | | 1962 | J. Lawrence Oncley (grad student) |
Jay R. Dorfman | Microcircuit Materials | | | | Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc) |
Robert Lawrence Dorit | Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry | | | 1986 | Stephen J. Gould (grad student) |
Paul Mead Doty | polymeric molecules, polypeptides and polynucleotides | | | | |
Emma H. Doud | molecular mechanisms of various antibiotics | | | 2011 | Daniel E. Kahne (grad student) |
Jennifer A. Doudna | molecular structure of RNA enzymes (ribozymes) | | | 1989 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Stephanie K. Dougan | | | | 2007 | Richard S. Blumberg (grad student) |
Shawn M. Douglas | Computational Genetics | | | 2009 | George M. Church (grad student) |
Paul L. Dowd | mechanistic action of vitamins | | | 1964 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
C. Wade Downey | organic synthesis | | 1998 | 2003 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Chiles Wade Downey | | | | 2004 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Abigail Doyle | organic and organometallic catalysis | | 2000 | 2008 | M. Christina White (research assistant), Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Carolyn Doyle | | | | | Jack L. Strominger (grad student) |
Jeffrey B. Doyon | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | | | 2006 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
Dobrin D. Draganov | T Cell Biology and Cancer Immunology | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Kai W. Wucherpfennig (grad student) |
Nathan Lincoln Drake | Organic chemistry | | | 1922 | Elmer P. Kohler (grad student) |
Timothy J. Dransfield | Atmospheric Chemistry | | 1995 | 2002 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Gideon Dreyfuss | Spinal Muscular Atrophy, RNA binding proteins, Splicing, High-Throughput Screening | | | 1978 | Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student) |
Kurt L. Drickamer | Molecular function of sugar-binding receptors in cellular recognition events | | | 1978 | Guido Guidotti (grad student) |
Stephen Drucker | Physical Chemistry, Spectroscopy | Chemistry | 1986 | 1994 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
D. Allan Drummond | stress responses, phase separation, molecular evolution, biochemistry, cell biology | | | | |
Easan E. Drury | Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling | | | 2009 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
Jingshan S. Du | chemical physics | Applied Physics | 2014 | 2015 | David A. Weitz (research assistant) |
Xiaojie Duan | | | 2007 | 2013 | Charles M. Lieber (post-doc) |
Xiangfeng Duan | nanoelectronics | | | 2002 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Haifeng Duan | | Chemistry | 2009 | 2011 | X. Sunney Xie (post-doc) |
Manvendra K Dubey | Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate Science, Carbon Sequestration, Carbon Cycle, Aerosols, Clouds, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Methane, Trace Gases | Atmospheric Chemical Physics Chemical Physics Earth and Environmental Sciences | 2014 | 1994 | James G. Anderson (grad student), Gary M. McClelland (grad student), Steven C. Wofsy (collaborator) |
Owen W. Duckworth | Environmental Chemistry | | | 2003 | Scot T. Martin (grad student) |
Kevin J. Duffy | Drug Discovery | | 1994 | 1996 | Yoshito Kishi (post-doc) |
Jay C. Dunlap | Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | | | 1979 | John (Woody) Woodland Hastings (grad student) |
Mary Kathleen Dunn | | | 1982 | 1985 | Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc) |
Ian Dunn | Theoretical Chemistry | | 2012 | 2014 | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (research assistant) |
Travis Bailey Dunn | | | | 2005 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Allison L. Dunn | Atmospheric and Environmental Science | | | 2006 | Steven C. Wofsy (grad student) |
Phanindra Chandra Dutta | Organic chemistry, terpenoids | | 1965 | 1966 | Gilbert Stork (post-doc), Robert B. Woodward (collaborator), Robert B. Woodward (research scientist) |
Anindya Dutta | Biochemistry | | | | |
John A. Dykema | Atmospheric Chemistry | | | 2002 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Emily V. Eames | Polynuclear complexes for cooperative redox chemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2012 | Theodore A. Betley (grad student) |
Richard Hallenbeck Eastman | organic chemistry | | | 1944 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Christopher J. Easton | Biochemical reactions & molecular recognition | | 1980 | 1981 | Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc) |
Philip E. Eaton | strained ring systems | | | 1961 | Peter Yates (grad student) |
Fritz Eckstein | | | | 1964 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Walter Francis Edgell | Physical Chemistry | | | 1944 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student), Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Katherine A. Edmonds | structural aspects of protein function | Biophysics | | 2012 | Gerhard Wagner (grad student) |
John Tileston Edsall | Protein Physical Chemistry | | 1926 | 1927 | Edwin Joseph Cohn (grad student), Alfred Clarence Redfield (research assistant) |
Amanda L. Edwards | Biochemistry, Oncology | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2013 | Loren D. Walensky (grad student) |
David Edward Ehmann | | | | 2000 | Christopher T. Walsh (grad student) |
Gert Ehrlich | surfaces at the atomic scale | | | 1952 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
Marco Tullio Einaudi | Geology, Geochemistry | | | 1968 | Ulrich Petersen (grad student) |
Michael B. Eisen | | | | 1996 | Don C. Wiley (grad student) |
David Eisenberg | protein interactions | | | | John Tileston Edsall (research assistant) |
Kenneth B. Eisenthal | Ultrafast Excited State Electron Transfer at the Organic Liquid/Aqueous Interface | Chemistry | | 1960 | Marshall Fixman (grad student), Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
Ron Elber | Computational Chemistry | | | | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Mark P. Elenko | origin of life | | | 2010 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Andrew E. Elia | PI3K and cancer metabolism | | | 2005 | Lewis C. Cantley (grad student) |
Joseph S Elias | physical inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, catalysis | | 2016 | 2018 | Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc) |
Carl D. Elkin | structural biology | | | 2000 | James M. Hogle (grad student) |
Audrey K. Ellerbee | Biophysics, Electrical Engineering, Imaging, Photonics | | 2008 | 2010 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Jonathan A. Ellman | chemical synthesis | | | 1989 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Scott D. Emr | biogenesis of organelles | | | 1981 | Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student) |
Dieter Enders | Asymmetric Synthesis, New Synthetic Methods Using Organometallics, Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds, Organocatalysis | | 1974 | 1975 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
John Henry Enemark | Inorganic Chemistry | Chemistry | | 1966 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student), Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
Johan F.J. Engbersen | Biomedical Chemistry and Controlled Drug Delivery | | | 1995 | George M. Whitesides (research scientist) |
Gregory S. Engel | photochemical reaction dynamics | | | 2004 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Lewis Libman Engel | Steroid Hormones | | | | |
Florian Alois Engert | zebrafish, optic tectum, behavior, vision, imaging | | | | |
Brian P English | Single Particle Tracking, Microscopy, Biophysics | Chemistry | 2001 | 2007 | X. Sunney Xie (grad student) |
Harry E. Ensley | | | | 1976 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Irving R. Epstein | oscillatory chemical reactions, spatial pattern formation, dynamical systems and neurobiology | | 2002 | 2003 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research scientist) |
Alexander K. Epstein | biomineralization, biomimetics, self-assembly, crystal engineering, surface chemistry, nanofabrication, biomaterials, biomechanics and biooptics | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2012 | Joanna Aizenberg (grad student) |
Michael A. Erb | | | | 2017 | James Bradner (grad student), Nathanael Gray (grad student) |
Bruce Wayne Erickson | solid-phase peptide synthesis, protein design and engineering, and genetic sequence comparison | | | 1970 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Raymond L. Erikson | Reversible protein phosphorylation and cell proliferation | | | | |
Alexander Ernst | Polymer, Synthesis | Chemical Biology | 1998 | 2000 | Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc) |
Jake Essman | | Chemistry | 2018 | | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Preston W. Estep | Computational Genetics | | | 2001 | George M. Church (grad student) |
Lara A. Estroff | organic-inorganic composites | | 2003 | 2005 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Kevin M. Esvelt | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | | | 2010 | David R. Liu (grad student), George M. Church (grad student) |
Candice M. Etson | Molecular microscopy and spectroscopy | | | 2010 | Antoine M. van Oijen (grad student) |
David A. Evans | Bio-organic Chemistry | | | | |
Mathew John Evans | Atmospheric Chemistry | | | | |
Dennis H. Evans | electrochemistry | | | 1964 | James J. Lingane (grad student) |
Conor L. Evans | optical microscopy and spectroscopy to detect and visualize microscopic metastatic disease | | | 2007 | X. Sunney Xie (grad student) |
Jeffrey D. Evanseck | Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry | | | 1994 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Erik-Robert Evensen | electronic structure, geometry, and dynamics of molecules of chemical and biological interest | | | 2000 | Martin Karplus (grad student) |
Arnold Factor | Free Radical Chemistry | Chemistry | | 1963 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Olugbeminiyi Fadeyi | Organic Chemistry | | 2012 | 2014 | Matthew D. Shair (post-doc) |
Thomas D. Fairlie | Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling | | | 2010 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
John R. Falck | Biochemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Organometallics, Natural products chemistry | | 1975 | 1979 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Abram L. Falk | | | | 2009 | Hongkun Park (grad student) |
Chenguang Fan | | Chemistry | 2013 | | Suzanne Walker (post-doc) |
Keith Richard Fandrick | | | | 2007 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Eric Fang | | | 2006 | 2009 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Xiao Fang | Chemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors | | | 2008 | Suzanne Walker (grad student) |
David H. Farb | Molecular physiology of benzodiazepines and other ion channel modulators; GABA(A) receptor structure-function; NMDA receptor structure and function; neuroactive steroids | | 1975 | 1979 | Gerald Fischbach (post-doc) |
Donald George Farnum | | | | 1959 | Peter Yates (grad student) |
D. John Faulkner | Marine Natural Products Chemistry | | 1965 | 1967 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Morgan A. Feeney | bacterial genetics | | | 2011 | Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student) |
Neil Frank Feiner | Psychiatry | Chemistry | | | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Sascha Feldmann | | | | | |
Ji Feng | Physics | | | | |
Wallace O. Fenn | Muscle physiology | | | 1919 | Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student) |
James P. Fennessey | | Chemistry | 1965 | 1969 | Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student) |
Gabriel Fenteany | Biochemistry | | | 1997 | Elias James Corey (grad student), Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Gregory S. Ferguson | Surface Chemistry - Materials Chemistry - Nanoscale Chemistry - Polymers and Semiconducting Materials | | 1987 | 1989 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Caitlin C. Ferguson | Differentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis | | | 2007 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
María Teresa Fernández-Abedul | Physical and Analytical Chemistry | | | 2013 | George M. Whitesides (research scientist) |
Grace E. Ferris | organic synthesis, methodology | | | | |
Benjamin G. Ferris | | | | | James L. Whittenberger (grad student) |
Wolf-Dieter Fessner | Organic chemistry | | 1986 | 1987 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Robert W. Field | dynamics of small polyatomic molecules | | | 1972 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
Alexander P. Fields | tools to study biomolecules | Biophysics | | 2013 | Adam E. Cohen (grad student) |
Mary Peters Fieser | | | | | |
Louis Frederick Fieser | Organic chemistry | | | 1924 | James Bryant Conant (grad student) |
Ila R. Fiete | Computation, theory, coding, dynamics | | | 2004 | Daniel S. Fisher (grad student) |
Michael P Filosa | Direct thermal printing | Chemistry | | | Paul A. Wender (grad student) |
Robert W. Finberg | Biochemistry, Cell Biology | | | | |
Michael J Fink | | | 2015 | | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Joshua M. Finkelstein | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2004 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Michael Andrew Fischbach | | | | 2007 | Christopher T. Walsh (grad student) |
Jenny A. Fisher | Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling | | | 2011 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
Daniel S. Fisher | statistical physics; theoretical evolutionary biology | | | 1979 | Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student) |
Tracey L. Fisher | Cell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology | | | 2003 | Morris F. White (grad student) |
Duke Michael Fitch | | | | 2000 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Jean-Pierre Flatt | physiological chemistry | | 1960 | 1963 | Eric Glendinning Ball (post-doc) |
George W. J. Fleet | carbohydrate chemistry | Chemistry | 1972 | 1973 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Ragnar Fleischmann | | | | | Eric J. Heller (post-doc) |
Ian Fleming | Synthetic methodology | | 1963 | 1964 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Daniel L. Floyd | Molecular microscopy and spectroscopy | | | 2010 | Antoine M. van Oijen (grad student) |
Roger Scott Flugel | | | | 2001 | Christopher T. Walsh (grad student) |
Alec N. Flyer | synthesis of natural products | | | 2010 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
George W. Flynn | application of laser devices to the study of molecular problems | | | 1965 | John D. Baldeschwieler (grad student), Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Emily Arias Foley | | | 2002 | 2006 | Johannes C. Walter (grad student) |
Nicole E. Follmer | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology | Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of | | 2012 | Nicole J. Francis (grad student) |
Dina A. Fomina Yadlin | Chemical biology | | | 2011 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Christopher S. Foote | singlet oxygen | | | 1962 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
George Shannon Forbes | physical chemistry | | | 1905 | Theodore William Richards (grad student) |
Warren T. Ford | polymer chemistry | | | 1968 | Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc) |
David D. Ford | Mechanistic and synthetic chemistry | Chemistry | | 2013 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Michael Forgac | Biochemistry, Cell Biology | | | 1982 | Guido Guidotti (grad student) |
Craig J. Forsyth | Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | | 1992 | Yoshito Kishi (post-doc) |
Kevin C. Fortner | Organic synthesis | | | 2009 | Matthew D. Shair (grad student) |
Eric Thor Fossel | | | | 1970 | William von Eggers Doering (grad student) |
Alexander V. Fotin | structural cell biology | | | 2004 | Stephen C. Harrison (grad student) |
Jean-Francois Fournier | stereoselective synthesis of organic compounds | | 2004 | 2006 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Alison R. Fout | Inorganic Chemistry | | 2009 | 2012 | Theodore A. Betley (post-doc) |
Thomas Fox | | | | 1976 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
Nicole J. Francis | Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics | | | | |
Matthew B. Francis | Organic, Bioorganic, and Materials Chemistry | | | 1999 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Don D. Frantz | | | | 1989 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Annaliese K. Franz | Organic Chemistry | | 2002 | 2007 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Kenneth J. Fraunhoffer | organic synthesis, transition-metal mediated reactions | | | 2007 | M. Christina White (grad student) |
Jeffrey Joseph Fredberg | Bioengineering and Physiology | | | | |
John D. Freed | Organic synthesis | | | 2005 | Matthew D. Shair (grad student) |
Karl F. Freed | statistical mechanics of polymers in the liquid phase, protein dynamics aggregation, and folding, equilibrium aggregation phenomena, and molecular electronic structure | | | 1967 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
David L. Freeman | theoretical chemistry | | | 1973 | Martin Karplus (grad student) |
Elizaveta Freinkman | molecular mechanisms of various antibiotics | Chemical Biology | | 2012 | Daniel E. Kahne (grad student) |
Robert S. Freund | Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) | | | 1966 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
Perry A. Frey | Mechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes | | | | Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc) |
Douglas M. Freymann | structural basis for interactions between proteins, and between proteins and small molecules | | | 1989 | Don C. Wiley (grad student) |
Irwin Fridovich | Superoxide dismutase | | | 1962 | Frank H. Westheimer (research scientist) |
Robin S. Friedman | nanoscience | | | 2006 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Bretislav Friedrich | | | | | Dudley R. Herschbach (research scientist) |
Cynthia Marie Friend | Molecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces | | | | |
C. Daniel Frisbie | Organic and Molecular Electronics | | 1993 | 1994 | Charles M. Lieber (post-doc) |
Joseph C. Fromme | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2004 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Alison J. Frontier | Synthetic Organic Chemistry | | 1991 | 1993 | Yoshito Kishi (research assistant) |
John Wesley Frost | Bioorganics, Natural Products | | 1981 | 1983 | Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc) |
Gregory C. Fu | Catalysis, enantioselective synthesis, mechanistic studies, organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, reaction development | | | 1991 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Ye Fu | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2014 | | Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc) |
Xiang-Dong Fu | Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry | | 1990 | 1992 | Tom Maniatis (post-doc) |
Dan Fu | optical spectroscopy and imaging techniques to investigate the spatial-temporal dynamics of living biological systems at single cell resolution | | 2010 | 2015 | X. Sunney Xie (post-doc) |
Tzung-May Fu | Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling | | | 2007 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
Philip L. Fuchs | organic synthesis | | 1971 | 1973 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Michael J. Fuerstman | Bio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry | | | 2007 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Shelly M. Fujikawa | origin of life | | | 2003 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Teppei Fujimoto | | | 2012 | | Tobias Ritter (post-doc) |
Tohru Fukuyama | Synthetic Organic Chemistry | | | 1977 | Yoshito Kishi (grad student) |
Michael E. Furrow | synthesis of natural products | | | 2004 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Takeru Furuya | fluorination chemistry for late-stage functionalization of complex natural and unnatural products and bimetallic transition metal redox catalysis | | | 2010 | Tobias Ritter (grad student) |
Reynold Clayton Fuson | Organic chemistry | | 1926 | 1926 | Elmer P. Kohler (post-doc) |
Christopher V. Gabel | Molecular motors | | | 2003 | Howard C. Berg (grad student) |
Bedrick B. Gadea | molecular mechanisms that regulate progress through the cell division cycle | | | 2005 | Joan V. Ruderman (grad student) |
Karl Gademann | | Chemistry | 2000 | 2001 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Michel R. Gagné | Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Asymmetric Catalysis, Synthetic Methods, Synthetic Receptors, Biofuels, Renewable Feedstocks | | 1992 | 1995 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
Mark Gandelman | | Chemistry | 2003 | 2005 | Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
A Ganesan | Chemical biology, medicinal chemistry | | 1992 | 1993 | Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc) |
Mahesh Kumar Gangishetty | Inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, photochemistry, optoelectronics | | 2017 | 2020 | Daniel N. Congreve (post-doc) |
Xiaojie Gao | | | | | |
Jiali Gao | Chemical Biology; Chemical Physics; Computational Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry | | 1987 | 1990 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Yi Qin Gao | Theoretical/Computational Chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry | Chemistry | 2002 | 2004 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Jeffrey Garber | | | 2014 | | Tobias Ritter (post-doc) |
William C. Gardiner | | | | 1960 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
Gary M Gardner | Molecular Biology, Botany Biology, Biochemistry | | | 1972 | Winslow R. Briggs (grad student) |
Salil Garg | Fluid Mechanics | | | 2010 | Michael B. Brenner (grad student) |
Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova | synthetic biology, neurodegeneration | Chemistry | 2003 | 2006 | Christopher T. Walsh (post-doc) |
Ethan C. Garner | single-molecule biology and bioimaging | | 2009 | 2012 | Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc) |
Piotr Garstecki | Microfluidics, Dynamic Self-Organization in Complex Fluids | | 2002 | 2005 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Zev J. Gartner | Chemical Biology, Tissue Engineering, Synthetic Biology | | | 2004 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
C M Gary-Bobo | | | | | |
Timur Gatanov | Physics of Macromolecular Assemblies and Subcellular Organization | Physics | | 2014 | Daniel J. Needleman (grad student) |
Byron D. Gates | The Surface and Interfacial Chemistry of Materials | | 2002 | 2004 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Marshall D. Gates | synthesis of natural products | | | 1941 | Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student) |
Rachelle Gaudet | Structural biology of signaling and transport through biological membranes | | 1998 | 2002 | Don C. Wiley (post-doc) |
Elaine P. Gee | Computational Biophysics | Biophysics | | 2012 | Collin M. Stultz (grad student) |
E. Peter Geiduschek | enzymology of transcription and transcriptional gene regulation | | | 1952 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
Phillip L. Geissler | Theoretical Chemistry | | | 2001 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc) |
Robert B. Gennis | Membrane protein structure/function; Expression of membrane proteins from hyperthermophiles; Structure and mechanism of prokaryotic respiratory enzymes that generate a membrane potential | | 1971 | 1973 | Jack L. Strominger (post-doc) |
Savvas N. Georgiades | natural products | | | 2006 | Jon C. Clardy (grad student) |
Katia Georgopoulos | Molecular Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry | | | | |
R. Benny Gerber | computational chemistry | | 1968 | 1969 | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
Gary J. Gerfen | General Chemistry | | | 1991 | David John Singel (grad student) |
John A. Gerlt | structure/function relationships for enzyme-catalyzed reactions | | | 1974 | Frank H. Westheimer (grad student) |
Peter J. Gero | Atmospheric Chemistry | | | 2007 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Raymond F. Gesteland | gene expression | | | 1966 | James D. Watson (grad student) |
Robert P. Geyer | perfluorocarbon-based blood substitutes | | | | |
Manas Kumar Ghosh | | | 2017 | 2019 | Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc), JoAnne Stubbe (post-doc) |
Arun K. Ghosh | HIV-1 protease inhibitors | | 1985 | 1988 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Partho Ghosh | Mechanisms of bacterial and protozoan pathogenesis, and host response against infectious microbes | | 1993 | 1997 | Don C. Wiley (post-doc) |
Guri Giaever | Genetics, Molecular Chemistry, Oncology | | 1986 | | James C. Wang (grad student) |
Wolcott Gibbs | inorganic chemistry | | | | |
William P Giddings | | Chemistry | | 1959 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Lila M. Gierasch | protein folding | | | 1975 | Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student) |
Tiffany K. Gierasch | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2003 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Anne B.S. Giersch | genetics of hearing and hearing loss | | | | |
Walter Gilbert | Biochemistry, Molecular Biology | | | 1959 | James D. Watson (collaborator), Julian Schwinger (research scientist) |
Norman Henry Giles | genetic analysis of biochemical pathways | | | 1940 | Karl Sax (grad student) |
Grace Gill | molecular mechanisms that regulate transcription | | 1983 | 1989 | Mark Ptashne (grad student) |
Benjamin Charles Gill | biogeochemistry; isotope geochemistry; paleoceanography | | 2009 | 2011 | David T Johnston (post-doc) |
Shubhroz Gill | | | 2014 | | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Edward G. Gillan | Materials, Energy, Catalysis | Chemistry | 1994 | 1997 | Andrew R. Barron (post-doc) |
Nicholas W. Gillham | biogenesis of chloroplasts and mitochondria | | | 1962 | Robert Paul Levine (grad student) |
Henry Gilman | organometallic chemistry | | | 1918 | Elmer P. Kohler (grad student) |
David Y. Gin | Organic Chemistry, Natural Product Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry | | 1994 | 1996 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Cynthia C. Ginsberg | Chemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors | | | 2008 | Suzanne Walker (grad student) |
Naomi Shauna Ginsberg | photosynthetic light harvesting | | | 2007 | Lene Vestergaard Hau (grad student) |
Jodel Giraud | Molecular Biology | | | 2004 | Morris F. White (grad student) |
Simon Z Giroux | | | 2007 | 2009 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Eric Arni Gislason | chemical dynamics | | | 1967 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Irina Gitlin | Bio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry | | | 2006 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Richard S. Glass | Organic Chemistry | Department of Chemistry | 1963 | 1967 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Alexander G. Glenday | Optics, Biomedical Imaging | | | 2011 | Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student) |
Gary D. Glick | anti-DNA autoantibody structure and function, and the identification of novel molecular targets and small molecules for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancer | | | 1990 | Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc) |
Frank Glorius | | | 2000 | 2001 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
Nathan W. Goehring | bacterial genetics | | | 2006 | Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student) |
Brian C. Goess | | | | 2004 | Matthew D. Shair (grad student) |
Christopher Goh | | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 1990 | 1996 | Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
Geoffrey H. Gold | olfaction and retina | | | 1977 | John E. Dowling (grad student) |
Albert M. Gold | Genetics | Cellular & Developmental Biology | 1983 | 1985 | Lawrence Bogorad (post-doc) |
Karen Gold | | | 1967 | 1971 | Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student) |
Steven D. Goldberg | synthesis of natural products | | | 2000 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
David J. Goldsmith | synthesis of biologically active natural products | Chemistry | 1957 | 1959 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Allen H. Goldstein | Environmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry | Chemistry | 1989 | 1994 | Steven C. Wofsy (grad student) |
Steve A. N. Goldstein | General Biophysics, Pediatrics, Cardiology | | 1978 | 1986 | Matthew F. Mescher (grad student) |
Jene A. Golovchenko | Radiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome. | | | | |
Robert Gomer | field electron emission | | | 1950 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (post-doc) |
Maya Gomes | | | 2014 | 2016 | David T Johnston (post-doc) |
Roberto da Silva Gomes | Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry | Chemistry | 2017 | 2020 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Frank A. Gomez | microfluidics | | 1991 | 1994 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli | | Chemistry | 2014 | 2016 | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc) |
Jingjing Gong | Soft matter, Colloidal, Microfluidics | | | | |
Jinlong Gong | | | 2008 | 2010 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Kenneth E. Gonsalves | Polymer chemistry | | | 1997 | George M. Whitesides (research scientist) |
Frank Austin Gooch | analytical chemistry | | 1877 | 1879 | Wolcott Gibbs (post-doc), Josiah Parsons Cooke (grad student) |
Jerry Goodisman | Physical chemistry, mechanism of action of anticancer drugs, chemical kinetics, agglomeration kinetics | | | 1963 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
Joseph S. Goodknight | Chemical Physics | | 2012 | | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (grad student) |
Mark M. Goodman | Medicinal Chemistry | | | | David R. Elmaleh (post-doc) |
Daniel Bryan Goodman | Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, DNA Synthesis, Functional Genomics | Genetics | 2010 | 2016 | George M. Church (grad student) |
Krista Beaver Goodman | | | | 2003 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
RLisa Goodrich | Neurobiology Biology, Biochemistry | | | | |
Harry Manley Goodwin | Electrochemistry | | | | |
Roy Gerald Gordon | applied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science | | | 1964 | John H. van Vleck (grad student) |
Robert Jay Gordon | molecular reaction dynamics, coherent control | Chemistry | 1965 | 1970 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Andrew G. Gordus | Protein Systems | | | 2008 | Gavin MacBeath (grad student) |
David G. Gorenstein | proteomics and nanotechnology | | | 1970 | Frank H. Westheimer (grad student) |
Rajendar Goreti | Synthetic organic chemistry, natural products chemistry | | 2012 | 2016 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
David J. Gorin | | | 2008 | 2011 | David R. Liu (post-doc) |
Christopher B. Gorman | Organic and Materials Chemistry | | 1992 | 1994 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Nancy S. Goroff | organic synthesis | | | 1990 | Joseph J. Grabowski (research assistant) |
Leon B. Gortler | history of chemistry | | | 1961 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Pallavi M. Gosavi | Protein engineering, protein biochemistry, peptide chemistry, CRISPR, cancer biology, chemical biology | Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2018 | | Brian B. Liau (post-doc) |
Toshio Goto | Biochemistry | | 1957 | 1959 | Louis Frederick Fieser (research scientist) |
J. Eric Gouaux | molecular mechanisms for the function of receptors and transporters at chemical synapses | | | 1989 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
J. Zanos Gougoutas | chemical reactions and concomitant phase changes in molecular crystals; crystal and molecular structure of organic substances | | | 1964 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student), William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
Robert Gordon Gould | | | | 1933 | James Bryant Conant (grad student), John Tileston Edsall (research assistant) |
Michael Goulden | Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Agronomy Agriculture | | 1991 | 1997 | Steven C. Wofsy (post-doc) |
Jens-Uwe Grabow | rotational spectroscopy | | 1996 | 1997 | Patrick Thaddeus (post-doc) |
Joseph J. Grabowski | Physical-Organic Chemistry and Analytical Mass Spectrometry | | 1983 | 1984 | Kevin S. Peters (post-doc) |
Melissa L. Grachan | Mechanistic and synthetic chemistry | | | 2008 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
David H. Gracias | fabricating nanoscale devices, including 3D devices that self-assemble | | 1999 | 2002 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Yonatan H. Grad | Computational Genetics | | | 2004 | George M. Church (grad student) |
Silvija Gradečak | nano-photonics and electronics | | 2004 | 2006 | Charles M. Lieber (post-doc) |
William A.G. Graham | organometallic compounds and metal carbonyl derivatives | | | 1956 | F. Gordon A. Stone (grad student) |
Thomas Gray | | Chemistry | | | Richard Hadley Holm (grad student) |
Asa Gray | Botany | | | | |
Nathanael Gray | Cell Biology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry | | | | |
Rachel Green | translation of the genetic code | | | 1992 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Frederick Davis Greene | physical organic chemistry | | | 1952 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Edward Forbes Greene | | | | 1949 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
Brandon L. Greene | Bioinorganic chemistry, spectroscopy, proton-coupled electron transfer | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2015 | | Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc) |
Arno L. Greenleaf | Biochemistry | | | 1974 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
William Frank Greenlee | pharmacology and toxicology | | | | |
Jesse Philip Greenstein | Production and Analysis of Optically Pure Amino Acid Stereoisomers | | | 1931 | Edwin Joseph Cohn (post-doc) |
Alden Buchannon Greninger | | | | 1935 | Horace Hardy Lester (grad student) |
Andrew B. Greytak | nanoscience | | | 2006 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Paul A. Grieco | natural products total synthesis | | | 1970 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Harry Sands Grindley | Animal Chemistry | | | 1894 | Charles Loring Jackson (grad student) |
Alison E. Grinthal | Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins | | | 2001 | Guido Guidotti (grad student) |
Joshua Micah Grolman | Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Mechanophores | Wyss Institute | | 2020 | David J. Mooney (post-doc) |
Benjamin J. Gross | | | | 2007 | Suzanne Walker (grad student) |
Christina Maureen Grozinger | | | | 2001 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Bartosz A. Grzybowski | Nano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics | | | 2000 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Yan Gu | | | | | X. Sunney Xie (post-doc) |
Qian Gu | | | | 2006 | Hongkun Park (grad student) |
Frank Thompson Gucker | Inorganic chemistry, chemical thermodynamics | | | 1925 | Theodore William Richards (grad student) |
Mark S. Gudiksen | nanoscience | | | 2003 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Katherine L. Gudiksen | Bio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry | | | 2006 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Carlos A. Guerrero | Chemical synthesis; synthesis-oriented organic chemistry; methods development; synthesis design; total synthesis of natural products | | | 2003 | Elias James Corey (research assistant) |
Guido Guidotti | Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins | | | | |
John P. Guilinger | The Chemistry of Molecular Evolution | Biology, Molecular and Cellular | | 2014 | David R. Liu (grad student) |
X. Edward Guo | Bone Microstructure | | | 2003 | Thomas A. McMahon (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research scientist) |
Hong Guo | computational biology | Chemistry | | 1991 | Martin Karplus (grad student) |
Junling Guo | Thin film, colloid and interface, MPN, drug delivery | Wyss Institute | 2019 | 2020 | Samir Mitragotri (grad student) |
Manish Gupta | Physical chemistry, chemical kinetics | | | 2000 | Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student) |
Malancha Gupta | chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) of functional polymers onto structured materials and liquid surfaces | | 2007 | 2009 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Frank R.N. Gurd | | | | 1949 | J. Lawrence Oncley (grad student) |
Allan M. Gurtan | Cell Biology, Molecular Biology | | | 2007 | Alan D. D'Andrea (grad student) |
Felix Gustafson | plant physiology | | | 1921 | Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student) |
Herbert S. Gutowsky | Use of NMR for the determination of chemical, biochemical, and biological molecular structures | | | 1949 | George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student) |
Marcelo I. Guzman | Physical and Environmental Organic Chemistry | | 2007 | 2010 | Scot T. Martin (post-doc) |
Daniel Gygax | | | 1984 | 1985 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Rainer Haag | Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry | | 1997 | 1999 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Johannes Hachmann | Theoretical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling, Computational Materials Science | | 2009 | 2014 | Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc) |
Ryan G. Hadt | inorganic chemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | | Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc) |
Sebastian Haesler | | | | | Naoshige Uchida (post-doc) |
Jason H. Hafner | plasmonics, nanomaterials, biophysics | | 1998 | 2001 | Charles M. Lieber (post-doc) |
Sina Haftchenary | | | 2014 | | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Christine L. Hagan | molecular mechanisms of various antibiotics | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2012 | Daniel E. Kahne (grad student) |
Stephen J. Haggarty | neuroplasticity, chromatin, neural stem cells | | | 2003 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Andrew M. Haidle | synthesis of natural products | | | 2004 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Itay Halevy | Geochemistry, Paleoclimate Science, Planetology | | | 2010 | Daniel P. Schrag (grad student) |
Joseph Olney Halford | physical organic chemistry | | 1930 | 1931 | James Bryant Conant (post-doc) |
Ralph S. Halford | Physical chemistry | | | | |
John H Hall | Theoretical chemistry | | 1970 | 1974 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student) |
Zach W. Hall | | | | | Edward Kravitz (grad student) |
Norris F. Hall | nuclear chemistry | | | 1917 | Theodore William Richards (grad student) |
Benjamin Downs Hall | Genome Sciences | | | 1959 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
Timothy Hallacy | | Biophysics | | | Sharad Ramanathan (grad student) |
Won Seok Ham | Transition metal redox catalysis | Chemistry | 2013 | | Tobias Ritter (grad student) |
Hilary Hamer | | Chemical Biology | 2011 | 2013 | Emily Balskus (grad student) |
George S. Hammond | Chemical dynamics | | | 1947 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Yixin Han | Total synthesis | | | | |
Jae Hyo Han | 2D nanostructures | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | | | Joanna Aizenberg (post-doc) |
YIXIN HAN | | Chemistry Chemistry and Chemistry Biology | 2016 | 2019 | Zhen Yang (grad student), Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Hee-Sun Han | | | 2012 | 2017 | David A. Weitz (post-doc) |
Dongran Han | | | | | |
Douglas Hanahan | Genetics, Cell Biology, Oncology | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1978 | 1983 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student), Matthew S. Meselson (research assistant) |
Aaron A. Handler | Differentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis | | | 2006 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
David B. Haniford | Biochemistry | | 1986 | 1991 | Nancy E. Kleckner (post-doc) |
Wendy Hanna-Rose | Human Development, Biochemistry | Microbiology and Molecular Genetics | | 1996 | Ulla Margrete Hansen (grad student) |
Ulla Margrete Hansen | Mammalian gene regulation, Transcription, Cell cycle, Cancer | | | 1980 | William Robert McClure (grad student) |
Karl Hansen | | Chemistry | | 1998 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Maureen R. Hanson | Genetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology | | 1976 | 1979 | Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc), Lawrence Bogorad (grad student) |
Gerard S. Harbison | Physical Chemistry | Biophysis | | 1984 | Judith Herzfeld (grad student) |
Kenn E. Harding | | chemistry | 1968 | 1969 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Rizal F. Hariadi | Biophysics | | | | |
John Edward Harriman | electronic structure of molecules | | | 1962 | August Harold Maki (grad student) |
Frank E. Harris | atomic and molecular quantum mechanics | | | | |
T. David Harris | | | 2010 | 2012 | Theodore A. Betley (post-doc) |
Arthur Brooks Harris | Condensed Matter Physics | | 1958 | 1961 | Horst Meyer (grad student), R. Victor Jones (grad student) |
Stephen C. Harrison | structural cell biology | | | 1968 | Donald L. D. Caspar (grad student) |
Bryce A. Harrison | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2003 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Arnold M. Hartley | Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality | | | 1955 | James J. Lingane (grad student) |
Gideon Hartman | Archaeology Anthropology | | | 2008 | Noreen Tuross (grad student) |
Willliam R. Harvey | Membrane Physiology | | | 1957 | Carroll M. Williams (grad student) |
Tapio A. Hase | organic synthesis | Chemistry | 1974 | 1975 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Robert Haselkorn | Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Fixation | | | 1959 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
William Alan Haseltine | biotechnology | | | 1973 | James D. Watson (grad student), Walter Gilbert (grad student) |
Michinao Hashimoto | Bio-Medical Engineering | | | 2009 | George M. Whitesides (grad student) |
Shabir Hassan | Bioengineering, 3D bioprinting, biomaterials, drug delivery | | | | Su Ryon Shin (research scientist) |
Alfred Hassner | heterocyclic chemistry | | | | Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc) |
John (Woody) Woodland Hastings | circadian clock controls | | | | |
Karl A. Haushalter | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2001 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Diane K. Hawley | Biochemistry | | | 1982 | William Robert McClure (grad student) |
Yujiro Hayashi | | | 1994 | 1996 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Chuan He | | | 2000 | 2002 | Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc) |
Colette L. Heald | Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling | | | 2005 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
Selig Hecht | Sensory biophysics | | | 1917 | George H. Parker (grad student) |
Louis S. Hegedus | organometallic chemistry | | | 1970 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Charles Heidelberger | 5-fluorouracil, fluorinated pyrimidines | | | 1946 | Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student) |
Harold C. Helgeson | Biogeochemistry | | | 1962 | Robert Minard Garrels (grad student) |
Eric J. Heller | quantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos | | | 1973 | William P. Reinhardt (grad student) |
Ute A Hellmich | | | 2012 | 2014 | Rachelle Gaudet (post-doc) |
George M Helmkamp | biochemistry and molecular biology | | | 1970 | Konrad Bloch (grad student) |
Paul M. Helquist | Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry | | 1973 | 1974 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Jordon Hemingway | | | | | David T Johnston (post-doc) |
Russell J. Hemley | high pressure science | | 1983 | 1984 | Veronica Vaida (grad student), Martin Karplus (grad student), Martin Karplus (post-doc), Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc) |
John C. Hemminger | Surface Chemistry and Physics | | | 1976 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
Michael S. Hemond | structural aspects of protein function | | | 2008 | Gerhard Wagner (grad student) |
James B. Hendrickson | Synthesis of natural products | | | 1955 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Walter S. Hendrixson | Analytical chemistry | | | 1893 | Henry Barker Hill (grad student) |
Jonathan W. Hennek | Catalyic Chemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2013 | 2015 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Elisabeth T. Hennessy | Polynuclear complexes for cooperative redox chemistry | Chemistry | | 2013 | Theodore A. Betley (grad student) |
Jon Henry | | | 2009 | 2013 | Sean D. Crosson (grad student) |
Eric Herbst | | | | 1973 | William Klemperer (grad student) |
Paul J. Hergenrother | synthetic organic chemistry, chemical biology, and biochemistry | | | 2001 | Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc) |
Raúl Hernández Sánchez | Inorganic Chemistry | Chemsitry and Chemical | 2010 | 2015 | Theodore A. Betley (grad student) |
Winship Herr | Molecular epigenetics; cell-cycle; differentiation; transcription; herpes simplex virus; cancer | | | 1982 | Walter Gilbert (grad student) |
Dudley R. Herschbach | Physical chemistry, chemical kinetics | | | 1958 | Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Seth B. Herzon | total synthesis, natural products | | 2002 | 2006 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Karl Heusler | | | 1949 | 1950 | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Richard R. Hiatt | | Chemistry | | 1957 | Paul D. Bartlett (grad student) |
Meytal B. Higgins | Biogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Paleoclimate Science | | | 2009 | Ann Pearson (grad student) |
Gerard J. Hilinksi | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2011 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Nicholas E. Hill | synthesis of natural products | | | 2011 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
Richard Keith Hill | Organic Chemistry | | | 1954 | Gilbert Stork (grad student) |
Henry Barker Hill | | | | 1869 | Josiah Parsons Cooke (grad student) |
Nathan Jeremy Hillson | | | | 2005 | Christopher T. Walsh (grad student) |
Lindsay M. Hinkle | Materials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry | | | | |
Alan G. Hinnebusch | Cellular Regulation and Metabolism | | | 1980 | Lynn C. Klotz (grad student) |
Stephen Hinshaw | | | | | Priscilla L. Yang (research assistant) |
Frederick Lee Hisaw | endocrinology, relaxin | | | | |
Richard K. Hite | | | | 2011 | Thomas (Tom) Walz (grad student) |
Tamejiro Hiyama | | | 1975 | 1976 | Yoshito Kishi (post-doc) |
Margaret S. Ho | Differentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis | | | 2003 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
Andy W. Ho | Atmospheric Chemistry | | | 2007 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Chia-Chi Ho | bioengineering and separation science | | 2001 | 2002 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Errett C. Hobbs | Differentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis | | | 2006 | Richard M. Losick (grad student) |
Jeffrey C. Hoch | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, spectrum analysis, sparse recovery | Chemistry Chemistry | 1976 | 1983 | Martin Karplus (grad student), Christopher M. Dobson (grad student) |
Daniel R. Hochbaum | tools to study biomolecules | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | Adam E. Cohen (grad student) |
Adam S. Hock | organometallic chemistry, materials chemistry, catalysis | | | 2010 | Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc) |
Roald Hoffmann | Theoretical chemistry | | | 1962 | William N. Lipscomb (grad student), Robert B. Woodward (collaborator), Martin Gouterman (grad student) |
Philip C. Hogan | synthesis of natural products | | | 2004 | Andrew G. Myers (grad student) |
James M. Hogle | structural biology | | | | Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc) |
Felix J.H. Hol | Zero cost point-of-care diagnostics | | | 2014 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Heinrich D. Holland | geochemistry | | | | |
Marie Alice Hollenhorst | | | | 2011 | Christopher T. Walsh (grad student) |
Richard Hadley Holm | transition element chemistry | | | | |
Christopher D. Holmes | Atmospheric chemistry, Climate science, Atmosphere-biosphere interactions, Mercury, EOAS-FSU | | | 2010 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
Alfred Melvin Holtzer | | | | 1954 | Paul Mead Doty (grad student) |
Antonia H. Holway | Biochemistry | | | 2005 | Matthew Michael (grad student) |
Edwin A. Homan | natural small molecules | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | | 2012 | Alan Saghatelian (grad student) |
Jason Hong | Mechanistic and synthetic chemistry | | | 2002 | Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student) |
BOR-CHERNG HONG | organic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis | Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 1993 | 1994 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Fan Hong | DNA nanotechnology | | | | |
Sungwoo Hong | Organic and Medicinal Chemistry | Chemistry | 2004 | 2006 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Barry H. Honig | computational biophysics and bioinformatics | | | | Martin Karplus (post-doc) |
David P. Hoogerheide | Radiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome. | | | 2010 | Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student) |
Paul B. Hopkins | Bioorganic chemistry | | | 1982 | Elias James Corey (grad student) |
Dieter Hoppe | | | | | Robert B. Woodward (post-doc) |
Cassandra V. Horii | Atmospheric and Environmental Science | | | 2002 | Steven C. Wofsy (grad student) |
Donald F. Hornig | Physical chemistry | | | 1943 | Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student) |
Eben Norton Horsford | backing powder | | | | |
H. Robert Horvitz | ALS | | | 1974 | James D. Watson (grad student), Walter Gilbert (grad student) |
Seyedmorteza Hosseyni | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry and Chemical Biology | 2017 | 2019 | Yoshito Kishi (post-doc) |
Jennifer H. Hou | tools to study biomolecules | Physics | | 2014 | Adam E. Cohen (grad student) |
Kendall N. Houk | theoretical and computational organic chemistry | | | 1968 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Kurt Z. House | Geology | | | 2009 | Daniel P. Schrag (grad student) |
Brandy L. Houser | Molecular Basis of Immune Recognition | | | 2011 | Jack L. Strominger (grad student) |
Amir H. Hoveyda | catalysts | | | 1990 | David A. Evans (post-doc) |
Brian J. Howard | Spectroscopy, Intermolecular forces, Clusters | | 1970 | 1972 | William Klemperer (post-doc) |
Thomas Robert Hoye | Organic Chemistry | | | 1976 | Robert B. Woodward (grad student) |
Robert Hoyt | Computational Physics, Computational Chemistry | Physics | 2014 | 2018 | Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student) |
Jim Hu | | Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology | | | Lawrence Bogorad (grad student) |
Essa Hsinyi Hu | | | | 2002 | David A. Evans (grad student) |
Jiangtao Hu | nanoscience | | | 2000 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Yongjie Hu | nanoscience | | | 2010 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Duy Hua | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | 1979 | 1982 | Elias James Corey (post-doc) |
Wei-Yuan Huang | | Chemistry | 1949 | 1952 | Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student) |
Roya Huang | | Molecular and Cellular Biology | | | Sharad Ramanathan (grad student) |
Bo Huang | | Chemistry | | | Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc) |
Yu Huang | nanoscience | | | 2003 | Charles M. Lieber (grad student) |
Yi-wen Huang | Atmospheric Chemistry | | | 2010 | James G. Anderson (grad student) |
Jian Huang | | | | 2006 | Eric J. Heller (grad student) |
Ming-long Huang | | | 1945 | 1949 | Louis Frederick Fieser (research scientist) |
Ruth Hubbard | Biochemistry | | | 1950 | George Wald (grad student) |
Damon R. Huber | bacterial genetics | | | 2006 | Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student) |
Isaac A. Hubner | Protein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery | | | 2006 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
Wilhelm T. S. Huck | Macromolecular Chemistry | | 1997 | 1999 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Rynda C. Hudman | Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling | | | 2007 | Daniel James Jacob (grad student) |
Laurie G. Hudson | Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Pharmacy | | | 1985 | William Frank Greenlee (grad student) |
Bruce Samuel Hudson | physical chemistry | | | 1972 | Bryan Earl Kohler (grad student), Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student) |
Nathaniel D. Huebsch | Cellular biology; Biomedical engineering; Biophysics | | | 2010 | David J. Mooney (grad student) |
Jason Darryl Hughes | | | | 2000 | George M. Church (grad student) |
Mary E. Hughes | Radiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome. | | | 2008 | Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student) |
Ella Hughes | | | | | David T Johnston (grad student) |
Frederick M. Hughson | intracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication | | 1990 | 1994 | Don C. Wiley (post-doc) |
Marc A. Humphrey | Optics, Biomedical Imaging | | | 2003 | Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student) |
Emily L. Humphrey | Chemical biology | | | 2005 | Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student) |
Alan W. Hunt | Radiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome. | | | 2000 | Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student) |
William Hammett Hunter | | | | 1910 | Henry Augustus Torrey (grad student) |
Cornelius S. Hurlbut Jr. | pegmatite minerals and borates | | | 1933 | Esper S. Larsen, Jr. (grad student) |
Lucy Hutyra | Atmospheric and Environmental Science | | | 2007 | Steven C. Wofsy (grad student) |
Justin K. Ichida | origin of life | | | 2007 | Jack W. Szostak (grad student) |
Lawrence Ilag | | | | | Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc) |
Anthony N Imbalzano | chromatin and chromatin remodeling enzymes in gene regulation | | | 1991 | Neal A. DeLuca (grad student) |
Yoshihiko Inuzuka | control of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity | | | 2007 | Gregory L. Verdine (grad student) |
Lyle D. Isaacs | supramolecular and synthetic chemistry | | 1995 | 1998 | George M. Whitesides (post-doc) |
Alexey V. Ishchenko | Protein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery | | | 2002 | Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student) |
Rustem F. Ismagi |