Harvard University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Xiaojun Wu 20172019 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Stephanie Oyola-Reynoso (Harvard Chemistry20182018 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Jonathan Paul Dilworth AbbattAtmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences1990 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Nicholas L. Abbottinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids19911993 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Robert Heinz Abelesmechanistic enzymology1957 Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc)
Joshua Abell Chemistry20092011 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Jonathan Abrahamstructural cell biology2010 Stephen C. Harrison (grad student)
Catalina AchimInorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology19992001 Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
Kazuo Achiwa Chemistry19691970 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Allison Kalben Ackerman Chemistry Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Drew James Adams2009 David A. Evans (grad student)
Roger AdamsOrganic chemistry Chemistry19131916 Henry Augustus Torrey (grad student), Charles Loring Jackson (post-doc), Theodore William Richards (research assistant)
Steven A. Adelmantheoretical physical chemistry1972 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Utsarga AdhikaryCancer Biology
Suneet AgarwalImmunology, Molecular Biology2001 Anjana Rao (grad student)
Ritesh AgarwalUltrafast Spectroscopy20022005 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Alexander Agassiz1855 Louis Agassiz (grad student)
Isao Agata Chemistry19611964 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Christian AgatemorChemistry Bioengineering20172018 Samir Mitragotri (post-doc)
William C. AgostaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19581959 Robert B. Woodward (grad student), Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Dimitris Agrafiotis Chemistry19901991 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Vincent AguirreBiochemistry, Pathology2002 Morris F. White (grad student)
Kyo Han Ahn Chemistry Elias James Corey (research scientist)
Joanna Aizenbergbiomineralization, biomimetics, self-assembly, crystal engineering, surface chemistry, nanofabrication, biomaterials, biomechanics and biooptics19961998 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Özge AkbulutMicro/nanofabrication, Enrichment of rare cells, Composite materials, Chiral Nanoclusters20092012 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Venkateswarlu Akelia Chemistry19691972 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Deniz C AkselStem Cell Biology, Development, Systems Biology Biophysics20162022 Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Mohammad H. Al-SayahSupramolecular Chemistry, Host-Guest Interactions, Molecular Recognition, Fluorescent Sensors20122013 George M. Whitesides (research scientist)
Colleen E. AlbackerGenetics Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Scott Allen Armstrong (grad student)
David G. Alberg Chemistry Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Bruce AlbertsDNA replication, cell cytoskeleton1965 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Sem Albonico Chemistry19691970 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
John Albright Chemistry19761982 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Millard H. AlexanderTheoretical Chemistry, Collision Dynamics19691971 Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc), Edgar Bright Wilson (post-doc)
Becky AlexanderAtmospheric chemistry: physical chemistry of isotope effects; solar system formation Earth and Planetary Sciences20032005 Daniel James Jacob (post-doc)
Augustine Oliver AllenRadiation chemistry1938 Oscar Knefler Rice (grad student)
Charles Francis Hitchcock Allen1924 Elmer P. Kohler (grad student)
Brett Douglas Allison2001 David A. Evans (grad student)
Warren Douglas AllmonPaleontology, macroevolution1988 Stephen J. Gould (grad student)
A. Louis AllredInorganic chemistry1957 Eugene George Rochow (grad student)
Dariela Almeda Engineering and Applied Sciences Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Guido Guidotti (grad student), Kevin Kit Parker (grad student), David J. Mooney (grad student), Debra T. Auguste (grad student)
Steven C. AlmoBiochemistry1990 Gregory A. Petsko (grad student)
Allen Dennis Aloise2004 Matthew D. Shair (grad student)
Jose Alonsorotational spectroscopy1980 Edgar Bright Wilson (post-doc)
Michael David Alpert Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 David A. Evans (grad student)
Frederick W. AltDNA repair, immunology, lymphoma
Mark A. AltabetAnalytical Chemistry, Geochemistry1984 James J. McCarthy (grad student)
Sidney AltmanBiochemistry Matthew S. Meselson (post-doc)
Carlos E. Alvarezcanine-human comparative genomics, molecular pharmacology Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Douglas V. AmatoPolymer Science; Emulsions; Thiol-ene Physics2016 David A. Weitz (research scientist)
Babak Amir-Parviz20012003 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Helen M. AmosAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling Earth and Planetary Sciences2014 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
Giridhar Anand Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Mark Lawrence Andermannvisual system, mouse behavior2006 Christopher I. Moore (grad student)
Niels H. Andersenbiorecognition Chemistry19661968 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Jerome Anderson Chemistry19631971 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Erin Michelle Anderson Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 David J. Mooney (grad student)
Janelle R. AndersonBio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry2001 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Amy Christine AndersonX-Ray crystallography, Structural biology, Molecular modeling, Structure-based drug design1997 Christin A. Frederick (grad student)
James M AndersonEpithelial Biology Biology19741979 Guido Guidotti (grad student)
Charles D Anderson Chemistry1959 Peter Yates (grad student)
D. Ryan AndersonOrganic synthesis2009 Matthew D. Shair (grad student)
Jim AndersonInorganic Chemistry
Roger William Andersonexperimental and theoretical aspects of chemical reactions, energy transfer and gas phase chemical processes that produce solid or liquid phase products1968 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
James G. AndersonAtmospheric Chemistry
Xavier AndradeElectronic structure2010 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Peter R. AndreanaOrganic Chemistry20022005 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Stefan A. Andreevchemistry, physics, and biology of disordered materials2006 David R. Reichman (grad student)
Amy H. AndreottiNuclear magnetic resonance, Macromolecular structure and recognition19941996 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
E. Raymond Andrewsolid state NMR, MRI1948 Edward Mills Purcell (post-doc)
Frank Clinton Andrewsthermodynamics and statistical mechanics1961 Ilya Prigogine (grad student)
Arlyn E. AndrewsAtmospheric and Environmental Science2000 Steven C. Wofsy (grad student)
Ioan AndricioaeiTheoretical Chemistry and Biophysics 2003 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Merritt B. AndrusOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19911993 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Samantha Angle
David Allen Annis Chemistry1998 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Aseem Z. AnsariRegulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics1998 Mark Ptashne (post-doc)
Fred C. Ansonelectrochemistry1957 James J. Lingane (grad student)
Scott T. Aokistructural cell biology2010 Stephen C. Harrison (grad student)
Chanat Aonbangkhen Chemistry & Chemical Biology20182020 Christina M. Woo (post-doc)
Roland Appel Chemistry20112012 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Meredithe Lee AppleburyBiochemistry of Vision
Jon B. ApplequistConformation of biological macromolecules 1959 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Brent A. Appletonstructural biology2004 James M. Hogle (grad student)
Yoshinobu Arai Chemistry19781979 Elias James Corey (research scientist)
Praveen Ravindra AranyBiomedical engineering; Dentistry2011 David J. Mooney (grad student)
Georgios Archontis Biophysics1994 Martin Karplus (grad student)
Yair ArgonFunctions of molecular chaperones in modulating cell surface receptors and secreted proteins1980 Samuel Ward (grad student)
Scott Allen ArmstrongGeneral Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Oncology
Edward McC. Arnettreactive intermediates1957 Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc)
Kelly L. Arnettstructural cell biology2005 Stephen C. Harrison (grad student)
John Arnett Chemistry19731974 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Zdenek Arnold Chemistry1968 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Raagya AroraMaterials Science, Simulations, Modelling, Thermoelectrics, Phase Transitions Physics2023 Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student)
Natasha AroraHuman Development, Virology Biology, Cell Biology Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 George Q. Daley (grad student)
Hiroki Asarivisual system Markus Meister (post-doc)
Paul D. Ashbynanoscience2003 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Sanford A. AsherAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry19771980 Peter S. Pershan (post-doc)
Damon R. AsherImmunology, Molecular Biology2004 Robert W. Finberg (grad student)
Eric Ashley Chemistry20062009 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Eric Robert Ashley Chemistry20062009 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Alán Aspuru-Guzikenergy transfer in photosynthetic complexes, spectroscopy of molecules in nanoscale environments
Edwin B. Astwoodendocrinology, hyperthyroidism19371939 Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student)
Yeung (Billy) AuChemical Vapor Deposition, Thin Films20072012 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Paul A. AuerbachGenetics, Molecular Biology2005 Bruce Demple (grad student)
Debra T. AugusteBiomaterials, Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering
David J. Austin19941996 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Frederick Michael AusubelMolecular Biology19741975 Lawrence Bogorad (post-doc)
Roy AutyMolecular Biology2005 Stephen Buratowski (grad student)
Gary J AxenGeology, Geochemistry, Materials Science Engineering1991 Brian P. Wernicke (grad student)
Yimon Aye2009 David A. Evans (grad student)
William Alfred Ayernatural products chemistry19571958 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Mihai Azimioara Chemistry19901996 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Zhaoqing Ba Yijun Qi (grad student)
Timor Baasov19861988 Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc)
Ryan BabbushQuantum Information Alán Aspuru-Guzik (grad student)
David J. Babinski2013 Tobias Ritter (post-doc)
Thorsten Bach Chemistry19911992 David A. Evans (post-doc)
Mikael P. Backlundoptical nanoscopy and applied quantum sensing Physics20162020 Ronald L. Walsworth (post-doc)
Abraham K. Badu-Tawiahdiagnostic mass spectrometry, Accelerated droplet reactions, Aerosol therapy20122014 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Yunjung BaekOrganometallics Chemistry and Chemical Biology20142020 Theodore A. Betley (grad student)
Kenneth Bailey1939 Edwin Joseph Cohn (post-doc)
Colin D. BainPhysical, Spectroscopy, Interfaces Chemistry1989 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
C. Baker Chemistry19931998 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Murray BakerSynthetic chemistry19881990 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Thomas A. BakerMolecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces2009 Cynthia Marie Friend (grad student)
Brian M. Bakermolecular recognition and cellular communication2001 Don C. Wiley (post-doc)
Mark Bakkus Priscilla L. Yang (grad student)
Raman Bakshi Chemistry19861989 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Somenath BakshiQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro Systems Biology20142018 Johan Paulsson (post-doc)
Anand Bala SubramaniamSynthetic Biology, Soft Matter Physics, Colloid and Interface Science, Microfabrication and Microfluidics20112014 George M. Whitesides (post-doc), Howard Alvin Stone (grad student)
Richard Balanson19711975 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Padmanabhan BalaramBioorganic Chemistry, Molecular Biophysics19721973 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Alejandro B. BalazsEngineering Immunity2006 Richard Mulligan (grad student)
Alan L. Balchchemistry1967 Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
John D. Baldeschwielernuclear magnetic resonance and double resonance spectroscopy, nuclear Overhauser effects, ion cyclotron resonance and perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy
Carl Joseph Balibar2008 Christopher T. Walsh (grad student)
Eric Glendinning Ball
Madeleine P. Ballstructural biology2010 James M. Hogle (grad student)
Carl J. BallhausenInorganic chemistry19541955 William E. Moffitt (post-doc)
Emily Balskusmicrobial chemistry2008 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Jennifer L. Baltzstructural biology2010 James M. Hogle (grad student)
Anirban Banerjeecontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2005 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Steven M. Banik Chemistry and Chemical Biology20112016 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Allison V. BanseDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis2010 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
Younis Baqi Chemistry20072008 Elias James Corey (research scientist)
Phil S. BaranNatural Product Total Synthesis, New Methods Chemistry20012003 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Joseph K. Barbaysynthesis of natural products2002 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Allen J. Bardelectrochemistry1958 James J. Lingane (grad student)
Thirupathi BarlaNatural Products Synthesis and Methodology Chemistry and Chemical Biology20152018 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Diana H. BarnesAtmospheric and Environmental Science2000 Steven C. Wofsy (grad student)
David Barnes-Seeman Chemistry19962000 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Alexander H. Barnettquantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos2000 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Matthew C. Barrquantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos Physics2014 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Carl J. Barreletnanoscience2007 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Dianah S. BarrettChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2007 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Andrew R. Barronnanotechnology
Robert D. BarrowsOrganic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology20202022 Matthew D. Shair (post-doc)
Sean Thomas Barryprecursor synthesis, ALD, CVD19982000 Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc)
David P. Bartel"RNA World", regulation of gene expression by small RNAs found in animal and plant cells1993 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Paul D. Bartlettphysical organic chemistry1931 James Bryant Conant (grad student)
Alan Barton Chemistry19781984 Elias James Corey (grad student)
James Keane BashkinChemistry, polyamides, antivirals, gene chemistry, bioorganic, organic, biochemistry, biophysics19831985 Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
Venkata Basireddy Chemistry20042006 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Sundarababu BaskaranSynthetic Organic Chemistry Chemistry19931995 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Jon Bass Chemistry19621963 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Kelvin Bates
David B. BatesBacterial DNA replication Biochemistry20002007 Nancy E. Kleckner (post-doc)
Wildred M. BatesGeneral Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, Optics Physics2009 Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student)
Robert BauNeutron Diffraction and Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry19681969 William N. Lipscomb (post-doc), Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Nathan Bauld Chemistry19591960 Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc)
J. Percy Baumberger1918 George H. Parker (grad student), William Morton Wheeler (research assistant)
Alfons L. BaumstarkOrganic Chemistry Chemistry Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Gregory P. Baxteranalytical chemistry1899 Theodore William Richards (grad student)
Kyle D. BayesPhotochemistry of small molecules1959 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
Hagan P. BayleyChemical Biology 19741979 Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student)
Martin Z. Bazant Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student)
Peter A. Bealribonucleic acids (RNAs)19941996 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Herbert BeallBoron Hydrides, Crystallography19631967 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
David Beames Chemistry19711974 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
David C. BearOptics, Biomedical Imaging2000 Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student)
Adilson BeatrizOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20182019 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Jesse L. BeauchampFourier transform ion cyclotron resonance1967 John D. Baldeschwieler (grad student)
André M. BeaucheminOrganic Cheistry20012004 David A. Evans (post-doc)
Elizabeth Beck Chemistry20082010 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Konrad Becker Chemistry19711972 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Jonathan R. Beckwithbacterial genetics1961 Lowell P. Hager (grad student)
Mark D. Bednarskito develop nanoparticles that could selectively kill cancer cells1986 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Christine Beemelmanns Jon C. Clardy (post-doc)
Jakob BegunMolecular Biology2005 Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student)
Victor Behar Chemistry19951998 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Douglas Carl Behenna Chemistry20062010 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Jason James Beiger Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 David A. Evans (grad student)
Theodore Wiseman Beiler1952 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Lee Belding Chemistry20172019 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Kevin D. BelfieldChemistry, two-photon absorption19901992 William von Eggers Doering (post-doc)
Peter M. Bellhigh pressure science1963 Cornelius S. Hurlbut Jr. (grad student)
John J. Bellizzibiochemistry, X-ray crystallography, natural products20002008 Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc)
Peter J. BelshawOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology19901996 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Danny Ben-ZviAnatomy Biology, Human Development Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Myron L. Benderreaction mechanisms and the biochemistry of enzyme action Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc)
George B. Benedekphase transitions, self-assembly and aggregation of several biological molecules19551957 Edward Mills Purcell (grad student), Percy Williams Bridgman (grad student), Nicolaas Bloembergen (post-doc)
Francis G. Benedictmetabolism1894 Josiah Parsons Cooke (research assistant)
Steven A. Benner"synthetic biology"1979 Robert B. Woodward (grad student), Frank H. Westheimer (grad student)
Vann BennettMembrane Biochemistry Daniel Branton (post-doc)
Doran BennettUltrafast Spectroscopy20152019 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Sidney W. Bensonthermochemistry19411942 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student), George Shannon Forbes (post-doc)
Ilya V. BerezinBiochemistry, chemical kinetics19621963 Bert Lester Vallee (post-doc)
Elizabeth Hulme Berezovsky2010 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
James Berg2008 Gary Yellen (grad student)
Howard C. BergMolecular motors1964 Norman F. Ramsey (grad student)
Jeremy Mark Bergstructural and functional roles that metal ions, especially zinc, have in proteins1985 Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
Steven H. Bergensenantioselective homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis of electrochemical reactions in fuel cells19911993 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
James M. BergerBiochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology1995 James C. Wang (grad student), Stephen C. Harrison (grad student)
Joseph Berkowitz1955 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
David B. BerkowitzOrganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology1990 Steven A. Benner (grad student)
Jacob M. Berlin20002001 Eric N. Jacobsen (research assistant)
Ernst BerlinerOrganic chemistry1943 Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student)
Curtis P. Berlinguettephysical inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry20042006 Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
Robert A. Berner1962 Raymond Siever (grad student)
Gabriel F. BerrizProtein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery2001 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
R. Stephen BerryStructures, Properties and Dynamics of Clusters and Biopolymers, Dynamics of Few-Body Systems, Finite-time Thermodynamics1955 William E. Moffitt (grad student)
Marla J. BerryMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Richard BersohnPhysical chemistry1949 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Jerome A. BersonPhysical Organic Chemistry19491950 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Carolyn R. BertozziBioorthogonal chemistry1988 Joseph J. Grabowski (research assistant)
Steven H. Bertz Chemisty19731977 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Theodore A. BetleyPolynuclear complexes for cooperative redox chemistry
Arley Tunis Bever1955 Frederick Lee Hisaw (post-doc)
Diego vaz Bevilaqua20022005 Eric J. Heller (post-doc)
Beyton Beyer2020 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Elsa M. BeyerProtein Systems2010 Gavin MacBeath (grad student)
Susan A. Bezman Chemistry19681973 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Prerna BhargavaGeneral Biology, Immunology, Cell Biology Biological Sciences in Public Health2013 Chih-Hao Lee (grad student)
Friedrich BickelhauptOrganometallic chemistry1960 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
William Bies Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Z. Başar Bilgiçerdesign of multivalent molecules to provide enhancement in selectivity and avidity in targeting various diseases for diagnostic and therapeutic applications20052008 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Peter H. Bird Chemistry19661968 Melvyn R. Churchill (post-doc)
George R. Birdorganic dyes1953 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Robert R. Birgenanotechnology19731975 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
James Birrell Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Kyle J.M. Bishopcolloidal materials20092010 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Mina J. BissellMicroenvironmental Influences on Gene Expression and Tissue Specificity in Normal and Malignant Breast1969 Luigi Gorini (grad student)
Dimitris Bitounis School of Public Health2018 Philip Demokritou (post-doc)
Joshua A. BittkerThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution2004 David R. Liu (grad student)
Pamela J. Björkmancell surface recognition1984 Don C. Wiley (grad student)
Miriam BlaauboerQuantum transport and dynamics in solid-state nanostructures20002001 Eric J. Heller (post-doc)
Stephen C. Blacklowstructure and function of cell surface receptor molecules1991 Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student)
Helen Elizabeth Blackwellsynthesis of biologically active molecules19992002 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Paul C. Blaineyroom-temperature single-molecule spectroscopy2007 X. Sunney Xie (grad student)
Landy K. Blasdelsynthesis of natural products2009 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Larry Blaszczak Chemistry19731975 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Albert Harold Blatt19231926 Elmer P. Kohler (grad student)
Samuel M. BlauReaction networks, high-throughput molecular electronic structure, electrochemistry, open quantum systems Chemistry and Chemical Biology20122017 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (grad student)
Megan Blewett20082011 Elias James Corey (research assistant)
Seymour M. BlinderTheoretical Chemistry1961 William E. Moffitt (grad student), John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Konrad BlochBiological Synthesis of Cholesterol
Eric D. BlochInorganic and Solid State Chemistry20142016 Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc)
Eric BlockOrganosulfur chemistry, olfaction, Allium chemistry, organoselenium chemistry19621967 Elias James Corey (grad student)
James Lawrence BloomerBiosynthesis1965 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Walter R. Bloorfats in human nutrition1911 Otto Folin (grad student)
Timothy R. Blossersingle-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes2010 Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student)
Elkan Rogers Bloutprotein chemistry1943 Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc), Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Thomas BlumenthalMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19701973 James D. Watson (post-doc)
Yunxin Bo Chemistry19971999 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Niel Boaz Chemistry19811985 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Mark Bock Chemistry1974 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Kristie A. BoeringPhysical and Atmospheric Chemistry1994 Steven C. Wofsy (post-doc)
Alessandro Boezio20032005 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Joshua Boger Chemistry19731979 Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student)
Dale L. Bogersynthetic organic chemistry Chemistry19761979 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Lawrence Bogoradthe biogenesis of chloroplasts and the photosynthetic apparatus in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria
Gregory E. Bokinsky2007 Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student)
Madhuri BordeMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology2006 Anjana Rao (grad student)
Weston T. BordenComputational Chemistry19601968 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Stefan BoreschComputational Chemistry19901997 Martin Karplus (grad student)
George Borg2007 David A. Evans (post-doc)
George BorgBio-organic Chemistry2007 David A. Evans (grad student)
Ajay Kumar BoseBeta-lactam chemistry,19501951 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Zarko V. Boskovic2011 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
William H. BossertMathematical models of complex biological systems1963 Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student), Anthony Gervin Oettinger (grad student)
Aksel A. Bothner-Bynuclear magnetic resonance1949 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
David BotsteinGenomics1963 Boris Magasanik (research assistant)
Paul Davis Boudreau Chemistry2013 Emily Balskus (post-doc)
Steeve BoulantVirology, Innate Immunity, Clathrin mediated endocytosis Max L. Nibert (grad student)
Roman A. BoulatovChemistry of stressed polymers20032005 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Cara C. BoutteMicrobiology, biochemistry Immunology and Infectious Disease20112017 Eric J. Rubin (post-doc)
Roderick BoveeBiogeochemistry Earth and Planetary Sciences2014 Ann Pearson (grad student)
Ned B. Bowdenorganic materials19941999 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Kit H. Bowen Jr.clusters and nanoparticles1978 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student), William Klemperer (grad student)
Deric Bowndsphotoreceptor transduction, rhodopsin1967 George Wald (grad student)
Rustum Boyce Chemistry19941997 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Raymond BoyerOrganic Chemistry1935 Elmer P. Kohler (post-doc)
Paul Julius BracherPrebiotic chemistry20022010 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Alexander S Bradley2012 David T Johnston (post-doc)
Kenneth A. Bradleybiological toxins2002 John A. T. Young (grad student)
James Bradner Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Charles Kilgo Bradsherpolynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons1937 Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student)
Jacqueline M. Brady The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard20152020 Alejandro B. Balazs (grad student)
Katrien Brak20102012 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Bruce Branchaud Chemistry19761981 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Bridget Debora Brandes (Rohde) Chemistry19921998 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Clifford P. Brangwynneself-assembly of biological materials2007 David A. Weitz (grad student)
Lewis M. Branscombscience and technology policy1949 Donald Howard Menzel (grad student)
Daniel Brantonbiophysics
Craig Braunmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics Chemical Biology2012 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Rolf Breinbauer19982000 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Thomas Brennan Chemistry19691971 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Marshall R. BrennanInorganic, Organometallic Chemistry20102011 Tobias Ritter (research assistant)
William R BrennenChemical kinetics Chemistry19581965 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
Michael B. Brenner
Ronald Charles David Breslowphysical organic chemistry1955 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Matthias Breuning Chemistry19992001 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Gérard Bricogneprotein and virus structure determination1981 Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc)
Cheyenne S. Brindle20102012 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Francis Brion Chemistry19801981 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Scott Talmadge Brittain2000 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
William Keith Brooksmorphologist, zoologist, embryology1875 Alexander Agassiz (grad student)
Charles L. Brookscomputational biophysics19821985 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Bernard R BrooksComputational Biophysics Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Arthur Brosius19982000 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Adam Brown Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Stephanie L. Brown2011 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Walter Eric Brown19421948 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Ronald Frederick Brown1939 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
M. Kevin Brown Chemistry Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Douglas T. Browne Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc)
Jason D. Brubakersynthesis of natural products2008 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Anna Bruchez Priscilla L. Yang (grad student)
Raphael J. Brucknerorigin of life2010 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Yevgeny BrudnoThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution Chemistry20042010 David R. Liu (grad student), David J. Mooney (post-doc)
Julia L. Brumaghimbiological applications of inorganic chemistry19931993 George M. Whitesides (research assistant), Andrew R. Barron (research assistant)
Paul W. Brumertheoretical chemical physics1972 Martin Karplus (grad student)
Eric Y. Brumerchemistry, physics, and biology of disordered materials2003 David R. Reichman (grad student)
William Henry BruneAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry1978 James G. Anderson (post-doc)
Daniel Brunelle Chemistry19751977 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Steven Douglas Bruner2000 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Axel Brungercrystallography, synaptic neurotransmission19821983 Martin Karplus (post-doc), Gregory A. Petsko (post-doc)
Derek A. Bruzewicz20012007 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Doryen A. Bubeckstructural biology2005 James M. Hogle (grad student)
Victoria Buch Alexander Dalgarno (post-doc)
Stephen L. Buchwaldorganometallic chemistry1982 Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student)
Itay Budinorigin of life Biology, Molecular and Cellular2012 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Bruce BuffettGeophysics, Geochemistry1990 Richard John O'Connell (grad student)
William J. Buikema19791985 Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student)
John E. BulkowskiProfessor Emeritus1975 John Anthony Osborn (post-doc)
Martha L. Bulyktranscriptional regulation2001 George M. Church (grad student)
Stephen C. BunnellImmunology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry1998 Leslie Joan Berg (grad student)
Stephen BuratowskiBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Jonathan J. BurbaumChemistry; Enzymology Chemistry19821988 Jeremy R. Knowles (grad student)
Jason David Burch2005 David A. Evans (grad student)
Anthony W.G. Burgett Chemistry20072010 Matthew D. Shair (post-doc)
Albert William Burgstahlerchemistry of natural products1953 Gilbert Stork (grad student)
Martin D. Burkesynthesis and study of small molecules with protein-like functions2004 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Charles W. Burnhamstructural mineralogy
Noah Z. BurnsOrganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry2012 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Dominique Burri Priscilla L. Yang (post-doc)
Anna Elizabeth Burrows2012 Stephen J. Elledge (grad student)
Allen R. BuskirkThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution2004 David R. Liu (grad student)
Manish J. Butteimmune cell function2009 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Ludovico CademartiriMaterials Science & Engineering, Plant Development20082011 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Rebecca Voß Cademartiri biomolecule-material interactions for environmental, food safety and medical applications20092011 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Brian J. CaffertySelf-assembly, Supramolecular Polymers, Origins of Life, Nucleic Acids Chemistry and Chemical Biology2015 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
James F. CahoonNanomaterials/Nanowire Synthesis, Nanostructured Solar Cells, Thermal Energy Harvesting, Interfacial Energy Transport, Photonics/Plasmonics20092011 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Dongsheng CaiNF-kB IN HYPOTHALAMIC DYSREGULATION OF ENERGY BALANCE, Aging Steven E. Shoelson (post-doc)
Long Caisingle cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy2006 X. Sunney Xie (grad student)
Liheng CaiPolymer Physics School of Engineering and Applied Science David A. Weitz (post-doc), Jeffrey Joseph Fredberg (post-doc)
Ryan S D Calder20122017 Elsie M.H.A. Sunderland (grad student)
Christopher T. CalderoneThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution2005 David R. Liu (grad student)
Matthew E. CallT Cell Biology and Cancer Immunology2007 Kai W. Wucherpfennig (grad student)
David Calligaris
Matthew R. Callstrom19871988 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Michael A. CalterOrganic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis19881993 David A. Evans (grad student)
Hieu Cam MCB19972002 Brian David Dynlacht (grad student)
Gulden Camci-Unal20132012 Ali Khademhosseini (post-doc), George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Michael G. Campbellfluorination chemistry for late-stage functionalization of complex natural and unnatural products and bimetallic transition metal redox catalysis Chemistry and Chemical Biology2014 Tobias Ritter (grad student)
Jennifer C. Campbell Chemistry20082011 Suzanne Walker (post-doc)
Lachlan S. Campbell-VerduynChemistry
David E. CaneChemistry, Enzymology and Molecular Genetics of Natural Products Biosynthesis1971 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Lewis C. CantleyPI3K and cancer metabolism1978 Guido Guidotti (post-doc)
Mario R. Capecchi1967 James D. Watson (grad student)
Christopher B Caputo Chemistry and Chemical Biology Theodore A. Betley (post-doc)
John P. Caradonnanon-heme iron metalloproteins19851987 Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
Jeffrey CarbeckGeneral Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry Chemistry George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Peter N. CarlsenSynthetic Organic Chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology20152017 Andrew G. Myers (post-doc)
Robert M. CarlsonOrganic chemistry Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Jacob C. CarlsonThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution Chemical Biology20142016 David R. Liu (grad student), Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Tricia B. Carmichael flexible and stretchable electronics and molecular electronic devices19971999 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Michael J. Carney Chemistry Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
Robert Leon Carney Chemistry19661970 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Karen E. CarniolDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis2004 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
James M. Carothers2005 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Gene B. Carpenter1947 Ralph S. Halford (grad student)
Erick M. Carreirasynthesis of natural products1990 David A. Evans (grad student)
Dayton Ernest Carritt1947 James J. Lingane (grad student)
William Robert Carroll1942 Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student)
Ian O. Carter-O'Connellsignal transduction, transcriptional regulation Biology, Molecular and Cellular2012 Erin K. O'Shea (grad student)
Jeremy P Carver1967 Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student)
David A. Case Theoretical chemistry of biomolecules1977 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student), Martin Karplus (grad student)
James Casonorganic chemistry1940 Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc)
Adam B. CastorenoCell Biology, Biochemistry2005 Axel Nohturfft (grad student)
Michael P. Cavanatural product synthesis19511953 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Richard R. CavanaghPhysical Chemistry, Surface Science1978 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Victor John Cee2003 David A. Evans (grad student)
Murat CetinbasComputational Physics/Chemistry/Biology Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc)
Çağrı Çevrim Kara L. McKinley (post-doc)
Michael Lawrence Chabinycmaterials for flexible electronics and energy storage and conversion19992002 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
G. A. Chadwick Gordon McKay Laboratory1961 Bruce Chalmers (grad student)
Hernan ChaimovichMicelles, Vesicles, Ion selectivity, micellar catalysis Department of Chemistry19661967 Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc)
William J. ChainOrganic synthesis2006 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Animesh ChakravortyCoordination chemistry, Inorganic chemistry19621964 Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc), Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
Martin ChalfieC. elegans19681977 Robert L. Perlman (grad student), Klaus K. Weber (research assistant)
Bruce ChalmersMetallurgy
Michael J. ChamberlinRNA polymerase1959 John Tileston Edsall (research assistant)
A. Richard ChamberlinOrganic Synthesis, Chemical Biology19781980 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Sunney I. ChanStructure and function of membrane proteins19601961 Norman F. Ramsey (post-doc)
Yick Stella Chan Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Lawrence Kwan Chan2003 Matthew D. Shair (grad student)
Tak-Hang (Bill) Chanorganic synthesis, aqueous organometallic chemistry, ionic liquids, and medicinal chemistry19651966 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Gail ChanBiomedical engineering; Immunology Engineering and Applied Sciences2013 David J. Mooney (grad student)
Kelly ChanceSpectroscopy, atmospheric science1978 William Klemperer (grad student)
David Chandlerstatistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, liquids, complexity, biophysics1969 Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Srinivasan ChandrasekaranOrganic chemistry, natural products chemistry19731975 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Sukbok Chang1996 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Bryan H. ChangChemical biology2010 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Richard Kounai Chang Gordon McKay Laboratory,1966 Nicolaas Bloembergen (grad student)
Luke H. ChaoStructural Biology of Cellular Signal Transduction and DNA Replication Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc)
Carol J. Chaosynthesis of natural products2007 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
George B. Chapmanbiological electron microscopy
Kevin T ChapmanOpto-fluidics, cancer cell therapies, synthetic biology Chemistry19811987 David A. Evans (grad student)
Patrick Charbonneauchemical physics, glass, soft condensed matter2006 David R. Reichman (grad student)
Mark G. Charestsynthesis of natural products2004 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
André B. Charettestereoselective synthesis of organic compounds19871989 David A. Evans (post-doc)
David E. ChavezMechanistic and synthetic chemistry2003 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Liwei Chennanoscience2001 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Qinghao ChenMechanistic and synthetic chemistry2006 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Ye G. ChenThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution Chemical Biology2012 David R. Liu (grad student)
Irene A. ChenSynthetic biology, Systems Biology, Biophysics, Origin of Life, Molecular Evolution, Phage-based Applications, Human Microbiome2005 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
William W. ChenProtein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery2006 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Peiqiu ChenProtein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery2011 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Jiunn-Ren ChenProtein Systems2008 Gavin MacBeath (grad student)
Peter Chenorganic and metallorganic chemistry
Chuo Chen2001 Matthew D. Shair (grad student)
Xin Chensurface chemistry20082011 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Peng Chensingle-molecule microscopy2005 X. Sunney Xie (post-doc)
Jue ChenVirology Biology Don C. Wiley (grad student)
James K. Chenchemical biology, developmental biology19911998 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research assistant)
Mark S. Chen20042009 M. Christina White (grad student)
Robert ChênevertOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Ji-Xin Chenglabel-free chemical imaging of cell behavior in 3D cultures, model organisms, and live animals2003 X. Sunney Xie (post-doc)
Bichu Cheng Chemistry2013 David A. Evans (grad student)
Hwan-Sung Cheonsynthesis of natural products2006 Yoshito Kishi (grad student)
Peter T. Cherbas1967 Carroll M. Williams (grad student)
Paul Cherukuri Chemistry20072009 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Chin L. Cheungnanoscience2002 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Alice Y. CheungMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology19821986 Lawrence Bogorad (post-doc)
Kevin M. Cheung2020 Hongkun Park (post-doc)
Kenneth B. ChiacchiaScience Writing, Visual Search, Olfactory (Canine) Search19831990 Guido Guidotti (grad student)
Ryan C. ChiechiOrganic Materials-Chemistry and Devices, Unconventional Nanofabrication, and Self-Assembled Monolayers 20062009 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Daniel T. ChiuAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology19982000 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Anna ChiuBio-organic Chemistry2005 David A. Evans (grad student)
Shu S. Chngmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2010 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Glen S. Choorigin of life2004 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Sung E. Choestructural aspects of protein function2000 Gerhard Wagner (grad student)
Insung S. Choibiomineralization, micro-pattern formation, and conrolled attachment of biomolecules19942000 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Seok-ki Choibiologic nanotechnology19941997 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Wonjae Choismall scale fluid mechanics, wetting/non-wetting characteristics of nano-engineered surfaces, microfluidics, and hemodynamics20092011 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Joonhyuk Choisignal transduction, transcriptional regulation Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 Erin K. O'Shea (grad student)
Paul J. Choiroom-temperature single-molecule spectroscopy2009 X. Sunney Xie (grad student)
Jeong-Mo Choi Chemistry and Chemical Biology20112016 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Nicholas I. CholyComputational physics and materials science2004 Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student)
Yuh Min ChookNuclear Transport1994 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
Danny Hung-Chieh ChouChemical biology Chemistry and Chemical Biology20072011 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
James J. Choumolecular mechanism of membrane channels, receptors, and transporters19941999 Gerhard Wagner (grad student)
Amit Choudhary20112015 Stuart L. Schreiber (research scientist)
Sourav ChowdhuryProtein Folding, Bio-physical Evolution, Systems Biology Chemistry and Chemical Biology2018 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc)
Halvor N. Christensen1940 A. Baird Hastings (grad student)
David W. Christiansonstructure-mechanism of hydrolytic metalloenzymes1987 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
George Christouinorganic chemistry19811982 Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
Shih-I ChuPhysical Chemistry, Atomic Physics, Optics Physics1974 Alexander Dalgarno (grad student)
Yen-Ho ChuBiomolecular Recognition, Combinatorial Organic Synthesis, Ionic Liquids for Chemical and Biochemical Applications19861993 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Yizhuo Chu2011 Kenneth B. Crozier (grad student)
Justin Jang-Hann Chu20062007 Priscilla L. Yang (post-doc)
Yen-Ho Chu Chemistry and Chemical Biology George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Frances ChuDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis2007 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
Doo Soo Chung Physics and Applied Physics1991 Eric Mazur (grad student)
Hak S. Chungmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2007 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
George M. ChurchComputational Genetics1984 Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Milan Chytil2000 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Karlene A. CimprichDNA damage response19941997 Elias James Corey (grad student), Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Stefano Ciurlichemistry Chemistry19861990 Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
Charles Himes ClappMechanisms of enzymatic reactions, synthesis and mechanistic characterization of enzyme inhibitors1975 Frank H. Westheimer (grad student)
Jon C. Clardynatural products1969 J. Zanos Gougoutas (grad student)
J Stephen ClarkSynthetic organic chemistry
Margaret J. Clark Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 Priscilla L. Yang (grad student)
Steven G. Clarkemacromolecular repair for DNA and proteins1976 Guido Guidotti (grad student)
Ronald Claus
Steven M. ClaypoolMitochondrial lipid metabolism2003 Richard S. Blumberg (grad student)
Paul Andrew Clemons2001 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Alan F. CliffordFluorine chemistry1941 Robert B. Woodward (research assistant)
Tom ClineGenetics, Genomics and Development1973 John (Woody) Woodland Hastings (grad student)
Derrick L J CliveOrganic Synthesis, Natural Products Synthesis Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Hilary G. CloseBiogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography Earth and Planetary Sciences2012 Ann Pearson (grad student)
Gerhard L. Closs1957 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Cynthia V. ClowerPI3K and cancer metabolism2011 Lewis C. Cantley (grad student)
Dick T. CoAtmospheric Chemistry2008 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Anne Chuy Co Chemistry and Chemical Biology20082010 Cynthia Marie Friend (post-doc)
Robert Allan Coburndrug discovery1966 Rodger Wentworth Griffin (grad student)
Jonathan B. Cohen nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors1972 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Ronald E Cohengeophysics, materials science, physics, high pressure, electronic structure, condensed matter physics Geology Geology19791985 Charles W. Burnham (grad student), James Burleigh Thompson (grad student)
Jack S. Cohenbiomolecular NMR19661967 Oleg Jardetzky (post-doc)
Ronald C. Cohenchemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere now and in the past and predicting future changes19911996 James G. Anderson (post-doc)
Adam E. Cohentools to study biomolecules20012003 Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (grad student), Yongxin Zhao (collaborator), George M. Whitesides (research assistant)
Nadia R. CohenFluid Mechanics2011 Michael B. Brenner (grad student)
Saul G. Cohen1940 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Itzhaq T. Cohen-Karninanoscience2011 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Edwin Joseph Cohnproteins
Robert Hugh Colechemical physics1940 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Christopher J. Colettasynthesis of natural products2007 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
R. John Collierdiphtheria toxin1964 Alwin M. Pappenheimer, Jr (grad student)
Roberta F. Colmanenzyme active sites1962 Frank H. Westheimer (grad student)
James Bryant Conantchemistry19151916 Elmer P. Kohler (grad student), Theodore William Richards (grad student)
Francis Edward Condon1944 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Le Cong Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2014 George M. Church (grad student)
Daniel N. Congreve
Brian T. ConnellOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis2002 David A. Evans (grad student)
Harold Conroy1950 Gilbert Stork (grad student)
Simone Contimolecular modeling, protein-protein interactions, self-assembly Chemistry and Chemical Biology2016 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Silas P. Cooknatural product synthesis20062008 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Sherburne Friend Cook1925 Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student)
Kristen E. Cooksignal transduction, transcriptional regulation Biology, Molecular and Cellular2012 Erin K. O'Shea (grad student)
Josiah Parsons Cookechemistry
Joan Cooke Chemistry19681969 Melvyn R. Churchill (post-doc)
Albert Sprague Coolidge1924 George Shannon Forbes (grad student)
Barry S. CoopermanBiological1968 Frank H. Westheimer (grad student)
Paul W. Cootestructural aspects of protein function Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Gerhard Wagner (grad student)
Elias James CoreyOrganic chemistry
Marta Cortes-CrosImmunology2002 Katia Georgopoulos (grad student)
Alsoph Henry Corwinchemistry of chlorophyll and hemoglobin1932 James Bryant Conant (grad student)
Mircea Cotlet Chemistry20032003 X. Sunney Xie (post-doc)
F. Albert Cottontransition metal chemistry1955 Geoffrey Wilkinson (grad student)
Albert J. CoureyThe Molecular Basis of Development1986 James C. Wang (grad student)
Ben Cowie20132016 David T Johnston (post-doc)
Casandra Rose CoxChemistry 20142014 Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc), Daniel G. Nocera (grad student)
Norman C Craig1957 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
William Moore CraigPhysical chemistry19191927 Theodore William Richards (grad student)
Donald J. CramOrganic chemistry19451947 Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student)
Robert Kellogg Crane1950 Eric Glendinning Ball (grad student)
Debbie C. CransBiological, Bioorganic, Bioinorganic, and Mechanistic Chemistries19801985 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Charisse M. Crenshawcontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2009 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Peter Cresswellmajor histocompatibility complex (MHC) Jack L. Strominger (post-doc)
Craig M. Crewsorganic synthesis, pharmacology, molecular biology19931995 Raymond L. Erikson (grad student), Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Daniel Crockerisotopes atmopsheric chemistry David T Johnston (post-doc)
James J. CronicanThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution Chemical Biology2012 David R. Liu (grad student)
R. James CrossFullerene Chemistry, Dynamics of Organic Reactions, Theory of Inelastic Scattering1966 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Michael Thomas Crow19761981 Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student)
Kenneth B. Crozier
Fernando Cruz-GuillotyImmunology, Genetics, Pathology2008 Anjana Rao (grad student)
Yanjie Cuienergy storage, thermoelectrics Materials Science20102011 Shriram Ramanathan (post-doc)
Yi Cuinanomaterials for energy storage, photovoltaics, topological insulators, biology and environment19982002 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Qiang Cuicomputational chemistry and biophysics19972001 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Jianping CuiMolecular Biology2004 Frederick Michael Ausubel (grad student), Naomi E. Pierce (grad student)
Robert F. CurlOrganic chemistry, structural chemistry1958 Edgar Bright Wilson (post-doc)
David Yarrow Curtinsolid-state organic reactions1946 Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc)
Alan D. D'AndreaMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology
Mingjie DaiBiophysics, DNA nanotechnology, synthetic biology, single-molecule techniques, super-resolution microscopy Systems Biology Genetics Department20172016 Peng Yin (grad student), George M. Church (grad student), Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Xiaochuan DaiChemistry Chemistry Chemistry20152018 Charles M. Lieber (grad student), Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Hongjie Dainanomaterials1994 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
George Q. DaleyBiochemistry, Human Development, Cell Biology
Larry R. Daltonmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques1971 Alvin L. Kwiram (grad student)
Rick L. Danheisersynthesis of natural products1978 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Farrington Danielssolar energy1914 Theodore William Richards (grad student)
Claudia B. Danilowicz Physics19911996 Ernesto J. Calvo (grad student)
Samuel J. Danishefskysynthetic organic chemistry1962 Peter Yates (grad student)
Ananya Dasorigin of life2000 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
William G. Daubenstructure and synthesis of alicyclic compounds, with particular emphasis on stereochemistry and photochemistry1944 Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student), Reginald Patrick Linstead (grad student)
Hyp J. Dauben1941 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Peter R. DavidNovel Pharmaceuticals, data analytics,19841990 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
Emily C DavidsonPolymer Science20172020 Jennifer A. Lewis (post-doc)
Ronald W. DavisFunctional Genomics1972 James D. Watson (post-doc), Mark Ptashne (post-doc)
Tenney Lombard Davischemistry of explosives1917 Elmer P. Kohler (grad student)
Rowland Hallowell Davis1958 Robert Paul Levine (grad student), John Robert Raper (grad student)
Kwaku Dayie1996 Gerhard Wagner (grad student)
John de la Parraphytochemistry, ethnopharmacology, ethnobotany
Nathalie P. de Leon2011 Hongkun Park (grad student), Mikhail D. Lukin (post-doc)
Paul Jose de MayoNatural products chemistry Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Cailin E. Deal The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard20142019 Alejandro B. Balazs (post-doc)
Anthony M. Deanchemical kinetics, combustion, pyrolysis, free radical, physical chemistry1971 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
Donald R. DeardorffOrganic Synthesis Chemistry Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Will DeBenedettiPhysical Chemistry, Surface Science, Nuclear Materials Science Chemistry20202021 Cynthia Marie Friend (post-doc)
Eric J. DeedsProtein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery2005 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Benjamin A. DeGraffluminescent transition metal complexes19651967 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (post-doc)
L. J. DeinerMolecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces2003 Cynthia Marie Friend (grad student)
Nynke Hester DekkerBionanoscience2000 Mara Prentiss (grad student)
Ana Martinez del Campo2013 Emily Balskus (post-doc)
Philip Demokritou
Bruce DempleMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Graham T. Dempseysingle-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes Biophysics2012 Xiaowei Zhuang (grad student)
Xingyi DengMolecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces2006 Cynthia Marie Friend (grad student)
Bing DengChemistry, Nanoscience and nanotechnology
Jun DengTotal synthesis of natural product20142016 Andrew G. Myers (post-doc)
Nan-Nan DengMicrofluidics Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology20172019 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Li DengAlkaloid organocatalysis Chemistry Chemistry19961998 George M. Whitesides (post-doc), Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc)
Tao DengBioinspired materials engineering and bioinspired micro/nano device fabrication, and the application of such materials/devices in energy transfer and storage, bio/chem detection, and photonics2001 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Liang Dengorganometallics20072009 Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
David T. DenhardtCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Vladimir DenicVery long-chain fatty acids
Edward Alan DennisBiochemistry: phospholipase A2, signal transduction in macrophages, lipid maps, prostaglandin regulation, mass spec of lipids and proteins1968 Frank H. Westheimer (grad student)
Leila F. DeraviBioanalytical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry20102013 Kevin Kit Parker (post-doc)
Ratmir Derdadrug discovery20082011 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Jessica L. DermodyMolecular Biology2009 Stephen Buratowski (grad student)
Michael M. Desaievolutionary dynamics2006 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Bimal N. DesaiChemical biology2002 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Pierre DeslongchampsOrganic Chemistry1965 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Didier Desmaele19851987 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Jean-Nicolas Desrosiers20082010 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Louis F. DeTulleoImmune Disease2000 Tomas Kirchhausen (grad student)
Supriya DeyCarbohydrate Chemistry, glycobiology, programmable one pot synthesis of glycans, Enzymatic synthesis of polysaccharides Chemistry2019 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Martin J. Deymier The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard20162018 Alejandro B. Balazs (post-doc)
Param P. Dhillonchemistry, physics, and biology of disordered materials2007 David R. Reichman (grad student)
Luiz Carlos DiasOrganic Synthesis19941995 David A. Evans (post-doc)
Michael D. Dickeythin-films, interfaces, soft materials, and micro- and nanofabrication20062008 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Bryan C. Dickinson Chemistry and Chemical Biology20112014 David R. Liu (post-doc)
Rebecca DicksteinBiochemistry, Botany Biology, Molecular Biology19851989 Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc)
Andriy Didovykcontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2010 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
David Dietrich2014 Jon C. Clardy (post-doc)
Willow R. DiLuzioBio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry2005 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Daniel C. DiMaioMolecular Biology of Tumor Viruses19811983 Tom Maniatis (post-doc)
Paul A. DiMilla19911993 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Thomas A. Dineen Chemistry20052007 Andrew G. Myers (post-doc)
Shengtao DingOrganic Chemistry20142015 Tobias Ritter (post-doc)
Aaron R. Dinnertheoretical studies of cellular behavior1999 Martin Karplus (grad student)
Christopher J DinsmoreChemistry Chemistry19911994 David A. Evans (post-doc)
Reinaldo DiPolo19661970 Arthur K. Solomon (post-doc), C M Gary-Bobo (post-doc)
Donald C. DittmerOrganic chemistry with tellurium, synthesis of optically active molecules, Zero-solvent reactions19531954 Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc)
Steven Thomas DiverInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry19951997 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
David A. DixonComputational chemistry1976 William N. Lipscomb (grad student), Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Ivana DjureticImmunology, Molecular Biology2009 Anjana Rao (grad student)
Ivan J. DmochowskiBioinorganic, Bioorganic, Biophysical Chemistry1994 George M. Whitesides (research assistant)
Daniel Luis do Nascimento Chemistry Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc)
Dennis E. DobrovolskyChemical biology Dana Farber Cancer Institute2015 Nathanael Gray (grad student)
Zainab Doctorcancer biology, kinase inhibitors, cyclin dependent kinases2014 Nathanael Gray (grad student)
Edward A. DoisySteroid Hormone Biochemistry1920 Otto Folin (grad student)
Malcolm Doleelectrochemistry and polymer chemistry1928 Grinnell Jones (grad student)
Jimmie D. Dolltheoretical approaches to many-body chemical phenomena1971 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
David H. Dolphinporphyrin chemistry1966 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Brian N. DominyBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Physical Chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc)
Neil M. DonahueAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Kinetics, Reaction Dynamics, Radical-Molecule Reactivity, Ozonolysis, Mass Spectrometry19911993 James G. Anderson (post-doc)
James P. Donahuetransition metal complexes1998 Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
Jason E. DonaldProtein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery2007 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Yajie Dongnanoscience2010 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Bertram Donnastrochemistry1952 Bart J. Bok (grad student), Fred Lawrence Whipple (grad student)
Russell F. Doolittleblood coagulation1962 J. Lawrence Oncley (grad student)
Jay R. DorfmanMicrocircuit Materials Richard Hadley Holm (post-doc)
Robert Lawrence DoritMolecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry1986 Stephen J. Gould (grad student)
Paul Mead Dotypolymeric molecules, polypeptides and polynucleotides
Emma H. Doudmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics 2011 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Jennifer A. Doudnamolecular structure of RNA enzymes (ribozymes)1989 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Stephanie K. Dougan2007 Richard S. Blumberg (grad student)
Shawn M. DouglasComputational Genetics2009 George M. Church (grad student)
Paul L. Dowdmechanistic action of vitamins1964 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
C. Wade Downeyorganic synthesis19982003 David A. Evans (grad student)
Chiles Wade Downey2004 David A. Evans (grad student)
Abigail Doyleorganic and organometallic catalysis20002008 M. Christina White (research assistant), Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Carolyn Doyle Jack L. Strominger (grad student)
Jeffrey B. DoyonThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution2006 David R. Liu (grad student)
Dobrin D. DraganovT Cell Biology and Cancer Immunology Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Kai W. Wucherpfennig (grad student)
Nathan Lincoln DrakeOrganic chemistry1922 Elmer P. Kohler (grad student)
Timothy J. DransfieldAtmospheric Chemistry19952002 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Gideon DreyfussSpinal Muscular Atrophy, RNA binding proteins, Splicing, High-Throughput Screening1978 Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student)
Kurt L. DrickamerMolecular function of sugar-binding receptors in cellular recognition events1978 Guido Guidotti (grad student)
Stephen DruckerPhysical Chemistry, Spectroscopy Chemistry19861994 William Klemperer (grad student)
D. Allan Drummondstress responses, phase separation, molecular evolution, biochemistry, cell biology
Easan E. DruryAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling2009 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
Jingshan S. Duchemical physics Applied Physics20142015 David A. Weitz (research assistant)
Xiaojie Duan20072013 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Xiangfeng Duannanoelectronics2002 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Haifeng Duan Chemistry20092011 X. Sunney Xie (post-doc)
Manvendra K DubeyAtmospheric Chemistry, Climate Science, Carbon Sequestration, Carbon Cycle, Aerosols, Clouds, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Methane, Trace Gases Atmospheric Chemical Physics Chemical Physics Earth and Environmental Sciences20141994 James G. Anderson (grad student), Gary M. McClelland (grad student), Steven C. Wofsy (collaborator)
Owen W. DuckworthEnvironmental Chemistry2003 Scot T. Martin (grad student)
Kevin J. DuffyDrug Discovery19941996 Yoshito Kishi (post-doc)
Jay C. DunlapGenetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry1979 John (Woody) Woodland Hastings (grad student)
Mary Kathleen Dunn19821985 Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc)
Ian DunnTheoretical Chemistry20122014 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (research assistant)
Travis Bailey Dunn2005 David A. Evans (grad student)
Allison L. DunnAtmospheric and Environmental Science2006 Steven C. Wofsy (grad student)
Phanindra Chandra DuttaOrganic chemistry, terpenoids19651966 Gilbert Stork (post-doc), Robert B. Woodward (collaborator), Robert B. Woodward (research scientist)
Anindya DuttaBiochemistry
John A. DykemaAtmospheric Chemistry2002 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Emily V. EamesPolynuclear complexes for cooperative redox chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology2012 Theodore A. Betley (grad student)
Richard Hallenbeck Eastmanorganic chemistry1944 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Christopher J. EastonBiochemical reactions & molecular recognition19801981 Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc)
Philip E. Eatonstrained ring systems1961 Peter Yates (grad student)
Fritz Eckstein1964 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Walter Francis EdgellPhysical Chemistry1944 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student), Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Katherine A. Edmondsstructural aspects of protein function Biophysics2012 Gerhard Wagner (grad student)
John Tileston EdsallProtein Physical Chemistry19261927 Edwin Joseph Cohn (grad student), Alfred Clarence Redfield (research assistant)
Amanda L. EdwardsBiochemistry, Oncology Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2013 Loren D. Walensky (grad student)
David Edward Ehmann2000 Christopher T. Walsh (grad student)
Gert Ehrlichsurfaces at the atomic scale1952 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Marco Tullio EinaudiGeology, Geochemistry1968 Ulrich Petersen (grad student)
Michael B. Eisen1996 Don C. Wiley (grad student)
David Eisenbergprotein interactions John Tileston Edsall (research assistant)
Kenneth B. EisenthalUltrafast Excited State Electron Transfer at the Organic Liquid/Aqueous Interface Chemistry1960 Marshall Fixman (grad student), Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Ron ElberComputational Chemistry Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Mark P. Elenkoorigin of life2010 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Andrew E. EliaPI3K and cancer metabolism2005 Lewis C. Cantley (grad student)
Joseph S Eliasphysical inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry, catalysis20162018 Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc)
Carl D. Elkinstructural biology2000 James M. Hogle (grad student)
Audrey K. EllerbeeBiophysics, Electrical Engineering, Imaging, Photonics20082010 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Jonathan A. Ellmanchemical synthesis1989 David A. Evans (grad student)
Scott D. Emrbiogenesis of organelles1981 Thomas J. Silhavy (grad student)
Dieter EndersAsymmetric Synthesis, New Synthetic Methods Using Organometallics, Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds, Organocatalysis19741975 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
John Henry EnemarkInorganic Chemistry Chemistry1966 William N. Lipscomb (grad student), Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
Johan F.J. Engbersen Biomedical Chemistry and Controlled Drug Delivery1995 George M. Whitesides (research scientist)
Gregory S. Engelphotochemical reaction dynamics2004 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Lewis Libman EngelSteroid Hormones
Florian Alois Engertzebrafish, optic tectum, behavior, vision, imaging
Brian P EnglishSingle Particle Tracking, Microscopy, Biophysics Chemistry20012007 X. Sunney Xie (grad student)
Harry E. Ensley1976 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Irving R. Epstein oscillatory chemical reactions, spatial pattern formation, dynamical systems and neurobiology20022003 William N. Lipscomb (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research scientist)
Alexander K. Epsteinbiomineralization, biomimetics, self-assembly, crystal engineering, surface chemistry, nanofabrication, biomaterials, biomechanics and biooptics Engineering and Applied Sciences2012 Joanna Aizenberg (grad student)
Michael A. Erb2017 James Bradner (grad student), Nathanael Gray (grad student)
Bruce Wayne Ericksonsolid-phase peptide synthesis, protein design and engineering, and genetic sequence comparison1970 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Raymond L. EriksonReversible protein phosphorylation and cell proliferation
Alexander ErnstPolymer, Synthesis Chemical Biology19982000 Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc)
Jake Essman Chemistry2018 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Preston W. EstepComputational Genetics2001 George M. Church (grad student)
Lara A. Estrofforganic-inorganic composites20032005 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Kevin M. EsveltThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution2010 David R. Liu (grad student), George M. Church (grad student)
Candice M. EtsonMolecular microscopy and spectroscopy2010 Antoine M. van Oijen (grad student)
David A. EvansBio-organic Chemistry
Mathew John EvansAtmospheric Chemistry
Dennis H. Evanselectrochemistry1964 James J. Lingane (grad student)
Conor L. Evansoptical microscopy and spectroscopy to detect and visualize microscopic metastatic disease2007 X. Sunney Xie (grad student)
Jeffrey D. EvanseckPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry1994 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Erik-Robert Evensenelectronic structure, geometry, and dynamics of molecules of chemical and biological interest2000 Martin Karplus (grad student)
Arnold FactorFree Radical Chemistry Chemistry1963 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Olugbeminiyi FadeyiOrganic Chemistry20122014 Matthew D. Shair (post-doc)
Thomas D. FairlieAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling2010 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
John R. FalckBiochemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Organometallics, Natural products chemistry19751979 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Abram L. Falk2009 Hongkun Park (grad student)
Chenguang Fan Chemistry2013 Suzanne Walker (post-doc)
Keith Richard Fandrick2007 David A. Evans (grad student)
Eric Fang20062009 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Xiao FangChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2008 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
David H. FarbMolecular physiology of benzodiazepines and other ion channel modulators; GABA(A) receptor structure-function; NMDA receptor structure and function; neuroactive steroids19751979 Gerald Fischbach (post-doc)
Donald George Farnum1959 Peter Yates (grad student)
D. John FaulknerMarine Natural Products Chemistry19651967 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Morgan A. Feeneybacterial genetics2011 Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student)
Neil Frank FeinerPsychiatry Chemistry Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Sascha Feldmann
Ji FengPhysics
Wallace O. FennMuscle physiology1919 Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student)
James P. Fennessey Chemistry19651969 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Gabriel FenteanyBiochemistry1997 Elias James Corey (grad student), Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Gregory S. FergusonSurface Chemistry - Materials Chemistry - Nanoscale Chemistry - Polymers and Semiconducting Materials19871989 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Caitlin C. FergusonDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis2007 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
María Teresa Fernández-AbedulPhysical and Analytical Chemistry2013 George M. Whitesides (research scientist)
Grace E. Ferrisorganic synthesis, methodology
Benjamin G. Ferris James L. Whittenberger (grad student)
Wolf-Dieter FessnerOrganic chemistry19861987 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Robert W. Fielddynamics of small polyatomic molecules1972 William Klemperer (grad student)
Alexander P. Fieldstools to study biomolecules Biophysics2013 Adam E. Cohen (grad student)
Mary Peters Fieser
Louis Frederick FieserOrganic chemistry1924 James Bryant Conant (grad student)
Ila R. FieteComputation, theory, coding, dynamics2004 Daniel S. Fisher (grad student)
Michael P FilosaDirect thermal printing Chemistry Paul A. Wender (grad student)
Robert W. FinbergBiochemistry, Cell Biology
Michael J Fink2015 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Joshua M. Finkelsteincontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2004 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Michael Andrew Fischbach2007 Christopher T. Walsh (grad student)
Jenny A. FisherAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling2011 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
Daniel S. Fisherstatistical physics; theoretical evolutionary biology1979 Bertrand I. Halperin (grad student)
Tracey L. FisherCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Morris F. White (grad student)
Duke Michael Fitch2000 David A. Evans (grad student)
Jean-Pierre Flattphysiological chemistry19601963 Eric Glendinning Ball (post-doc)
George W. J. Fleetcarbohydrate chemistry Chemistry19721973 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Ragnar Fleischmann Eric J. Heller (post-doc)
Ian FlemingSynthetic methodology19631964 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Daniel L. FloydMolecular microscopy and spectroscopy2010 Antoine M. van Oijen (grad student)
Roger Scott Flugel2001 Christopher T. Walsh (grad student)
Alec N. Flyersynthesis of natural products2010 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
George W. Flynnapplication of laser devices to the study of molecular problems1965 John D. Baldeschwieler (grad student), Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Emily Arias Foley20022006 Johannes C. Walter (grad student)
Nicole E. FollmerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Biology: Medical Sciences, Division of2012 Nicole J. Francis (grad student)
Dina A. Fomina YadlinChemical biology2011 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Christopher S. Footesinglet oxygen1962 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
George Shannon Forbesphysical chemistry1905 Theodore William Richards (grad student)
Warren T. Fordpolymer chemistry1968 Paul D. Bartlett (post-doc)
David D. FordMechanistic and synthetic chemistry Chemistry2013 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Michael ForgacBiochemistry, Cell Biology1982 Guido Guidotti (grad student)
Craig J. ForsythSynthetic Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology1992 Yoshito Kishi (post-doc)
Kevin C. FortnerOrganic synthesis2009 Matthew D. Shair (grad student)
Eric Thor Fossel1970 William von Eggers Doering (grad student)
Alexander V. Fotinstructural cell biology2004 Stephen C. Harrison (grad student)
Jean-Francois Fournierstereoselective synthesis of organic compounds20042006 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Alison R. FoutInorganic Chemistry20092012 Theodore A. Betley (post-doc)
Thomas Fox1976 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
Nicole J. FrancisBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics
Matthew B. FrancisOrganic, Bioorganic, and Materials Chemistry1999 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Don D. Frantz1989 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Annaliese K. FranzOrganic Chemistry20022007 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Kenneth J. Fraunhofferorganic synthesis, transition-metal mediated reactions 2007 M. Christina White (grad student)
Jeffrey Joseph FredbergBioengineering and Physiology
John D. FreedOrganic synthesis2005 Matthew D. Shair (grad student)
Karl F. Freedstatistical mechanics of polymers in the liquid phase, protein dynamics aggregation, and folding, equilibrium aggregation phenomena, and molecular electronic structure1967 William Klemperer (grad student)
David L. Freemantheoretical chemistry1973 Martin Karplus (grad student)
Elizaveta Freinkmanmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics Chemical Biology2012 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Robert S. FreundVertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs)1966 William Klemperer (grad student)
Perry A. FreyMechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes Frank H. Westheimer (post-doc)
Douglas M. Freymannstructural basis for interactions between proteins, and between proteins and small molecules1989 Don C. Wiley (grad student)
Irwin FridovichSuperoxide dismutase1962 Frank H. Westheimer (research scientist)
Robin S. Friedmannanoscience2006 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Bretislav Friedrich Dudley R. Herschbach (research scientist)
Cynthia Marie FriendMolecular Interactions with Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces
C. Daniel FrisbieOrganic and Molecular Electronics19931994 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Joseph C. Frommecontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2004 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Alison J. FrontierSynthetic Organic Chemistry19911993 Yoshito Kishi (research assistant)
John Wesley FrostBioorganics, Natural Products19811983 Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc)
Gregory C. FuCatalysis, enantioselective synthesis, mechanistic studies, organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, reaction development1991 David A. Evans (grad student)
Ye Fu Chemistry and Chemical Biology2014 Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc)
Xiang-Dong FuCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry19901992 Tom Maniatis (post-doc)
Dan Fuoptical spectroscopy and imaging techniques to investigate the spatial-temporal dynamics of living biological systems at single cell resolution20102015 X. Sunney Xie (post-doc)
Tzung-May FuAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling2007 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
Philip L. Fuchsorganic synthesis19711973 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Michael J. FuerstmanBio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry2007 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Shelly M. Fujikawaorigin of life2003 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Teppei Fujimoto2012 Tobias Ritter (post-doc)
Tohru FukuyamaSynthetic Organic Chemistry1977 Yoshito Kishi (grad student)
Michael E. Furrowsynthesis of natural products2004 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Takeru Furuyafluorination chemistry for late-stage functionalization of complex natural and unnatural products and bimetallic transition metal redox catalysis2010 Tobias Ritter (grad student)
Reynold Clayton FusonOrganic chemistry19261926 Elmer P. Kohler (post-doc)
Christopher V. GabelMolecular motors2003 Howard C. Berg (grad student)
Bedrick B. Gadeamolecular mechanisms that regulate progress through the cell division cycle2005 Joan V. Ruderman (grad student)
Karl Gademann Chemistry20002001 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Michel R. GagnéOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis, Asymmetric Catalysis, Synthetic Methods, Synthetic Receptors, Biofuels, Renewable Feedstocks19921995 David A. Evans (post-doc)
Mark Gandelman Chemistry20032005 Eric N. Jacobsen (post-doc)
A GanesanChemical biology, medicinal chemistry19921993 Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc)
Mahesh Kumar GangishettyInorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, photochemistry, optoelectronics20172020 Daniel N. Congreve (post-doc)
Xiaojie Gao
Jiali GaoChemical Biology; Chemical Physics; Computational Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry19871990 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Yi Qin GaoTheoretical/Computational Chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry Chemistry20022004 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Jeffrey Garber2014 Tobias Ritter (post-doc)
William C. Gardiner1960 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
Gary M GardnerMolecular Biology, Botany Biology, Biochemistry1972 Winslow R. Briggs (grad student)
Salil GargFluid Mechanics2010 Michael B. Brenner (grad student)
Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikovasynthetic biology, neurodegeneration Chemistry20032006 Christopher T. Walsh (post-doc)
Ethan C. Garnersingle-molecule biology and bioimaging20092012 Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc)
Piotr GarsteckiMicrofluidics, Dynamic Self-Organization in Complex Fluids20022005 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Zev J. GartnerChemical Biology, Tissue Engineering, Synthetic Biology2004 David R. Liu (grad student)
C M Gary-Bobo
Timur GatanovPhysics of Macromolecular Assemblies and Subcellular Organization Physics2014 Daniel J. Needleman (grad student)
Byron D. GatesThe Surface and Interfacial Chemistry of Materials20022004 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Marshall D. Gatessynthesis of natural products1941 Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student)
Rachelle GaudetStructural biology of signaling and transport through biological membranes19982002 Don C. Wiley (post-doc)
Elaine P. GeeComputational Biophysics Biophysics2012 Collin M. Stultz (grad student)
E. Peter Geiduschekenzymology of transcription and transcriptional gene regulation1952 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Phillip L. GeisslerTheoretical Chemistry2001 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (post-doc)
Robert B. GennisMembrane protein structure/function; Expression of membrane proteins from hyperthermophiles; Structure and mechanism of prokaryotic respiratory enzymes that generate a membrane potential19711973 Jack L. Strominger (post-doc)
Savvas N. Georgiadesnatural products2006 Jon C. Clardy (grad student)
Katia GeorgopoulosMolecular Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry
R. Benny Gerbercomputational chemistry19681969 Martin Karplus (post-doc)
Gary J. GerfenGeneral Chemistry1991 David John Singel (grad student)
John A. Gerltstructure/function relationships for enzyme-catalyzed reactions1974 Frank H. Westheimer (grad student)
Peter J. GeroAtmospheric Chemistry2007 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Raymond F. Gestelandgene expression1966 James D. Watson (grad student)
Robert P. Geyerperfluorocarbon-based blood substitutes
Manas Kumar Ghosh20172019 Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc), JoAnne Stubbe (post-doc)
Arun K. GhoshHIV-1 protease inhibitors19851988 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Partho GhoshMechanisms of bacterial and protozoan pathogenesis, and host response against infectious microbes19931997 Don C. Wiley (post-doc)
Guri GiaeverGenetics, Molecular Chemistry, Oncology1986 James C. Wang (grad student)
Wolcott Gibbsinorganic chemistry
William P Giddings Chemistry1959 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Lila M. Gieraschprotein folding1975 Elkan Rogers Blout (grad student)
Tiffany K. Gieraschcontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2003 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Anne B.S. Gierschgenetics of hearing and hearing loss
Walter GilbertBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1959 James D. Watson (collaborator), Julian Schwinger (research scientist)
Norman Henry Gilesgenetic analysis of biochemical pathways1940 Karl Sax (grad student)
Grace Gillmolecular mechanisms that regulate transcription19831989 Mark Ptashne (grad student)
Benjamin Charles Gillbiogeochemistry; isotope geochemistry; paleoceanography20092011 David T Johnston (post-doc)
Shubhroz Gill2014 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Edward G. GillanMaterials, Energy, Catalysis Chemistry19941997 Andrew R. Barron (post-doc)
Nicholas W. Gillhambiogenesis of chloroplasts and mitochondria1962 Robert Paul Levine (grad student)
Henry Gilmanorganometallic chemistry1918 Elmer P. Kohler (grad student)
David Y. GinOrganic Chemistry, Natural Product Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry19941996 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Cynthia C. GinsbergChemical biology, enzymology, antibiotics, glycosyltransferases, inhibitors2008 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Naomi Shauna Ginsbergphotosynthetic light harvesting2007 Lene Vestergaard Hau (grad student)
Jodel GiraudMolecular Biology2004 Morris F. White (grad student)
Simon Z Giroux20072009 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Eric Arni Gislasonchemical dynamics1967 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Irina GitlinBio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry2006 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Richard S. GlassOrganic Chemistry Department of Chemistry19631967 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Alexander G. GlendayOptics, Biomedical Imaging2011 Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student)
Gary D. Glickanti-DNA autoantibody structure and function, and the identification of novel molecular targets and small molecules for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancer1990 Jeremy R. Knowles (post-doc)
Frank Glorius20002001 David A. Evans (post-doc)
Nathan W. Goehringbacterial genetics2006 Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student)
Brian C. Goess2004 Matthew D. Shair (grad student)
Christopher Goh Chemistry and Chemical Biology19901996 Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
Geoffrey H. Goldolfaction and retina1977 John E. Dowling (grad student)
Albert M. GoldGenetics Cellular & Developmental Biology19831985 Lawrence Bogorad (post-doc)
Karen Gold19671971 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Steven D. Goldbergsynthesis of natural products2000 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
David J. Goldsmithsynthesis of biologically active natural products Chemistry19571959 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Allen H. GoldsteinEnvironmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry Chemistry19891994 Steven C. Wofsy (grad student)
Steve A. N. GoldsteinGeneral Biophysics, Pediatrics, Cardiology19781986 Matthew F. Mescher (grad student)
Jene A. GolovchenkoRadiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome.
Robert Gomerfield electron emission1950 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (post-doc)
Maya Gomes20142016 David T Johnston (post-doc)
Roberto da Silva GomesSynthetic Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry20172020 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Frank A. Gomez microfluidics19911994 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli Chemistry20142016 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Jingjing GongSoft matter, Colloidal, Microfluidics
Jinlong Gong20082010 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Kenneth E. GonsalvesPolymer chemistry1997 George M. Whitesides (research scientist)
Frank Austin Goochanalytical chemistry18771879 Wolcott Gibbs (post-doc), Josiah Parsons Cooke (grad student)
Jerry GoodismanPhysical chemistry, mechanism of action of anticancer drugs, chemical kinetics, agglomeration kinetics1963 William Klemperer (grad student)
Joseph S. GoodknightChemical Physics2012 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (grad student)
Mark M. GoodmanMedicinal Chemistry David R. Elmaleh (post-doc)
Daniel Bryan GoodmanSynthetic Biology, Systems Biology, DNA Synthesis, Functional Genomics Genetics20102016 George M. Church (grad student)
Krista Beaver Goodman2003 David A. Evans (grad student)
RLisa GoodrichNeurobiology Biology, Biochemistry
Harry Manley GoodwinElectrochemistry
Roy Gerald Gordonapplied mathematics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, intermolecular forces, solid state and materials science1964 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Robert Jay Gordonmolecular reaction dynamics, coherent control Chemistry19651970 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Andrew G. GordusProtein Systems2008 Gavin MacBeath (grad student)
David G. Gorensteinproteomics and nanotechnology1970 Frank H. Westheimer (grad student)
Rajendar GoretiSynthetic organic chemistry, natural products chemistry20122016 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
David J. Gorin20082011 David R. Liu (post-doc)
Christopher B. GormanOrganic and Materials Chemistry19921994 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Nancy S. Gorofforganic synthesis1990 Joseph J. Grabowski (research assistant)
Leon B. Gortlerhistory of chemistry1961 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Pallavi M. GosaviProtein engineering, protein biochemistry, peptide chemistry, CRISPR, cancer biology, chemical biology Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology2018 Brian B. Liau (post-doc)
Toshio GotoBiochemistry19571959 Louis Frederick Fieser (research scientist)
J. Eric Gouauxmolecular mechanisms for the function of receptors and transporters at chemical synapses1989 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
J. Zanos Gougoutaschemical reactions and concomitant phase changes in molecular crystals; crystal and molecular structure of organic substances1964 Robert B. Woodward (grad student), William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
Robert Gordon Gould1933 James Bryant Conant (grad student), John Tileston Edsall (research assistant)
Michael GouldenBiogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Agronomy Agriculture19911997 Steven C. Wofsy (post-doc)
Jens-Uwe Grabowrotational spectroscopy19961997 Patrick Thaddeus (post-doc)
Joseph J. GrabowskiPhysical-Organic Chemistry and Analytical Mass Spectrometry19831984 Kevin S. Peters (post-doc)
Melissa L. GrachanMechanistic and synthetic chemistry2008 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
David H. Graciasfabricating nanoscale devices, including 3D devices that self-assemble19992002 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Yonatan H. GradComputational Genetics2004 George M. Church (grad student)
Silvija Gradečaknano-photonics and electronics20042006 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
William A.G. Grahamorganometallic compounds and metal carbonyl derivatives1956 F. Gordon A. Stone (grad student)
Thomas Gray Chemistry Richard Hadley Holm (grad student)
Asa GrayBotany
Nathanael GrayCell Biology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Rachel Greentranslation of the genetic code1992 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Frederick Davis Greenephysical organic chemistry1952 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Edward Forbes Greene1949 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
Brandon L. GreeneBioinorganic chemistry, spectroscopy, proton-coupled electron transfer Chemistry and Chemical Biology2015 Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc)
Arno L. GreenleafBiochemistry1974 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
William Frank Greenleepharmacology and toxicology
Jesse Philip GreensteinProduction and Analysis of Optically Pure Amino Acid Stereoisomers1931 Edwin Joseph Cohn (post-doc)
Alden Buchannon Greninger1935 Horace Hardy Lester (grad student)
Andrew B. Greytaknanoscience2006 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Paul A. Grieconatural products total synthesis 1970 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Harry Sands GrindleyAnimal Chemistry1894 Charles Loring Jackson (grad student)
Alison E. GrinthalStructure and Function of Membrane Proteins2001 Guido Guidotti (grad student)
Joshua Micah GrolmanBiomaterials, Biomechanics, Mechanophores Wyss Institute2020 David J. Mooney (post-doc)
Benjamin J. Gross2007 Suzanne Walker (grad student)
Christina Maureen Grozinger2001 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Bartosz A. GrzybowskiNano science, Nanomaterials, Programmable Reactions, Chemical Networks, Theory, Cellular Dynamics2000 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Yan Gu X. Sunney Xie (post-doc)
Qian Gu2006 Hongkun Park (grad student)
Frank Thompson GuckerInorganic chemistry, chemical thermodynamics1925 Theodore William Richards (grad student)
Mark S. Gudiksennanoscience2003 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Katherine L. GudiksenBio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry2006 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Carlos A. GuerreroChemical synthesis; synthesis-oriented organic chemistry; methods development; synthesis design; total synthesis of natural products2003 Elias James Corey (research assistant)
Guido GuidottiStructure and Function of Membrane Proteins
John P. GuilingerThe Chemistry of Molecular Evolution Biology, Molecular and Cellular2014 David R. Liu (grad student)
X. Edward GuoBone Microstructure2003 Thomas A. McMahon (grad student), George M. Whitesides (research scientist)
Hong Guocomputational biology Chemistry1991 Martin Karplus (grad student)
Junling GuoThin film, colloid and interface, MPN, drug delivery Wyss Institute20192020 Samir Mitragotri (grad student)
Manish GuptaPhysical chemistry, chemical kinetics2000 Dudley R. Herschbach (grad student)
Malancha Guptachemical vapor deposition (iCVD) of functional polymers onto structured materials and liquid surfaces20072009 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Frank R.N. Gurd1949 J. Lawrence Oncley (grad student)
Allan M. GurtanCell Biology, Molecular Biology2007 Alan D. D'Andrea (grad student)
Felix Gustafsonplant physiology1921 Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (grad student)
Herbert S. GutowskyUse of NMR for the determination of chemical, biochemical, and biological molecular structures1949 George Bogdan Kistiakowsky (grad student)
Marcelo I. GuzmanPhysical and Environmental Organic Chemistry20072010 Scot T. Martin (post-doc)
Daniel Gygax19841985 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Rainer HaagOrganic and Macromolecular Chemistry19971999 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Johannes HachmannTheoretical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling, Computational Materials Science20092014 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Ryan G. Hadtinorganic chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology Daniel G. Nocera (post-doc)
Sebastian Haesler Naoshige Uchida (post-doc)
Jason H. Hafnerplasmonics, nanomaterials, biophysics19982001 Charles M. Lieber (post-doc)
Sina Haftchenary2014 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Christine L. Haganmolecular mechanisms of various antibiotics Chemistry and Chemical Biology2012 Daniel E. Kahne (grad student)
Stephen J. Haggartyneuroplasticity, chromatin, neural stem cells2003 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Andrew M. Haidlesynthesis of natural products2004 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Itay HalevyGeochemistry, Paleoclimate Science, Planetology2010 Daniel P. Schrag (grad student)
Joseph Olney Halfordphysical organic chemistry19301931 James Bryant Conant (post-doc)
Ralph S. HalfordPhysical chemistry
John H HallTheoretical chemistry19701974 William N. Lipscomb (grad student)
Zach W. Hall Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Norris F. Hallnuclear chemistry1917 Theodore William Richards (grad student)
Benjamin Downs HallGenome Sciences1959 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Timothy Hallacy Biophysics Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Won Seok HamTransition metal redox catalysis Chemistry2013 Tobias Ritter (grad student)
Hilary Hamer Chemical Biology20112013 Emily Balskus (grad student)
George S. HammondChemical dynamics1947 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Yixin HanTotal synthesis
Jae Hyo Han2D nanostructures School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Joanna Aizenberg (post-doc)
YIXIN HAN Chemistry Chemistry and Chemistry Biology20162019 Zhen Yang (grad student), Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Hee-Sun Han20122017 David A. Weitz (post-doc)
Dongran Han
Douglas HanahanGenetics, Cell Biology, Oncology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19781983 Paul Mead Doty (grad student), Matthew S. Meselson (research assistant)
Aaron A. HandlerDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis2006 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
David B. HanifordBiochemistry19861991 Nancy E. Kleckner (post-doc)
Wendy Hanna-RoseHuman Development, Biochemistry Microbiology and Molecular Genetics1996 Ulla Margrete Hansen (grad student)
Ulla Margrete HansenMammalian gene regulation, Transcription, Cell cycle, Cancer1980 William Robert McClure (grad student)
Karl Hansen Chemistry1998 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
Maureen R. HansonGenetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology19761979 Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc), Lawrence Bogorad (grad student)
Gerard S. HarbisonPhysical Chemistry Biophysis1984 Judith Herzfeld (grad student)
Kenn E. Harding chemistry19681969 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Rizal F. HariadiBiophysics
John Edward Harrimanelectronic structure of molecules1962 August Harold Maki (grad student)
Frank E. Harrisatomic and molecular quantum mechanics
T. David Harris20102012 Theodore A. Betley (post-doc)
Arthur Brooks HarrisCondensed Matter Physics19581961 Horst Meyer (grad student), R. Victor Jones (grad student)
Stephen C. Harrisonstructural cell biology1968 Donald L. D. Caspar (grad student)
Bryce A. Harrisoncontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2003 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Arnold M. HartleyIllinois Institute for Environmental Quality1955 James J. Lingane (grad student)
Gideon HartmanArchaeology Anthropology2008 Noreen Tuross (grad student)
Willliam R. HarveyMembrane Physiology1957 Carroll M. Williams (grad student)
Tapio A. Haseorganic synthesis Chemistry19741975 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Robert HaselkornPhotosynthesis, Nitrogen Fixation1959 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
William Alan Haseltinebiotechnology1973 James D. Watson (grad student), Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Michinao HashimotoBio-Medical Engineering2009 George M. Whitesides (grad student)
Shabir HassanBioengineering, 3D bioprinting, biomaterials, drug delivery Su Ryon Shin (research scientist)
Alfred Hassnerheterocyclic chemistry Louis Frederick Fieser (post-doc)
John (Woody) Woodland Hastingscircadian clock controls
Karl A. Haushaltercontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2001 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Diane K. HawleyBiochemistry1982 William Robert McClure (grad student)
Yujiro Hayashi19941996 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Chuan He20002002 Gregory L. Verdine (post-doc)
Colette L. HealdAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling2005 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
Selig HechtSensory biophysics1917 George H. Parker (grad student)
Louis S. Hegedusorganometallic chemistry1970 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Charles Heidelberger5-fluorouracil, fluorinated pyrimidines1946 Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student)
Harold C. HelgesonBiogeochemistry1962 Robert Minard Garrels (grad student)
Eric J. Hellerquantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos1973 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Ute A Hellmich20122014 Rachelle Gaudet (post-doc)
George M Helmkampbiochemistry and molecular biology1970 Konrad Bloch (grad student)
Paul M. Helquist Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry19731974 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Jordon Hemingway David T Johnston (post-doc)
Russell J. Hemleyhigh pressure science19831984 Veronica Vaida (grad student), Martin Karplus (grad student), Martin Karplus (post-doc), Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc)
John C. HemmingerSurface Chemistry and Physics1976 William Klemperer (grad student)
Michael S. Hemondstructural aspects of protein function2008 Gerhard Wagner (grad student)
James B. HendricksonSynthesis of natural products1955 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Walter S. HendrixsonAnalytical chemistry1893 Henry Barker Hill (grad student)
Jonathan W. HennekCatalyic Chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology20132015 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Elisabeth T. HennessyPolynuclear complexes for cooperative redox chemistry Chemistry2013 Theodore A. Betley (grad student)
Jon Henry20092013 Sean D. Crosson (grad student)
Eric Herbst1973 William Klemperer (grad student)
Paul J. Hergenrothersynthetic organic chemistry, chemical biology, and biochemistry2001 Stuart L. Schreiber (post-doc)
Raúl Hernández SánchezInorganic Chemistry Chemsitry and Chemical20102015 Theodore A. Betley (grad student)
Winship HerrMolecular epigenetics; cell-cycle; differentiation; transcription; herpes simplex virus; cancer1982 Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Dudley R. HerschbachPhysical chemistry, chemical kinetics1958 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Seth B. Herzontotal synthesis, natural products20022006 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Karl Heusler19491950 Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Richard R. Hiatt Chemistry1957 Paul D. Bartlett (grad student)
Meytal B. HigginsBiogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Paleoclimate Science2009 Ann Pearson (grad student)
Gerard J. Hilinksicontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2011 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Nicholas E. Hillsynthesis of natural products2011 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
Richard Keith HillOrganic Chemistry1954 Gilbert Stork (grad student)
Henry Barker Hill1869 Josiah Parsons Cooke (grad student)
Nathan Jeremy Hillson2005 Christopher T. Walsh (grad student)
Lindsay M. HinkleMaterials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry
Alan G. HinnebuschCellular Regulation and Metabolism1980 Lynn C. Klotz (grad student)
Stephen Hinshaw Priscilla L. Yang (research assistant)
Frederick Lee Hisawendocrinology, relaxin
Richard K. Hite2011 Thomas (Tom) Walz (grad student)
Tamejiro Hiyama19751976 Yoshito Kishi (post-doc)
Margaret S. HoDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis2003 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
Andy W. HoAtmospheric Chemistry2007 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Chia-Chi Hobioengineering and separation science20012002 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Errett C. HobbsDifferentiation, morphogenesis and multicellularity in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis2006 Richard M. Losick (grad student)
Jeffrey C. HochNuclear Magnetic Resonance, spectrum analysis, sparse recovery Chemistry Chemistry19761983 Martin Karplus (grad student), Christopher M. Dobson (grad student)
Daniel R. Hochbaumtools to study biomolecules Engineering and Applied Sciences2014 Adam E. Cohen (grad student)
Adam S. Hockorganometallic chemistry, materials chemistry, catalysis2010 Roy Gerald Gordon (post-doc)
Roald HoffmannTheoretical chemistry1962 William N. Lipscomb (grad student), Robert B. Woodward (collaborator), Martin Gouterman (grad student)
Philip C. Hogansynthesis of natural products2004 Andrew G. Myers (grad student)
James M. Hoglestructural biology Stephen C. Harrison (post-doc)
Felix J.H. HolZero cost point-of-care diagnostics2014 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Heinrich D. Hollandgeochemistry
Marie Alice Hollenhorst2011 Christopher T. Walsh (grad student)
Richard Hadley Holmtransition element chemistry
Christopher D. HolmesAtmospheric chemistry, Climate science, Atmosphere-biosphere interactions, Mercury, EOAS-FSU2010 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
Alfred Melvin Holtzer1954 Paul Mead Doty (grad student)
Antonia H. HolwayBiochemistry2005 Matthew Michael (grad student)
Edwin A. Homannatural small molecules Chemistry and Chemical Biology2012 Alan Saghatelian (grad student)
Jason HongMechanistic and synthetic chemistry2002 Eric N. Jacobsen (grad student)
BOR-CHERNG HONGorganic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology19931994 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Fan HongDNA nanotechnology
Sungwoo HongOrganic and Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry20042006 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Barry H. Honigcomputational biophysics and bioinformatics Martin Karplus (post-doc)
David P. Hoogerheide Radiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome.2010 Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student)
Paul B. HopkinsBioorganic chemistry1982 Elias James Corey (grad student)
Dieter Hoppe Robert B. Woodward (post-doc)
Cassandra V. HoriiAtmospheric and Environmental Science2002 Steven C. Wofsy (grad student)
Donald F. HornigPhysical chemistry1943 Edgar Bright Wilson (grad student)
Eben Norton Horsfordbacking powder
H. Robert HorvitzALS1974 James D. Watson (grad student), Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Seyedmorteza HosseyniOrganic Chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology20172019 Yoshito Kishi (post-doc)
Jennifer H. Houtools to study biomolecules Physics2014 Adam E. Cohen (grad student)
Kendall N. Houktheoretical and computational organic chemistry1968 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Kurt Z. HouseGeology2009 Daniel P. Schrag (grad student)
Brandy L. HouserMolecular Basis of Immune Recognition2011 Jack L. Strominger (grad student)
Amir H. Hoveydacatalysts1990 David A. Evans (post-doc)
Brian J. HowardSpectroscopy, Intermolecular forces, Clusters19701972 William Klemperer (post-doc)
Thomas Robert HoyeOrganic Chemistry1976 Robert B. Woodward (grad student)
Robert HoytComputational Physics, Computational Chemistry Physics20142018 Efthimios Kaxiras (grad student)
Jim Hu Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology Lawrence Bogorad (grad student)
Essa Hsinyi Hu2002 David A. Evans (grad student)
Jiangtao Hunanoscience2000 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Yongjie Hunanoscience2010 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Duy HuaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19791982 Elias James Corey (post-doc)
Wei-Yuan Huang Chemistry19491952 Louis Frederick Fieser (grad student)
Roya Huang Molecular and Cellular Biology Sharad Ramanathan (grad student)
Bo Huang Chemistry Xiaowei Zhuang (post-doc)
Yu Huangnanoscience2003 Charles M. Lieber (grad student)
Yi-wen HuangAtmospheric Chemistry2010 James G. Anderson (grad student)
Jian Huang2006 Eric J. Heller (grad student)
Ming-long Huang19451949 Louis Frederick Fieser (research scientist)
Ruth HubbardBiochemistry1950 George Wald (grad student)
Damon R. Huberbacterial genetics2006 Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student)
Isaac A. HubnerProtein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery2006 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Wilhelm T. S. HuckMacromolecular Chemistry19971999 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Rynda C. HudmanAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling2007 Daniel James Jacob (grad student)
Laurie G. HudsonBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Pharmacy1985 William Frank Greenlee (grad student)
Bruce Samuel Hudsonphysical chemistry1972 Bryan Earl Kohler (grad student), Roy Gerald Gordon (grad student)
Nathaniel D. HuebschCellular biology; Biomedical engineering; Biophysics2010 David J. Mooney (grad student)
Jason Darryl Hughes2000 George M. Church (grad student)
Mary E. Hughes Radiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome.2008 Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student)
Ella Hughes David T Johnston (grad student)
Frederick M. Hughsonintracellular trafficking in eukaryotes and cell-cell communication19901994 Don C. Wiley (post-doc)
Marc A. HumphreyOptics, Biomedical Imaging2003 Ronald L. Walsworth (grad student)
Emily L. HumphreyChemical biology2005 Stuart L. Schreiber (grad student)
Alan W. Hunt Radiation Physics, rapid sequencing of the entire human genome.2000 Jene A. Golovchenko (grad student)
William Hammett Hunter1910 Henry Augustus Torrey (grad student)
Cornelius S. Hurlbut Jr.pegmatite minerals and borates1933 Esper S. Larsen, Jr. (grad student)
Lucy HutyraAtmospheric and Environmental Science2007 Steven C. Wofsy (grad student)
Justin K. Ichidaorigin of life2007 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Lawrence Ilag Frederick Michael Ausubel (post-doc)
Anthony N Imbalzanochromatin and chromatin remodeling enzymes in gene regulation1991 Neal A. DeLuca (grad student)
Yoshihiko Inuzukacontrol of gene expression and preservation of genomic integrity2007 Gregory L. Verdine (grad student)
Lyle D. Isaacssupramolecular and synthetic chemistry19951998 George M. Whitesides (post-doc)
Alexey V. IshchenkoProtein Folding and Design, Molecular Evolution, Drug Discovery2002 Eugene I. Shakhnovich (grad student)
Rustem F. Ismagi