Joseph Raymond Carlise
Affiliations: | 2006 | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA |
"Joseph Carlise"Mean distance: 7.47 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMarcus Weck | grad student | 2006 | Georgia Tech | |
(Poly(norbornene) supported side -chain coordination complexes: An efficient route to functionalized polymers.) |
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Kimyonok A, Domercq B, Haldi A, et al. (2007) Norbornene-based copolymers with iridium complexes and bis(carbazolyl) fluorene groups in their side-chains and their use in light-emitting diodes Chemistry of Materials. 19: 5602-5608 |
Carlise JR, Kriegel RM, Rees WS, et al. (2005) Synthesis and hydrolysis behavior of side-chain functionalized norbornenes. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 70: 5550-60 |
Carlise JR, Wang XY, Weck M. (2005) Phosphorescent side-chain functionalized poly(norbornene)s containing iridium complexes Macromolecules. 38: 9000-9008 |
Carlise JR, Weck M. (2004) Side-chain functionalized polymers containing bipyridine coordination sites: Polymerization and metal-coordination studies Journal of Polymer Science, Part a: Polymer Chemistry. 42: 2973-2984 |