Norman S. Bhacca, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 1964 | Chemistry | Tohoku University, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, Japan |
1970-2002 | Chemistry | Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States |
NMR SpectroscopyGoogle:
"Norman Bhacca"Bio:
Mean distance: 7.97 | S | N | B | C | P |
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Bhacca NS. (1982) A Review of: “Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, Volume 11A G. A. Webb Academic Press, Inc., London 1981 pp. 282+ 35, $84” Spectroscopy Letters. 15: 325-326 |
TADA M, YAMADA Y, BHACCA NS, et al. (1964) STRUCTURE AND REACTIONS OF ILLUDIN-S (LAMPTEROL). Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 12: 853-5 |
TATSUOKA S, TANAKA K, MIYAMOTO M, et al. (1964) The Structure of Chromomycin A3, a Cancerostatic Antibiotic Proceedings of the Japan Academy. 40: 236-240 |
Miyamoto M, Kawamatsu Y, Shinohara M, et al. (1964) The four chromoses from chromomycin A3 Tetrahedron Letters. 5: 2371-2377 |
Miyamoto M, Morita K, Kawamatsu Y, et al. (1964) Chromomycinone, the aglycone of chromomycin A3 Tetrahedron Letters. 5: 2355-2365 |
Tatsuoka S, Tanaka K, Miyamoto M, et al. (1964) Chromomycin A3, ein cancerostatisch wirkendes Antibiotikum Angewandte Chemie. 76: 792-793 |
Miyamoto M, Kawamatsu Y, Shinohara M, et al. (1963) Chromose A Tetrahedron Letters. 4: 693-698 |