George Henry Wolf

Chemistry & Biochemistry Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
"George Henry Wolf"

Wolf, George Henry, Ab Initio theoretical predictions of high-pressure and high- temperature properties of lower mantle mineral phases, thesis Berkeley (1987)
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Mark S. T. Bukowinski grad student 1987 UC Berkeley
 (Ab Initio Theoretical Predictions of High-pressure and High- Temperature Properties of Lower Mantle Mineral Phases)
Raymond Jeanloz grad student 1987 UC Berkeley


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Jeffery L. Yarger grad student 1996 Arizona State (Chemistry Tree)
Cynthia L. Polsky grad student 2000 Arizona State
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Yarger JL, Wolf GH. (2004) Chemistry. Polymorphism in liquids. Science (New York, N.Y.). 306: 820-1
Jacob S, Javornizky J, Wolf GH, et al. (2001) Oxide ion conducting glasses: Synthetic strategies based on liquid state and solid state routes International Journal of Inorganic Materials. 3: 241-251
Polsky CH, Martinez LM, Leinenweber K, et al. (2000) Pressure-induced crystallization of vitreous ZnCl 2 Physical Review B. 61: 5934-5938
Polsky CH, Smith KH, Wolf GH. (1999) Effect of pressure on the absolute Raman scattering cross section of SiO2 and GeO2 glasses Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 248: 159-168
Marzke RF, Raffaelle DP, Wolf GH, et al. (1998) Diffusivity and nuclear spin relaxation measurements at high pressure in methanol Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 499: 295-300
Diefenbacher J, McMillan PF, Wolf GH. (1998) Molecular dynamics simulations of Na2Si4O9 liquid at high pressure Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102: 3003-3008
Daniel I, Gillet P, McMillan PF, et al. (1997) High-pressure behavior of anorthite: Compression and amorphization Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 102: 10313-10325
Yarger JL, Angell CA, Borick SS, et al. (1997) Polyamorphic Transitions in Network-Forming Liquids and Glasses Acs Symposium Series. 676: 214-223
Bukowinski M, Chizmeshya A, Wolf G, et al. (1996) Advances in electron-gas potential models: Applications to some candidate lower mantle minerals Molecular Engineering. 6
Ekbundit S, Leinenweber K, Yarger JL, et al. (1996) New high-pressure phase and pressure-induced amorphization of Ca(OH)2: Grain size effect Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 126: 300-307
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