Ronald Scheule

1979-1983 Chemistry Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
"Ronald Scheule"
Mean distance: 8.42
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Scheule RK. (1987) Fusion of Sindbis virus with model membranes containing phosphatidylethanolamine: implications for protein-induced membrane fusion Bba - Biomembranes. 899: 185-195
Gaffney BJ, Scheule RK. (1982) What is a Successful Reconstitution of a Membrane Glycoprotein that Lacks an Enzymatic Activity? Biophysical Journal. 37: 81-2
Scheule RK, Gaffney BJ. (1981) Reconstitution of membranes with fractions of triton X-100 which are easily removed. Analytical Biochemistry. 117: 61-6
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