Jerome B. Cohen

1959-1999 Materials Science and Engineering Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
measurements of residual stress, thermodynamics, ordering, clustering of defects, and phase transitions
"Jerome Cohen"

(1932 - 1999);read=434

Mean distance: 10.13


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Michael Berliner Bever grad student 1957 MIT
 (Effect of plastic deformation on the ordering alloy Cu3Au)


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Lyle H. Schwartz grad student 1964 Northwestern
Stephen L. Sass grad student 1966 Northwestern
Aaron D. Krawitz grad student 1972 Northwestern (E-Tree)
Dean R. Haeffner grad student 1991 Northwestern (E-Tree)


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Paul G Sanders collaborator 1991-1996 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
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González GB, Cohen JB, Hwang JH, et al. (2001) Neutron diffraction study on the defect structure of indium-tin-oxide Journal of Applied Physics. 89: 2550-2555
Almer JD, Cohen JB, Moran B. (2000) The effects of residual macrostresses and microstresses on fatigue crack initiation Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing. 284: 268-279
Cohen JB, Janniger CK, Piela Z, et al. (1999) Dermatologic correlates of selected metabolic events. Journal of Medicine. 30: 149-56
Okasinski J, Cohen JB, Hwang J, et al. (1999) Defect and Electronic Structures of Calcium-Doped Lanthanum Cuprate Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 82: 2451-2459
Na D-, Cohen JB, Voorhees PW. (1999) Coherent phase equilibrium in the NiV system Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing. 272: 10-15
Peters KF, Cohen JB, Chung Y. (1998) Melting of Pb nanocrystals Physical Review B. 57: 13430-13438
Peters KF, Chung Y, Cohen JB. (1998) Ultrahigh vacuum apparatus for x-ray powder diffraction in surface science Review of Scientific Instruments. 69: 4214-4217
Almer JD, Cohen JB, Winholtz RA. (1998) The effects of residual macrostresses and microstresses on fatigue crack propagation Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 29: 2127-2136
Peters KF, Chung Y, Cohen JB. (1997) Surface melting on small particles Applied Physics Letters. 71: 2391-2393
Felten JJ, Kinkus TJ, Reid ACE, et al. (1997) Solid-solution structure and the weakly first-order displacive transformation in Fe-Pd alloys Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 28: 527-536
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