Jason P. Hallett, Ph.D.

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
"Jason Hallett"
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Charles Liotta grad student 2002 Georgia Tech
 (Enhanced recovery of homogeneous catalysts through manipulation of phase behavior.)
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Lei Z, Dai C, Hallett J, et al. (2024) Introduction: Ionic Liquids for Diverse Applications. Chemical Reviews. 124: 7533-7535
Muazzam R, Asim AM, Uroos M, et al. (2021) Evaluating the potential of a novel hardwood biomass using a superbase ionic liquid. Rsc Advances. 11: 19095-19105
Clarke CJ, Bui-Le L, Hallett J. (2020) Ion chromatography for monitoring [NTf] anion contaminants in pure and saline water. Analytical Methods : Advancing Methods and Applications. 12: 2244-2252
Gschwend FJV, Hallett JP, Brandt-Talbot A. (2020) Exploring the Effect of Water Content and Anion on the Pretreatment of Poplar with Three 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Ionic Liquids. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 25
Malaret F, Gschwend FJV, Lopes JM, et al. (2020) Eucalyptus red grandis pretreatment with protic ionic liquids: effect of severity and influence of sub/super-critical CO2 atmosphere on pretreatment performance Rsc Advances. 10: 16050-16060
Gschwend FJV, Hennequin LM, Brandt-Talbot A, et al. (2020) Towards an environmentally and economically sustainable biorefinery: heavy metal contaminated waste wood as a low-cost feedstock in a low-cost ionic liquid process Green Chemistry. 22: 5032-5041
Chen M, Malaret F, Firth AEJ, et al. (2020) Design of a combined ionosolv-organosolv biomass fractionation process for biofuel production and high value-added lignin valorisation Green Chemistry. 22: 5161-5178
Baaqel H, Díaz I, Tulus V, et al. (2020) Role of life-cycle externalities in the valuation of protic ionic liquids – a case study in biomass pretreatment solvents Green Chemistry. 22: 3132-3140
Brogan APS, Clarke CJ, Charalambidou A, et al. (2020) Expanding the design space of gel materials through ionic liquid mediated mechanical and structural tuneability Materials Horizons. 7: 820-826
Chambon CL, Fitriyanti V, Verdía P, et al. (2020) Fractionation by Sequential Antisolvent Precipitation of Grass, Softwood, and Hardwood Lignins Isolated Using Low-Cost Ionic Liquids and Water Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 8: 3751-3761
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