Angelo D. Citra, Ph.D.

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Matrix Isolated Species
"Angelo Citra"
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Lester S. Andrews grad student 2001 UVA
 (A matrix infrared and theoretical study of the reactions of oxygen and nitric oxide with precious metal atoms.)
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Andrews L, Citra A. (2002) Infrared spectra and density functional theory calculations on transition metal nitrosyls. Vibrational frequencies of unsaturated transition metal nitrosyls. Chemical Reviews. 102: 885-912
Citra A, Wang aX, Andrews L. (2002) Reactions of Laser-Ablated Gold with Nitric Oxide: Infrared Spectra and DFT Calculations of AuNO and Au(NO)2 in Solid Argon and Neon† Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 106: 3287-3293
Citra A, Wang X, Bare WD, et al. (2001) Reactions of laser-ablated platinum with nitrogen: Matrix infrared spectra of platinum nitride, complexes, and anions Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 105: 7799-7811
Bare WD, Citra A, Trindle C, et al. (2000) Matrix infrared spectroscopic study of magnesium carbene and carbenoid radicals and analysis of their bonding with density functional calculations. Inorganic Chemistry. 39: 1204-15
Zhou M, Citra A, Liang aB, et al. (2000) Infrared Spectra and Density Functional Calculations of MO2, MO3, (O2)MO2, MO4, MO2- (M = Re, Ru, Os) and ReO3-, ReO4- in Solid Neon and Argon† Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 104: 3457-3465
Kushto GP, Ding F, Liang B, et al. (2000) Infrared spectra of BeNO and MgNO in solid argon Chemical Physics. 257: 223-233
Citra A, Andrews L. (1999) Reactions of Laser-Ablated Rhodium Atoms with O2. Infrared Spectra and DFT Calculations for RhO, ORhO, (O2)RhO2, Rh2O2, Rh(O2) and (O2)Rh(O2) in Solid Argon Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 103: 4845-4854
Bare WD, Citra A, Chertihin GV, et al. (1999) Reactions of Laser-Ablated Platinum and Palladium Atoms with Dioxygen. Matrix Infrared Spectra and Density Functional Calculations of Platinum Oxides and Complexes and Palladium Complexes Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 103: 5456-5462
Citra A, Andrews L. (1999) Reactions of Laser-Ablated Iridium Atoms with O2. Infrared Spectra and DFT Calculations for Iridium Dioxide and Peroxo Iridium(VI) Dioxide in Solid Argon Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 103: 4182-4190
Citra A, Andrews L. (1999) Reactions of Laser Ablated Rhodium Atoms with Nitrogen Atoms and Molecules. Infrared Spectra and Density Functional Calculations on Rhodium Nitrides and Dinitrogen Complexes The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 103: 3410-3417
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