Robert C. Scogna, Ph.D.

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
Polymeric materials
"Robert Scogna"
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Richard A. Register grad student 2009 Princeton
 (Morphological origins of the nonlinear mechanical properties of semicrystalline ionomers.)
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Andjelic S, Scogna RC. (2015) Polymer crystallization rate challenges: The art of chemistry and processing Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 132
Scogna RC, Register RA. (2009) Yielding in ethylene/methacrylic acid ionomers Polymer. 50: 585-590
Scogna RC, Register RA. (2009) Plastic deformation of ethylene/methacrylic acid copolymers and ionomers Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 47: 1588-1598
Scogna RC, Register RA. (2008) Rate-dependence of yielding in ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymers Polymer. 49: 992-998
Scogna RC, Register RA. (2008) Yield stress of ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymers and ionomers Aiche Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
Yee-Chan CK, Scogna RC, Register RA. (2007) Elevation of the glass transition temperature in flexible-chain semicrystalline polymers Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 45: 1198-1204
Du F, Scogna RC, Zhou W, et al. (2004) Nanotube networks in polymer nanocomposites: Rheology and electrical conductivity Macromolecules. 37: 9048-9055
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