Sonalee Athavankar, Ph.D.

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry
"Sonalee Athavankar"
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Blake R. Peterson grad student 1999-2005 Penn State
 (Modulating protein function through small molecule-mediated covalent and non-covalent modifications)
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Boonyarattanakalin S, Athavankar S, Sun Q, et al. (2006) Synthesis of an artificial cell surface receptor that enables oligohistidine affinity tags to function as metal-dependent cell-penetrating peptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128: 386-7
Boonyarattanakalin S, Athavankar S, Sun Q, et al. (2006) Synthesis of an Artificial Cell Surface Receptor that Enables Oligohistidine Affinity Tags to Func-tion as Metal-Dependent Cell-Penetrating Peptides [J. Am. Chem. Soc.2006,128, 386−387]. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128: 4917-4917
Athavankar S, Peterson BR. (2003) Control of gene expression with small molecules: biotin-mediated acylation of targeted lysine residues in recombinant yeast. Chemistry & Biology. 10: 1245-53
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