Malcolm Dole

1930-1969 Chemistry Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
 1969-1982 Chemistry Baylor University, Waco, TX 
electrochemistry and polymer chemistry
"Malcolm Dole"

(1903 - 1990)
Dole worked with Grinnell Jones for the first three years of his doctorate, then joined Richards for his final year, publishing with him the results of a problem suggested by Jones. (
DOI: 10.1021/ja01378a018

Mean distance: 7.7


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Grinnell Jones grad student 1928 Harvard
 (A study of the dissociation of barium chloride in water)
Peter J. W. Debye post-doc 1930 Universität Leipzig
Duncan Arthur MacInnes post-doc 1928-1930 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research


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Stanley J. Cristol research assistant 1937 Northwestern
Robert Louis Slobod grad student 1939 Northwestern (E-Tree)
Charles David Keeling grad student 1954 Northwestern
Bernhard Wunderlich grad student 1952-1957 Northwestern
Irving M. Klotz post-doc 1940-1942 Northwestern
Ffrancon Williams research scientist 1957-1959 Northwestern
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Abu-Isa I, Crawford VA, Haly AR, et al. (2007) Specific heat of synthetic high polymers. XL the glass transition in isotactic polypropylene Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Symposia. 6: 149-155
Dole M. (1991) The radiation chemistry of polymer composites International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part. 37: 65-70
Chapiro A, Tabeta Y, Charlesby A, et al. (1990) Future of radiation processing of polymers Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 35: 15-17
Dole MG, Warrier RP, Yu LC. (1989) Acute non-lymphoblastic leukemias in childhood. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 56: 683-92
Advani SH, Giri NK, Dole MG, et al. (1989) Limitations of the therapeutic regimens for myelodysplastic syndrome. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. 90: 248-53
Dole M, Maniar P, Lahiri K, et al. (1989) Enzyme-linked immuno-assay for the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis specific IgG antibody in the cerebrospinal fluid in cases of tuberculous meningitis. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 35: 218-20
Lahiri K, Dole MG, Vidwans AS, et al. (1989) Correspondence Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 35: 92
Balsekar MV, Lahiri KR, Kamat JR, et al. (1988) Pyogenic hepatic abscesses in a neonate. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology : Official Journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology. 7: 58
Lahiri K, Dole M, Kamat J, et al. (1988) Letterer-Siwe disease (histiocytosis-X) (a case report). Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 34: 111-3
Lahiri K, Pant R, Dole M, et al. (1988) Childhood pulmonary hydatid cyst. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences. 30: 281-5
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